Balas #738 AntagonisYgKeut\ catat
bro,try tengok blog aku yg kat bawah ni.ade agak aku posting untuk vacancy. |
Reply #739 a791231ana's post
sekarang ni kebanyakan pakai ROV jarang pakai diver ni..... |
ade sape2 keje kat deleum tak? ok ke kompeni ni ? |
Balas #739 a791231ana\ catat
try Alam Maritime....aku tatau pulak adressnya. |
Originally posted by a791231ana at 16-4-2009 17:13
orait. roger
yup try alam maritim..dorang ad wat underwater inspection especially untuk vessels.
company aku plan nak wat UWILD kat fpso n dorang akan pakai rov and diver tuk wat inpection, aku ada tgk report Uwild dorang tahun 2002, yg inspect underwater ni memang alam maritime punya diver. ganas gak kje diver ni..high risk highly paid n most critical job. xleh silap beb kalo buat kje underwater ni. so aku tabik la ur brother tu..kene tgk keje dorang baru ko tau camna skillfull nye dorang ni.
ok syabas shankar |
Originally posted by mba at 10-4-2009 12:47
sekarang ni kebanyakan pakai ROV jarang pakai diver ni.....
so far yg aku tau rov just capture photos or monitor actual condition kat underwater(visual inspection), tapi kalo nak welding orother ndt / dt jobs underwater xkan rov wat gak? xde tagan rov ni nak wat. just my 2cents |
Originally posted by parklah at 9-3-2009 15:16
kepada otai2 offshore ade persoalan sikit nak tanya....
1. org colour blind boleh keje offshore tak????? ade test tak masa med checkup???
2. saya skang ni ade dip mekanikal auto. tapi saya ...
aku xdela otai tapi selalu g offshore gak.
so far kalo medical check up:
1.colour blind xde dalam list pon (yg aku tau la), rabun adala
2.sound test (test tahap mana minimum db yg ko boleh dengar, )
5.telur (depends la, member eku tak kena, aku kena plak, doktor gay kot)
tu je... |
Originally posted by parklah at 9-3-2009 15:16
kepada otai2 offshore ade persoalan sikit nak tanya....
1. org colour blind boleh keje offshore tak????? ade test tak masa med checkup???
2. saya skang ni ade dip mekanikal auto. tapi saya ...
tentang certified welder tu, try la amik kat ruane tati or any technical institute yg offer.
so far yg aku tau, kita xleh amik cert direct sampai level 3 without experience. mcm ndt gak. limitnye sampai level2 kalo ada degree sekalipon. in between tu kita kena keje kat site n gain experience 9offshore or onshore)
client xkan amik welder yang xpernah kerja kat site even ko ni welding inspector sekalipon.bila ko jadi welding ins. or NDT inspector (level 3) ko kena wat procedure ko kena approve rport. nak wat procedure of welding / inspection bukan senang. makan bertahun nak hafal. tapi kalo ko ada pengalamn keje, ko xpayah hafal, ko akan faham sendiri steps keje tu interms of quality n safety.
ok, sebagai contoh; ko bekerja dengan NDT company. company ko wat keje ngn NIPPON steel kat offshore. caranya ialah project engineer ko akan propose CV ko kat client. (katakan ko ada level 3 welding inspector). once client ko dapat dorang akan review each CV of manpower yg company ko provide n they have their power to terminate any manpower yg xde experinece without any compromise. ni mamg priority dorang. jarang client yg accept frsh manpower with zero experience.
sebab tu kalo ko dpt keje sesetengah company akan tanggung ko buat on job training n by doing this ko leh tambah experince dlam CV ko. konsepnya any NDT tech/Welder ni adalah seperti aset. korang akan di train n for long term korang boleh buat duit utk company ko n gain alot of profit. ni pandangan aku dari sudut management. sebab apa, satu project yg company ko dpat , bukan kecik2 anakcontractnye. average above 1 milion.
