ayat last tgelak lak me baca sbb penuh ngan asterik....
harus me tgk gak BTS tu....mmg susah tol nak wat hip sway tu hehehehehe......
SHINee to endorse Chicken
"SHINee will be endorsing Mexicana Chicken. It was revealed on the 24th that SHINee will start filming on December 1.
The company stated,"Mexicana Chicken is starting their new(?) 20th year with SHINee. We hope our brand will be noticed by everyone after having SHINee as our main model."
Fan Account of Star King Recording on 23rd Novemember.
23rdNovember Monday, Star King recording. It was originally slated that all5 members of SHINee were supposed to turn up for the recording but atthe last minute, Jonghyun was said to be sick so he was unable to turnup for the recording. (Though later on it was said that his schedulewas just simply being canceled with no special reason) So as to whathappened to Jonghyun or how is he now, there is still no news about itso we can do away with the speculations.
Minho was especiallyactive that day, and performed really well, showing strong varietyskills, proving that he is fully adapted to such variety shows. Minhowas taken advantage of by Hodong, and was forcibly kissed by Hodongmany times, and also forced to kiss Hodong many times, but of coursethe kisses were all on the cheeks keke. Everytime they kissed, Minho'sface looked a little twisted ╮(╯▽╰)╭. Once when Hodong wanted Minho tokiss him on the cheek, he purposely turned his head just when Minho wasabout to kiss him, and the two of them nearly kissed on the lips,shocking Minho in the midst, though Hodong was smug about it. Afterkissing, Hodong requested for Minho to call hims appa, and so Minhocalled 'appa~' once rather unwillingly. Everytime before recording,Hodong will usually call Taemin up to the front and as if he ispacifying a kid, he asks Taemin "Interesting right?" before carringTaemin back to his seat. But this time Minho totally stole that trickfrom Hodong, and carried Taemin from the stage to the seat 3 times. Thefirst 2 times were done during recording itself, but the third time wasthe most spazz worthy, it was when after taking a break and everyonewere going on stage again, Minho simply just carried Taemin across thestage and put him on the seat. Taemin was smiling all shyly~ And thefans were all screaming their lungs out~ Minho also kept imitatingHdong in saying "A round of applause~", and also imitated his gestures(this was throughout the whole recording). Minho also displayed thisambitious feeling in wanting to be a MC~ He kept standing beside Hodonglike Eunhyuk and Leeteuk and refused to go back to his seat. After thatHodong, Minho, Eunhyuk and Leeteuk stood on the stage together, andHodong did the 'Super Juni~or' hand gesture and said "MC No.1!" ThenMinho continued on by doing the same hand gesture and saying veryclearly "MC No.2!" Then Hodong and the other 2 laughed, Leeteuk said"Minho if you are No.2, then what does that make me and Eunhyuk?" Minhorealised that he interrupted too quickly so he stood back. Then theyrepeated this again, Hodong: "MC No.1!" Leeteuk: "MC No.2!" Eunhyuk:"MC No.3!" Minho (trying hard not to laugh): "MC No.4!" But immediatelyafter they finished saying that, Hodong pulled Minho to his side andsaid "Minho is MC No.2." Pfft~~~ Hoding is really really really caringtowards Minho and Taemin.
The most spazz worthy segment Ifound that day would be the 2MIN mouth-to-mouth BOBO (let's just callit kissing on the lips ╮(╯▽╰)╭) That segment is about a drum, calledthe Skinship Drum, that is created by a Japanese. There are 4 rings onthe drum that can be held and more than 2 person are supposed to holdonto one of the rings with one hand, and difference sounds can becreated if other body parts come into contact with each other.
