Lee Min Ho will have a fan event which is called "Love and Peace" on November 2010 at Tokyo, Japan. This event is being sponsored by the United Nation Friends of Asia-Pacific Global Peace & Love in Tokyo 2010.
[알림] 유엔의 친구 Asia-Pacific Global Peace & Love
「이·민호, 팬 이벤트 "Love & Peace" 유엔의 친구 Asia-Pacific Global Peace & Love in Tokyo 2010」가 일본 동경에서 열립니다.
「이·민호, 팬 이벤트 "Love & Peace" 유엔의 친구 Asia-Pacific Global Peace & Love in Tokyo 2010」는 세계 평화 기구 UN에서 주최하는 자선 행사로 한국 배우 대표로 이민호씨를 초청, 일본에서 팬 이벤트를 진행하게 되었습니다.
Lee Min Hoo's Ideal Girl Criteria
Lee Min Hoo handsomeness makes many women adore him.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
by Finalia Kodrati
VIVAnews - Lee Min Hoo currently is becoming the new idol. No wonder all the women in Asia including in Indonesia also idolized this guy who really likes to smile. Moreover, he's still single. Lee Min Hoo said he has some criteria for his future girlfriend.
"I like a girl who has small body and white skin and i like funny girl," said Lee Min Hoo as quoted from Minoz-Indonesia site at Saturday, October 9, 2010.
Moreover, this guy who was born June 22, 1987 also likes to pay attention to little things that are usually done by a woman. The little things that woman do eventually might make him fascinated by that woman.
"Actually, every one has their own charm and sometimes I like a habit that impressed me such as small wink and when a girl is straighten her hair," said Minho when he was interviewed by a Chinese magazine.
The guy who is popular through the series 'Boys Over Flowers' also gave his thoughts about his female co-star whose age was older than his. He admitted that he doesn't pay too much attention to it.
"They give me good advice and I've learned many things from them," he said. (Pet)
Actor Lee Minho talks about his past relationships
Actor Lee Minho recently talked about his relationships after he debuted in the entertainment world.
During an interview with KBS 2TV’s ‘Entertainment Relay‘, when asked if he has been in relationships after his debut, he answered ‘Yes’.
Lee Minho said, “I debuted when I was 20, so there have been times when I was in relationships since then. However it was before shooting for drama ‘Boys over Flowers‘.”
When the reporter asked him if it was with a celebrity, Lee Minho shook his head and confessed it was with a normal person. He said, “She wasn’t even someone who was associated with the entertainment industry.”
The actor has also been attracting attention, as he stated, “If I were to love, dating women 10 years older is possible.”
0:06 Cool!
0:08 How can this guy be so cool? Let's meet autumn guy -- Lee Min Ho.
0:11 Reporter (Seon Woo) & Lee Min Ho
0:12 SW (to MH): Hello. Nice to meet you!
0:17 Caption: How have you been this while?
0:17 MH: I have been resting and filming CFs
0:21 MH: Also... I am preparing for my next project
0:28 LMH who's changed into an autumn guy is showing his mature charisma. Even the checkered fashion looks good on him.
0:37 Caption: The checkered pattern suits you well
0:39 MH: actually i don't wear this checkered style often
0:42 SW: what style do you usually wear?
0:43 MH: I usually sport a simple style with monotone colors e.g. black, white and grey
0:51 (didn't catch the reporter)
0:53 MH: yes, so I tend to wear more unique shoes
0:58 SW: According to you,'the reason why I'm chosen as a clothing model' is... I will give you 3 options, pls choose 1.
1:06 SW: 1) becoz i'm handsome
1:09 (2) i'm handsome and i'm tall
1:14 (3) i'm hansome, tall and i carry clothes well (<-- not very sure of this one)
1:15 SW: ok, choose one among the 3
1:17 MH: I must choose one amongst them
1:18 SW: yes you have to choose from among them
1:22 MH: I want to become choice 3
1:27 Caption: handsome
1:28 caption: tall
1:33 any kinda clothes suit him well
1:33 (the bubble says "as expected, i'm perfect...")
1:34 Choice 3 is correct when it comes to LMH
1:38 Caption: Shindong (from SUJU) looks similar to LMH
SW: I heard something interesting...recently there's this thing where you can find out which entertainer you resemble..
1:42 MH: Ahh... i saw that report
1:45 SW: oh you saw it?
1:47 Words on screen: Shindong, whose face looks like LMH: "i'm sorry".
