huhhuuh...asik pic HJL je byk ni...
mate & ati leh beralih arah cmni
hehehee |
Reply #703 skymania's post
huhuh...tu ar psl...die yg femes skrg ni...
dlm mimpi pun nmpk muke ledo jer...
MAL ku di tepi jer...heheh d |
Reply #703 skymania's post
tu arr nk cr gbr yg lain pun cam susah je.....  |
cr to soompi..
Reply #709 skymania's post
my MAL kan operate kaki die tu...huhuhu
tgh rehat la kot... |
cr to soompi.. wah gif ni best je

cr to soompi..
Reply #714 skymania's post
under perhatian aku, MAL akn sembuh
hi3 |
msuk sini...cuci mata dgn bekpes pagi nie...  |
Originally posted by hadiff05 at 27/3/2009 08:30 AM

gambo ni wat aku takleh tahan.... adeiiii...nape la dia ni cute sangat hah...
somebodi....tlg tutup mata aku.. aku tak sanggup nk nikmati hidangan yang amat menyelerakan aku.....
jatuh hati, jatuh cinta dah tentu... jatuh kosi... hazab beb...
[ Last edited by nzhass79 at 27-3-2009 09:23 ] |
Reply #704 hadiff05's post
Reply #717 nzhass79's post
alamak...encemmmmmmmmmmnyrrr :eek: :eek: :eek: |
Balas #676 virgogirlolwaz\ catat
skrg ni dh jd pduduk ttp la..gara2 si ledo nih...  |
| |