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Author: xyla73

[tvN/Netflix] Vincenzo - Song Joong Ki, Jeon Yeo Bin, Ok Taecyeon

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Post time 3-5-2021 09:49 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 3-5-2021 09:51 AM
sitisbp replied at 3-5-2021 09:27 AM
Wahhhh finally habis..tamat.

Puas hati sgt cara Vinc bunuh choi n han seok. Seksa dulu, biar ras ...

yeah i am glad you watch it ...

tapi wow ...i puas hati aah  even ka insta banyak yg dok geram pasal han seo ...

but yes...who knows kan, wow juga last sekaliiii tu dia bagi conclusion kat keluarga luciano yg dia bakaq ladang depa masa awal awal tu

semua jadi baja adehhh....mafia mafia....

then terlupa pulak
KIM TAE Ho.... hahahahahaahahah  gambar Cassano posing for bye bye balloon.

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Post time 3-5-2021 09:50 AM | Show all posts
i am waiting for reveiws by Jennie86 hahahahahaah
watching sundays  - hahahah yg ini predict cassano bunuh Jun Woo  dengan gun - hahaha , now kita tahu macam mane Cassano bagi the dance of her lifetime to Choi Aerobic tu


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Post time 3-5-2021 09:59 AM | Show all posts
The many shades of Cassano, V.


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Post time 3-5-2021 10:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
I follow citer ni.. Last 2 episods mmg tggu2.. The part which cik choi n han seok mati dgn cara keji tu mmg puas ht gila.. 1st tot han seok x mati (siap gaduh ngan asben) sbb sejenis liat nyawa kan.. Scene gagak tu makan dead body of han seok, mmg satisfied to the max, amik hg, jahat sgt..

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Post time 3-5-2021 11:31 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 3-5-2021 12:07 AM
Yang menarik ialah , perbualan cassano with the senior Buddhist monk tu,
i mean  persoalan nilai a ...

dia mmg tak leh give up cara dia bekerja. dah tu yg dia tau and very skillful at that..
kalau dah teruk sgt keadaan, mmg u need a monster to drive out the monster, ni yg bapak cha young sendiri luah.. dia pun dah rasa lelah nak fight ikut law sbb these law flouters always play dirty.
so, in a way ada la jgk yg sama pemikiran mcm vin..

rasa kalau bpk chayoung hidup lagi, mungkin ini jgk yg depa dua bualkan utk ketenangan jiwa bang vin..


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Post time 3-5-2021 12:43 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 3-5-2021 12:50 PM
mrsjones replied at 3-5-2021 11:31 AM
dia mmg tak leh give up cara dia bekerja. dah tu yg dia tau and very skillful at that..
kalau da ...
i mean pada i scene ni menarik sebab scene ni boleh je ditiadakan tapi somehow the director and screenwriter masukkan juga...dia nak mencar i makna dalam tindakan itu...
menarik kan... when he reflects all the actions he did against the villain. I mean I could sense that he is struggling to justify and finding the right answers. Because yes as  Hong Yu chan said - law takleh sentuh depa depa yg berkuasa macam ni, they need far cara dia yg effective untuk villains ni.

pada i itu kire adillah justice as he said  is kinda empty  concept well, i wonder apa konsep justice or merciless justice he said ye?...i could see it is manifested in dfferet modes and forms. apa yg dia buat kat villain tu adllah dengan kesalahan villain tu , bukan ke obvious untuk Cassano nampak ? atau dia tak nampak ke concept justice tu...

so -- itulah tu hsi struggles kan, dia sedar dia tak baik pun tapi ...dia tak juga jahat sangat , dia cuma nak punish org yg terlepas by law ni...according to his principles and morals..cara dia and the conflict lies in justfying the acts based on his thinkings or the norms...sebab he is very sensitive kan bab Cha young ok ke tak kalau dia jadi brutal..minah ni faham...sebab well dah dia pun tahu depa jahat kan

menarik ye bila mai bab falsafah etika dan moral ni...

tapi tulah teh struggle he faces sampai dia pun cakap dia tak peduli dah justice ,  ke  ape ke...sebab dia nak jiwa dia tenang.  the angst which he felt settled....banyak sangat batil yg tersusun yg akan memusnahkan kebaikan yg wujud...tapi still i fikir yg sebab tu insan ni diberi peluang taubat...itu yg a man could do least for the peace of the inner soul...bit Jun Woo kat gudang tu , Jun woo tanya dia...Jun woo ke Choi aerobic sapa dia - dia sama dengan depa ( scum bags ) atau ape? jun woo pun sama juga...but then he drawn the lines...

i suka betul ...bab jam tangan tu
dia perli ouch je...

menarik sebab dia tanya soalan yg agak  sama in ep 3 ke 5  or 4 macam tu...