Thereis this part where the 4 boys of SHINee all went up, and throughhi-fiving and other methods, the boys completed the tunes of [학교종이땡땡땡],[Noona, you are so pretty] and [Girls' Generation] (there could be morebut I can't remember all) through creating the sounds with skinship.Throughout this process, the 4 boys of SHINee hi-fived each other, andalso teasingly created sounds through touching each other's chins. The4 of them had a lot of fun, looking very tight-knitted and closed,showing that they are really close to each other~
After thatthere was this part when SHINee's Minho and Taemin, and Super Juniors'sEunhyuk and Leeteuk went on to perform songs using skinship (I forgotwhat song they performed). The first time they did it, on the firstsound, Minho and Eunhyuk kissed each other on the lips (a few times),but the others all changed it to kissing each other on the cheeks tocomplete the performance. Because the sound was not always created witheach kiss, so there were a lot of instances when one of them had tokiss another a few times. Throughout the proces, although Minho andTaemin only kissed once, but it received the wildest screams from theaudience~ They finished performing the first ime, but the Writer noonasaid it wasn't good so they had to do it again, with kissing on thelips. So the moment that is the most spazz worthy and also the mostnose bleeding worthy happened ╮(╯▽╰)╭. Because the perfomance calledfor it, everyone had to kiss the other 3, and the notes that Minho wasin charge of were the ones that required the most kissing. When it wasMinho's and Taemin's turn, the screams were still the loudest. Minhosimply grabbed Taemin by the neck and then kissed him aggressively.Later on, when Leeteuk and Taemin kissed, they couldn't create a soundand so they kissed a lot of times. Minho, Eunhyuk and Hodong could notwatch on any further and so they pushed Leeteuk away and asked him whathe was doing and told him to do it well. When they were finally doneperforming, Minho was totally frowning... He looked totally displeasedand resigned (because of the place that he was standing at, he wastaken advantage of a lot ╮(╯▽╰)╭). When they returned to their seat,Minho used the back of his right hand to wipe his lips, and afterfinishing wiping, he kept rubbing his hand on Taemin's thigh. Just toemphasize this, the 4 people involved in this part are Minho, Taemin,Eunhyuk and Leeteuk.
But Taemin is really closer to Onew, eventhough the two of them were sitting diagonally of each other, butTaemin kept turning back to talk to Onew, and kept reaching over toOnew's thigh. There was this time when Minho put his arm aroundTaemin's shoulder, but Taemin stretched out an arm to Onew's thigh, andOnew upon seeing Taemin's hand, reached out to take it. In Minho'scase, he loves to squeeze Taemin's thigh playfully, or play withTaemin's watch (because of his (Minho) injured left wrist, Minho wasnot wearing a watch), otherwise he would put his arm around Taemin.
Minhoinjured his left wrist on the 22nd during Dream Team, it looks like awrist and it was bandaged. But on the recording of SK on 23rd, thebandage was removed but Minho kept holding onto his left wrist with hisright hand, and his left wrist seemed a little unusually white, seemslike the injury had not healed fully.
Source: 百度SHINee吧
Originally written by: Yoo.
Translated by: atlantis-x
the fan account makes the recording so scandal worthy. and whatever isthat skinship drum anyway. i have no idea how it works and i know thetranslation isnt very clear on it so i guess we just got to wait andsee.
oh and by the way. about the kissing mentioned in the fanaccount. i was just translating according to the chinese account. andit did say that they kissed on the lips. BUT IT IS POSSIBLE THAT THERE MAY BE LIKE SOMETHING IN BETWEEN a tissue or thin film kind of thing to prevent their lips fromactually touching.we got to wait and see when the show airs.
minho oppa....motip mung aktip glerr minggu nih...hmmm?
oppa pektis shiom2 nih utk miniks ke? *x ble blah*
sian oppa me injured
abg long nih...hmmm....
motip baby ngan dubu rapat....minho>baby>dubu? *ttibe cam chenta 3 segi lak*..part touchy2 kat thigh tu...aishhhh...nmpk sgt dorg rapat...skniship gilerrrr....
and now i want the fancam!!! baru pasan masa besday minew me kat kl hohoho
SHINee's Taemin was chosen as the star that netizens wanted to go on a date with on the first day of snow.
SHINee'sadorable maknae Taemin was able to win over other popular stars inorder to become star that netizens most wanted to go on a date with.
Through the music portal site Bugs, the poll was conducted from the the 16th to the 23rd, with a total of 4063 participants.
Taeminwas able place first due to the overwhelming support given to him byfans. They left comments like, "I would want to go on a date withTaemin who is pure like snow," and "If I can go on a date with Taeminduring the first snowfall, I am willing to do anything."
