Klu superbug yg di risik...
Make sure jgnla 8.... 18.... aduuh.... |
Post Last Edit by RainbowSix at 11-12-2010 10:38
Kalau aku, ambil 20 SH. Gerak dari nombor 18 tu...hehehe....tapi aku rasa pembelian SH ada unsur-unsur hubungan dua hala dgn US juga.
Keputusan tu mungkin makan masa sikit, sebab keadaan ekonomi kot.
Mengenai TDM, dia hanya hendak melihat Malaysia mengembangkan kepakaran. SO, deal utk SH tu minta lah industri participation. MiG tu mempunyai banyak limitation, sebab saiz, jarak pendek dan masalah fuselage yg makin usang. Aku dengar MiG ini depa buat guna hammer...hehehe |
18 unit surely is exceptable since kita dah 8 F18D. F18D dedicated for maritim strike whilest F18E as a MRCA. tolak campur dah ada 26 F18's. |
aku rasa kita perlukan 24 super hornet , cukupkan 2 skuadron . 1 letak kat labuan satu kat semenanjung . |
Ikut "che-det" blog, TUN bilang better TUDM upgrade Mig then beli baru MRCA.
Lagi satu "dinding" ...
cmf_nando Post at 9-12-2010 05:44 PM
untuk menambah bilangan pesawat2 pejuang yang ada .. elok jugak diupgrade mig tu, banyak lagi negara2 yang masih menggunakan mig ni cuma kena elakkan guna orang ketiga untuk perolehi spare part n maintenance work itu je... pastu tambah la superbug baru la meriah ... negara2 jiran jenuh la kena train untuk berdepan dengan 3 jenis fighter yg kita ada .. |
By the time kita decide nak beli,the SH probably dah kena 'surpass' in terms of capability compared dgn yg lain.Masa yg terlalu lama di ambil utk decide..
The RAAF pun ambik as a stopgap before the imminent arrival of the F-35. |
adekah "tunggu dan lihat" sudah menjadi peel 1malaysia. |
More like tunggu dan ketinggalan... |
betul la tuh,negara lain dah buat planning pasal 5th generation aircraft kita baru nk beli super bug. |
maybe kita patut buat super buggies.... buggy yg boleh terbang dan cross country thru all kind of terrain... better than super bug yg perlukan runway... super buggies tak payah pakai runway... semua tempat boleh landing, pastuh boleh jalan terus... concept macam flying car... kan dah ada di donia nan fana nih.... |
My point of view:-
(1) Buy 16-20 SH to be based in Butterworth AF
(2) Transfer the existing 8 F/A-18Ds to be permanently based in Labuan AF (F/A-18Ds being a naval fighter aircraft by design should be able to withstand the salty air condition there)
(3) Retire the MIG when the SH is operational
(4) Start planning for the type of 5th generation fighter aircraft we need which should be procured by 2020-2025 |
Reply 731# destroyer
time malaysia beli 16-20sh tu singapore dah pakai f-35 pown. nak kata apa pun xguna, rileks la nak buat macam mana lagi dah.
just wait and see then ketinggalan.. |
Eurofighter Typhoon Advert @ Perajurit Defence Magazine with MIG29N replacement theme
Eurofighter Typhoon Advert @ Perajurit Defence Magazine with MIG29N replacement theme
HangPC2 Post at 18-1-2011 11:18
sama2 mimpi. kita mimpi pakai EF, Bae mimipi kita beli. huhuhu.... |
Ayoo...another rojak inventory kaa.... |
Reply 734# pcboss
epos pulak impikan SH....
rafale pulak mimpi tumpaskan SH.... |
Reply 736# windof
Last-last yg menang Sukhoi...hahaha... |
Reply 733# HangPC2
Moga moga mimpi negeri ini tidak jadi.
Wa ikut Rick mcccathy dari Boeing dlm youtube. SH vs Typhoon
Rafale, Eurofighter to fight it out over IAF MMRCA order
BANGALORE: A European fighter aircraft is likely to provide the much-needed boost to India's air power after the defence ministry preferred them over Russian and American aircraft such as the latest in the MIG series, the MIG-35, and the F-16 and the F-18.
Rafale, built by France's Dassault and the Eurofighter Typhoon built by a pan-European consortium, were shortlisted by the defence ministry on Thursday. The two companies, which produces the aircraft, have been told to keep their commercial bids open till December 31, 2011. Others, such as America's Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Sweden's Saab, Russia's Migoyan , the makers of MIG, have been told that their aircraft are no longer in contention.
The announcement marks a significant, though much-delayed, step in government's efforts to strengthen the rapidly depleting air power and ensure that it is ready to meet the challenge of combating a resurgent China and an ambitious Pakistan.
India's air force now has about 30 squadrons, far below its sanctioned strength of 39. Old mainstays such as MIG-21 are being phased out, while aircraft like the Jaguar and the Mirages are undergoing an upgrade and are too few in number to make a significant difference. The air force desperately needs modern aircraft with the ability to perform what is called the 'swing role', attack incoming ground-based targets in enemy territory as well as defend the nation's skies against an invasion. The shortlisted aircraft, the ministry feels, fit the role perfectly.
"Yes, the ministry has asked the two companies to extend the dates of their commercial bids. The other four companies are no longer in the running and have been notified on Wednesday," ministry spokesman Sitanshu Kar told ET.
The development, however, is a huge blow for Boeing and Lockheed. The preference of European vendors over American ones for one of the most visible military aviation contracts currently in play, will be seen as an interesting move by the government given the recent strategic closeness between New Delhi and Washington.
During his landmark visit last year, President Obama had repeatedly spoken of the "US-India indispensable partnership of the 21st Century," and had also announced two big-ticket defence deals. US officials had lobbied long and hard with India for Boeing and Lockheed.
Timothy Roemer , the US ambassador, who annnounced his decision to resign from his role on Thursday, said he was disappointed. "We are...deeply disappointed by this news. We look forward to continuing to grow and develop our defence partnership with India," Mr Roemer said. While political relations between the two nations are not expected to sour, Thursday's decision could be seen as a sign of India looking to advance its trade and defence ties with Europe.
The deal has seen fierce competition between the six contenders, and has been the object of intense lobbying by the head of states of their respective countries, including, US President Barack Obama , Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and French President Nicolas Sarkozy , during their visits to New Delhi last year.
source from: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/news-by-industry/transportation/airlines-/-aviation/rafale-eurofighter-to-fight-it-out-over-iaf-mmrca-order/articleshow/8113247.cms
will this affect TUDM selection? |
Beli Cougar , Scorpene. MAS beli Enhanced A330 and A330 Freighter, so why not tambah lagi satu product French ni, Rafale. |
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