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Post time 3-5-2021 12:52 PM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 3-5-2021 11:31 AM
dia mmg tak leh give up cara dia bekerja. dah tu yg dia tau and very skillful at that..
kalau da ...

eh you tak sedih ke mrs Jones han seo tuuu?

i mean sedih kan

pandai jugak dak han seo ni...


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Post time 3-5-2021 12:59 PM | Show all posts
ini the jennie 86


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Post time 3-5-2021 01:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 3-5-2021 12:43 PM
i mean pada i scene ni menarik sebab scene ni boleh je ditiadakan tapi somehow the director and scre ...

i somehow phm la jgk knp bang vin rasa x tenteram.. i mean dia dah serve justice to those villain tp knp dia tak rasa tenang cuma puas hati sbb kejahatan dah berbalas then what next kan..

apa yg villain tu terima still tak boleh bawak mangsa2 yg dah mati tu hidup balik..
dia tak leh bawak mak dia n bpk chayoung hidup balik. ini yg buat dia tak tenang..
sbb org yg tersayang dah x ada..
sedih la jgk bila fikir..

sama mcm nightmares yg dia dpt masa tidur tu pun buat dia rasa x tenang.. dia dah cukup skillful utk lawan firstly those yg buli dia as asian kid then to defend his cassano family yg terima dia lps mak pak angkat dia kena bunuh..
walau dah balas balik, tp semua x dpt hidupkan balik mak pak angkat n boss cassano bpk oaolo yg dia sayang..

mungkin kembali berserah padaNya boleh buat manusia ni kembali tenang..

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Post time 3-5-2021 03:09 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 3-5-2021 12:52 PM
eh you tak sedih ke mrs Jones han seo tuuu?

apa pulak tak sedih, kematian dia la yg i rasa tak berbaloi.. dia baru je nak rasa bahagia ada abg/mentor/coach n rasa hidup normal after years of abuse dgn abg psycho dia..

what happened to his intention nk run babel grp as clean as possible kan.. last2 masuk receivership, sayang betul!
tp bagus bang vin gi igtkan han seok to apologise to hanseo sblm mati.. hehee

mak bang vin, pak chayoung n han seo mmg i sedih bila diaorg mati..

tp cara choi zumba n hanseok mati buat ku terigt citer game of throne.. sadis2 camni la..

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Post time 3-5-2021 04:29 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 3-5-2021 09:45 AM
wah cantik this art gallery , classy nice spacious...

and kalau kita ingat lines Cassano - itu  ...

Betul..dh episod hujung2 ni byk gak scene mana2 fans yg x suka ending akan komen2 mcm2 tp point x kukuh..nama tajuk drama pn dh menggambarkan mmg fokus on vincenzo punya dunia..xkkan mmg dh betul2 mafia tp sbb cinta nk tinggalkan dunia tu kredit to yoe been sbb bwk watak cha young dgn bgs sgt2..kuat mental & fizikal..xpentingkan diri sndr..terima diri v dulu & skrg..snggup tggu..kiss scene mmg rasa kerinduan msg2..ada baca kat tweet ayman rashdan wong psl quote vin tu ada kaitan dgn politik ms las scene..cantik rupanya malta tu yerk..klu x follow drama tu x tau pn psl malta ni..scene cy kat court mcm muka jun ji hyun dh bila pakai spec..yes..cntk baju ms kat court dgn kat gallery dan nmpk mcm yoe been kekok pakai heels sbb selalu jln bersepah mrh jgk translate netflix..selalu lari dr makna asal kena tggu fans yg terer in korean utk translate balik..

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Post time 3-5-2021 06:18 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Spa pompuan pakai baju merah, kena tangkap kat depan court tu? And budak pakai baju penjara menangis tgk gambar vincenzo?

And Abt vin's dream pasal budak pompuan pegang teddy bear dlm keta. Sapa budak tu?

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Post time 3-5-2021 06:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
freesia71 replied at 3-5-2021 06:18 PM
Spa pompuan pakai baju merah, kena tangkap kat depan court tu? And budak pakai baju penjara menangis ...

Mak vince keje dgn madam baju merah tu. Laki madam baju merah tu yg sexual harassed mak vince. Yg kat penjara tu anak madam baju merah. Dia yg citer mak dia tau pasal kejadian tu tp mak dia takmo tolong or tak nak jd witness. Budak ni plak derang perangkap gunakan vinc as potential lover sbb vinc kan hensem nakmati hahaha. Cha young convinced budak ni utk jd witness, bg upah gambor vince promo belon tu hehe.

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Post time 3-5-2021 06:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eijact replied at 3-5-2021 04:29 PM
Betul..dh episod hujung2 ni byk gak scene mana2 fans yg x suka ending akan komen2 mcm ...

Tu la. Pada i pun the wrap up is good. Taklah perfect sgt so that the whole story more realistic. If tiber vince taubat nasuha..tak ke dia kena masuk penjara etc, ehhh mana boleh kan, mafia classy camtu nak tutup buku..mmg taklah kan , at least not to my liking la.