Secondplace was 2PM's Nickhun (25.5%) who has just recently comeback with"Heartbreak", and third place was f(x)'s Krystal (13.34%).
Source: Nate News
Translation: morningtears @ LJ
baby mg inesen...nasib bek ler nak ngan minho heee~~~
2PM TaecYeon has been chosen as the ‘beasty’ celebrity who goes well with the image of werewolf Jacob in new Hollywood movie ‘New Moon”.
A poll was conducted on GomTV from 13th till 20th November, on ‘Which local young celebrity’s image suit that of Jacob, who protects Belle in movie New Moon?’. About 184 netizens polled and 70.7% of them chose TaecYeon.
2PM recently released their comeback 1st album ‘1:59PM’ and is known as the ‘beasty idol’ in Korea. And of the 2PM members, TaecYeon stands out in terms of his overflowing charisma and has received much love from fans. He has also showcased his charms with his collaboration with Baek Ji Young for ‘My Ear’s Candy’.
Rest of the survey results:
1. 2PM TaecYeon
2. Big Bang TaeYang 3. SHINee Minho
4. 2AM SeulOng
Source: Sookyeong
tang mane oppa me nih cam beast lak wakakakaka....ensem ngan kiyo ade ler....
gyahhh gyahh gyahhh i oso want fc fc fc:pompom::pompom::pompom::pompom:
totally speechless.. mintak2 dorg x cut byk part minmin~
Minho simply just carried Taemin across thestage and put him on the seat. Taemin was smiling all shyly~
Throughout the proces, although Minho andTaemin only kissed once, but it received the wildest screams from theaudience~
harus me pung jerit plg kuat masa nih~
Minhosimply grabbed Taemin by the neck and then kissed him aggressively
gyahhhhhhhhh jerit sekuat2 hati walopon dlm diam
There was this time when Minho put his arm aroundTaemin's shoulder, but Taemin stretched out an arm to Onew's thigh, andOnew upon seeing Taemin's hand, reached out to take it.
mebi sbb baby malus pas kna kisu ngan minho
papepung ATTN BAKAL MADUS~ baby mung dah bg signal yg begitu jelas skali.. ahemmm~
091125 SHINee - Y.O.U(Year Of Us) Live Band ver. @ Live Session(1/4)
091125 SHINee - Juliette(Live Band ver.) @ Live Session(2/4)
091125 SHINee - Graze(Live Band ver.) @ Live Session(3/4)
091125 SHINee - Ring Ding Dong(Live Band ver.) @ Live Session(4/4)
tepek x ingat....sume ade ke? ke ade yg x de gak...
me rasa dubu time nih x de wuwuwwuwuww...pape pon ade 4 lagu ....
nape ler x de lagu replay
madus taeminew~~~
sah2 kite dua kena smash lagi nanti...
nape me rasa akan ade iklan maxis akan kuar wakakakakaka
smlm ngantuk gilerrr...x sempat nk tgk EW...
ade pasal onew ekkkk....
annyeong ^^
apesal ek skg kalo perform,mesti satu lagu jek??
kalo cm dlu mesti ade remix,medley la..kali ni da xde ke??RDD da byk kali sgt dengar,myb its time tu promote next song..hmmmm
wei (ditujukan pada yg berkaitan) dorang bertiga tu cuma hyung-dongseng love only hokey. yg korang plak terlebih menggelitis ni pehal. kembali la korang ke pangkal jalan. tak yah nak pasang mata over wide dlm satu umah.... gedik hokey.
mencik tul. jgn sampai me ikut jejak madus korang yg lagi satu tu. makan hati trus tamo masuk umah ni lagik. berapi jek rasa neh. nyanyi lagu "Fire" kang
lagu rdd tu dorg malas nak medley kan kot..susah gamaknye....
tp dorg nyanyi gak lagu len tu....cuma x medley....bagus gak x medley...kalo medley pendek je nanti....
dik ipar~~~
olololo~~~nae hyung dgsg je...kekekekeke...kalo betul2 mmg me moyan 3taun pasal dorg nih
ayat pink~~~
takkan la nak ikut jejak madus me sorg tu....aishiiii.... baru tau niece me minat gler ngan taemin...dah la umo dia 15 aisshhhh