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Author: Pailang

Pesawat MAS masuk ke dunia 4 dimensi

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Post time 25-4-2014 10:45 AM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 25-4-2014 10:34 AM
ayahanda tu saya la...

so apa jawapan khasyaf yang Ayhanda  buat telah dibuat...
sat anakanda tak leh habaq kena tanya ayahanda
letih gak gini..
aku ni bukan la kata tak percaya ke haper...
mungkin aku ni tak berpendidikan tinggi sepertimana mereka yang lain
so klue yang diberi oleg C'lah tu terlalu kabur dan agak fantastik bagi aku
A few years ago, my husband ade berkawan dengan geng yang mendakwa dibuka hijab untuk melihat alam lain
berwirid, hingga roh mereka mampu menjelajah sampai ke bulan, so bila dah sampai ke bulan tu, memasing menceritakan keadaan bulan,
permukaannya, keadaan cuaca...
otak aku konpius dan conflict


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Post time 25-4-2014 10:47 AM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 25-4-2014 10:36 AM
dajal dah nak kluo..tahun2 mendatang pasti nya penuh dgn cabaran baik fizikal dan ruhani khas nya  ...

Dajjal dah lama keluar...
setiap Nabi dan rasul diingatkn tentang fitnah Dajjal
cuma kita tak elert dan tak mengkaji
kenapa amaran firnah berulang kali, bergenerasi diingatkan
kita akan anggap the words keluar tu merujuk kepada pengistiharan rasmi...


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Post time 25-4-2014 04:50 PM | Show all posts
jom digest ni..dan fikir2 kan.. ... e-tanah-melayu.html

67. Bermula dengan kes di Lahad Datu, berakhir dengan hilangnya MH370. Ada satu lagi episod lebih besar akan dipentaskan tidak lama lagi.

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Post time 25-4-2014 08:22 PM | Show all posts
honeybee1802 posted on 24-4-2014 07:05 PM
Actually bkn tskat peristiwa mh370 je yg menimbulkan tanda tanya...peristiwa lahad terba ...

isu MH370 ni macam kesinambungan drp isu lahad datu tahun lepas. dikatakan ada motif yg sama.

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Post time 25-4-2014 08:24 PM | Show all posts
esbok posted on 24-4-2014 08:16 PM
suratan atau kebetulan? dua scene yang mungkin ada hubung kait. wallahualam. seram memikirkan nasi ...

rasa macam duk kat Malaysia ni dah tak seselesa dulu...secara emosinya

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Post time 25-4-2014 09:00 PM | Show all posts
[Updated from comments 4/7/14 at 6:22 AM]
Hello everyone!

I had a few people asking more about Diego Garcia. In my previous update I saw the military on Diego Garcia running around in chaos.  I also kept hearing something about “scramble.” When I really look at this situation it seems like the people in charge know what is going on, but that information is not being relayed down the chain.  It looks like they give orders, change the orders, give new orders, and just keep things chaotic.  I get the impression that this confusion is intentional..??

I also had some people wanting to know who is communicating with ETs.  I get we have representatives- I also get that our government actually has an Alien Ambassador, as does other larger countries. It looks like the ETs want us to disclose their existence, and we (as a planet) were suppose to disclose this by now, and it hasn’t happened. I also don’t get that the ETs are trying to be malicious- it seems like the plane approached this portal, went into it, but the ETs have the technology to retrieve it?? They just ask in exchange for their help we disclose their existence in way that makes them look helpful and an asset rather than evil or negative.

I am still connected to Cocos Island.  I stand by the association to this island or the word Cocos.

Many people are also curious if this situation has happened before.  I get that it has, and this won’t be the last time.  This is just the first time in which we have social media and other information outlets to share ideas and look at alternate views.

[Updated from comments 4/8/14 at 6:14 AM]
Hello everyone,

I want to thank everyone for their continued energy.  A comment stood out to me talking about how powerful collective positive intentions and thoughts can be in seeking truth and helping people.  It is so important to stay focused and not let the frustration and aggravation deter you.  I sense the media is trying to wear people down with mass amounts of not credible information. In my mind it looks like some kind of contest to wear people down so when they present the finale (and I still see a faked pile of debris) we accept it willingly.

The number 2-3-7:  Early on I connected very strong to Cocos Island (or something sounding like Cocos). I later found out through all of the comments that the longitude of these islands is a combination of the numbers 2-3-7 (thank you to everyone who is doing this research!). I also found out very early on that the number of occupants was 239- I have had several suggestions that there were 237 passengers and 2 pilots- That could be the message, but I would have felt more confident if I would have gotten 2-3-9.  The same day I got 2-3-7 I stumbled randomly on the movie Room 237 (while searching for Robin Hood in Netflix).  I watched it- It talked about hidden meanings and things aren't always as they are portrayed which opened my eyes even more to the situation. I just try to open myself up and see what my surroundings are telling me.

