Reply #59 lin_okinawa's post
tula...ni baru basic2 je lin...lin-san dah advance daa...uwaa...lambat shin nak kejor....
ni baru yang formal sentence, ada plak informal sentence - ntuk cakap ngan kengkawan...
takkan nak ckp formal lak ngan geng kan...hahaha...
contoh formal:
konnichiwa lin-san, kyo wa nan-ji made hatarakima#a ka.
formal translation : selamat petang cik lin, hari ini awak bekerja sehingga pukul berapa? ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Personal Pronouns
the first-person singular pronoun in nihongo is "watashi" (わたし ) dan dlm eigo (english) plak die bermaksud "I" dan jugak "me".....nihongo does have other personal pronouns, seperti :-
Watashi (わたし ) - I, me...contoh ayat, "Watashi wa Lin desu" (I'm Lin)
Wata$hitachi (わたしたち ) - we, us...contoh ayat, "Wata$hitachi wa nihonjin desu" (We are japanese)
Anata (あなた ) - you (singular)...contoh ayat, "Anata wa dare desu ka" (Who are u?)
Anatatachi (あなたたち ) - you (plural)...contoh ayat, "Anatatachi wa doko desu ka" (Where are you guys?)
Kare (かれ ) - he, him...contoh ayat, "Kare no namae wa Ito desu" (His name is Mr. Ito)
Karera (かれら ) - they, them (male & mixed genders)
Kanojo (かのじょ ) - she, her...contoh ayat, "Kanojo no namae wa Kimu desu" (Her name is Ms. Kim)
Kanojora (かのじょら ) - they, them (female)
the first-person singular pronoun is typically "watashi"...tp selain dr "watashi", ade lg care lain kite bleh bahsekn "I" and "me"...the formal version "watashikushi" (わたしくし )....lelaki besenye gune "boku" (ぼく : informal / neutral type of speech)....in informal contexts, setengah laki menggunekn "ore" (おれ )....dan ade setengah older men say "washi" (わし ).....manakala ppuan plak ade setengah yg gune "atashi" (あたし )
tp perlu diigt, jgn sesekali gunekn "ore", "washi" dan jugak "atashi" when talking with ur sensei, boss, customer atau memane golongan yg dikire golongan lg atas dr kite...."boku" plak is not that bad, tp "watashi" is safer in formal situations
satu lagik ialah penggunaan "anata"...the use of "anata" (you : singular) is almost forbidden...the person who says "anata" sounds snobby, arrogant or just foreign....kalo ngan suami tu lain la...ni kalo bese nye ayat, antare owang bese la kirenye....
so cene agaknye kalo nk tanye soklan cam "Will u go there?" without using "anata"??
sakusen (strategy) yg pertame ialah is to drop the pronoun (see lesson 5's "dropping understood words" section)....maknenye cume gunekn the verb and the question particle....contoh cam "ikimasu ka" (Will u go there?)...perkataan yg aku italicize tu yg lps dh didrop pronouns nye...
sakusen (strategy) kedue utk avoid "anata" plak ialah to repeatedly use the person's name...contoh kalo kowang nk tanye member name "Yoko"....so kowang bleh tanye gini, "Yoko san, Yoko san wa ikimasu ka" (Yoko, is Yoko going?), which actually means, "Yoko, are you going there?"
aku arap ngan setsumei (explanation) aku arini, kowang bleh phm sume la
kalo tk phm jugak, cam besela...bleh tanye soklan...aku akan cube jwb takat mane yg aku tau
esk mlm aku akan ajar tentang verb plak...basic verb forms, conjugating verbs etc....tp yg pastinye esk byk kotoba (word) nihongo yg akan kowang blaja....mlm ni punye contoh pn dh byk atarashii kotoba (new word) yg aku dh letak...jgn lupe jot down yer
oh ye, sblm aku proceed ngan verbs esk..aku akan terangkn sket psl soklan dan jugak jwpn yg shinobu n aku tulis kt posting atas tu....psl dochira, dore sume tu...td aku cm lupe lak nk include contoh tu...so aku akan terangkn kemudian yer...
