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Author: jazim


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Post time 29-11-2007 12:02 PM | Show all posts
Schwere gustav atau 'Dora' merupakan meriam terbesar dalam ejarah peperangan. Ia berkaliber 800mm dan mempunyai berat 1344 tan. Keseluruhan krew untuk meriam ini adalah 250 orang untuk memasang unit meriam, 2500 orang untuk menyediakan rel serta tapak serta dua batalion meriam AA.

Ia hanya digunakan ketika serangan ke atas Sevastopol, Rusia dan hanya menembak 48 butir peluru sahaja.


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Post time 29-11-2007 12:02 PM | Show all posts

Reply #56 tin's post

VALUE ADDED TAX...kakakaka

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Post time 29-11-2007 12:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #61 alphawolf's post

hmmm............. camner la nak sorok mende nih..........

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Post time 29-11-2007 12:17 PM | Show all posts

Reply #62 alphawolf's post


lu bijak la Alpha, nampak jugak wa mau pusing kat mana

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Post time 29-11-2007 02:50 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tangopapa at 29-11-2007 08:58 AM
Panji-panji diraja rejimen atau kor didalam ATM, sekiranya rosak atau koyak, ianya hanya boleh dijahit oleh isteri kepada pegawai memerintah dan Sarjan Mejar Rejimen sahaja....hebatnya kuasa iste ...

kalu panji2 polis camne??

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Post time 29-11-2007 02:53 PM | Show all posts
PAC... Pasukan Anggota Cacat.

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Post time 29-11-2007 04:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tangopapa at 29-11-2007 08:55 AM

Penerima PGB, semua peringkat anggota keselamatan akan memberi tabik hormat, termasuk pemberi anugerah....YDP Agong, tetapi kebanyakannya diberi kepada anggota yang menunjukkan keberanian lua ...

Sebenarnya yang ditabik adalah pingat tersebut. Jika sipenerima tidak memakai pingat tersebut, urutan tabik hormat adalah
menurut pangkat yang dipakai.



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Post time 30-11-2007 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Prinsip gandingan MBT M1 Abrams dan M-3 Bradley boleh dikatakan bermula pada permulaan Perang Dunia Kedua melalui gandingan Panzer IV yang bertindak sebagai kereta kebal dan Panzer III yang bertindak sebagai pengiring dan melindungi Panzer IV daripada tim anti kereta kebal pasukan infantri musuh.



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Post time 30-11-2007 11:17 AM | Show all posts
T-34 adalah kereta kebal yang paling lama berkhidmat dalam bentuk asal. tidak seperti kereta kebal era Perang Dunia Kedua yang lain dimana yang telah dinaik taraf atau diubahsuai kepada kenderaan sokongan atau tembakan bantuan, T-34 masih lagi berkhidmat sebagai kereta kebal di sekurang-kurangnya 27 buah negara di seluruh dunia. kali terakhir ia muncul di konflik dunia adalah semasa perang Bosnia tetapi dipercayai masih terlibat dalam peperangan di negara-negara dunia ketiga terutamanya di benua Afrika.



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Post time 2-12-2007 09:28 AM | Show all posts

Reply #68 tin's post

Rasa aku...Panzer III bertindak sebagai tank killer. Perbandingan yang lebih tepat ialah gandingan Panzer IV (kemudian Panzer V dan VI) dengan Sturmgeschutz III / Panzer III Type N / SdKfz 251/9



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Post time 8-12-2007 10:27 AM | Show all posts
Pada pengamatan saya, jika terdapat 'helang' pada logo/jata/lambang pasukan keselamatan, kepala helang akan menghadap ke kanan bagi negara2 tertentu dan menoleh ke kiri bagi negara2 lain.

Betul tak?

