MP GPS Bintulu kecam DG Hisham takut mati. Umum data office boy boleh buat
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Post time 11-11-2020 11:21 PM
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batmana replied at 11-11-2020 11:16 PM
Kalu bagi raw data pun.ko percaya ke tu raw data original?msti ko tk puas hati juge .pstu kaitkan da ...
Sebelum bulan oct dg start sorok tu. Xde siapa pun argue ketulenan ke apa data tersebut.
Semua yakin plus boleh dibuktikan.
Orang start xyakin bila dg start sorok data awal oct. Kebetulan pula lepas dia sorok kes naik mencanak canak.
Kalau dia ada otak walau sebesar otak abah cow. Mesti boleh pikir langkah sorok data beliau tu xberkesan. Kes makin bercambah bukan berkurang. Sila pulangkan data dan jangan sorok lagi.
Kalau boleh buat API terus biar semua rakyat boleh access. Bukan bagi pada kerajaan negeri macam sebelum ni je. |
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Post time 11-11-2020 11:26 PM
From the mobile phone
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~boolean replied at 11-11-2020 11:19 PM
siapa pula ajar kau semua publishing companies ada data analytic team..boleh tak jangan sembang be ...
Aku ada mention. Kalau xde kepakaran data analytic pun mereka boleh quote finding mana mana data scienctist. |
ResellerMaxis replied at 11-11-2020 01:59 PM
Rather present same old story every day. Better give raw data to all the reporter, state governmen ...
Kalau kes makin surut boleh lah u nk pertikaikan. Tapi kes tgh mencanak naik. Macam mana u boleh kata present the same number? Dia bukan politician nk main politik ckp putar sana sini. U ingat seronok ke nk hadap pc almost everyday? |
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Post time 11-11-2020 11:47 PM
From the mobile phone
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Minami2013 replied at 11-11-2020 11:40 PM
Kalau kes makin surut boleh lah u nk pertikaikan. Tapi kes tgh mencanak naik. Macam mana u boleh k ...
Dah tahu bukan politician xyah lah wat kerja politician.
Nak sorok data covid dari kerajaan negeri pembangkang dan rakyat. Bagi lah menteri kkm buat. Apsal dia yang buat?
Sama gak prn sabah xyah kuarantin. Najib terang terang kata kerajaan xdengar nasihat menteri umno. Menteri umno (adham baba) suruh wajibkan quarantin. Tp kerajaan wat opposite atas nasihat kkm kononnya. Sape kkm tu? Menteri umno dah confirm bukan. |
Aku baca dari tadi ke hulu ke hilir kata DG sorok data.. ada bukti ke takde? Ke kau spekulasi je?
Ini samalah macam kalau reporter2 di bagi raw data..nak diorang interpretasi sendiri. Jadi kang lain2 pulak interpretasinya.. dah jadi gitu kang kau jugak memekak cakap raw data tu tipu. Haihhh.. ulang2 gurulah sampai abang Jamil mampos. |
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Post time 11-11-2020 11:57 PM
From the mobile phone
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JunkMail replied at 11-11-2020 11:52 PM
Aku baca dari tadi ke hulu ke hilir kata DG sorok data.. ada bukti ke takde? Ke kau spekulasi je?
Dg yang cakap
Health DG: Raw Covid-19 data not shared with S’gor to avoid conflicting interpretations
Annabelle Lee
19 Oct 2020, 7:59 pm
Updated a month ago
COVID-19 | The Health Ministry’s (MOH) move to only share processed data and not raw files with state health departments is for better coordination, said director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah today.
This comes after the Selangor Task Force for Covid-19 (STFC) said its efforts to combat the outbreak were hampered because it had not been receiving granular data from the ministry since early October.
Selangor registered 101 new cases as of noon today, the second-highest number nationwide.
Asked about this concern, Noor Hisham explained that the ministry’s federal headquarters could not fulfil the STFC’s request for “raw data” to ensure data interpretation was standardised.
“If we have not analysed the data and then they make a conclusion, I won’t know what conclusion they make. Is it right for you to make a conclusion when I have not even seen the data yet?
“That is where we need to standardise the data.
“That means federal will analyse it, and we give the data to the respective states. And the respective states will look into the data,” he said.
He shared that Covid-19 case data was typically channelled from states to the federal ministry to be analysed. The analysed data set was then released to state departments.
The top official added that such centralisation was crucial to prevent conflicting messaging between federal and state health departments.
“So the worst thing that can happen is (if) an announcement has been made using our data, but we don’t know what the announcement is. So I think that (this is about) coordination.
