tengok ni rasa rindu pulak dengan saiz perut yang berubah mengikut fesyen dan mood mekgan 
eva replied at 31-7-2019 10:08 AM
jap nak bg gmbr glamer tossing salad
Tossing salad tu u maksud kan eating a$$ ke?
#soalanserius |
riyadhK replied at 31-7-2019 06:54 PM
Tossing salad tu u maksud kan eating a$$ ke?
To toss someone's salad is sexual slang for anilingus, or orally stimulating someone's anus.
Hahaha i pun baru tau. Eeuwww. |
shaxa replied at 31-7-2019 04:55 PM
tengok ni rasa rindu pulak dengan saiz perut yang berubah mengikut fesyen dan mood mekgan
Baby bump dia mcm bloated. Klu banyak angin dia besar skit da buang angin die kempis skit haha |
Wakefield replied at 30-7-2019 09:11 AM
Part ni I rasa dia busuk hati sangat. Padahal anak saudara tu pewaris takhta n berdarah raja, be ...
Die kan g lion king premier tu tak terasa ke dengan citer tu, nak merampas takhta sebijik movie premier dia tu. |
eva replied at 30-7-2019 10:47 AM
betul she doesnt respect org punya personal space... x elok tu.. kalau I taken a back kalau org su ...
Kan. Member2 gak tapi touchy touchy ni hell no hello.. she really need boundaries |
eva replied at 30-7-2019 11:50 AM
anak sedara tu sah sah lahir dr badan Kate... dan sudah pasti akan jd King one day..
I rasa m ...
She is delusional much. Ingat senang3 ke |
eva replied at 30-7-2019 02:51 PM
dorg panggil Meghan Markle Effect.. Vanity Fair x laku, Beyonce punya album terjual 50k je... haaa ...
Translate malay= badi MM. she destroys whatever she touches |
shaxa replied at 29-7-2019 10:54 AM
https://www.bharian.com.my/dunia/eropah/2019/07/590149/meghan-jadi-penyunting-tetamu-vogue-britain ...
Di kata kan die tiru cover vogue ni with another Magazine. No originality at all yach
https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1159077/meghan-markle-news-latest-vogue-cover-australian-game-changers |
identiti minah yachter tu berubah2 kan? first name Rachel tp skang prefer middle name Meghan. kawen dgn trevor, pefeeling hollywood actress. bertunang dgn chef corey, pefeeling domestic goddess - padahal curi resepi heols kawen dgn ginger hanat, pefeeling noble birth - the only princess that ever highnessed the highnessesss 
virtue signaling sis. baru sethn dua nih acah2 tahu psl liberal dan progressive.

si ginger sindir family abg nya dgn buat stetmen yg dia merancang dua anak jah utk selamatkan bumi
bininya, si penjilat jubo pulak secara halus hint Kate sbg "boastful" sbb jd cover utk Vogue
obviously the suseks dah mula buruk2kan the cambridges termasuklah anak2 mereka. dendam kesumat sbb ginge takkan jd raja, yachter takkan jd queen dan anak dia org stuck dgn title 'master'. |
credit to the charlatan duchess tumblr
I have a bit of tea that I have been given approval to share from a member in our MMTCD FB group!
It goes like this:
Buckingham Palace gets wind of Meghan’s Vogue ideas- Paraphrasing for context.
BP: We heard about Vogue and we are going to shut it down if you continue
MM: I’m not doing Vogue (lying)
Some time passes ~
BP: Why are we hearing that you are still involved with Vogue when we advised you not to do it?
MM: I’m not doing Vogue, don’t know why you heard that.
More time passes ~
BP: We heard again you are still involved with Vogue, why?
MM: Oh that? Well it’s done now and will be published and out August 2nd.
Yes folks, she lied numerous times about doing the Vogue issue and only admitted to her involvement when it was too late to back out.

jgn lupa, selain dprd bijak tossing salad, Duchass MM juga makhluk yg into coprophilia..refer to post #295 for the tea and post #310 for the meaning.. hebat kan? ala2 Adolf Hitler
yang ini ke you? 
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Megdusa nampak exotic pulak dlm pix dgn si Ben ni, ala2 Latina..
she always look way more attractive bila dia dress down - in simple jeans+shirt+flat/sneakers+beanie
you.. the main backers.. only the Rothschild or ada lagi other powerful family?
shit-itis? patutnya QE pulas kuat2 MM nye titties, banyak sangat antics, menyusahkan umat, memeningkan dunia!
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