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Post time 8-12-2007 11:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #70 alphawolf's post

Panzer III sbgi main battle tank ms permulaan peperangan WW2, Panzer IV Ausf A hingga F1 pula sbgi sokongan infantri Jerman...Manakala Panzer III n IV dbantu oleh Panzer I or Panzer II utk sokongan...Bantuan rapat infantri pulak djalankan oleh Sd.Kfz.250, sbgi pengangkut infantri... Artileri support djalankan oleh Wespe... Nei ms awal peperangan k-2

Akhir tahun 1941 dan 1942, Panzer IV (Ausf F2 hingga J) dnaik taraf jd main battle tank dan Panzer II dan III djadikan sokongan, kkdg Panzer III sbgi main battle tank (xcukup tank tok pihak jerman), Panzer I plak jd training tank... bantuan rapat infantri Sd.Kfz.250, manakala Wespe msh dgnkan dan kemasukan Hummel utk artileri support...

Akhir tahun 1942 dan akhir perang 1945, kemunculan pertama Tiger d Leningrad dan Tunisia pd tahun ujung tahun 1942 (Ogos). Tiger dgunakan sbgi Heavy tank division, djlnkan sbgi Panzerkeil... Manakala Panzer IV msh dgnkan sbgi main battle tank of German... Kmunculan pertama Panther d Kursk battle, 1943... beransur2 dmasukkan siringan dgn Panzer IV sbgi main battle tank... Panzer II dan III sbgi sokongan, Sdkz 250/251 sbgi infantri support, kemasukan Brummbar dan Sturmtiger sbgi Artillery support.

[ Last edited by  yaminz at 8-12-2007 11:43 AM ]

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Post time 8-12-2007 11:45 AM | Show all posts
Tiger in Action

On July 7th of 1943, single Tiger tank commanded by SS-Oberscharfuehrer Franz Staudegger from 2nd Platoon of 13th Panzer Company of 1st SS Panzer Grenadier Division "LSSAH" engaged Soviet group of some 50 T-34 tanks around Psyolknee (southern sector of the Kursk salient). Staudegger used up his entire ammunition after destroying some 22 Soviet tanks, while the rest retreated. For his achievement, Franz Staudegger was awarded the Knight's Cross.

On August 8th of 1944, single Tiger commanded by SS-Unterscharfuehrer Willi Fey from the 1st Company of sSSPzAbt 102, engaged a British tank column destroying some 14 out of 15 Shermans, followed by one more later in the day using his last two rounds of ammunition. sSSPzAbt 102 lost all of its Tigers during fighting in Normandy but reported 227 Allied tanks destroyed during the period of 6 weeks.



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Post time 8-12-2007 11:48 AM | Show all posts
* Report on Panther

German comparison of German tanks with the new (at the time) Russian T-34/85 and JS-II (122mm), from March 23rd of 1944, stated that: "The Panther is far superior to the T34-85 for frontal fire (Panther Ausf G could penetrate frontal armor of T-34/85 at 800m, while T-34/85 could penetrare frontal armor of Panther Ausf G at 500m), approximately equal for side and rear fire, superior to the JS for frontal fire and inferior for side and rear fire." In 1943 and 1944, Panther was able to destroy any enemy tank in existence at ranges of 2000m, while in general veteran Panther crews reported 90 percent hit rate at ranges up to 1000m. According to US Army Ground Forces statistics, destruction of a single Panther was achieved after destruction of 5 M4 Shermans or some 9 T-34s.

"To destroy a Panther, a tank destroyer with a three inch (Gun Motor Carriage M10) or 76mm gun (Gun Motor Carriage M18 Hellcat) would have to aim for the side or rear of the turret, the opening through which the hull-mounted machine gun projected, or for the underside of the gun shield (mantlet)." - U.S. Army report prior to September of 1944.



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Post time 8-12-2007 11:50 AM | Show all posts
* Panther in Action

On September 13th of 1943, seven Panthers from 1st Battalion of 2nd SS Panzer Regiment of 2nd SS Panzer Division "Das Reich", commanded by SS Hauptsturmfuehrer Holzer (turret number 101) fought with a group of some 70 Soviet T-34 tanks near Kolomak. During the 20 minutes long engagement Panthers destroyed some 28 T-34 tanks without any losses.