“(It is better) if we can coordinate better between the federal and the state health director; and the state health director coordinates with the state administration,” he said.
Leave surveillance to ministry
Earlier today, STFC chairperson Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad told Malaysiakini that losing access to granular data and the full list of data variables had hampered its targeted testing efforts.
It had further compromised the task force’s community screening, strategic mapping and zone profiling efforts.
Selangor executive councillor for health Dr Siti Mariah Mahmad also shared that the ministry had refused a request to integrate the state government’s Selangkah contact tracing app with Putrajaya’s similar MySejahtera app.
At his briefing today, Noor Hisham indicated that state governments ought to focus on public awareness efforts and leave public health intervention to the ministry.
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Highlights: Budget 2021 at a glance
“There are things that the state can help us (with) in terms of public empowerment and awareness education and et cetera.
“But we have never empowered the state to take on the role of surveillance (or) to take on the role of public health intervention and et cetera.
“That is our responsibility, we are doing it on our side. So our state health department is doing the contact tracing as well as surveillance in our hospitals.
“So that is where the collaboration on both sides, the state health department and the state administration can be enhanced from time to time,” he said.
ResellerMaxis replied at 11-11-2020 03:47 PM
Dah tahu bukan politician xyah lah wat kerja politician.
Nak sorok data covid dari kerajaan neg ...
Dg health ni kerja dgn sape? U tau tak dari sudut governance? You memekak sembur dg health mmg sbb dia je yg kena jawab soalan reporter. Die ke yg buat decision tu semua? Lagipun reason kkm federal tak nk bagi raw data supaya analisa konsisten bagi setiap negeri. Logik la, kalau apps selangkah analisa lain dan mysejahtera analisa lain dah info conflict. Pengguna jugak yg konfius. |
Raw data mmg x patot publish
Siapa kerja management dia faham lah konsep analytic data ni.. Jgn ckp semborongan ye.
Ingat senang nk masage data. Analisis. Bukan DG yg buat semua tu.. staf2 kkm yg buat.
DG sebagai bos akan tgk apa staff dia present and question itu ini.. puas hati barulah dia leh announce dkt public.. kalau big company pon guna konsep yg sama..
Aku setuju dg x share raw data. Nnti lagi pelik2 reporter n org awam interpret ngarot2. Nnti kuar lah mcm2 cita epic. Tgk je lah mcm kes mh360.. mcm2 cite keluar..
Dg announce meby sbb dr awal covid start org dah trust dkt dia. And menteri tgk rakyat trust dkt dg so dorang biarkan je lah dg announce..
Meby boleh kot menteri buat slow slow.. dg gilir2 dgn menteri kesihatan buat pc.. tp adham tu kena btol2 strong lah. Hire staff yg boleh buat speech dia .. tawan hati rakyat.. sbb rakyat dh mula bosan tgk dg di tv.. biasalah manusiaa |
Aku bising2 psl dia ni.. Suami aku ckp p tanye dia ape dia dah bt dgn SP Setia.. Patut dia p tanye la kawan dia knp x p ke sana kan.. Ni la bongok nama nye.. Membangkitkan kemarahan rakyat je dia org ni tau nye |
Dpd pungpangpungpang psl raw data bagai ni baik la biar je DG buat keje dia. Kalau org yg paling sesuai nk dihentam tu menteri yg berkenaan. Jgn nk hentam.org je pandai sdgkn kt xde kat tmpt org tu. Agaknya DG ni klu ada pilihan dia pn x hingin nk kusut2 otak hadap pc hari2 present data jwb soklan2 mcm2. Kalau asik nampak salah org je..hati kau bermasalah la tu. |
ResellerMaxis replied at 11-11-2020 11:21 PM
Sebelum bulan oct dg start sorok tu. Xde siapa pun argue ketulenan ke apa data tersebut.
Semu ...
i mula x konpiden dgn dg bila dg ckp 10k polis positif covid tp KPN menafikan plak....hehehe
Ramai gak ahli2 profesional/vvip yg mula bising2 psal data2 yg terlampau general sgt.ada satu part tu disebabkan xnk dedahkan kluster menteri, sggup tu depa reka kluster baru byk2...hahaha |
sabar ler tan sri DG..
begitu ler asam garam.bekerja dgn org politik. |
tp betulla sidang media DG.. betul2 baca karangan A-Z. Patut buat slideshow 10 keping max papar kat tv. DG sepatutnya explain/ highlighs jer. |
Banyak reports diterima dalam Thread ini.
