When thingz dont go your way ..
itz eazy to feel ..
Any time you feel this way .. azk yourzelf : "what iz one thing i can do right now to improve d'zituation"
Thiz iz empowering queztion ..
bcoz it makez you realize that ..
there'z alwayz zomething productive you can do .
Alwayz .. You juzt need to focuz .. on one action you can take immediately ..
if you're unhappy abt your relationzhip with your bozz
zchedule a converzation with him or her
if you're unhappy abt your zalary
improve your zkill
enroll in a courze
find a mentor
negotiate a pay increaze
you could even start a buzinezz on d'zide
there'z an endlezz lizt of thingz you could do to make your life better if you're not willing to do anything on that list .. then you zhouldn't complain
inztead of complain .. take action
Change your circumztancez and yourzelf
Happinezz izn't juzt an emotional ..
it'z a choice .. a daily one ..
Finding real happinezz takez dedication and determination .. zo it'z not for fainthearted
Ye,changed siggy...hehe this excerpt is from a book I'm reading at the moment: Peaks and Valleys from Spencer Johnson..well the full excerpt actually is this: The most common reason you leave a peak too soon is arrogance,masquerading as confidence and The most common reason you stay in a valley too long is fear,masquerading as comfort.. where peaks and valleys here, are not just the good and bad times that happen to a person,they are also how the person feel inside and respond to outside events.........
p/s: changed avvy huh....the pic reminds me of Sirius;the brightest star in the night sky..
Elle_mujigae posted on 26-2-2013 03:57 PM
Salam, hi pakcik NorAddin...
Ye,changed siggy...hehe this excerpt is from a book I'm reading ...
salam Elle_mujigae
they are also how the person feel inside and respond to outside events.........
wow .. superb and excellent .. understanding ..
p/s: changed avvy huh....the pic reminds me of Sirius;the brightest star in the night sky..
haha .. yap ..
lose control .. if d'ocean get rough n stormy ..
errmm .. unless .. you ..
swim like a bird ..
fly like a fish ..
an important star for navigation around Ocean ..
p/s ..
Baby .. look at me and tell me what you see
You ain't seen the best of me yet
Give me time .. I'll make you forget the rest
I've got more in me .. and you can set it free
I can catch the moon in my hand
Don't you know who I am?
Remember my name ..
complain .. itz something we all do ..
but whenever we complain .. without also proposing an alternative ..
we're being irresponsible ..
some people believe that itz our job to complain ..
And d'authority job to provide solutionz
But this isn't d'right attitude ..
as a responsible person .. if we oppose authority policy ..
then we should also take d'initiative to suggest a viable solution .
sadness is normal emotional state in respond to negative external eventz
such as ..
failing in exam .. breaking up . or death in family ..
However .. sadness is temporary ..
and often doez not interfere nor impair with daily functioning of individual ..
depression .. on d'other hand ..
is more than sadness ..
and often impair daily functioning ..
It is a complex disorder ..
which involves d'disabling of one'z physical and emotional well being ..
Create you own life and then go out and live it ..
Easier said than done.....if the person live alone then its possible to do it...not when you have a mother,brothers,sisters that have expectation of how you should live your life...oh,if only its soo easy to do it...ermm like when you read a story/ watched a movie of how somebody breaks apart from his previous live and go on living his dream,you thought hey thats seems possible but when its your time to do it,to confront your family members and tell them,I don't want to this anymore,I want to sell flowers, the mouth just can't seem to utter it..and you will have second thought,Am i being selfish?
Elle_mujigae posted on 20-3-2013 12:15 PM
Easier said than done.....if the person live alone then its possible to do it...not when you have ...
decision making is very crucial ..
although we ..
decide thru heart
choose thru mind
select thru senses
at d'same times ..
element event surrounding .. situation and condition
does play a part .. in making decision ..
second thought,Am i being selfish?
so i guess .. your second though decision .. correct ..
you are not being selfish ..
but remember when making decision barring with personal n sentiment/event problems ..
emotional and mind must be intact and tactful ..
so there will be no bias ..
u allz ni semua poyo la..ehehehe...
selama ni manja ingat..manja jek la sorg yg poyo kat forum ni...
rupe2nye..u allz pun mcm manja jgk..ehehe..just kidding..
P/S:...just wondering...ade x sape2 kat sini..yg pernah berjaya "melawan takdir"??...
it other words..manja suke panggil mereka2 ni...."fate fighters"...cause..manja pun ( rasa jek..mcm tergolong dlm golongan ni)
contohnye..A...obese..sejak kecik..so obese ni kira suatu kelemahan...cause..because of kegemukan die sejak kecil..die kena ejek..buli..dll..& bile meningkat remaja..slalu frust..bab2 bercinta..& skrg pulak..dh mula ade masalah kesihatan..puncanye..cause die gemuk...so die terfikir utk menguruskan badan die..( not to stereo type..sbb manja rasa ramai jgk yg comei2..bahagia..hidup die org.. ) maksud manja yg x bahagia..& perlu berubah utk bahagia??..am i making any sense??
manja tabik die org ni..cause..fighting fate..is one of the hardest things to do..
manjalara_01 posted on 26-3-2013 11:43 PM
u allz ni semua poyo la..ehehehe...
Salam manjaaaaaaaaaa......
Motif cakap org poyo.....i tak poyo ye...
contohnye..A...obese..sejak kecik..so obese ni kira suatu kelemahan...cause..because of kegemukan die sejak kecil..die kena ejek..buli..dll..& bile meningkat remaja..slalu frust..bab2 bercinta..& skrg pulak..dh mula ade masalah kesihatan..puncanye..cause die gemuk...so die terfikir utk menguruskan badan die..( not to stereo type..sbb manja rasa ramai jgk yg comei2..bahagia..hidup die org.. ) maksud manja yg x bahagia..& perlu berubah utk bahagia??..am i making any sense??
Yae...salah seorang kawan baik i do struggles with her weight tho...dah dua tahun setengah dia try nak turunkan berat badan still tak boleh,naik lagi adalah...so kalau org yg berjaya kuruskan berat badan ni mmg boleh dikira fate-fighter la because its sooo hard...its hard for her and people around her who do care about her health;mentally and physically.....
GiQ posted on 27-3-2013 12:13 AM
Assalamuaikum... bukankan ia sama dgn REDHO....
pd manja x same la...
kite redha...tp at the same time..
kite kena ikhtiar...mana bleh redha jek..
bleh la..tp tup2..yg sakit jantung nnt diri sndiri jgk...
manjalara_01 posted on 26-3-2013 11:43 PM
u allz ni semua poyo la..ehehehe...
contohnye..A...obese..sejak kecik..so obese ni kira suatu kelemahan...cause..because of kegemukan die sejak kecil..die kena ejek..buli..dll..& bile meningkat remaja..slalu frust..bab2 bercinta..& skrg pulak..dh mula ade masalah kesihatan..puncanye..cause die gemuk...so die terfikir utk menguruskan badan die..( not to stereo type..sbb manja rasa ramai jgk yg comei2..bahagia..hidup die org.. ) maksud manja yg x bahagia..& perlu berubah utk bahagia??..am i making any sense??
errmm ..
waktu kecil .. boleh jadi .. autism ..
selepas dewas .. boleh jadi .. Asperger's sydrome ..