During the battle around Siedlce on 28/29th July of 1944, 2nd Battalion of 5th SS Panzer Regiment of 5th SS Panzer Division "Wiking", destroyed some 107 Soviet tanks (including T-34s, Shermans and Valentines), while losing 6 tanks (one PzKpfw IV and five Panthers).



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Post time 8-12-2007 11:53 AM | Show all posts
The Concept of Blitzkrieg.

1) Airforce attacks enemy front-line and rear positions, main roads, airfields and communication centers. At the same time infantry attacks on the entire frontline (or at least at main places) and engages enemy. This restrains the enemy from knowing where the main force will attack and makes it impossible to prepare any defenses.

2) Concentrated tank units breakthrough main lines of defense and advance deeper into enemy territory, while following mechanized units pursuit and engage defenders preventing them from establishing defensive postions. Infantry continues to engage enemy to misinform and keep enemy forces from withdrawing and establishing effective defense.

3) Infantry and other support units attack enemy flanks in order to link up with other groups to complete the attack and eventually encircle the enemy and/or capture strategic position.

4) Mechanized groups spearhead deeper into the enemy territory outflanking the enemy positions and paralyzing the rear preventing withdrawing troops and defenders from establishing effective defensive positions.

5) Main force links up with other units encircling and cutting off the enemy.



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Post time 9-12-2007 08:53 AM | Show all posts

Reply #72 yaminz's post

sdkfz 250 yang lebih kecil bertindak sebagai pengangkut anggota peninjau manakala sdkfz 251 bertindak sebagai APC. Hanya versi 251/9 dengan meriam 75mm laras pendek menjadi support vehicle. Versi 251/22 menjadi mobile tank killer dengan meriam 75mm.

Close support diberi assault gun seperti StuG III/IV, Wespe, Hummel dan conversion tank yang ditawan.

Panzer III berterusan digunakan hingga akhir peperangan walaupun meriam 50mm kurang berkesan di akhir perang. Versi 'N' dengan meriam 75mmm laras pendek pula menjadi support tank kepada Tiger dan Panther. BTW Tiger dan kemudian King Tiger hanya dikumpul dalam batalion bebas (schwere Panzer Abteilung). Beberapa divisyen terpilih seperti Grossdeustchland dan Divisyen elit SS (spt LSSAH, Das reich, Totenkopf, Wiking, Hohenstaufen, Frundsberg dan Hitlerjugend) menggunakan Tiger tapi dalam jumlah yang kecil.

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Post time 9-12-2007 12:29 PM | Show all posts
Kereta kebal terbesar WW2 ialah Panzerkampfwagen VIII Maus. Ia bersaiz 10.09m panjang, 3.67m lebar dan tinggi 3.63m. Ia mempunyai armor setebal antara 60-240mm. Ia dilengkapi dengan meriam 128mm dan 75mm. Hanya dua sahaja dibina dan tidak satu pun yang beroperasi di medan.

Tentera Jerman menghadapi masalah kekurangan peralatan tentera yang teruk ssepanjang WW2 dan terpaksa menggunakan peralatan yang ditawan seperti kereta kebal, trak, meriam malah senjata api. Ketika serangan ke atas Perancis pada Mei-Jun 1940, dua divisyen Panzer jerman dilengkapi dengan kereta kebal ringan Panzer 38t buatan Czechoslovakia.

Ketika peperangan di Rusia pula, kereta kebal seperti T-34 dan KV-1 yang ditawan digunakan semula Jerman setelah dicat mengikut skema tentera Jerman serta black cross bersaiz besar bagi mengelak 'friendly fire'.