[Updated from comments 4/9/14 at 6:55 AM]
Hello Everyone- I did have a couple things to go into…

Number 2-3-7.  I was asked how I came about seeing it.  I was meditating, and when I get to that “place” in my mind, and kind of open myself up. I was asking for information or clues, really any kind of message.  I was there to help, I just needed to connect.That is when I saw what looked like an Asian man, and then he was trying to speak to me.  I couldn’t really hear what he was saying because it sounded like a whisper, but I could tell it was a different language.  I then said I didn’t understand and to show me instead of tell me what he had to say.  Then he held up 2 fingers, then 3 and lastly 7.  I don’t get it is cryptic- the message seemed straightforward… My gut tells me he is somehow telling me a location… When several people explained how this number corresponds with coordinate or longitude- I felt even more sure that he was telling me where they are.

Mentawai Tribe. I was asked about this tribe.  They do resemble what I saw,  Of all the pictures I have seen, this is the closest resemblance.  I will need to do some more research to see where they live (if they are near Cocos or Christmas Island).

I also wanted to update you on what I have been able to put together. I am still working on this, but here is what I see…. The plane left, got into some kind of a detour around the Chinese airspace.  They encountered an electrical storm, things got dark and loud.  People were scared and didn’t realize what happened. That was followed by a sense of calming as they entered a portal that led them to this island (that I feel is in current day Cocos area).  Meanwhile, ETS somehow guided this plane to that area safely (I see some kind of energy field surrounding the plane as it was gliding after the portal entry).  The passengers landed, and many suffered some kind of mental shock (almost like an amnesia or confusion of sorts) (I see what looks like mental patients walking around and they look drugged up).  They stayed on the beach and started to come out of their “sleepy” state.  As they did an Indian tribe that lived in the central part of the island came in to help them.  They were taken to the central part of the island where there were some mountains and caves at the base of the mountains. The passengers are still there, and are being helped by the Indian tribe.  

I also get the people of Diego Garcia know what is going on and have been in communication with the ETs that originally guided them.  The passengers have the capability of coming back, but first the ETs want some disclosure made to the world that they exist.  The ETs want to be able to walk freely, and cannot do so until some things happen.  The governments don’t know what to do… They want this story to go away..  I feel a plan of falsifying evidence is in the process, but nothing significant will be planted in the event that these people are brought back (you can’t find engines at the bottom of the ocean and then explain how people have magically been found).

I realize there aren’t a lot of details, but I am piecing this together slowly.  Thank you for your shared positive energy.]

[Updated from comments 4/10/14 at 6:31 AM]
Hello Everyone.  Someone had posted that we need to really focus our energy on this.  Even though this is still in the media, there feels like a shift in energy and it doesn’t feel as strong.  Collectively I believe we can make a difference.

Some people were asking about China.  I do not see China involved in this at all.  I only see that the plane was avoiding their airspace.  I get that China is really tightening their security with regards to airspace.  They had nothing to do with this plane.

I also had questions about the ETs.  I get that when they do walk the earth, they will blend in with the people.  (I get an image of Terminator – the insides don’t match what is portrayed on the outside). I see it done in a way that doesn’t cause a bunch of fear of hysteria.  To some extent I see that this already happens and they walk amongst us, but their population here is very small.
Not all ETs are out to cause harm.  In fact, they are intrigued by us and our capability to express a wide range of emotion.  I see that many ETs even though intellectually advanced (I get they have learned to unlock parts of the brain) and possess a higher vibration, there is something void in them that does not allow for emotion and feelings to exist (at least to the extent that it does in humans).  They are fairly emotionally simple.


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Post time 25-4-2014 09:01 PM | Show all posts
[Updated from comments 4/11/14 at 7:54 AM]

I had a few updates that I wanted to address. I was asked to look at the Spratley and Paracel Islands.  Someone has shared that they have some energy pulling them in that direction.  I can’t seem to get there in my mind.  It feels too north.  My mind pulls me south west of Malaysia.

Even though my mind still wants to connect to Cocos and Christmas Island, I can’t help but feel a slight connection to the land mass that David Icke addressed on his site and was brought to my attention on an earlier blog comment. This land mass was located to the west of Australia.  This mass can’t be found on any other current map, but rather a glimpse was shown on a movie. I haven’t been able to figure out why I want to go there, so I am really focusing on that.

I also still have an unsettling feeling about Diego Garcia.  I am working on the association with all that.

[Updated from comments 4/12/14 at 11:14 AM
I have been thinking a lot about the ping that is being heard off the coast of Australia.  Something feels off about it.  I get this impression that it is a trick or a trap of some kind.  I see this as some kind of search for something that isn’t there- almost like someone chasing a dangling carrot (that is the image I see in my mind) only to never catch it.

I also flash to the David Icke  “mystery land” that he brought up, and it was in the same spot at this ping (or very close to it.) Lately in my mind I see this area where the ping is forming a point on the map.  Then I see the area by Diego Garcia forming another point, lately I see that Cocos / Christmas Island area forms a third point creating a triangle.  I am not aware of a “Bermuda triangle” in that area, but someone is very off and mysterious about it. There is so much uncertainty and bad energy tied to what feels like a “cover up.”