Lagi satu i like about the way they downplay the romance and focusing on the evil n lesser evil punya war back and forth. But u can see a little nuance that vinc care about cha young, han seo n other geumga plaza tenant. Dialog tak byk but his expression shows.

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Post time 3-5-2021 06:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 3-5-2021 09:49 AM
yeah i am glad you watch it ...

tapi wow ...i puas hati aah  even ka insta banyak yg dok geram  ...

Kim.tae.ho is mood kahkahkah.

Mmg dari dulu kdrama.masukkan elemen2 lgbt ke? I notice dlm itaewoon class, pastu i nampak clip new drama title ada  married antifan  , pun ada scene between man.

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Post time 3-5-2021 06:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sitisbp replied at 3-5-2021 06:25 PM
Mak vince keje dgn madam baju merah tu. Laki madam baju merah tu yg sexual harassed mak vince. Yg  ...

Ohh ye la.lupa lak  mamat gay tu. Thanks fot the recap.

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Post time 3-5-2021 07:17 PM | Show all posts
mrsjones replied at 3-5-2021 03:09 PM
apa pulak tak sedih, kematian dia la yg i rasa tak berbaloi.. dia baru je nak rasa bahagia ada abg ...

i think ada part yang rerata netizen tak puas hati especially part scene han seok, han seo and cha young + Cassano kat ruang tamu tu,

depa kata cassano could have done much better - kan  dia lebih tangkas suave good reflexes  actionwise tapi ketika scene Cha Young kena tembak tu - dia attending to Cha Young instead of helping out Han seo fighting his brother alone.

dan sifat dia sera diri to is like unbecoming of him gitu

itu yg depa agak kesal lah but then depa pun justify sebab kalau tak buat macam tu susah nak leraikan jalan cerita

i pulak terfikir situasi ni aah lah awat reflexes  Cassano lambat sangat , he is used to have the skills and all...tapi may be juga Han Se ni psychopath , so anytime unexpected boleh jadi lebih baik Cassano hehati...dan he wen there without a gun!!!

ape laaa....

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Post time 3-5-2021 07:48 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 3-5-2021 07:49 PM
freesia71 replied at 3-5-2021 06:18 PM
Spa pompuan pakai baju merah, kena tangkap kat depan court tu? And budak pakai baju penjara menangis ...

itu....kalau nak tahu kene tengok episode 8 last sekali hahahaha itu lah ibu Tae Ho...yg mana tae ho bocorkan rahsia yg mak CAssano adalah maid di rumah mereka ketika ayah dia harrasing mak Cassano sexually and mak CAssano bunuh bapa ate Ho under the pretext - self defense.

masa court tu kira Cassano minta pihak jipuragi lawan kes bela ke mak dia juga. Mak CAssano kalah kes itu seba tak ada witness sedangkan ketika tu Tae Ho ckp mak dia tahu dan witnessing the act.

tengok episode 8

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Post time 3-5-2021 07:51 PM | Show all posts
okay lagi satu perasan kan, yg CAssano perli sipa teasing laser lagi kan Jun woo ketika dia nak seksa and switch on alat the spear of atonement tu kan...yg dia nak jam jun woo tu , yelah sebagai trophy katanya...

dan i terfikir  la ni - bijak lah Cassano sebab bukan hal ego je dia buat lagu tu , yes ego culd be lah jugak sebab dia nak trampled ego Jun woo tu , tapi Han Seo kan cakap dalam jam Jun woo ada tracker ...

no wonder depa tak dapat trace

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Post time 3-5-2021 08:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 3-5-2021 07:17 PM
i think ada part yang rerata netizen tak puas hati especially part scene han seok, han seo and cha ...

Tapi based on yg sblm2 tu, vinc ada back up when situations was dire. Dia taklah invincible in all the fight. Ingat yg inzaghi tolong masa dia hampir kena tembak kat roof top tu. Then masa yg dia nak kena tangkap polis konon bunuh yg presiden press superstitious tu, yg kena campak dr atas building tu, kan yg tenant tailor tu kebetulan lalu situ. Then, masa cha young kena tarik rambut nak kena belasah tu pun , vinc kena pukul gak n then tenant ramai2 tolong dia.

So in that situation, dia dtg in a rush, takde back up , n serah diri sbb hanseok held both cha young n han seo hostage. I rasalah priority nak selamatkan cha young, when han seok was distracted by han seo. But han seok pull the trigger, then shot cha young, vinc masa tu in slowmo letak cha young. A few second later han seok tembak han seo while he struggling to stop him. Slow mo so i rasa.its actually very fast. Tak sempat pun vinc nak buat apa. Immediately after that the gun was pointed at vinc...vinc pun pasrah kan but fortunately bullet habis.

That is my perception of that particular scene. Of course i pun harap han seo survived but his character leave even stronger impression when he die hehe.

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