Kewangan Negara 'Dicabul', Nilai Hutang Kini Cecah RM 1 Trilion
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kecimpret replied at 21-5-2018 04:32 PM
hutang negara tun m last jd pm pd 2003 x smp 200b
hutang negara 2017 873b..skg dah naik ke 1 tril ...
ooo, dah ada. apa kena mengena pendapatan perkapita dgn hutang negara? bkn negara katanya nak bankrap sbb hutang ke? |
nak tunjuk yg kenaikan hutang lebih tinggi kadarnya banding pendapatan perkapita
dah tak nak cakap hutang s'pore lagi tinggi ka???
Tak tahulah nak gelak ke nak senyum.. celah mana negara nak bankrap |
caprut replied at 21-5-2018 03:57 PM
skit la tu zman tu. huhu. ptot rmai xmo kejer gomen. lgpon zman dlu gred 41 x byk mne. klo cikgu u ...
Dahla kenaikan tahun 90 gtu je..bygkn setahun naik 90..apa sgt..
Ada kawan dapat biasiswa kpm sanggup tolak..sbb xnak keje cikgu...sanggup amik course lain loan ptptn |
kecimpret replied at 21-5-2018 04:38 PM
nak tunjuk yg kenaikan hutang lebih tinggi kadarnya banding pendapatan perkapita
mmg pun hutang singapore ratus2 persen dpd kdnk diorang tp korang tak bising2 singapore nak bankrap. yg malaysia ni baru 50%++ hutang, habis dijaja keluar masuk kampung kata nak bankrap. yg singapore tu w/pun lebih 100%dpd kdnk, sbb singapore tak akn bankrap dgn kedudukan hutang mcm tu tak lain rak bukan sbb hutang tu hutang dlm negara cthnya hutang dgn kwsp tu, blh mintak halal gitu. bkn sbb pendapatan perkapita, ngerti? |
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badaksumbu replied at 21-5-2018 04:58 PM
mmg pun hutang singapore ratus2 persen dpd kdnk diorang tp korang tak bising2 singapore nak bankra ...
Hutang kerajaan berapa
Hutang dalam negeri berapa
Yg latest dr bnm.. Malas nak cikcur kat sana |
mommymonster82 replied at 21-5-2018 08:40 AM
Dahla kenaikan tahun 90 gtu je..bygkn setahun naik 90..apa sgt..
Mommy sekarang budak2 berebut nak gi ipg. Dah dapat asasi/matrikulasi pun gigih mohon ipg jugak. |
celah mana 50%??...celah kangkang ko ka??
dah cecah 65% kata 50%+...pgggffthhhh
mommymonster82 replied at 21-5-2018 04:40 PM
Dahla kenaikan tahun 90 gtu je..bygkn setahun naik 90..apa sgt..
skrg kwan ko mesti agak nyesal. gaji cikgu zman skrg lebat. klo asal kg pastu mnta balik kg apak jimat gile |
beza hutang s'pore dan malaysia
jgn lupa juga cek bajet s'pore defisit ka surplus
Misleading statistic
Well no, because while the figures are accurate, they also paint a misleading picture.
The misunderstanding lies in the difference between gross debt and net debt.
Gross debt is defined as the amount of debt the government owes, whether to itself or others.
Net debt however takes into account the financial assets the government also holds.
For example, I have $100 but I still take out a bank loan of $100 to invest all in a small company.
After a while, the company succeeds, grows bigger and my $100 share has doubled to $200. I still owe the bank $100, but I have more assets ($200) now than before.
Meanwhile, I continue working and use the money I earn to pay off expenses for food, transport, etc. I don’t borrow from the bank to cover my spending.
That’s basically what the Singapore government has done. We don’t borrow to spend, but to invest. And our assets are worth much more than our liabilities.
No borrowing
The issue of high levels of government debt was previously addressed by the Ministry of Finance in 2012.
“Having debt means that we have liabilities. However, looking only at the liabilities alone (i.e. gross debt) does not discriminate between two countries with the same level of debt but with very different levels of assets.