1:50 caption: thoughts when seeing the report
MH: I thought it was interesting and wondered why he felt apologetic about it.
1:54 SW: No, Shindong is 100% similar to LMH (she's pulling a prank on LMH)
1:58 MH: 100%?
2:04 Words on screen: Honest talk. Yes or No
2:05 SW: I've prepared a special Honest Talk (yes or no) session for you
2:11 Caption: I've had a passionate love relationship after my debut
2:15 MH: yes
2:17 Caption: After BOF?
2:17 MH: No
2:20 Caption: If i am born again, I want the same face I have now
2:21 MH: Yes
2:24 Caption: if i love that person, it doesn't matter if she's 10 years older than me
2:25 MH: Yes
2:27 Words on screen: I've had a passionate love relationship after my debut
2:28 MH: Actually I debuted when i was 20 years old.
2:30 (didn't catch what SW said clearly, something about he debuted fast)
2:32 SW: it's before BOF?
2:33 MH: Yes, before BOF
2:34 SW: she's an entertainer?
2:37 MH: not an entertainer
2:38 SW: not an entertainer?
2:40 SW: right now she has activities in the entertainment circle?
2:41 MH: No
2:42 SW: No?
2:43 MH: gradually becoming happier.. (didn't catch the rest)
2:49 Words on screen: if i love that person, it doesn't matter if she's 10 years older than me
2:48 SW: You're 24 now.
2:48 MH: yes
2:49 SW: So if she's 34 it's also ok?
2:50 MH: yes it is
2:53 SW: really?
2:53 MH: yes
2:55 SW: in the case that the person is 34 years old, are you going to call her nuna or by her name?
3:00 MH: perhaps creating a nickname and calling her that way
3:04 SW: actually you have worked with many actresses
3:08 LMH who has been paired with many representative beautiful actresses in different projects
3:14 amongst them, we cannot leave out Lee Min Jung
3:17 SW: Actually when Lee Min Jung was interviewed not long ago
3:22 LMJ was asked to choose between Lee Min Ho and Jung Kyung Ho
3:23 she chose Jung Kyung Ho
3:24 Caption: Lee Min Jung who chose Jung Kyung Ho as her ideal type
3:26 Caption: Concerning Lee Min Jung's choice.
3:26 MH: She said i was her ideal type when she was filming BOF. But the moment she changed projects, Jung Kyung Ho became her ideal type.
3:33 SW: Then, for you..
3:35 MH: As for me, when i was filming BOF, Goo Hye Sun was my ideal type. I don't know, I didn't even think about Min Jung nuna as my ideal type.
3:43 MH: i'm sorry (to Lee Min Jung)
3:44 (Ha Jae Kyung's excerpt from BOF): You think everything can be solved by being sorry? (<--hmn.. you better refer to BOF translation for this sentence).
3:46 Caption: It's a joke, Min Jung-sshi
3:48 (can't catch everything here, roughly he said: "don't catch a cold(??)", ..something about fall, didn't catch that.. then "hope those who are in love can have a lovely relationship. Thank you."
3:57 Min Ho-sshi, we'll meet you again when there's good news.
Resized to 98% (was 720 x 1300) - Click image to enlarge
f ...
Ley Post at 11-10-2010 22:10
Lee Min Ho Staff Diary Update (10/11/10)
cr: leeminho.kr
요즘, 캡처 이미지를 업데이트 해 드리고 있는데요,
Although I’ve been updating with capture images to you all,
여러분들께서 좋아 해 주셔서 오늘도 열심히 캡처하고 왔습니다.
I appreciate that you guys like my captures, so I’m back with another capture today.
다음은 사진을 들고 올 수 있도록 애쓰겠습니다.
I will do my best to bring an actual photo next time.
영상은 온라인을 통해 곧 만나보실 수 있습니다.
You should be able to watch the videos online soon.
오는 10월 16일, 태국에서의 첫번째 팬미팅!
There will be a fan meeting in Thailand on October 16th!
11월 11일 일본에서의 행사 스케줄이 있습니다!!
On November 11th, there will be an event scheduled in Japan!!
태국은.. 예전부터 많은 방문 요청이 있었는데요,
Thailand.. Many people have been requesting for an event there,
드디어! 이번에 단독 행사로 찾아뵙게 되어 많은 기대를 하고 있습니다.
and finally! We are anticipating on the visit for the event.
많은 분들께서 좋은 반응을 현지로부터 보내주고 계셔서 즐겁게 준비하고 있습니다.
Because many of you are looking forward to it, we are enjoying the preparations for it.