FC cuma nak tegur tentang TT Thread ni @ResellerMaxis , sebagai TT pembuka Thread ... harap berhenti membuat panggilan yang tak sepatut nya seperti :
Macam bangsat je sekor sekor pengikut abah cow ni. Dg ni memang dah jadi tali barut abah cow je. Jika berterusan ... Thread ini akan ditutup.
Teguran juga untuk @dizekni ... banyak Reports diterima.
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ResellerMaxis replied at 11-11-2020 09:36 PM
Apa bezanya dengan dg jadi badut abah cow ni? Sekarang pun dah ada bunyi bunyian dg yang suruh isy ...
Si adham tu dah kena cold storage dgn abah la kot.dia kn dr umno..bukannya dia xnk buat keje tp dah abah tak bgi...tu sbb la si bintulu marah giler dkt dg...dg kan org penting abah..mesti dpt habuan yg lumayan la kot..dia bolayan je org kecam dia.hahaha |
u rasa R naught tu office boy buat ke, sembang memang boleh, yg you NAMPAK secara zahir itu...hmm...okay i wont blame you sebba ituyg you nampak. u rasa itu je depa buat.
oh yes, sembang memang mudah.
Tengok statement DG yg aku boh font merah tu , dia kata data dianalisa oleh federal, kemudian hasil analisa tu diberi pada state departments kerana federal takut state departments buat kesimpulan berbeza dari federal sebelum data di lihat dan dianalisa terlebih dulu oleh DG sebab tu data tak diberi pada sesapa ....
Itu tunjukkan yg federal cuma nak state department terima bulat2 tanpa banyak soal pe saja kesimpulan yg DG buat hasil dari analisanya lah ....
kalau gitu kekdahnya tarak check and balance laaa, kalau DG buat analisa ke laut kelongkang salahnya pun tetap tarak sapa boleh tahu ler jawabnya . DG bukannya malaikat so boleh je buat silap/salah ketika menganalisa.
DG nak analisa terlebih dulu tarak masalah kalau data di sertakan bersama dgn analisanya sekali apabila dah siap utk jadi rujukan org ramai , agar semua boleh tengok dan check utk pastikan antara analisa dan data tak berlaku percanggahan yg tak masuk akal .
Asked about this concern, Noor Hisham explained that the ministry’s federal headquarters could not fulfil the STFC’s request for “raw data” to ensure data interpretation was standardised.
“If we have not analysed the data and then they make a conclusion, I won’t know what conclusion they make. Is it right for you to make a conclusion when I have not even seen the data yet?
“That is where we need to standardise the data.
“That means federal will analyse it, and we give the data to the respective states. And the respective states will look into the data,” he said.
He shared that Covid-19 case data was typically channelled from states to the federal ministry to be analysed. The analysed data set was then released to state departments.
The top official added that such centralisation was crucial to prevent conflicting messaging between federal and state health departments.
“So the worst thing that can happen is (if) an announcement has been made using our data, but we don’t know what the announcement is. So I think that (this is about) coordination.
“(It is better) if we can coordinate better between the federal and the state health director; and the state health director coordinates with the state administration,” he said.
dikalangan org awam kau ingat tarak sorang pun yg jadi pakar perubatan yg mahir utk faham dan analisa raw data tu ke ?
awat serendah tu pandangan kau terhadap keupayaan org2 awam ? DG tahap dewa ?
Err yg kita perkatakan adalah kerajaan yg dikatakan berkhidmat utk rakyat bukannya company individu ......kenapa plak raw data nak sorok dari rakyat , patutnya kena didedahkan lah agar check and balance boleh berlaku .
untuk rujukan March to July - the R naught - ketika sebelum PRN tuuu...turun dari X to 0.3 , dan kita lihat sendiri kes kes single or double digits je , itupun belas belas bawah 40 lebih kurang.
lepas PRN, then u see....kes kes...macam lebih teruk dari kes Masjid Sri Petaling.
kenalah bagi kerja sama
jgn dok percaya atau terperankap dengan gossip politics bagai
u cuba guna otak , compare masa kes dan data kes March 2020 and Julay - August ( sebelum PRN)
now kita nak kurangkan R naught tu kepada index selesa 0.3, yakni less than a third probability to infect even a single person
harap faham.
buan sa kata less 0.95 R naught tu kira okaylah, no ..i think the R naught kena stabilise...macam June July index...
tolonglah faham dan gunalah akal. |
u think HERD immunity works
pegi dahh.... |
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