jyaa, oyasuminasai ![](static/image/smiley/default/bye.gif)
[ Last edited by lin_okinawa at 7-9-2007 10:19 AM ] |
tau jugak ape maksud "ARE" tu....![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
laju tul kelas nie sehari aku cuti ..terkial kial aku memahamkan![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Reply #57 sh|nobu's post
aku nk tmbh sket notes ko...
mgkn ade setengah owang tertanye2, whats the difference between "kore / sore / are" dengan "kono / sono / ano"..???
besenye kalo owang ckp "kore wa..." owang tu tgh ckp psl "mende ni.."
tk tau mende ape...kire di cume ckp "mende ni.." je
tp kalo kono, bermakne speaker tu ade sumthing specific utk di ckp...contoh cm "kono kaban" (beg ni)....kirenye die tgh ckp psl beg ni...."kono hito" (this person)...die tgh ckp psl owang ni....
kite tkleh gune "kore kaban"....kene gune "kono" gk...kalo g kedai, katekn kowang nk tshirt wane merah ni, kene ckp "kono akai shatsu o onegaishimasu"....kite dh tau mende yg kite nk tu, iaitu tshirt merah tu....sbb tu gune "kono, sono, ano" dan kalo nk soal kene tanye "dono"
pendek kate penggunaan "kono, sono, ano" ni lebey mendlm n tertumpu pd sesuatu perkare, jika dibandingkn ngan "kore, sore, are"....sbb "kore, sore, are" tidak tumpu pd sesuatu mende tu....kalo ade byk mende kt situ, kite bleh je ckp "sore"..kalo nk pilih antare bebyk tu, baru ckp "sono" etc ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Originally posted by lin_okinawa at 5-9-2007 10:44 PM ![](http://forum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
eksen??action??maksud ko cene??
kurang phm
ups. hehe..
maksud haira
eksen yg cam sombong tu la ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Reply #67 haira's post
oo cam berlagak ke...??
kakko warui... kot ![](static/image/smiley/default/shocked.gif) |
lin-san arigatou gozaima#a. watashi wa wakarima#a.
ari ni tadi class blaja pasal verb and penggunaan particlenya. boleh tahan pening gakla..hihi.. |
Reply #69 sh|nobu's post
tula verb n particle mmg agak pening sket...nmpk simple...tp sbnrnye tkdela sng cm yg kite tgk ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Reply #70 lin_okinawa's post
partikel kena ajar slow2...yg penting biar kenal penggunaan dulu ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Reply #71 whitedove's post
tula...aku pn tgh pk ni..
cene nk ajar particle lg
kalo ade notes lain, kene tepek
so that diowang leh phm penggunaan particle etc |
nak blaja tak susah sangat tau, sbb senang gak nak faham, cuma bila nak apply lam conversation jadik tunggang langgang.
last last aku berckp ngan sensei aku takde particle, sume satu satu perkataan je. hahaha...paham jugak die...![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Reply #73 sh|nobu's post
a'a tula aku ckp, kalo tgk skali je nmpk cm sng...
tp nk praktikkan tu agak susah ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
Reply #75 lin_okinawa's post
lin-san blaja pakai buku pe? leh pinjam x? nak fotostat. aku rasa buku aku x mencukupi jek...heehehe...
lin ko blaja start terus dgn hiragana n katakana ke blaja guna romaji? sbb aku blaja guna romaji.
so buku ko guna romaji or kana? ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Reply #72 lin_okinawa's post
sebab partikel buleh mengkonpiuskan org...aku suggest kalau nak ajar partikel tak buleh semua sekaligus, kena letak satu2...dan yg penting examples tu kena banyak pasal lagi senang org ingat kalau ada byk examples... |
Reply #78 whitedove's post
betul! aku sokong. baca dari examples pun lagi cepat faham. ![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
Reply #77 sh|nobu's post
byk buku yg aku pakai....
mmmm waktu aku memule blaja dlu, aku mule ngan hiragana n katakana
sblm masuk bunpou sume tu, aku blaja tulisan dlu...
bile dh master tulisan die, baru aku blaja yg lelain termasukla particle tu...
hampir sume buku aku, gune tulisan jepun...sume gune jpnese writings kecuali translation part
tp ade gk yg romaji...cam buku japanese for dummies tu gune romaji aje
[ Last edited by lin_okinawa at 7-9-2007 09:18 PM ] |
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