오늘은.. 일본에서 열리는 행사 「 “Love & Peace” 유엔의 친구 Asia-Pacific Global Peace & Love in Tokyo 2010」의 짧은 코멘트 촬영이 있었습니다.
Today.. in Japan, there’s an event called “‘Love & Peace’ UN Friend Asia-Pacific Global Peace & Love in Tokyo 2010,” and he [Min Ho] made a short comment about it.
이미지는 오늘 촬영중의 이민호씨의 모습입니다.
The image above of Lee Min Ho was from today’s filming.
「 “Love & Peace” 유엔의 친구 Asia-Pacific Global Peace & Love in Tokyo 2010」에 대해 잠깐 말씀 드리면,
국제 평화 기관인 UN에서 이민호씨를 초청 하였습니다.
한국 배우로 국제기관의 행사에 한국이 아닌곳 에서 단독이벤트를 진행하는 것.
굉장히 멋지다고 생각 됩니다.
I will explain to you about “‘Love & Peace’ UN Friend Asia-Pacific Global Peace & Love in Tokyo 2010.”
An international peace research institute for the UN invited Lee Min Ho.
A Korean actor who was invited to an international event that hasn’t been held nationally.
I find that to be amazing.
국각 연합의 친구들 Asia-Pacific은 사망자가 30만명이상 이였던 아이티 대지진과 남미칠레의 대지진으로 인한 회복부흥활동으로
이번에 일본에서 열리는 이벤트도 ‘우정’이라는 테마로 진행 될 예정 입니다.
There was a death toll of more than 300,000 people from Haiti, the earthquake in Chile, and other natural disasters that occurred in South America. Each country from the Asia-Pacific region will be participating in the relief event, and the theme for the event being held in Japan will be “friendship.”
이번 테마는 세계인의 한사람으로 더욱 가깝게! 아픔을 함께 하며 아픔을 이겨낼 수 있도록 하자! 라는 의미도 담고 있는데요,
The theme provides a meaning of “Bringing everyone closer into one! We all should feel the pain and overcome them together!”
좋은 취지의 행사인 만큼 참여가 어려우신 Minoz 분들도 함께 응원 해 주셨으면 합니다.
We hope that Minoz will participate in this wonderful event and help those who are in need.
다가오는 이벤트를 위하여 여러가지를 준비하고 있습니다.
We are making a lot of preparations for the upcoming events.
태국은 현장에서 여러분들과 함께하는 여러가지 시간이 있을 예정이구요,
We will spending a lot of one on one time with those who will be attending the event in Thailand,
일본에서는 좋을 취지를 널리 알릴 수 있도록 몇가지 새로운 작업을 위해 논의 하고 있으니 많이 기대 해 주세요.
and for Japan, we are doing our best preparing for the event, so we hope that many of you will spread the word and have many expectations.
한국 분들은 참여가 어려우실 수 있지만,
Although it may be difficult for Koreans to participate in the events,
일본의 이벤트가 끝난 후..
once the event in Japan finishes..
여러분들께서 기다리고 기다리시던 ‘시티헌터’의 여러가지 소식을 접하실 수 있으실 거라 생각 합니다.
You should be able to hear more news about the anticipating drama, “City Hunter.”
모든 분들이 건강하고 즐겁게 이민호씨의 행보를 지켜봐 주시길 바랍니다.
I hope that many of you will watch over Lee Min Ho with healthful and joy.
시작하는 한 주 즐겁게 보내시길 바랍니다.
I hope everyone will enjoy the start of the new week.
Thank you.
Original Source: leeminho.kr
Translated By: Solly @ Lee Min Ho’s World
He's answering questions japanese fans posted at his official japanese site.
Q. 여자를 만나 처음 보는 장소는 어디 입니까?
A. 전체적인 분위기 , 감각, 표정입니다.
Q. What is the first thing you look at when you meet a girl?
A. The overall feel, her expression.
Q. 시력은 얼마입니까? 이벤트 등 무대위 민호 님이
내 얼굴은 잘 보이지 있는지 구나 궁금 합니다.
무대위 에서 팬들의 표정 등을 잘 보이나요?
A. 무대 위에서 한 눈에 여러분이 보여요 ^ ^
시력은 이전 라식 수술을 하기 때문에, 매우 좋다.
Q. How is your eyesight? I'm wondering if you can see me from the stage during an event. Can you see your fans' expression from the stage?