semuani akan ter abai kalau ko buat freelance/bukak company sendiri, tapi jarang fresh welder yg buat freelance.
just my 2cents |
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Originally posted by girlphg at 3-2-2009 13:49
nak kelayakan ape ek keje ni offshore oil / gas ni...?
aku org pahang gak..hehe
ok nak aku citer panjang ke citer pendek.
based on pengalaman aku, sape nak bacala, xnak xpe (cerita sebenar dari seorang civil engineer yg keje consultant boleh pergi offshore disebabkan azam yg berapi-rapi)
1. apa background education? if engineering, u can refer below, otherwise dunno coz have no experince tapi kwn2 punya cerita adala gak yg keje offshore)
masa abis grad dulu (civil) kawan2 aku kebnaykan nya bgudak mechanical..so dorang dah start keje oil n gas ni.
but member yg same degree ngn aku sibuk keje cnstruction/consultant, tmetu ekonomi ok la lagi, still bnayk project.
then bila jumpa kawan2 lama, one of my best fren xabis2 bagi semangt ajak aku join oil n gas padahal aku keje consultant buat jalan/highway.
pada pikiran aku, mustahil gak aku nak masuk oil n gas ni.ok, aku set dalm kepala aku camna nak kaitkan keje aku as a civil engineer ngn ong. so aku cube belajar sendiri software engineering yg wat structure, puas aku mintak senior engineer tu ajar aku wat esteem, procad n autcad. tapi malangnya dorang tak sudi nak ajr aku, dlam masa yg sama aku build up cv aku, letak semua project yg aku involve.
then one day aku ditugaskan buat planning untuk satu project highway.aku belajar sendiri microsoft project. camna aku belajar, xpernah tanya orang tapi atas inisiatif aku sendiri, aku donlod microsoft prject kat internet, sekali ngn For.Dummies.Microsoft.Office.Project.2007.All.in.One.Desk.Reference.For.Dummies.Aug.2007. sambil tu aku beli cd camna nak buat planning.
tgh2 syok wat planning, then aku submit proposal (aku pounya project kat bos) he agreed and dalam wekly meeting ngn client n other cobntractors, aku presentla planning/schedule aku.
one day aku terdetik lepas kena bakar ngn kawan yg keje ong, aku terjumpa satu titik pertemuan antara keje aku ngn ong.
itulah planning engineer.
from that day, tiap2 ari aku mintak ong kat jobstreet n other recruit agency. tiap2 hari kdg2 tu depan admin aku pon aku bukak jobstreet.
finally aku ketemu my turning point, aku dapat offer keje kat gebeng as a project engineer company pipeline.
alhamdulillah. kira aku dah dapat tapak untuk kje ong. ok from there aku gain my experinece involve in ong job environment. ternyata sekali env nya bezas kalo ko keje tampat lain. dlam masa sekejap aku kena catch up banyak menda pasal business oil and gas.memang terpaska tapi dah minat kau xkisah langsung.
ko akan terdedah ngn pts, shell standard, API, ASME etc. ko akan tau apa maksud umbrella contract, ko tau cmna overall conceptnya. nampak sama ngn construction tapi standardnya little bit higher especially quality and safety and scheduling. dalam masa setahun aku catch up everything. mostly semua atas inisiatif sendiri, xde masa nak honey moon kadang2 mengulor gak ngn member .standard la.sak kok sebatanag dua lepas tension kena maki ngn bos melayu n mat salleh.
ok cukup pengalaman n ko rasa leh cater all the jobs, aku lompat compny NDT jadi project engineer/estimator cum controller cum marketing. compay ni aku malas citer panjang sebab malas nak citer panjang sebab panjang sangt citer dia.
skang aku keje kat FPSO, n alhamdulillah kat sini aku baru dpat pegi offshore.xdela best sgt tapi makan bapak best, ada snooker ada karaoke. aweks xdela. xde modal la atas tu. kena plak dok atas fpso memang mabok brandy gak. tgh2 buat presentation rasa nak muntah nasib baik leh control lagi. tapi dok atas mmg leh gemuk la. nasib baik aku cepat2 turun kalo x xtau jadi apa dah sekarang, mesti obesiti, ni nak shutdown ni kena naik lagi..ok stop...
