Japanese Music Chart (2010 Yearly Chart updated on page 63)
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- NEWS debut at no.1 in the singles daily with their single, "Hoshi wo Meza$hite" after the suspension, early numbers for the first day's sales is 93,000 copies...Kobukuro debuts at no.2 with Tsubomi...
- Mr.Children stays strong at no.1 in the albums daily, while Tokyo Paradise Orchestra debut at no.2...
- aiko's latest DVD, "LOVE LIKE POP add. 10th Anniversary" debuts at no.1 in the music-DVD daily... |
Reply #61 whitedove's post
wow!! :clap: :pompom:
2 jerk word that I can describe pesal figure no. latest single NewS nie, dahlah figure no. 2 in just 1 day laks!!
nway, way the go boys!! :clap: :solute:
laiks 1, Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra nyer album!
up up in the sky laiks!!  |
Reply #61 whitedove's post
omedetou NewS..... |
Reply #61 whitedove's post
post 2 kali plk...
[ Last edited by fantomette at 23-3-2007 11:52 AM ] |
Reply #62 Yuni's post
tapi hari ni dah drop separuh, so overall sales smpi hari ni 150,000...
Mr.Children punya index number naik lagi, overall sales smpi hari ni utk this week 90,000...
curious nak tau sales TOKIO next week, sbb diorg ni jarang dpt sales lebih 150,000, so Sorafune tuh mcm comeback la for TOKIO...nak tgk mcm mana prestasi diorg utk new single lak...
[ Last edited by whitedove at 23-3-2007 12:39 PM ] |
Reply #66 Yuni's post
maksud kite, 1st day 93,000, second day 60,000...so overall 150,000...kite predict by second day patutnya dah buleh dpt 200,000...maybe weekend nih buleh naik balik kot...
"Sorafune" & "Mr.Traveling Man" best apa hehe ;) nak wat camner aku suka rock hehe tp most lagu2 TOKIO nih pop walaupun diorg nih band, just dua lagu nih je yg agak rock...sbb tu buleh masuk ngan kaku kot... |
Reply #67 whitedove's post
penah dgr Mr.Travelling Man versi TOKIO. tp, rsnye suke Subaru yg nyanyi kot. mungkin sbb dgr Subaru yg nyanyi dulu. |
Reply #68 fantomette's post
hehe, aku lak dengar version TOKIO dulu, tp bila dah dengar Subaru nyanyi rasa lagi sedap lak ntah sbb rasa mcm Subaru nyanyi lagi sedap dr Nagase kot hehe... |
Reply #67 whitedove's post
sou ka?? :stp:
gomen, gomen.. :malu:
aahh ko nie kan ke minah rock!!  |
a'ah pada aku pun sorafune ajer yg best........... muahhaha..cool giler...
yg orchestra nyer version pun best gak....
yeahhh...akhirnyer...utada nyer single no.1 ...muahhaha...
tapi..not bad gak single koda tuh...dapat capai 60 000 dlm 1st week...
sedap ker weh....
news nyr single tuh sedap ker...kadang kadang single diorang nih tak
sedap sangat .............
kalo best bagitau tau..aku malas nak donlod kalo tak sedap...
tak nak kena tipah tertipu lagi..cam single signal kattun .... hahahhaa |
ah..btw..hari tuh nengok news nyer comback kat music station...mase
cakap cakap ngan host tuh....apsal laa RYO cam muram ajer....dia tak suker ker dapat comeback ngan NEWS...aku nengok RYO tuh cam lagi hepi
biler ngan Kanjani8 jer.........kerr aku jer yg sensitip...muahahhah |
Reply #38 whitedove's post
oo..patut ah signal tuh laku.....tapi laku dia tuh cam hebat sangat ah....
slalu kalo tie in ngan ape ape mmg menjadik ek... |
Originally posted by whitedove at 23-3-2007 05:16 PM
maksud kite, 1st day 93,000, second day 60,000...so overall 150,000...kite predict by second day patutnya dah buleh dpt 200,000...maybe weekend nih buleh naik balik kot...
"Sorafune" ...
:setuju: :setuju:
aku pn suke sorafune ngan mr.travelling man
tokio ni pn leh ngam gk ngan tinge aku wakakaak |
Reply #55 whitedove's post
ok oricon top20 chart yg smpi 21.3 tu aku dh upload dh link die kt thread seblah |
Reply #75 lin_okinawa's post
cayang ko lagi! aku nak lagu tetsu tuh! ;) |
- Kobukuro retake the no.1 position in the singles daily with "Tsubomi, while NEWS' comeback single, "Hoshi wo Meza$hite" moves down to no.2...
- Mr.Children stays at no.1 for the albums daily...
- aiko also stay at. no.1 in the music-DVD daily... |
Reply #71 MadaMadaDane's post
erm, typical boyband song, kalau ko paham maksud aku la...kalau ko jenis yg suka lagu2 NEWS mcm Kibou Yell ke ko maybe suka la...kalau ko jenis yg suka sayaendou maybe ko tak suka... |
Reply #76 whitedove's post
Reply #77 whitedove's post
yeyyyyy!!!kobukuro no1 :pmuka:
ureshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii  |
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