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Author: CARI-MRO

Serunding Berulat Sebab Tak Laku, Saharul Ridzwan Rugi RM30 Ribu

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Post time 9-3-2021 09:24 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Modal ribu2... Xblh ka start modal kecik2 dulu. Kn dh rugi. Nak untung cepat la tu

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Post time 9-3-2021 09:34 AM | Show all posts
tak berapa minat dia ni, tapi selalu humble je ok lah juga.. semoga berjaya mencari rezeki yang halal

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Post time 9-3-2021 09:35 AM | Show all posts
bertabahlahhh yer

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Post time 9-3-2021 09:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
anggeriklatifah replied at 9-3-2021 04:49 AM
Pastu create kontroversi melalui perbuatan dan tulisann supaya nma disebut2

Template sama je

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Post time 9-3-2021 10:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Salah teknik kau ni.. serunding tu kena betul2 kering, kau seal letak oxygen absorber. Tahan lebih 3 tahun.

Kau buat ni, untung esok pm aku transfer share

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Post time 9-3-2021 10:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Tak payah la ikut fiszo tu buat idola. Tak layak la dia. Siapa2 yang mengidolakan mamat jari telunjuk di dahi tu tak payah ikut. Nanti busy nak kaya tapi nama busuk.

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Post time 9-3-2021 11:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mialunar replied at 8-3-2021 05:42 PM
Serunding sesuai juai time nak posa.. Mcm sekarang ni ha.. Mesti laku

Ummi nazeera pun tengah jual serundingkan sekarang

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Post time 9-3-2021 11:59 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts replied at 9-3-2021 07:13 AM

Bangkit bila bankrap ni tipsnya cari bini kaya.

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Post time 9-3-2021 12:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
khairul aming jual sambal pun x laku sebelum sambal nyet die boom kaw kaw tahun nie... die da produce sambal die pernah buat sebelum nie x laku, modal beribu beriban abis, rugi pastu die Cari ilmu n rezeki die taun nie sambal nyet die laku keras

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Post time 9-3-2021 12:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
innocent_me replied at 8-3-2021 03:13 PM
Serunding ni payah nak berulat.
Unless buatan tak betul atau dia simpan sampai bertahun-tahun  seba ...

Betul2. Serunding xde kualiti kot. Serunding ni setahun pon tahan sbb tu xboleh ada basah2 kat serunding kena make sure betul2 kering. Nasib baik xlaku kalau x, sakit perut org yg beli

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Post time 9-3-2021 05:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts replied at 9-3-2021 07:18 AM

Siap hall of fame jugak rhopernyaaa, tinggal nak gantung billboaes je lagi

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Post time 9-3-2021 06:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
innocent_me replied at 8-3-2021 03:13 PM
Serunding ni payah nak berulat.
Unless buatan tak betul atau dia simpan sampai bertahun-tahun  seba ...

ye betul, sebb baru2 ni kemas almari, jumpa serunding yg zaman bila entah la, rupa dan bau still elok, tapi x brani nk makan, pastu buang je

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Post time 9-3-2021 11:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
innocent_me replied at 8-3-2021 03:13 PM
Serunding ni payah nak berulat.
Unless buatan tak betul atau dia simpan sampai bertahun-tahun  seba ...

kan... bukan ke serunding kering.. nk berulat cmne.. pelik

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Post time 9-3-2021 11:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Carcosa replied at 8-3-2021 09:59 PM
Idola kau Shuib Samirah?
Btw, cemana boleh berulat serunding? Bukan bende basah serund ...

iols lg tertarik dgn keta heols ekeke

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Post time 9-3-2021 11:48 PM | Show all posts
nordin84 replied at 9-3-2021 11:12 PM
kan... bukan ke serunding kering.. nk berulat cmne.. pelik

propa la tu kot... takkan kilang dia bayar 30k tu saja2 boleh bagi bahan2 berulat.. tak ke budus tu

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Post time 10-3-2021 06:37 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dudaberhias replied at 9-3-2021 11:48 PM
propa la tu kot... takkan kilang dia bayar 30k tu saja2 boleh bagi bahan2 berulat.. tak ke budus t ...

tiru mo mira la  tu... pasni jgn join scammer sudeh

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Post time 16-3-2021 01:18 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ya Allah... smg dipermudahkan urusan

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