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Author: MarryPottet

Pertunangan Anak PM: Video (pg 29) Isu Bil katering RM81K (pg28)

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2011 01:23 AM | Show all posts
Reply 699# annehuda
utk info lanjut ttg sejarah FLOM wannabe, cer ko gi jalan2 kat utube & search perempuan puaka, ko khatamkan smua video (tak silap aku ada 7 episodes) ko akan dapatlah jawapan kpd persoalan kisah perkahwinannya dgn bijan & info2 lain yg menggemparkan

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Post time 20-6-2011 01:33 AM | Show all posts
nangess sgtt.aku tunang ritu pon xsmpi pon rm5k..skng terkulat2 plak nk cri rm10k tuk kawengggg. ...
naina Post at 20-6-2011 01:11

ko sape....dia sape....

~~bertabah laaa.....ko nak yg halal ke nak yg harom? nanti x berkat tau.....dah la org duk nyumpah jek selalu nanti....ehehehe

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Post time 20-6-2011 02:30 AM | Show all posts
ko sape....dia sape....

~~bertabah laaa.....ko nak yg halal ke nak yg harom? nanti x berkat t ...
iza_yuss Post at 20-6-2011 01:33

beng LIKES your comment....

haram zattehey....

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Post time 20-6-2011 02:34 AM | Show all posts

Kaslau dah pembangkang tu, asyik lah nak persoalkan majlis grand pertunangan ...
RedDevils Post at 18-6-2011 16:22

    alaa Red...ko bukan tatau...manusia ni...kalau duit dah banyak dalam kantung pun...bukan tak suka makan pree...

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Post time 20-6-2011 03:40 AM | Show all posts

duit rakyat dirompak lagi : Siapa biaya kos pertunangan anak Najib?

Post Last Edit by slippergombak at 20-6-2011 03:42

Dr Tan: Siapa biaya kos pertunangan anak Najib?

Terence Netto
Jun 18, 11


Pemimpin PKR Dr Tan Kee Kwong hari ini menimbulkan soalan siapa yang membiayai bil bagi majlis pertunangan anak Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak yang diadakan di Seri Perdana, Putrajaya malam semalam.

Majlis tertutup itu dikhaskan kepada kira-kira 800 tetamu istimewa dan terpilih yang terdiri daripada golongan dan kerabat diraja termasuk dari negara asing, ahli politik, tokoh perniagaan dan kenalan rapat yang lain.

Hanya media rasmi sahaja yang dibenarkan membuat liputan.

Majlis itu diadakan sempena pertunangan anaknya Nooryana Najwa kepada Daniyar Nazarbayev, yang mempunyai pertalian dengan presiden Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Saya difahamkan nota pembelian daripada sebuah hotel terkemuka itu dikeluarkan atas nama Jabatan PM. Ini menimbulkan soalan, siapa sebenarnya membayar bil katering yang berjumlah RM81,000,” soal Dr Tan.

Beliau yang merupakan bekas ahli parlimen Gerakan dan juga timbalan menteri berkata soalannya itu penting, khususnya ketika rakyat sekarang diminta 'mengetatkan tali pinggang mereka ketika menghadapi kenaikan kos kehidupan'.

“Pengurangan subsidi minyak dan barangan keperluan, memeritkan rakyat. Justeru, soalan siapa yang menanggung perbelanjaan itu perlu dijawap, lebih-lebih lagi nota pembelian dibuat atas nama Jabatan PM,” katanya.

Awal bulan ini, lawatan Najib serta keluarganya ke Kazakhstan menjadi isu hangat apabila ahli parlimen Kuala Selangor, Dzulkefly Ahmad membidas perdana menteri kerana didakwa bersalah dari segi moral kerana menggunakan dana awam bagi merisik perkahwinan anak perempuannya.

"Tindakan Najib ini tidak ada kelas langsung iaitu menggunakan wang kerajaan dan rakyat untuk urusan peribadi,” kata pemimpin PAS itu.

Sebaliknya, Wisma Putra menafikan laporan itu dan menegaskan bahawa lawatan itu adalah untuk memenuhi penerimaan perdana menteri terhadap undangan yang telah lama dibuat oleh Presiden Nursultan Nazarbayev untuk melawat negara itu.

Lawatan itu, juga dikatakan kebetulan diadakan serentak dengan penganjuran Forum Ekonomi Islam Sedunia (WIEF) ke-7 di Astana dari 7 hingga 9 Jun lalu.

