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Author: joy_ah

Istana Bawang 8 (Meghan & Harry Markle)

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Post time 2-8-2019 12:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dani-rox replied at 1-8-2019 09:31 PM
Ginger hanat panggil pengkritik bininya sbg rasis, secara halusnya dia bg green light utk rabid suss ...

mmg hanat.. backup bini senget dia,.. some more nak tambah anak lagi... tp menyindir PW yg ada ramai anak.Minta la QE restui Kate utk buat IVF bg kuar kembar 2 or 3.. biar ginger nie melantun lantun dr  tangga takhta..

dia sakit ati kan sbb Kate asyik nak beranak.. marah sgt dia sbb x ada peluang jd raja..

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Post time 2-8-2019 12:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AliyaSophia88 replied at 1-8-2019 09:48 PM
her pouseyy has gone international yo. Auch. Pencelupan worldwide

siap kena bid lagi oleh ereb sis...
kalau dia tau ilmu nasi penunduk kat nusantara ni I bet dah lama dah dia buat kat org paling kaya dia jumpa but yeah even voodoo amerika pun x bleh nak bantu dia.. dia mmg jinxed

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Post time 2-8-2019 12:32 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 1-8-2019 10:17 PM
Meghan Markle branded ‘cheap, vulgar and irresponsible’ by outspoken Lady Colin Campbell

last point.. hahahaha..
nevermind keep praying sis dia jatuh tergelincir kat Balmoral jd sacrifice baru

dia x nak pergi Balmoral kan.. rasanya dia ikut PH gi Sicily till August 4. Maybe dorg nak raikan bday dia kat sana

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Post time 2-8-2019 12:34 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 1-8-2019 05:18 PM
wooow.. ingat mmg dah mati dah some race yg you ckp tu.. scary..
I heard this from ceramah agama ...

serius la weii , half hooman , half lizzie ...
yakjuj makjuj ka ?

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Post time 2-8-2019 12:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 1-8-2019 10:52 PM
tinfoil hats off & conspiracy/blackmail theory aside, teori kat bawah ni dprd acik LSA re their exit ...

dorg kata hanya utk meggot.. PH rasanya stick around ngan family dia..

bencinya dia nak buat brand tu brand nie.. sick of her.. malas nak tengok muka dia.. mmg gila kan.. mmg tujuan utama utk naikkan diri dia...

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Post time 2-8-2019 12:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 1-8-2019 11:00 PM
voiceover for which character? ada ke character gedikss ngengada dlm LK movie tu? character cenggi ...

dunno sis sanzy suara which one... maybe movie dolu2 zmn pre Harry... movie with tossing salad and everything.. hahaha her services ye.. hahaha..

mmg this escot jdkan brf tu bahan mainan dia je ye.. sian org tua mcm QE.. kat ujung ujung usia hadap juga pompuan mcm nie. Dlu escort Perancis zmn bapak sedara dia. Yg tu muncul sebelum Wallis..

now.. cucu dia..  

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Post time 2-8-2019 12:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eva replied at 1-8-2019 11:16 AM
hahahah.. yeah jinx

bahaya.. sentuhan dia menyebabkan business lingkup..

that is my fav brand , i suka beli jean m&s and seluar m&s sebb i pendek

size short tu i tak payah potong dah sbb elok2 jer dgn ketinggian yg agak katik and kerendangan ni

btw back to topic ,
mm ni dah macam setan je perangai
she shud just sit in the castle or rumah katak and jaga archie ...

please i dont want to see her face in any royal event anymore especially when cambridges is around ... bau taik kuat sgt

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Post time 2-8-2019 01:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dineo replied at 2-8-2019 12:34 AM
serius la weii , half hooman , half lizzie ...
yakjuj makjuj ka ?

theory je kot sis.. apa yg I tau dorg ni keturunan dr Namrud..

Namrud ni badan besar, tinggi dan sasa dan dia adalah cucu Nabi Nuh A.S. Dia memerintah selama 400 tahun.. dia berkahwin ngan maknya sendiri bernama Samiramis.Dorg ada anak lelaki. Bila Namrud ni mati, maknya berazam nak spirit Namrud tu kononnya akan muncul semula.. Dorg ada seorg anak lelaki.. Dr anak lelaki nie la lahirnya keturunan Firaun.. dan juga dr sana lahirlah Cleopatra.

Bila Cleopatra dibw ke Rome dan berkawin dgn Mark Anthony, dia melahirkan anak..anak tu la asal usul keluarga diraja Europe.. dan asal usul iluminati gitu..

abt lizards ngan men tu.. theory sis..

