Versi 11: Ops Daulat - Seorang Pahlawan Gugur, 3 Anjing Kiram Mati : Post 1505
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babydevil posted on 11-3-2013 08:35 PM 
cakap besar boleh la..
entah2 dia pun pnh keja cni tp kena halau sbb passport luput tarikh x pnda ...
Hehehe tulah...bila cari duit kat tempat orang...hormatlah sikit.
mayat dieorang elok2 je kita tolong tanam, kalo mayat polis kita abes kena cincang................. |
munchkin posted on 11-3-2013 08:31 PM 
Berani masuk sini. Ramai orang dia cari duit kat negara kita. Umpama "biting the hands that feed y ...
pi mati la kalau takat indon ni nak claim2 malaysia teroris.
tak sedar depa tu lagi bangsat, lagi celaka, lagi sial membunuh, merogol wanita dan kanak2 masa berperang ngan east timor. tu belum masuk ethnic cleansing sembelih warga cina indon. tu pun belum masuk lagik dia bunuh pejuang kemerdekaan papua. ptuih la. 
sya_sugar_sugar posted on 11-3-2013 08:37 PM 
entah apa mahunya...
aha. dengan gakadosa berdosa tuh. puih. 
mrsLucky posted on 11-3-2013 07:57 PM 
derang guna black magic....konon kebal tapi mati juga..
tangkal askar sultan sulu...
Jauh nya terpesong dah dier rang ni.. 
tiba2 rasa bersemnagat btul mcm abg2 askar tu..
rasa bersemnangat mau pigi ld mempertahan negara
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Zaini: Ceroboh Sabah langkah awal gugat Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR - Bekas Panglima Tentera Darat, Leftenan Jeneral (B) Datuk Seri Zaini Mohd. Said mendakwa pencerobohan ke atas Lahad Datu, Sabah merupakan permulaan untuk mengucar-kacirkan negara, yang cuba dicetuskan pihak tertentu demi kepentingan tertentu. Sehubungan itu kata beliau, perkembangan terbaru ini akan memberi impak kepada politik, ekonomi, sosial dan aspek keselamatan jika pihak berkuasa tidak menangani dengan segera dan leka. Beliau juga berkata, perkembangan di Sabah itu memberi gambaran akan ada perkara lebih besar, yang cuba digerakkan oleh pihak tertentu untuk menggugat negara, seakan peristiwa Al-Maunah lebih satu dekad lalu. "Ini adalah permulaan untuk mengucar-kacirkan negara dan memberi impak kepada ekonomi, politik, sosial dan sudah semestinya keamanan negara. "Dari segi politiknya, mesti ada orang belakang di sebalik penceroboh ini, kita tengok mereka memang tidak mampu untuk bergerak sendiri, Sultan Kiram yang didakwanya juga mengakui miskin... jadi bagaimana mampu mereka bergerak sendiri," kata beliau pada sidang media selepas menyampaikan ceramah bertajuk Dalang Pengganas Lahad Datu Ancaman Keselamatan Negara, di sini malam tadi. Difahamkan, kemungkinan dalang tersebut adalah kuasa ketiga yang ingin merampas negara atau dipergunakan untuk kepentingan tertentu. Sebelum ini, beberapa pihak mengaitkan pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat dengan insiden tersebut. Sehubungan itu, kemungkinan dalangnya juga mungkin berada dalam negara demi kepentingan politik. Dalam pada itu, Presiden Jaringan Cina Malaysia, Ng Lam Yong mendakwa sebuah pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO), yang menjadi perhatian negara tahun lalu, membiayai AS$2 juta (RM6 juta) kepada kumpulan penceroboh dari Sulu bagi menceroboh Sabah. Menurutnya lagi, bantuan kewangan daripada NGO kepada kumpulan penceroboh dari Filipina itu disahkan oleh rakannya dari Manila. "Saya terima e-mel dari rakan saya yang berada di Manila hari ini, isi kandungan e-mel itu memberi tahu bahawa kejadian di Lahad Datu itu dibiayai oleh sebuah NGO dari Malaysia dan telah menyalurkan AS$2 juta untuk tujuan pencerobohan," kata beliau pada ceramah tersebut. Oleh itu kata Lam Yong, yang juga antara bekas pengasas PKR, tidak mustahil pihak pembangkang menjadi dalang di sebalik apa yang berlaku di Sabah. Lam Yong turut menyatakan bahawa sanggup disaman mana-mana pihak kerana apa yang beliau katakan mengenai isu tersebut adalah benar. -sinarharian.com
Setan kiram tu pakai resit ape entah sbg bukti nak dpt kan balik Sabah. Sedeeehhh... |
gakadadosa posted on 11-3-2013 08:04 PM 
pemerintah Malaysia adalah teroris .... gak ada hati perut ..
kenapa tentera malaysia membunuh an ...
