[quote]Originally posted by chrysalis_9 at 2-1-2008 04:44 PM
ha ah la baw....Tablo dgn sungmin...aku simpan fancam tu sbb aku nampak eunhyuk bergurau dgn kibum kt belakang...mcm comei jerk...dj tukutz tu tak abih
dah lama dah aku perasan,kalau tak takkan la Tablo tu boley perkenalkan diri dia Super Junior Eun Hyuk imnida...hehehe...waktu tgk happy share eunhyuk tu aku start perasan derang ada persamaan...mcm adik beradik,dah la dedua pon rapper..
Originally posted by chrysalis_9 at 2-1-2008 05:38 PM
dah lama dah aku perasan,kalau tak takkan la Tablo tu boley perkenalkan diri dia Super Junior Eun Hyuk imnida...hehehe...waktu tgk happy share eunhyuk tu aku start perasan derang ada persamaan... ...
ooo ye ke... ada tak video tablo tu ckp cam tu.. kekekkeke teringin lak nak tgk.. memang twins ler.. aigoo~
credit to La'MISS:fairy@soompi
- Apparently Kyuhyun is back on the same corner, same spot, same everything as 8 months ago
- Teuk gave Kyuhyun his scarf and the boy wrapped it all around his head, you could barely see his face
- He sang a bit of a song
- He imitated Brian, but failed because it didn't sound at all like him
- Kyu was lipsynching to "Choeum Chorom" by Sung Sikyung
- They took pictures at the end as always, Hyukjae was next to Kyu pointing at him
- Hyukjae hugged Kyuhyun tight
- Teuk and Kyu hugged, then Teuk took his scarf and Kyuhyun wrapped it around his neck for him and fixed it
- Teuk and Kyu hugged again
siap pasing2 lilin cam lari berganti2 lak... tablo tuh dah ler kecik.. mase tgk yg real tuh tak namapk... nampak bayang2 jer.. aku pun pelik saper plak yg main kejar2 kat belakang tuh.. nak kata sungmin langsung aku tak nampak.. tgk fancam baru nampak wakakaka... kiyowo..
Super Junior entrance with Wonder Girls
Type: avi
Size: 22 MB
Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/dfud63 (Credit to dongdonghee's CB + choiaiane@SJ*FH)
or from dongdonghee's CB
Type: avi
Duration: 4'07
Dimension: 640 x 352
Size: 70 MB
Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/tdj7ey (Thanks choiaiane@SJ*FH <3)
thanks alot airah...esok2 la aku sedut ni...tgh layan ehb epi 6....
edit : akhir nyer hbs gak tgk epi 6 & 7....mcm org mereng aku gelak dpn pc...
aku tgk2 blk, byk part yg dorg xtyg dr cap yg utk epi seterusnyer....menci lak aku...
nk tgk dorg nari lagu SNSD....
kla, aku nk tido dulu...sok smbg ek...nite yorobun....
[ Last edited by rukiaichigo at 3-1-2008 12:32 AM ]