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Post time 2-8-2019 01:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dineo replied at 2-8-2019 12:44 AM
that is my fav brand , i suka beli jean m&s and seluar m&s sebb i pendek

size short tu i tak p ...

narc mmg mcm tu sis.. selagi dia x puas.. dia akan buat mcm2

markie mmg bagus.. tp lately business dorg x pickup sgt.. actually dia yg approach m&s, john lewis dan satu kompeni lagi utk salurkan apa2 je utk clothing line dia.. and some more duit tu nnt konon akan pergi ke smart work, charity organization kekdahnya..

walhal we know where the money will go to.. of course la bank dia.. utk kelangsungan hidup dia ngan archie and also maybe si harry juga..

tu dia canang clothing line dia kena launch bagai.. and today August 2, hari dia punya BV kuar dan masuk market.. kita tengok mcmana

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Post time 2-8-2019 01:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Lainey Lui ni kan Celebitchy kan.. mmg kwn baik meggot and hardcore sugar also paid blogger utk meggot. Bagus Eammonn ngan bini dia hantam this bishh.. they hv right to grill her sbb both are UK tax payers.. mmg x tau diuntung meggot ngan kwn2 dia.. bagus dorg buat mcm nie so org tengok muka sebenar supporters dia.. padan muka.


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Post time 2-8-2019 01:47 AM | Show all posts
Edited by snazzydaisy at 2-8-2019 01:51 AM
bioessence replied at 1-8-2019 04:43 PM
Ada cerita kanak2 yg terlepas dari ritual palaces di Belgium. Take it or leave it. All Euro r ...

yeah, kena take it or leave it.. they are known for satanic practices (orgies/tortures/murders), genocides, pedophile rings (trafficking & prostitution), link wt Nazis, some wt Porphyria (vampire blood disease), connection to Jimmy Savile (sicko!), narcotics etc.

Sadly, semua ni takkan terbukti secara terang-terangan, especially bila their intelligence services pun terlibat sama, they will never be convicted for all de cruelty.. Duchass MM is one of their karma now! Harap2 the Cambridge & Tindall's kids will be okay & not converted into "reptilian/lizard" etc.


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Post time 2-8-2019 01:59 AM | Show all posts
eva replied at 2-8-2019 01:10 AM
narc mmg mcm tu sis.. selagi dia x puas.. dia akan buat mcm2

markie mmg bagus.. tp lately bu ...

ehh, bukan ke these 3 organizations (Marks & Spencer, John Lewis & Inside Jigsaw) mmg existing sponsors to Smart Work, MM cuma bring in that Misha NooNoo YessYess tu aje kan.. maybe she made a phone call or two, firing some emails at 5am to coordinate things.. why she always like to take credit for everything? Such a parasite laa she!

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Post time 2-8-2019 02:17 AM | Show all posts
Edited by snazzydaisy at 2-8-2019 02:36 AM
eva replied at 1-8-2019 11:11 AM
nnt I cari chart dia.. dorg ada bubuh kat twitter... BRF tu bukan yg terkuat..selain rotschils dor ...

thanks sis eva for this info..
it's always the first born yg akan jadi satanic sacrifice kan, sadly Iris punye death quietly went away, money talks.

I did some digging today re Illuminati families and found these..
dunno BRF falls under which bloodline, maybe ada missing some bloodlines too..

Bloodlines of Illuminati:

1.   The Astor family
2.   The Bundy bloodline
3.   The Collins bloodline
4.   The DuPonts
5.   The Freeman bloodline
6.   The Kennedy family
7.   The Li family
8.   The Onassis bloodline
9.   The Rockefeller bloodline
10.        The Rothschild bloodline
11.        The Russell bloodline
12.        The Van Duyn bloodline
13.        The Merovingian bloodline
14.        The Disney bloodline
15.        The Reynolds bloodline
16.        The McDonald family
17.        The Krupps

and utk yg rajin membaca, here's the 292 pages of info re ->  Illuminati Bloodlines
I belum baca lagi, KIV dulu


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Post time 2-8-2019 02:38 AM | Show all posts
Edited by snazzydaisy at 2-8-2019 02:41 AM
eva replied at 2-8-2019 01:01 AM
theory je kot sis.. apa yg I tau dorg ni keturunan dr Namrud..

Disclaimer:  info ni hanya utk hiburan semata-mata OK!

Duchass Megdusa mempunyai semua ciri2 reptilian hybrid, sungguh ketara!
No wonder backers pilih dia. Adakah Archie juga reptilian?

List of Reptilian Celebrities
Looking for a list of reptilian shapeshifters? You’re not alone.
Everyday, believers in the reptilian bloodline are trying to identify shapeshifters and hybrids in our midst.
Obviously, there is a ton of disagreement over who is a lizard and who isn’t, but here are some popular allegations:
- Barack Obama
- George W. Bush (and most of his advisors)
- Bill Clinton
- Beyoncé
- Lady Gaga
- Benedict Cumberbatch
- Madonna
- Angelina Jolie
- Numerous senators and world leaders
How to Identify Reptilian Hybrids

Want to know how to spot reptilians? You need to look for both physical characteristics which “bleed through” the shapeshifting guise, and you need to look for personality traits of reptilians as well.

