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KEKEKEK....mmg sonok sesgt ah moa! sebab kita sama2 VIP kan..so tak yah nak control2 moyan pasal B ...
stanum123 Post at 28-12-2011 13:33 
waduh. dah tanakkk moyan mcm zaman dulu kalaaaa. serikkk. tapi seronok. -.-huahuahua. mcm mana tu? sbb taknak moyan sgt la kte minat the whole group. kikiki |
Reply 702# stanum123
wow....nak like saploh ratos jota kaliiiiiiiii {:4_181:}
siyes cumil, emskem...siyesss... i'm spichles ngan bdk2 nih seme ... siyesssss... rasa kalo tak tgk BTS sure tak dpt nk tgk moment2 indah camni.. masing2 dok wat muke siyessss jer  |
Reply 691# adikmanis
oh tidaaaaaakkkkk!!!! jeles tahap gaban nieh!!! i nak part time gak. restoran ape tuh? nanti kalo gi sana, wajib kita singgah stalk kat depan restoran tu. |
Reply 699# stanum123
i nak jadik kerusi Yb tu leh tak? biar YB sentiasa tido di ribaan i. wakakakak!!!
btw cik stan, i ni kalo ikut hati mmg sume i donlod cam AM. tapi kaan...mengenangkan berukband yang menyiput tuh, i cancel je hasrat hati. mana yang sempat je la i sedut. ni yg rasa nak tuko unifi nieh. isk! isk! |
Reply 696# nzhass79
kak zue...mari carik di low yat. ala, yang RM100++ itew. tak lama lagi kuar la tuh. tapi mesti lambat giles. BEATS pun ala2 baru kuar tahun ni. YG Fam dah pakai lama dah since 2009. |
Reply 689# adikmanis
01:28:15 - Encore
Seungri: “Jiyong hyung hurt his foot & he couldn’t walk properly so I prepared a segway for him. Hyung can move around freely this
Jiyong: “I was so touched my tears were about to fall…but when we went off stage, Seungri left me and didn’t care about
wakakakak!!!!! lawak! shian kat JI  |
Reply 690# adikmanis
OMG!!! nak nahnges!!!! jeles to the max...jeles to the bones! aarrgghhh!!!!
okies... *composing myself again *
AM dear, ini betul2 kejadian kaaannn....bukan fanfic kaaannn....???  |
Reply 695# stanum123
HAHAHA..baru je igt nk buli AM @ mangnae suh potong daging utk sunbae dia ni (ala2 kes Seungri tu..) sekali daging dia semua dh siap potong halus2..tggu nk masuk tekak jer!
takpe, AM tolong masak ramen kat unnie2 dia nieh... ramen kurus, kerinting...yg hijau je kita tak rasa 
"Where's The Love" ala2 CL & Will.I.AM!!
yang ni mmg feeling CL y'all!
KESIMPULANNYA, mmg kami ber-3 sambut hari BIGBANG betoi2! Hopefully next time ramai lg warga umah BB@cari leh join acara gedix santai mcm ni...
yaaa...tunggu i beli bluray player, then kita bole buat Big Show and YG Fam concert kat umah i! bawak light stick, jgn lupa.... |
wargh. tension nye esok ada exam!
cuci mata jap.  |
korg sume..
klu ade plan nk wat gathering sesama vip kt forum ni jgn lupe inform me yer..
dh lame tak meroyan ngan geng2 vip.. |
morning! jom sarapan....tatap muka hubby i...tabi! (wow, it rhymes! nyehehe!)
isk, comey yang tak terkata. macho and comey at the same time.
matanya...senyum simpulnya...bodynya...dup dap dup dap jantungku.
ok, utk hubby2 korang yang lain, seperti biasa check kat SINI 
Reply 711# amemiya
insyaallah...next time kita gi mengkoreakan diri. nanti kita update kat sini
lagi satu...kalo korang tinggal sekitar KL (atau pun yang berdekatan, atau pun yang jauh tapi gigih datang KL) boleh la jadi ahli KTO. saranghaeyo club. kalo ada event ape2 bole join. jadi peserta bole, jadi volunteer pun bole  |
Reply amemiya
insyaallah...next time kita gi mengkoreakan diri. nanti kita update kat sini {: ...
luvsushi Post at 29-12-2011 09:50 
ahaha orait..klu iols free, sure iols join.. |
Post Last Edit by stanum123 at 29-12-2011 20:56
HoWt NeWs!!Tomorrow at 9 A.M. KST Gmarket will release the BIGBANG CF and there are 3 version!!! Now...SCREAM!!!! 
