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Post time 5-1-2019 01:43 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 5-1-2019 02:22 PM
SY_Mumi replied at 3-1-2019 02:03 PM
i wont called it best...
cause tengok black mirror nih walaupon storyline can be simple, but the  ...

"Nosedive" S3E1

The episode is set in a world where people can rate each other from one to five stars for every interaction they have, which can impact their socioeconomic status. Lacie (Bryce Dallas Howard) is a young woman overly obsessed with her ratings; she finds an opportunity to elevate her ratings greatly and move into a more luxurious residence after being chosen by her popular childhood friend (Alice Eve) as the maid of honour for her wedding. Her obsession leads to several mishaps on her journey to the wedding that culminate in a rapid reduction in her ratings.

u dah tgk x episode ni?...i blum tgk..cume tgk clips mcm ni je..rsnye dah obvious la kisahnye psl ape..cume the colours filter semua sebijik music video Katy Perry "Chained To The Rythm"...kebetulan lirik pun mcm serupe..kisah ni..harap u all x kisah i share lagu2 kat sini..yg bleh relate with the story....1 more song "Fake Happy"..

I love making you believe
What you get is what you see
But I'm so fake happy
I feel so fake happy

And I bet everybody here
Is just as insincere
We're all so fake happy
And I know fake happy

I been doing a good job of makin' 'em think
I'm quite alright
But I hope I don't blink
You see its easy when I'm stomping on a beat
But no one sees me when I crawl back underneath

If I smile with my teeth
Bet you believe me
If I smile with my teeth
I think I believe me


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Post time 6-1-2019 05:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
yg menarik for me ada dua episode.. satu nose dive dan yg terbaru ni Bandersnatch.. interactive episode.. kita boleh decide apa main character tu akan buat dlm cerita tu.. walau jalan cerita dia tak strong mana tapi satu permulaan untuk sesuatu yg sangat promising..

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Post time 9-1-2019 01:19 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by SY_Mumi at 9-1-2019 01:20 AM
Levespa replied at 6-1-2019 05:08 PM
yg menarik for me ada dua episode.. satu nose dive dan yg terbaru ni Bandersnatch.. interactive epis ...

Nosedive Ada interactive?
Is it I might have missed...hmm

Mana taknya, ai marathon bandersnatch sampai kul 4am ...

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Post time 9-1-2019 01:27 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 5-1-2019 01:43 PM
"Nosedive" S3E1

The episode is set in a world where people can rate each other from one to five ...

Since u mention this, ai realise my at least favorite shld be 'Nosedive'.
It started as sweet main character storyline with in between unexpected twist till it slowly turns into a disaster. Disturbing cause its heartache when we are rooting for the main character & can kind of feel what she went thru.
suka betul dgn Bryce Dallas Howard


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Post time 9-1-2019 07:47 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Levespa at 8-1-2019 11:55 PM
SY_Mumi replied at 8-1-2019 05:19 PM
Nosedive Ada interactive?
Is it I might have missed...hmm

tak nosedive episode biasa je.. bandersnatch yg baru tu la ada.. sorry kalau the way I post buat u confused.. tapi bayangkan kalau nosedive ada interactive episode.. mesti menarik habis and we could create a better ending for nosedive.. kesian kan kat main chatacter tu.. tapi biasa la black mirror, we could not expect a happy ending all the time kann

oh you merempit sampai 4 pagi? dashat hahaa.. ending mana yg you pilih? I asyik putar2 pilih semua taknak keluar end credit hahaha... last2 letih baru berhenti.. semua ending I dapat kecuali I tak pilih yg stefan terjun bangunan je

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Post time 9-1-2019 06:35 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 9-1-2019 06:37 PM
SY_Mumi replied at 9-1-2019 01:27 AM
Since u mention this, ai realise my at least favorite shld be 'Nosedive'.
It started as sweet m ...

U all suke yea episode ni? this is my least fav sbb tu i x tgk...& i x minat dgn don't know why...for me the storyline is quite obvious..nothing of interest..
U all story la skit psl yg latest season punye episode tu...manja blum tgk lagi..i don't know what to expect..
saje i know nosedive tu maknanye ape
nosedive noun [ C usually singular ] uk /ˈnəʊz.daɪv/ us /ˈnoʊz.daɪv/ a fast and sudden fall to the ground with the front pointing down: The plane roared overhead and went into a nosedive.


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Post time 9-1-2019 10:30 PM | Show all posts
Teringin nak tengok. Selalu keluar dekat popular on netflix tapi rasa macam berat sangat nak tengok sblm tido.

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Post time 10-1-2019 08:52 PM | Show all posts
Edited by manjalara_01 at 10-1-2019 09:04 PM
gossip.girls replied at 9-1-2019 10:30 PM
Teringin nak tengok. Selalu keluar dekat popular on netflix tapi rasa macam berat sangat nak tengok  ...

tips seblum tgk BM...
1- Jgn tgk masa tgh mkn
2- Jgn tgk sebelum tdo...
3- Jgn tgk masa tgh down or depress...
4- Jgn tgk if you are having a bad day
5- Jgn tgk kalau tgh rs lemah semangat..
6- Jgn tgk bile otak tgh serabut..

ok, ade sape2 nk tambah lg??

manja baru tgk S4E5 METALHEAD...kalau korang jenis malas nk fikir...tgk episode ni....manja bg 8/10...Dahsyat...1 je nak komen..korang dah tgk robot2 Boston Dynamics x?...manja tepek sini...sorry to say but The Future Is Now...people...