Physical Traits:
* If a person has narrow, slit-like eyes and facial features which appear suggestive of a lizard, they may be a shapeshifter.
* Reptilians on the whole are believed to be quite tall, so this may also be a giveaway.
* If you look around, you’ll find videos and pictures suggesting that sometimes reptilians lose control of aspects of their shapeshifting abilities, resulting in strange textures on their skin or changes in their eyes.

Personality Traits:
*  Reptilians are cunning expert manipulators.
*  Power-hungry individuals may be reptilians.
*  Reptilians are energy vampires. They are draining to be around.
*  Narcissism and related traits like gaslighting could indicate you are dealing with a reptilian.
*  Destructive sadism may also be a sign of a reptilian; remember, they feed on suffering.


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Post time 2-8-2019 08:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 2-8-2019 02:38 AM
Disclaimer:  info ni hanya utk hiburan semata-mata OK!

Duchass Megdusa mempunyai semua ciri2 re ...

Literally @ figuratively reptilian hybrid?

Padanlah macam syaitonirrajim sampai ada ritual seksa bunuh orang. Sejenis manusia hibrid. I x faham mcm mana someone who isn't mentally unstabled can keep on doing all this sepanjang diorg hidup. Normal ppl x sekejam ni, mesti ada brain short circuit. Ramai pulak tu terlibat. Eh entahlah.

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Post time 2-8-2019 09:04 AM | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 1-8-2019 10:52 PM
tinfoil hats off & conspiracy/blackmail theory aside, teori kat bawah ni dprd acik LSA re their exit ...

Very convincing teori ni sbb dah tolak tepi isu isu teori konspirasi. Anyway, if it does happen, i takkan terkejut sbb for someone yang track record dia buruk utk buat mcm ni, sangatlah possible. Tengok jelah z list retis cum yacther boleh panjat sampai jadi duchess.

And the final sentence tu... dont know long harry would be around . Mmg bakalan jadi batu loncatan saja lah si harry tu.

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Post time 2-8-2019 09:17 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 2-8-2019 01:59 AM
ehh, bukan ke these 3 organizations (Marks & Spencer, John Lewis & Inside Jigsaw) mmg existing spo ...

dia approach 3 I sis katanya.. dunno la. Misha No No pun dia bw ke..

sabar je la x sabar dia ye nak buat duit

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Post time 2-8-2019 09:25 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 2-8-2019 02:17 AM
thanks sis eva for this info..
it's always the first born yg akan jadi satanic sacrifice kan, sa ...

merovingian bloodline.. kan jauh banding yg lain tu.. yeap Iris jd mangsa and I think salah satu sbbnya adalah lambat sgt buat korban.. Hehehe.. dorg diamkan je kan masa dia meninggal dunia.. x ada pun siasatan mcmana boleh Iris tu meninggal..

apa pun.. sian pula.. what if yg atas atas BRF ni minta William atau George jd korban? Yg tu si Harry beriya iya nak jd King tu... aishhh..

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Post time 2-8-2019 09:29 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 2-8-2019 02:38 AM
Disclaimer:  info ni hanya utk hiburan semata-mata OK!

Duchass Megdusa mempunyai semua ciri2 re ...

Haaaa..Duchess Menjanda(Mendusa) baka paling baik untuk breeding anak??? Tapi dia sgt la ganasnya.. sgt ruthless dan out of control tamaknya..

I harap Menjanda lekas lekas la bercerai dgn Harry. Siksa tengok dia hari hari punya story..kalau x tiru org, dia hantam dan self angkat bakul sendiri..

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Post time 2-8-2019 09:40 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
snazzydaisy replied at 2-8-2019 01:47 AM
yeah, kena take it or leave it.. they are known for satanic practices (orgies/tortures/murders), g ...

sebenarnya.. dorg kata William lembut sgt kata dorg.. William ni la dikata revolution dlm BRF. Kate bw a healthy enviroment utk anak2 dorg. x paham apa maksud dia tp apa yg saya paham, Kate ngan William nie la paling happy dlm family BRF nie.. suasana happiness nie cam x berapa ok to some people.

Tengok je la life QE pun bukannya x ada problem dgn anak dan menantu.. life PC upside down dgn Lady D dan Camilla, life Harry upside down dgn meggot.. tapi William ok ok sja.. Ada someone x puas ati keadaan itu..mcm you ckp kan, life dorg mesti ada ciri2 lizard dan hybrid.. mesti hidup penuh semangat, ada mcm ciri2 yg sis ckp, narc to be exact kalau nak jd pemimpin gitu.. adakah mrk2 ni berpendpt bahawa William x layak jd King dan meggot dgn ruthlessly campaign utk Laki dia or else hapuskan BRF and go for republic gitu?

Harap la PWKM x bg anak dorg jd lizard, begitu juga Tindall. Sian, bebudak tu comey belaka.. dan dorg very happy family. Begitu juga anak2 Peter Philips.


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