Gmarket “The BIGBANG is Starting” CF on Air Notice
안녕하세여. 지마켓 필미 임니다.
12월 30일!!
G마켓 “2012 빅뱅이 시작된다” 새로운 광고가 선보임니다.
TV는 물론이거니와 극장, 온라인 등등에서 씨엪 영상을 만나실 수 있스빈다.
내일, 오전 9시.
G마켓에서 2012, BIGBANG 프로모션 페이지가 오픈될 예정이며,
G마켓 YouTube에서도 광고 영상을 보실 수 있스빈다.
영상은 총 3개 버전임니다.
열분들의 궁금증을 폭발시킬 캡처본을 먼저 떠드립니다.
끊임없는 지마켓의 빅뱅 떡밥에 연말연시 행복하시길 바래여~
Translation: Annyeonghaseyo. This is Gmarket. Finally!!
December 30!!
Gmarket “The BIGBANG is Starting” CF will be out. You’ll be able to encounter the CF images on TV, theater, online.
Tomorrow, 9 a.m.
In 2012, Gmarket will open BIGBANG promotional page and,
Gmarket advertisement videos will also be on YouTube.
There are three version (of the CFs) in total. These captures will make your curiosity explode.
Then, Gmarket hopes you have a very happy new year~ See ya!
source : 必미@DCBB
translated by : @vVIP_6819  
via: bigbangfor life.tumblr |
Reply amemiya
insyaallah...next time kita gi mengkoreakan diri. nanti kita update kat sini {: ...
luvsushi Post at 29-12-2011 09:50 
haip! nak join jugekkk  |
cik stan.... sangat suke gif daedae itew!
magic, magic, magic...magic, magic, magic....omo...omo..omo..omo..omo..omo! |
TAEYANG: GDRAGON, MY LIFELONG FRIEND..(original article title)
Taeyang spoke about his infinite trust to his band mates. Taeyang recently met with Star News and explained that "This year many things happened to us, and thanks to it we're only getting closer to each other"
Here Taeyang also tell a story about his childhood pal G-Dragon who has been spending time with him in YG Entertainment since elementary school.
Taeyang said, "As a friend I feel sorry for things happened to Jiyong," and continues, "But Jiyong will always be a someone more than a family to me." He also said, "Even if something worse than this (problem) happened, I couldn't let go of Jiyong's hands just like that. Same thing goes for Jiyong too. For me, Jiyong is a friend for a lifetime," he emphasized.
Taeyang spoke for the first time about the misunderstood happened in the internet because of the tweet he posted regarding to G-Dragon's scandal. Taeyang posted tweets saying "Even if I looked like I don't know, I know everything" and "If I looked like I'm being deceived, it's because I only close my eyes"Taeyang said, "Actually those tweets have nothing to do with Jiyong. I wrote down my thoughts regarding thing happened in the world," and continued, "I'm feel terrible after receiving such misunderstanding,"
He also expressed about his trust to the rest of the band mates; TOP, Daesung and Seungri.
Taeyang explained, "Even until now Bigbang still doing dorm life. Just like a family, even if we don't speak so much things we already understand what other means,"
He continues, "During our hiatus period all of the members are gathering up to work on our songs. We already prepared some new songs for Bigbang and currently we're in the middle of producing the new album."
He also told us about Bigbang's plans for their activity in 2012.
"We always held annual concert called 'BIGSHOW' every year. And we'll be holding the next concert in March 2012. We're also planning to release Bigbang new album around that time," he said.
He also said, "In 2012 we're going to repay our fans who have faith in us with lively activities and good music," with a smile he also added, "Of course my solo album that I've been working on currently will going to be released also."
(Source: star.mt.co.kr, Translation by: [email protected], via: soompi & bbupdates)
{:4_227:}GDYB IS REAL PEEPS!! {:4_227:}

Credit: willalwaysbevip@tumblr
YONG BAE IS ALWIZ D BEST!!! syahdu tau dgn budak berdua nih!!! {:4_227:} NANGES GULING2!!!! UWAAA!!!! |
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