Kamu udah baca artikel sorang pemuda indonesia ini merogol ibu dan adik adik sendiri. Itu perbuatan teroris ya.
Kalau belum baca silakan baca.
fatehana posted on 11-3-2013 08:27 PM 
si caprut indon tue saja nak provoke kita chazey
hr tu ada jugak akak balas tp rasa cam sesia aje ...
Korang bagi tau pada indon2 caprut. Rakyat negara Malaysia tercinta ini tidak main baling2 taik mcm puak depa. Kami berunding secara baik dlm masa 24 jam. Kalau tak jalan, kami baling bom mortar, kerah condor apc tanker hornet hawk dan sukhoi etc2. Kasi depa faham Sket.
perembes posted on 11-3-2013 08:38 PM 
tiba2 rasa bersemnagat btul mcm abg2 askar tu..
rasa bersemnangat mau pigi ld mempertahan negara
: ...
itu la kelebihan kibod warior. sentiasa bersedia dan bersemangat bila2 masa, di mana2 jua, dan lagi best, tak perlu berbunuhan dengan senjata pun. cukup la dengan kata2 saja. 
card_reader posted on 11-3-2013 08:37 PM 
mayat dieorang elok2 je kita tolong tanam, kalo mayat polis kita abes kena cincang.................: ...
tau tak pe
lepas tu boleh pulak tuduh kita berkasar dgn orang2 suluk
chazey posted on 11-3-2013 08:37 PM 
pi mati la kalau takat indon ni nak claim2 malaysia teroris.
tak sedar depa tu lagi bangsat, la ...
Dah quote kat gakadosa tu suruh baca artikel pasal pemuda rogol mak sendiri. refer tu posting munchkin #710
munchkin posted on 11-3-2013 08:39 PM 
Kamu udah baca artikel sorang pemuda indonesia ini merogol ibu dan adik adik sendir ...
dia buta huruf kot kalau part2 nak baca pasal keganasan di negara dia sbb 2la dia msk ke cari nih kutuk mesia...
tapibukanaku posted on 11-3-2013 08:32 PM 
Mana nak cari rakyat cam mesia ni??
Masih ada lagi perikemanusiaan sesama Muslim
kannnn dear
rakyat mesia ni ler yg terlalu lembut hatinya
klu x masakan ramai PATI dan perlarian ke mari
Monday, 11 March 2013MILF silent about Malaysia atrocities on Filipino Tausugs in Sabah
| MILF, largest Muslim rebel group (Reuters) | Philippine Star's Dick Pascual writes in his Postscript column on 10th March 2013:
MILF QUIET: Now where is the MILF — the bloc pretending to represent the Muslims in their quest for their Bangsamoro — as Filipino Muslims who have settled home in Sabah are violently uprooted? Why is the MILF quiet as President Aquino and his foreign secretary talk with their Malaysian counterparts and then agree with what Kuala Lumpur wants to do with Filipinos in Sabah? What can the MILF say about their brothers being massacred in Sabah and being told by the President talking from the safety and comfort of Malacañang to lay down their arms and face charges? If indeed the MILF is the legitimate voice of Muslim Filipinos, how come not a peep is heard from it? Is the MILF, like the President, collaborating with Malaysia? Our reply to Kuya Dick's "Now where is the MILF"?: Kuya Dick Pascual, the MILF is in the pocket of Malaysia and its leaders in Kuala Lumpur.
| Moro Islamic Liberation Front chairman
Murad Ebrahim is escorted by his troops
to their base camp in Darapan,
Sultan Kudarat province,
Philippines. Photo: AFP | We must, however, reassure Kuya Dick Pascual of the Philippine Star that the MILF has not been completely silent about the Sabah stand-off or about the Malaysia massacre of the Filipino Tausugs. Their official website says, "After several hours of deliberation, the core leadership of the MILF had reaffirmed its “no comment policy”..."
As we all know, the MILF has always been in cahoots with their patrons, the Govt of Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur in engineering a so-called Bangsamoro in order to create a "new political entity" which they will call Bangsamoro to be composed of 13 provinces of Mindanao over which they have demanded SHARED SOVEREIGNTY with the Republic of the Philippines. Click on Draft of GPH-MILF Framework Agreement in this link here.
Strangely, on 01 September 2004, Ustadz/Prof. SHARIFF MOHSIN JULABBI Amer/Chairman, MILF-BMA who, by the most extraordinary coincidence, also signed as "Personal Envoy of HRH Sultan Ismael Ibn Al-marhum Sultan Haji Punjungan Kiram" (see full letter below), had written a letter to then Malaysia Prime Minister Badawi prior to the so-called GPH-MILF peace talks which could easily be interpreted as a plan that would ultimately dismantle the Republic. (See the Julabbi letter below.)
