Istana Bawang 7 (Meghan Vs British Royal Family) Summary baby bump post#568, Te
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oh wooow.. dorg membawang about nanny, dan MA mungkin bapa Archie. |
cantiknya kate pakai baju warna biru ni...terserlah aura dia...btw knp meghan xde dlm majlis ni ye
Nasib baik igs tu dah siap siap censored. I tak lalu nak tengok badan dia.
I nak baca bottom part dkt igs tu tapi tak clear. Tak jumpa original post ataupun screenshot
I nak tengok bottom part igs tu yg ada screenshot tu. Malas nak cari.
Gambar MM takpelah no thanks tak sanggup i. 
Alter macam mana you? Cucuk cucuk atau surgery?
Masih lagi dengan cubaan serang balas pasal kena "turn around" 
bertiup di tumblr :
Allegedly Anon
ALLEGEDLY ANON … it all makes perfect sense! The surrogate returned to FC with nutmeg after her giving birth at the Portland. Has been “in situ” all along. NO PUBLIC APPEARANCE until the bits and pieces of B&W photos. The cover up is uncovered!! Speculation of course Mmmm… sex lies and video tape … allegedly.
It’s coming out…..TREASON is the reason? Allegedly?
Remember riddle, the Chiswick ride through streets, with someone who looked like her, perhaps brown dressed lady at Westminster…..heading towards Windsor……
Treason indeed………
All we need now is who is the father??? Harry or someone one else? Harry said……’Is it mine?’……..
Source: skippyv20
37 notes
Jun 18th, 2019
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ladykinrannoch said: Remember the riddle. A home visit covers the plot… and my interpretation was we had to go back and look at when she visited the USA. What if she was going to Toronto to fetch her frozen embryos… at her age she wouldn’t want to chance her own 40 year old eggs… I also thought how strange to fly to Australia at 12 or 14 weeks pregnant when you would usually be booked in for an amniocentesis…
lovepoppyfan liked this
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istupendousbouquetbasementus said: And it was proven there was no royal birth in Portland at that time.
ladykinrannoch reblogged this from skippyv20 and added:
Now we know for sure there was a surrogate. Although my tarot cards told me that every day between 23 April and 6 May....
endoftheinternet77 said: And what happens now?!
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fullbananabouquet-posts reblogged this from skippyv20 and added:
imagine if the DNA is MA and MM - I wonder who would care for this child? IF there is a surrogate, it shows how damn low...
royallyseekingtruth liked this
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ladyacestuff said: The Lucifer himself.
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credit to skippy,emsi et la.
huehue replied at 19-6-2019 08:46 AM
Masih lagi dengan cubaan serang balas pasal kena "turn around"

marah suga.. hahaha..
huehue replied at 19-6-2019 08:42 AM
Alter macam mana you? Cucuk cucuk atau surgery?
tak pasti kalau guna dua2.kalau dulu muka diaorang nampak lembut.tapi sekarang ni macam pelik pun ada. |
eva replied at 17-6-2019 05:12 PM
wooow tq to Ig dr Indonesia.. dia yg tau bab nie
Tapi gambar di A mcm x real jer... Kan? |
eva replied at 19-6-2019 09:01 AM
bertiup di tumblr :
Allegedly Anon
kalau lady in brown tu buat kambek balek, abes la..sugars nk ckp ape pulak? dlu dorg assume tu kenkwn acik M..takkan kenkwn end up jd nanny pulak kan
kali ni brp lame la pulak nanny die bertahan:l: |
arini kan separation Royal Foundation PWKM vs PHMM..
tata acik M.. |
PEugenie simple je dress die...nmpk mcm preggy..arap2 btl la pregnant termasuk KM..i tanak twins..i hrp triplets teros  |
Kuat kerja pr meggot.sume benda nk spin.terserlah kebodohan.every time kuar citer negative psl meggot.the next day mesti pr dia akan counter attack dgn memburukkan members of brf.yg selalu jd mangsa catherine dan william.tp paling byk yg kena catherine.nmpk sangat meggot dengki dgn catherine.busuk betul hati pompuan tu.i rasa dia mmg bercita2 nk amik alih tempat catherine.future princess of wales.future queen consort.it’s meggot ultimate goal to be a queen.a real queen.with dazzling tiara on her head.bossing people around.
ummah twitter kata harry bukan knight. so mmg tak akan attend pon. tp mm kemain keluarkan fluff pieces via PR konon tgh chaotic dengan nak jaga archie lagi etc. choiii... masa TTC kemain ko boleh je tinggalkan baby 
boojaat replied at 19-6-2019 10:40 AM
Tapi gambar di A mcm x real jer... Kan?
yeap .. yg gmbr anak JM tu gmbr photoshop |
namieamuro replied at 19-6-2019 10:59 AM
kalau lady in brown tu buat kambek balek, abes la..sugars nk ckp ape pulak? dlu dorg assume tu ken ...
ha... dorg kata Surrogate tu kembali disbbkan hal hal berkaitan Archie.. mengikut kepercayaan agama dorg, baptized tu x akan berlaku if mak angkat yg mengaku dia mak betul. birth mother kena mengaku dia mak betul dan bg izin anak tu nak kena baptiz kan oleh priest... mmg buat sumpah kat church tau.. hass.. yg ni brf tunggu2.. pengakuan atau tidak.. saksi kan ramai utk hal ni... Media la yg akan mengamok .. |
namieamuro replied at 19-6-2019 11:00 AM
arini kan separation Royal Foundation PWKM vs PHMM..
tata acik M..
abis la tmpt utk ngabis beras.. hehehe selamat..
namieamuro replied at 19-6-2019 11:02 AM
PEugenie simple je dress die...nmpk mcm preggy..arap2 btl la pregnant termasuk KM..i tanak twins..i ...
aamiin.. triplet dua prince seorg princess boleh?' |
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