A. I can see everyone from a glance from the stage. My eyesight is very good since I had lasik surgery before.
Q. 다른 나라에 이벤트 등 오랜 기간 한국을 떠났을 때 , 가장
고생 하는 것은 무엇입니까?
A. 힘든 것은 .. 음식과 .. 회화를 할 수 없다는 것입니까 .
이벤트 에 참가 했을 때, 갑자기 무언가 하고 싶어 도 여러가지 어려운 상황이
일 어납니다 에서 ^ ^
Q. What do you find most difficult for you when you are away from Korea for a long time for activities overseas?
A. The difficulties are... food and .. the fact that I can't converse well. When i'm attending an event, even if I feel like doing something suddenly, it's hard to. ^ ^
Q. 일본 여행 한다면, 어디에 가고 싶어?
A. 드라마에 나올 것 같은・ ・ ・온천은 꼭 한번 가보고 싶습니다 .
Q. If you are to travel in Japan, where would you like to go?
A. Some place I saw in a drama... I want to visit the hot springs at least once.
Q. 드라마 대본 (대사) 은 어디 에서 어떻게 기억 합니까?
A. 평소 특별한 장소 로 기억 하는 것은 아니고 , 대본 이 나오면 손으로 만져
시간이 지남에 읽습니다. 촬영 중에는 이동시 또는 대기실에서 .
현장에서 배우 들과 맞춰보고 하기도 습니다 .
Q. How do you memorize drama scripts?
A. Usually i don't memorize it by/at a special location, i would hold the script in my hand and read it. When i'm filming a drama, it would be when i'm moving(being transported) or in the waiting room. I also practice with other actors/actresses on the filming location.
Q. 외국 에 체류중인 먹고 싶어지는 한국 요리는 무엇입니까?
A. 역시. . 김치 찌개 ^ ^
Q. What korean dish do you feel like eating when you're abroad?
A. As expected.. Kimchi Chigae ^ ^
Q. 만약 주위 사람이 자신 을 알아차리지 못했다고 하면,
어디서 무엇을 하고 싶습니까 ?
A. 그렇지 .. 특히 변하지 않고 평범하게 다양한 배회 싶어요 ~
Q. If you can go unrecognized by people, where would you go and what would you like to do?
A. yes.. I'd like to wander around casually without having to do something different ~ (??)
Q. 항상 현장에서 밝고 모두와 즐겁게 하고있는 것으로 보인다
민호 군 이지만 즐겁게 일을 하는 사람과 접할 때
신경쓰고 있는 것은 있습니까?
A. 현장이 매우 힘든 상황 이 될 수 많은데 ,
그럴 때는 인상 을 하지 않도록 주의 하는 것입니다.
Q. Although you always seem very cheerful on set, is there anything that you'll pay particular attention to when you come in contact with people you work with?
A. There are a lot of times where difficult situations happen on set, i try my best not to make things harder for others. (??)
Q. 잘 부르는 노래는 어떤 노래 입니까?
A. 잘 부르는 노래는 특히 기억 때문에. 요즘 자주 듣고있는 노래 를 가르칩니다 ^ ^
최근 Ra.D 노래를 잘 듣고 있습니다 .
Q. What are the songs you sing well?
A. I have to specially memorize the songs to sing well. (??) I've been recently listening to Ra.D's song.
Q. 여러 장소에서 이벤트 하고 있지만 긴장 하지 않습니까 ?
A. 긴장을 하지 않는 것은 없어요 (웃음) 기분 좋은 정도 의 긴장감 .
Q. Although you've held various events at different locations, don't you still feel nervous?
A. There's no way I won't feel nervous (laughs). It's a nervousness that feels good.
Q. 일본 에서 민호 군의 어머니 와 동년배 정도의 팬들도 많다고
생각 이 그것에 대해 어떻게 생각하십니까 ?
A. 최근에는 너무 어린 어린이부터 정말 많은 연령층 이 더
응원해주세요 있습니다. 제가 좋은 에너지를 여러분에게 드리는
수 있다면 , 그것 만으로 나는 매우 기쁩니다.
Q. A lot of your fans here in Japan are around the age of your mother, what do you think about that?
A. (??)If I am able to energize others, I'm happy just by that alone.
Q. 서울에서 가장 좋아하는 장소는 어디입니까?
A. 남산 타워 . 한나라 강 에서 바라보는 서울의 야경 은 정말 깨끗합니다 ^ ^
Q. What location do u like best in Seoul?
A. Namsan tower. The night view of Seoul from the Hanara River is really clean/crisp ^ ^