== duit rakyat malaysia dirompak lagi dek rosmah dan najib keluarga... aduhai malangnya rakyat malaysia seakrang nih... derita rakyat setiap hari... najis dan rosmah semakin rakus...

== apa persamaan najib rosmah dan marcos filipina sekeluarga....??

== pencacai umno yg tak berotak dan berakal IQ Rendah dok sanjung pemimpin no.1 mereka yg giat merompak wang rakyat kalu takder modal bleh laa hina cina nih atau kutuk PKR atau meratib anwart..anwart..anwart...yer...


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 Author| Post time 20-6-2011 03:43 AM | Show all posts
Video weh!!!!!!!!! video

Video Majlis Pertunangan Anak PM- sedutan dr Berita Terkini TV3/4

Tapi kemanakah menghilangnya bakal besan vogue ahkak fink itu:cry:

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Post time 20-6-2011 05:24 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by bzzts at 20-6-2011 12:57

~removed ~
  1. double post
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Post time 20-6-2011 05:28 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1# slippergombak

    borat... borat...

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Post time 20-6-2011 06:15 AM | Show all posts
Kazakhstan's Uranium Industry Could Lose Its Luster
Written by John Daly
Friday, 17 June 2011 13:33

Western investors have been salivating over the post-Soviet space’s energy riches since the 1991 collapse of communism. While focusing on the Caspian’s hydrocarbon reserves other mineralogical riches awaited development as well, none more so than Kazakhstan’s vast uranium deposits.

Given an investor-friendly government in Astana, the country’s uranium deposits seemed to be the Next Big Thing, an attitude encouraged by the government of President Nursultan Nazarbayev. Kazakhstan contains the world's second-largest uranium reserves, estimated at 1.5 million tons. Until 2009 Kazakhstan was the world's No. 3 uranium miner, exceeded only by Australia and Canada; the three countries account for more than half of global uranium production.

A mere five years ago Kazakhstan produced 5,279 tons of uranium, 21 percent more than in 2005.

Even better, local markets seemed assured in the form of Asia’s rising economic powerhouses China and India. China's Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense in its 11th Five-Year Plan for the Nuclear Industry said China intended to produce 40 gigawatts of nuclear power electrical generating capacity by 2020. Even though nuclear power currently accounts for just 1.4 percent of China’s electrical power generation, China's planned nuclear power reactors were estimated to need 44 million pounds of uranium annually, as more than 16 provinces, regions and municipalities announced intentions to build NPPS, bringing the country’s total of 77 planned and proposed new reactors.

Similarly India, where nuclear power currently accounts for a paltry 3-4 percent of the country’s power needs; India has 19 planned and proposed nuclear power reactors, announced similar development plans.

Seeking to feed its neighbor’s ambitions, in February 2009 Kazakh Minister for Energy and Mineral Resources Sauat Mynbayev announced to the Mazhilis parliamentary chamber that Kazakhstan’s state-owned nuclear company Kazatomprom intended to boost uranium production by 40 percent in 2009 to 11,900 tons compared to 2008’s output of 8,512 tons, with two new mines, Khorasan-1 and Khorasan-2 coming online. In contract, in 1997, six years after independence, 1997 Kazakhstan produced a mere 795 tons of the silvery metal.

The only snag in this rosy picture was that uranium, unlike other energy commodities in the global market, is not traded freely. Currently about 15 percent of uranium is sold via the spot market while long-term contract pricing accounts for the remaining 85 percent, which benefits consumers as it locks in long-term prices to the detriment of producers. It is a situation that the Kazakh government expressed interest in changing, in September 2008 floating the idea of establishing what to all intents and purposes would be an international uranium commodity market.

In December 2009 Kazatomprom announced it had passed Canada and Australia to become the largest miner of uranium in the world, increasing the country’s 2009 uranium production by 63 percent to 13,900 tons, roughly 30 percent of the world's output. In 2010 Kazakhstan increased its uranium output to 17,803 tons a 27% increase over its 2009.

Ever optimistic, Kazakhstan has put a brave face on its uranium mining industry in the wake of the Fukushima tragedy.

Speaking at the Minex conference in Astana on 5-7April, Kazatomprom president Vladimir Shkol’nik downplayed the impact of the Fukushima crisis, stating that it would not greatly influence the Kazakh state atomic company’s plans.

Immediately after the Fukushima disaster the uranium spot price tanked from over $70 per pound to just $49 per pound but has since recovered rebounding to over $60, well above 2009’s average price.