Metalhead is the first Black Mirror episode to be shot entirely in black and white, appropriately for the most minimal plot in the series. As it opens, Maxine Peake, Jake Davies and Clint Dyer are driving across a post-apocalyptic Scottish countryside. The apocalypse is unspecified and so is our lead character’s name.
The three of them are on a mission to steal something from a warehouse, fulfilling a promise to a woman who died. Inside the building, however, the situation rapidly deteriorates. Peake’s character finds herself legging it from a robotic guard dog, a beast designed for a single purpose: seek and destroy. It isn’t giving too much away to say the episode does not end with the characters getting married and dancing a jig.


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Post time 11-1-2019 10:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Levespa replied at 9-1-2019 07:47 AM
tak nosedive episode biasa je.. bandersnatch yg baru tu la ada.. sorry kalau the way I post buat ...

Yah start nonton almost after midnite. And u know wat ai never click the selection cause ai never read beforehand it was supposed to be interactive. Hence could be why the length i watch seems so long.
Dah habis tengok, baru ai baca reviews  & dapat tahu format dia.

Yah NoseDive best kan kalau ada interactive, at least character Lacie wont end up that miserable.


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Post time 11-1-2019 10:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 9-1-2019 06:35 PM
U all suke yea episode ni? this is my least fav sbb tu i x tgk...& i x minat dgn do ...

Okla ai agree with Nosedvaes as it probably relates nearest to most of our daily lives. Esp skrang zaman update FB, IG, Tweets. Less communication in real life, instead ur life get judge by ur social media updates.
Quite true & apply to some in life, every minute nak kena update. So ada deepens meaning
Cuma ending tuh yg ai find depressing
Where after all the vibes of earning liking points is gone , one can go sane or unsane

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Post time 11-1-2019 10:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Nak tengok Bandersnatch again. Nak cari masa yg sesuai. Black Mirror ni kan is really one of those shows i dont recommend to watch.
Macam berpuaka lah crita2 dia.

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Post time 12-1-2019 01:37 PM | Show all posts
SY_Mumi replied at 11-1-2019 10:50 PM
Nak tengok Bandersnatch again. Nak cari masa yg sesuai. Black Mirror ni kan is really one of those s ...

Sometimes kena tgk 2 kali (and google reserach skali) kan nk phm..what on earth am i watching??
Ok good2...nnt u all bleh la bg komen, or review ke ...manja x kisah kalau spoiler..sbb i akan tgk the latest episode ni last skali...
Since it's like one of a kind bleh interactive gituww..

Out of curiosity nk jgk google maksud Bandersnatch tu ape?
A bandersnatch is a fictional creature in Lewis Carroll's 1872 novel Through the Looking-Glass and his 1874 poem The Hunting of the Snark. Although neither work describes the appearance of a bandersnatch in great detail, in The Hunting of the Snark, it has a long neck and snapping jaws, and both works describe it as ferocious and extraordinarily fast. Through the Looking-Glass implies that bandersnatches may be found in the world behind the looking-glass,[1] and in The Hunting of the Snark, a bandersnatch is found by a party of adventurers after crossing an ocean.[2] Bandersnatches have appeared in various adaptations of Carroll's works; they have also been used in other authors' works and in other forms of media.

The extrememly dangerous creature from the survival horror game Resident Evil Code Veronica X. Built to be the multi-purpose tyrant, they are equipped with a singular super strong stretchy arm. (hence the "band" as in bandy in the name bandersnatch) on there right side and have no arm on the left. Get too close they grab your head and crush your skull. Get too far away they will batter you about via stretching their arm. If you hide up/down stairs they will use the arm like a grappling hook to grab hold of an object and pursue. Very slow moving but deadly. Generally in packs of 3 but the occassional singular individual.

Yes u..i completely agree...this is my fist time watching a tv/neflix series that i feel  like i have been totally hypnotized!! . Manja pun mcm x caye..
I look exactly like the person watching TV in this MV by SonaOne..SO CREEPY...U all pun mcm tu ke??...sorry x jumpe pulak on youtube but please click the link below..that is the official MV


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Post time 12-1-2019 01:54 PM | Show all posts
SY_Mumi replied at 11-1-2019 10:45 PM
Okla ai agree with Nosedvaes as it probably relates nearest to most of our daily lives. Esp skra ...

x kisah la u..masing2 punye taste kan?

i pun kalau bleh utk Episode Metalhead tu sgt2 x setuju they all bertiga tarung nyawa semata2 nak dptkan sebiji teddy bear?
whatever for? last2 u all jgk yg mati...x berbaloi ok..i ingat they all nak gi cari supply ke generator ke ape kejadah.....tu je nak komen


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Post time 14-1-2019 01:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 14-1-2019 01:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 14-1-2019 02:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts


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Post time 14-1-2019 02:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

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Post time 14-1-2019 02:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts


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Post time 14-1-2019 02:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nak link pm

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Post time 14-1-2019 02:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KILL_NANCY replied at 14-1-2019 02:00 PM


iols boleh tengok citer camni ok tapi kena ada orang teman

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