[ Last edited by  alphawolf at 9-12-2007 12:36 PM ]

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Post time 9-12-2007 02:39 PM | Show all posts
Hans-Ulrich Rudel merupakan seorang ace unik Luftwaffe ketika WW2. Sebagai juruterbang pesawat Stuka dan FW-190 versi sokongan darat, beliau telah memusnahkan 519 kereta kebal, 150 pucuk artileri, lebih kurang 1,000 kenderaan pelbagai jenis, 70 lancang pendarat, 1 battleship, 1 cruiser dan sebuah kapal pembinasa. beliau juga merupakan ace udara dengan menembak jatuh 11 pesawat musuh.

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Post time 20-12-2007 12:57 AM | Show all posts
Russo-Finnish Conflict
(Winter War and Offensive of the Mannerhein Line)
by Konstantin A. Miroshnikov and George Parada.

The conflict started on November 30th of 1939 (following the signing of the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact) and ended on March 13th of 1940. Reasons for the conflict vary as both sides make claims about them. Official Soviet version states that Finland rejected the USSR's offer to trade part of Karelia for 30 of Vyborg peninsula land to move the USSR border farther from Leningrad (St.Petersburg) and made some border provocations. There is also an unsupported version about planned Soviet agression with already formed pro-Soviet puppet Finnish government headed by Otto Kuusinen, a deputy head of Soviet military intelligence. Southern part of Finland borders Leningrad military territory (okrug) and in 1939, Leningrad okrug included 4 armies: 7th, 8th, 9th and 14-th. In the peacetime each army consisted of 3-4 infantry divisions (ca. 3000 troops each) and a mechanised or tank regiment (30 to 100 tanks and/or armoured cars). After (or before) the beginning of a military operation the 7th army (commanded by gen. Kirill Meretskov), which was in direct contact with Finnish troops, was rapidly reinforced by one tank corps with 700 machines, 3 tank divisions (330 machines each, all of them light T-26, BT-5 and BT-7 tanks), artillery divisions and additional infantry corps. At the time, light tanks proved to be useless without much room to maneuver, while their poor armor protection was inadequate against 20mm and 37mm anti-tank guns. In January 1940, the Red Army overcame mine fields, swamp ambushes and sniper attacks, finally approaching the fortified Mannerheim Line. The heavily outnumbered Finns under commander in chief of Finnish forces Carl Gustav Emil Mannerheim put up a skillful defense and won initial successes against greatly superior Soviet forces. By February of 1940, heavy Russian bombardments breached the Finns' southern defenses and situation became desperate. Capitol of Finland, Helsinki was also damaged by Russian bombing raids. At the time, the 7th army was equipped with appropriate winter clothing and 5 additional separate tank batallions (30-36 machines each) armed with medium T-28 and heavy T-35 were added. Also an "experimental tank column" equipped with KV-1, 55-ton twin-turreted SMK and 57-ton T-100, participated in the offensive, in order to decide which of the tanks will be the main heavy tank of the Red Army. During the offensive, SMK was damaged by a mine, while KV-1 and T-100 passed the test, but at the end KV-1 was selected as the new heavy tank. In January of 1940, a new turret for KV carrying 152mm howitzer was designed, resulting in a new variant designated as KV-2. KV-2 is probably the only tank in the history carrying a gun of such caliber in a rotating turret. KV-2 also participated in last battles of the Finnish campaign. In the early March of 1940, the Red Army broke through the Mannerheim Line (named after Marshal Carl Gustav Emil Mannerheim), however the losses of the Red Army were more than 100,000 troops and the offensive was halted. On March 13th, the peace offer from Finland was admitted, ending the conflict. Treaty of Moscow, ceded the desired 30 of territory near Vyborg (western Karelia) to USSR and allowed construction of a Soviet naval base on the Hanko peninsula. After the Winter War, T-28 and T-35's were returned to plants and additional 50mm plates were mounted to the frontal armor, increasing the protection to 80mm. The total number of Russian tanks participating in the conflict can be estimated as 1800, of course not all of them were employed simultaneously.

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