For all of Astana’s bravado, the long-term consequences of Fukushima’s impact remain unclear. Germany and Switzerland have both announced plans to shutter their nuclear plants, while Italian voters earlier this month overwhelmingly rejected a referendum to restart the country’s nuclear program. While currently abandonment of nuclear power remains an option limited to affluent countries, one more cataclysm may nail the coffin lid of the nuclear power industry shut for good.

And that news may be coming from the United States, birthplace of the nuclear era and currently home to 104 NPPs. On 7 June, a fire at Nebraska’s Fort Calhoun nuclear power plant knocked out the cooling process for spent nuclear fuel rods for 90 minutes. The NPP, adjacent to the still-flooding Missouri River, is close to the capital Omaha and has been closed since April for refueling. According to local NBC affiliate WOWT, "The Ft. Calhoun Nuclear Facility is an island right now but it is one that authorities say is going to stay dry. They say they have a number of redundant features to protect the facility from flood waters that include the aqua dam, earthen berms and sandbags." A spokesman for Omaha Public Power District says the plant is at a "notification of unusual event" classification because of the flooding.

In an era of globalization, Ol’ Man River may drown Kazakhstan’s hopes for its uranium mining industry, as another nuclear debacle in the U.S. following in the wake 1979’s Three Mile Island accident will undoubtedly prove too much, even for Madison Ave.’s PR spin doctors. No NPPS have been built in the U.S. since Three Mile Island and should bad things happen at Ft. Calhoun, where the Missouri’s water’s are still rising, the global market for uranium fuel for NPPs worldwide is going to crater, beginning with the U.S.

By. John Daily of

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Post time 20-6-2011 07:28 AM | Show all posts
bil katering 81000 pun orang pertikai?

dr tan ni lecehla. nama pun PM, takkan la takde duit. ko tu pun antara pemimpin tinggi PKR, takkan la takde duit. sorang lagi pemimpin PKR yang jd penasihat ekonomi selangor (RM1) pun mampu keluar negara selalu dan ada rumah besar, jd kalau setakat bayar katering 81000 tu untuk majlis anak, takkan tak mampu.

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Post time 20-6-2011 07:40 AM | Show all posts
ni pon jd isu negara ke,  dah mmg duit die berkodi2....

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Post time 20-6-2011 07:43 AM | Show all posts
bil katering 81000 pun orang pertikai?

dr tan ni lecehla. nama pun PM, takkan la takde duit. ko t ...
kulashaker Post at 20-6-2011 07:28

    pertikaikn bil atas nama Jabatan PM,
kalu bil atas nama najib/rosmah atau najwa tu, xde sape pertikaikn.

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Post time 20-6-2011 07:46 AM | Show all posts
X dak siapa sponsor najib dah terlebih kaya

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Post time 20-6-2011 07:48 AM | Show all posts
Dlm hal ni Najib mmg nampak bersalah. Too obvious:re: Silap dia sbb buat lawatan rasmi ke Kazakhstan kemudia terus diikuti pertunangan anak dia ngan  Daniyar. Nampak sgt utk kepentingan peribadi. Kalau la lawatan ke Kazakhstan tu atas dasar melancong, org tak pertikaikan kot

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Post time 20-6-2011 07:55 AM | Show all posts
antara org mulia dan tidak

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Post time 20-6-2011 08:07 AM | Show all posts
rakyat didahulukan hanya retorik,,,,  

tgk antara org mulia ngan tidak,
semua peruntukan dicekau

golongAN kaya smakin kaya

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Post time 20-6-2011 08:28 AM | Show all posts
Reply  haitt
hang cari bil mana satu? bil clinton klentong ker bil gates pagar2
MarryPottet Post at 20-6-2011 00:56

    bil 81k atas name jpm tu la..

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Post time 20-6-2011 08:32 AM | Show all posts
Mungkin kah kalau anak dia kawin dgn Anuar Zen, si Rosmah gembira..barangkali
RedDevils Post at 18-6-2011 21:11

kalau anak dia kawen dgn shah rukh khan ahkak semah sukeeeeeeee hikkksss

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Post time 20-6-2011 08:38 AM | Show all posts
br tunang tuhhh bil dh sajok plak tuh...
kalo jd....kalo x jd kawennn......ermmm hade aku kecahhh....

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Post time 20-6-2011 08:42 AM | Show all posts
alaa Red...ko bukan tatau...manusia ni...kalau duit dah banyak dalam kantung pun...bukan t ...
kambeng_masam Post at 20-6-2011 02:34

Kalo dah mcm tu ada ke keberkatannya....dah rakyat duk kutuk2...

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