Originally posted by lin_okinawa at 27-8-2007 02:27 PM
sebut psl masumi..aku tringat scene yg die sowang aje pakai gaun utk konsert diowang
yg lelain sume pki yukata wane itam..die je pki lain dr lain wakakakakakaaka
adoi la Masumi! aku punya la terkejut bla first time tgk Masumi...korang bygkan la betapa terernya mamat yg sehensem ini jadik Masumi yg bengong tuh...tak tahan teringat scenes Masumi ngan Nodame gaduh2 rebut Chiaki
Bistro SMAP is basically a cooking segment from SMAPxSMAP, a variety show produced by all 5 members of SMAP. In addition to cooking and interviewing their guests, all 5 members perform sketch comedy, competing in games, and perform song and dance routine. The cooking segment itself is usually hosted by Nakai Masahiro while the other four members form two groups and compete against each other to see who can produce the best dish for their guests. While the idea of singers working as chefs may sound absurd, SMAP members were apparently trained as professional chefs so the quality of their cooking is commendable. This particular segment is special because it features the two stars of Nodame Cantabile drama, Ueno Juri (Noda "Nodame" Megumi) and Tamaki Hiroshi (Chiaki Shinichi). The actual airdate was actually the 4th of December 2006. Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to blog this until now.
Masa tgk nodame, chiaki potong sayur laju giler.. rupanya dia pernah keje kat restoran..
Lawak tul dorang ni sakit perut gelak.. part yg juri san ckp pasal daging dan tamaki angguk jer tp tak dengar pastu ckp "delicious" wakkakaka
pastu pasal citrus.. tersedak si tamaki.. wakakakkakaka
Originally posted by ckucin at 28-8-2007 04:49 PM
lor.. ko tak tgk link yg aku kasi tu ker?? cara2 bagaimana nak masukkan youtube tu.. situ step by step dia tunjuk
Originally posted by whitedove at 27-8-2007 04:57 PM
adoi la Masumi! aku punya la terkejut bla first time tgk Masumi...korang bygkan la betapa terernya mamat yg sehensem ini jadik Masumi yg bengong tuh...tak tahan teringat scenes Masumi n ...
tula pasal....dlm nodame aku mmg suke giler die....satu sbb suke watak die yg bengong tu
satu lg suke plakon die sbb berjaye bwk watak yg bengong tu wakakakka
tp dlm ushi ni negai wo tu aku tk bape suke sgt keisuke ni