In Singapore’s case, we do not borrow to spend. We instead invest all borrowing proceeds. All borrowings are thus backed by assets. What we earn in investment income from our assets is more than sufficient to cover the debt servicing costs. The Singapore Government in fact has a strong balance sheet with assets well in excess of our liabilities.
This makes us a net creditor country, not a net debtor country.
This is why international credit rating agencies give the Singapore Government the highest short and long-term credit ratings of AAA.”
MOF also stated regularly that it operates on a balanced budget over each term of Government and does not borrow externally to fund its yearly Budget.
Under the Constitution, the Government requires Presidential assent before they can borrow to fund spending.
In Nov. 2017, Malaysia’s Finance Ministry stated that RM22.7 billion (S$7.54 billion) of government debt was in offshore loans.
In contrast, the Singapore government has not borrowed to finance deficit expenditures since the 1980s, and Singapore has no external public debt.
So there’s no need to worry about debt other than the $20 you borrowed from your kakis for Christmas dinner that you haven’t paid back yet.
Banyaknye macai kembali beraksi. Baru dpt dedak ka. Nak sembang ekonomi, baik ko sembang pasai coklat bijan kena songlap. Buat petition mintak balek coklat2 bijan |
badaksumbu replied at 21-5-2018 11:19 AM
tak sangka tun blh keluar statement mcm ni. ke ada yg tak tulis sampai habis ayat tun tu?
ko sangka je la sbb aku tgk rata2 penyokong ph skrg dah jadi mcm macai bn.. caya je bulat2 apa yg pemimpin ckp.. langsung xnak educate diri sendiri.. bg aku cukup la kena tipu zmn bn dulu.. kalu zmn ph pun kena tipu gak tu maknanya bkn salah kerajaan lg dah... salah diri sendiri.. |
matamata replied at 21-5-2018 12:22 PM
nak susutkan senang...mansuhkan hutang peribadi rakyat termasuk hutang2 peniaga dari Enterprise samp ...
aku ada bukak thread pasal cara utang negara di kira.. ramai je xtau utang seisi rumah termasuk dlm utang negara.. di antara contributor terbesar plak tu.. yg paling best rakyat xnak amik tau pun benda2 ni.. yg depa tau utang negara = utang yg najib buat.. spt mana yg tun dok canang2.. |
Edited by mogey at 21-5-2018 05:48 PM
caprut replied at 21-5-2018 12:28 PM
ini tun nk ckp jgn hrpll la naik gaji. aley2 elaun pon kena buang
bersiap sedia la utk dgr lps ni tun ckp kami xboleh bg toll free.. xboleh turunkan rega minyak.. tak boleh bg negeri pengeluar minyak royalti.. sume xboleh la.. alasannya sbb kerajaan terpaksa guna rizab negara utk bayar utang2 negara 1 trillion yg dibuat dek najib.. maka rakyat pun bersorak gembira.. xpaa tunnnn ... kami paham... buat pi la bayar utang semua.. asalkan negara kami tak muflis .. conclusionnya, dari zmn tun lama rakyat kena kencing bawak ke zmn tun baru pun kena kencing gak .. |
Nak wat cmne, kt harus sedar dan terima hakikat ttg isu ni...bg sy, kita kena sama2 bina semula malaysia, dek ketamakan dan kerakusan pimpinan terdahulu. Time pemimpin tamak haloba wat onar tak lak pencacai wat bising. Jnj harus ditepati tp dlm kes ni ianya akn memudaratkan lagi klu semua jnj di tunaikan, so bg masa kepimpinan baru rebuild the damage. |
Minami2013 replied at 21-5-2018 01:54 PM
So betul lah kan... except 1998 tu sbb economic crisis je dpt bantuan khas... zaman pak lah tak de ...
Zaman najib..wlaupun asyik dpt bantuan..
Tp stiap tahun KGT Naik..
Antara KGT dengan bonus..gomen lagi suka KGT |
dengan ayat cacai macam budak tak sekolah ni,
ingat rakyat nak undi BN balik ka next PRU?
hari pong malam.
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