We say "extraordinary coincidence" because 'Sultan' Ismail Kiram II happens to be the younger brother of 'Sultan' Jamalul Kiram III who had sent both men's younger brother known as Datu Puing to Sabah to reclaim Sabah in what is known today as the Sabah stand-off. We have always suspected that 'Sultan' Ismail or Esmail Kiram II, who is actually a sultan bantilan (sultan regent) has always been a staunch ally of Malaysia.
So with all these juxtaposition of players and events leading to the [url=http://www.blogger.com/%C2%A0http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/ar ... -close-peace-accord]so-called peace accord[/url], we are convinced that the MILF's "new political entity", if and when it happens, will ultimately secede from the Republic to join Malaysia Federation, perhaps not today, not tomorrow, not next year, not even perhaps in a couple of years but eventually, it will.
There is indisputable evidence that the Philippine Government led by President Aquino is allowing itself to be deliberately hoodwinked into an arrangement that will only benefit Malaysia:
(1) in order to keep the Republic and its president indebted ('utang na loob') to Malaysia so the Philippines cannot claim Sabah back as witnessed by the different pronouncements made by President Aquino himself that the Sultanate of Sulu army in Sabah 'compromised' the Malaysia-engineered GPH-MILF "peace talks" when the Sultanate's followers went to Sabah and engaged the Malaysians in a stand off that has now turned bloody.
(2) the Kuala Lumpur engineered GPH-MILF arrangement opens the great energy resources of the designed MILF Bangsamoro to Malaysia, eg., Liguasan Marshes which, according to experts, contain an incalculable amount of natural gas said to be worth billions of dollars; it is worth reminding readers that news hit the press that Malaysia's Najib had already offered to MILF Ebrahim a certain amount of money to have control of the said marshes. Link to news about Liguasan Marshes.
We must not forget that MILF, established in 1977, has been the recipient of logistics, funds and other help from Malaysia since Hashim Salamat, its founder, broke away from Nur Misuari's MNLF in order to wage jihad against the Republic.
| Najib and Aquino for the signing of the
Malaysia-engineered Framework Agreement | There is no word to describe this Government led by President Aquino other than completely stupid.
How else can one describe a Government and its president who allows Malaysia, a country with which the Republic has an undeniable conflict of interest, a country with which we have an outstanding territorial dispute to engineer the so-called talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front and to produce a 'Framework Agreement' that is bound to hit the Republic back in the face in the not so distant future?.
But what were the "bright" leaders of the Republic thinking? Did they believe that Malaysia was intent in leading the monitoring of the so-called peace talks with the MILF out of love for the Republic of the Philippines?
President Aquino and his advisers seem to have been completely taken in (and continue to be) by the charm of Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib and the lure of KL money (which we must remind readers are reaped and fleeced from Sabah's petrol resources) with the end result that the president has forgotten that Muslim Mindanao comprises five million souls and not just 10,000 pro-Malaysia MILF guerilla fighters.
Did the president really believe that his foolhardy plan to yield sovereignty, even if shared, to the Malaysia-backed MILF over 13 provinces of Mindanao go unnoticed, especially by the Sultanate of Sulu?
The proof today that MILF is in the pocket of the Malaysians is MILF Chairman Murad Ebrahim's utter silence over the killings of Filipino Muslims in Sabah! What other proof do you need to convince yourself that Malaysia's Najib never had the welfare of Mindanao in mind but that his keen interest in the "peace talks" with the MILF is for purposes of holding you and the Republic "by the balls" just as he is doing today?
Mr President, God gave you some thinking neurons -- please engage your brain before the Republic is totally dismantled by the foxy efforts of your Malaysian friends!