bagi aku ong ni mula2 sakit gak in terms of salary, tapi dlam masa 3-4 tahun ko dpat tgk ia akan double up n so on la without any limit untill u will realize how lucky are u n u should be gratefull to Allah. bila sembang ngn technician jeles gak, kita ada degree xkleh beli keter cash. ni bujang2 lagi dah beli umah banglo, keter cash, bini tinggal basuh kaki je. tak jeles ko? tapi rezeki masing2, keje atas tu pon bukan senang, cakap memang sedap didengar, once ko dok seminggu kat atas ko taula kenapa dorang dibayar dgn elaun yg tinggi. so kita ena hargai keje2 dorang ni.. wa salute saper yang dok opffshore 2 minggu xbalik, pastu kalo yang dok sebulan tu lagi wa tabik, tapi kalo boleh 2 minggu cukupla, kena balik semayang jumaat, lagipon boleh gile dok lama2 asik tgk laut je, nampak chopper je sedih je rasa xdapt naik nak balik hehe.
ok, bgi sesape yg bukan engineering background, i.e computer science/ IT - buat networking n maintain server/ catering- bagi makan best2 wo / water treatment-R.O- wat mandi n minum n basuh apa yg patot/ safety / aircond-HVAC / even ustaz pun pergi bg ceramah/ HR-management visit la / scaffolder/rigger/ndt/welder/painter still leh pergi.
all u need is ur own inisiative n cretivity n just a little bit of luck. try to find your meet point and similarity of your current job or education with oil n gas jobs+ patience + cable + kencing sket masa interview - give up = insyaallah dapat
[ Last edited by kuder123 at 20-4-2009 01:02 ] |
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Reply #753 kuder123's post
yeah! hidup pompuan! kat base aku ni ada 33 engineer, 6 org pompuan.
jadi pompuan best, takyah angkat brg berat2 ,buat je muka tak larat mesti ada org tolong |
Sapa tau pasal exhibition ni?
career exhibition ke ni..?
Oil & Gas Exhibition
Date : 29th Apr-1th May 2009
Venue : Tun Razak Hall 4 & Tun Hussein Onn (PWTC)
Organiser : PERDASAMA |
Balas #755 RuL469\ catat
takde la,bukan career fair.
ni ekspo O&G je,lebih kepada peluang perniagaan antara company local dengan oversea/big company n camna dorang leh tolong local company dalam bisnes oil n gas |
yang penting usaha....pasti dpt.. |
ni nak tolong bro manpower kat my opis
Job description: Senior Drilling Engineer
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Duration: 1 year plus option
-BSc in engineering or related discipline
-Have atleast 7 to 10 years experience in Drilling Engineering
-Preferably to have worked previously on projects offshore Malaysia
Job description: Deputy Production Manager
Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Duration: Permanent
Deputy production manager age between 35 - 45 and having bachelor degree in any related engineering descipline. At least 8 years experience in oil and gas company focusing on offshore operations. Pleaselet us know the candidate notice period, current salary, reason for leaving and expected salary.
you can send your emel to [email protected] or just pm me. |
Reply #758 tajul186's post
kalau org2 petronas senang ke nak apply situ?
Khabarnya ada verbal MoU antara PCSB ngan offshore companies lain2 kat mesia ni yang jadi restriction kepada pekerja2 petronas untuk melompat parti..eh melompat company.
[ Last edited by kambeng_masam at 24-4-2009 11:44 ] |
Lundin Malaysia Ltd & BHP Biliton Malaysia
Ada saper2 tau pasal company Lundin & BHP Biliton Malaysia tak? Kalau boleh nak tau location dan general contact no company2 ni.
Tq. |
| |
Category: Belia & Informasi