~~ By Anne de Bretagne
For the Defenders of the Philippine Sabah and Spratly Claims
11 March 2013
Related posts in: Nemo nos impune lacessit (No one hits us with impunity) blog
Announcement of signing of the Framework Agreement in the Official Gazette of the Philippinne Government
On October 7, 2012, the Government of Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front released the Framework of Agreement on the Bangsamoro, which will pave the way for the establishment of the new autonomous political entity, the Bangsamoro, to replace the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. The agreement was signed on the afternoon of October 15, 2012, in ceremonies held in Malacañan Palace, witnessed by President Benigno S. Aquino III, Malaysian Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak, and other dignitaries. [url=http://www.blogger.com/%C2%A0http://www.freewebs.com/julabbi_cairo12/files14.htm]MILF Chairman's letter to then Malaysia Prime Minister Badawi[/url]:
1 September 2004 YAB DATO SERI ABDULLAH BIN HAJI BADAWIPERDANA MENTTERI MALAYSIAYANG AMAT BERHORMAT: Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh! When the hour of reckoning coupled with the hadith of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh): have come to struck my mind, I, being an azharite; product of Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt in the meantime, forget the comparison in the political arena, between Yang Amat Berhormat and me; head of state and a merely common man, instead venture to track the following prophetic discourses for our Islamic awareness who are bound to die; take a journey to the land of no return: (The best kind of Jihad, in the Way (Cause) of Allah, a statement of truth before an unjust ruler) (Whoever unlawfully usurps even one span of someone’s land, Allah will collar him with seven earths on the Hereafter) Time has come for us now to solve our conflict and misunderstanding on the issue of Sabah to determine once and for all who are really her real owners, before worse will come to worse, Allah forbid, for mutual interest and welfare of our both generations to come after us. Both Yang Amat Berhormat and I very well know that Sabah was annexed to the Malaysian political entity based merely on the historic lease (padjak) entered into between the lat e Sultan Jamalul Alam or Azam and the North Borneo Company in 22 January 1878. For that matter, the 1939 Macaskie Judgment could be one of the several documents and the deciding factors for determining the genuine, legitimate ownership of the State of Sabah. The very insufficient annual rental payment of the lease of Sabah has been in effect from the time of immemorial up to now channeled directly to the principal heirs of the Sultanate of the Sultan of Sulu and North Borneo. Attached herewith some documents for studies on the seriousness of prevailing situations over the Sabah issue, if could not be avoided might become detrimental to all of us in the pacific region. Frankly speaking, some US officials in the diplomatic corpse, US Department of State, two houses of the US Senate and Congress, USIP, US-Phil. Balikatan Exercises in the new millennium have met us for our possible cooperation for regaining the sovereignty of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo. Of course, as far as we are concerned it is to our great advantage. But it is fresh in our mind and memory that we belong to Malay race and we came from the same recent ancestors plus the fact that we cembrace the same Faith. We learn to love and to beloved, yet we have suffered enough for several centuries under these bad circumstances and situations of the creations of others. We, the Suluans are but just human. We feel that our backs are now against the wall. But before running out of time we would like to suggest that both parties concerned – Malaysians & Suluans – should create two panels whose members should come from the different sectors of society to include, above all, the Ulama then come to the negotiating table for brotherly confrontation, make resolutions for lasting and comprehensive peace that serve as a monumental reservation for our coming generations. At this juncture, only two options hereunder have been left for us and we are required already to decide and choose our prerogative, by all means: 1) Return back Sabah to its rightful owners and be under the Federation of Malaysia as a compromise. We are considerate enough; we believe it is a win-win solution more appropriate to both Malays Bomeputra and the Suluans as brothers of the same religion. Allah says: “Muslims are just a single brotherhood 2) The cessation or disintegration of the entire Sulu Archipelago to include Zamboanga Peninsula, Palawan and North Borneo (Sabah) from both the Philippine Republic and the Federation of Malaysia and be created an Independent State as Sultanate of Sulu & North Borneo with her own government and sovereignty. To avoid bloodshed and for legal purposes, all past Treaties entered into between the US Governments and the Sulu & North Borneo Sultans be used as vital instruments for the creation of such State. Otherwise, worse will come to worse, God forbid. We should get lessons from Iraq and Afghanistan which are severely devastated now owing to the obstinacy and stubbornness of their leaders who imposed tyrant rules and dictatorship just for personal aggrandizement. These are all charged to experience. I am confident that relinquishing Sabah to her legitimate owners is inevitable. On behalf of the Islamic brotherhood and in the name of Islam I venture to challenge Yang Amat Berhormat to lessen your burden of responsibility here in our contemporary world and in the hereafter by solving the Sabah conflict before stepping down from top position in the near future. May Allah bless us all. W a s s a l a m!!!!
Ustadz/Prof. SHARIFF MOHSIN JULABBIAmer/Chairman, MILF-BMAPersonal Envoy of HRH Sultan Ismael Ibn Al-marhum Sultan Haji Punjungan Kiram cc. Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong X11 Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin Ibni Al-Marhum Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail Link: http://www.freewebs.com/julabbi_cairo12/files14.htm
dani-rox posted on 11-3-2013 08:39 PM 
Setan kiram tu pakai resit ape entah sbg bukti nak dpt kan balik Sabah. Sedeeehhh...
Resit apa pulak dah si Kiram ni...harap harap resit tu thermal (cam kat petrol pam)...tak lama resit tu hilang ink sendiri...
Sampai page tengah belas2 dekat2 20 tadi aku kompius kejab. Tiba2 rami yang 'merembes' secara berjemaah. Apa makna sebenar merembes ni?
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