I also get that there are few people that know what happened, but they do know.  I see that they watch us run around on these false missions knowing we won’t find the answer.  It is both a disturbing and confusing feeling.  I also feel stronger than ever that ETs are somehow involved in this, almost begging for some kind of resolve but we are stubborn to negotiate]

[Updated from comments 4/13/14 at 9:20 AM
I have had some people request to know what the passengers are doing.  I see them in this numb state.  I wouldn't say they are sad, anger or happy either.  It almost has this ‘trance” appearance, like I would see someone in a dream or sleepwalking.  As far as the surroundings, that is unchanged.  I still see the huge jungle (and the plants seem super-sized, the leaves are much larger than any normal plants I see in my current environment).  They seem to be existing with the native tribe, and the native tribe is guiding them or helping them, as if to mentor them in their situation.


[Updated from comments 4/14/14 at 6:01 AM

I received an email regarding the area I am looking at trying to figure out what doesn't feel right about the energy.  An anonymous person told me that the area to the west of Australia is a vortex just like the Bahamas and is called the Wharton Basin.  I wanted to share this with you in case any of you know or understand this energy that I am sorting out,.

[Updated from comments 4/15/14 at 9:43 AM

Hello.  I first wanted to go back into the Cocos Basin… I do not think the plane is in the ocean within this triangle. I see it on an island (still saying something with Cocos) and higher profile people (actually the highest one or two people) stationed at Diego Garcia know what really happened.  I get a huge sense of unbalance leaning toward the negative in the triangle that is located between the west of Australia, Diego Garcia and the Cocos Islands. The unbalance of energy may not have anything to do with the missing plane, BUT the uneasy feeling seems to “fit “with the plane as if there is a connection (it could be all the activity surrounding the plane happened within this triangle of space.)

I spent some time today focusing on Paul Weeks- opening myself up to get any information I could, and here is what I got.  In initially connecting with him I get a sense of sleep deprivation.  He is sleeping, but not great, and hasn’t had much of it.  He is still persevering and focused- he wants to get back home.  Many of the people around him have sort of given up, or lost their drive, but he has a certain determination about him.  I see that he carries a picture of his family, and when he is feeling at a low, defeated point, he uses the energy of his family to keep going. (The picture looks to be of him, his wife, and a blonde haired, large dog- this could be a literal representation of his family or symbolic in some way.??) The odd thing of the picture is that it isn’t in his wallet, he looks to keep it folded in his sock- There feels like something strange about his wallet but that didn’t come through. I’m asking him for clues- I see what looks like a make shift sundial made of rocks, and I am telling him I need more.. He says something about either “3” or “30”- I feel more pulled to the 30 (location?), and I still keep prying.  Then he makes a comment about wishing he had a sextant, and I ask what he sees.  I feel like he wants to show me a constellation, have some sense he is pointing to Orion’s belt in the sky (I know very little about astrology, but I see three starts all in alignment and I feel like it is straight above my head).  I also ask what he remembers about the flight- direction, etc..He tells me when they were “taken” it felt dark, and then he had of sense of abrupt turning (they didn’t land strait in line with the direction they were going). He remembers something about seeing what in his terms looked like the Alps (even though it may not be the Alps, these mountains had a similar “feel”). He also remembers feeling this complete disorientation as if he was sleep walking while all this happened maybe it was shock or something else, but he says it felt like time moved slower and he was in a dream…He also said something about this place where there is “ like nothing he has ever seen”..?. I then tried to ask about him personally, he was so angry and how is he doing- He clarified it much better- He had a message that he was more angry with himself- He is very scientific, doesn't believe a lot in what can’t be proven (ie psychic ability is something he doesn't know how he feels about). He had intuition that something with this flight was not right- he knew it, and didn't listen to himself and what his gut was telling him.  He feels so angry about that! He is also angry that he feels like he abandoned his family, and he is worried about them far more than he is worried about himself.


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Post time 25-4-2014 09:01 PM | Show all posts
[Updated from comments 4/16/14 at 6:56 AM
After my last post I was told that the name of the plane searching for the plane is the Orion P3..  I felt more connected to the clues being a star position and the number “3” or “30” being more of a clue.  BUT, when I focused on this more I got that in regards to the plane, or a plane searching- they could “hear” it as if it were overhead but they couldn't “see” it (this came through focusing on Philip Wood and I will go into his reading later).  I am still trying to make it straight in my mind if: Are they are on this current time line OR are they in a parallel “layer” of earth?

To better explain this (I use this example to make sense of it) I see our current earth similar to a Photoshop program.  Our earth that we walk and live our daily life on is like the base photo on a  Photoshop program.  On Photoshop you can add layers, foregrounds, filters to a base picture… these layers, foregrounds, filters are like the parallel layers of time on earth.  All of these events (base photo with the added layers) happen at the same time, but our eye can’t see the alternate layers (much like you can’t see UV light or microwaves- still there, just can’t see it).  I never did get an image or confirmation that they were brought back into our current layer of time, but perhaps they did and that is where I need to focus. I am still trying to gain clarity as to what this is all about…   
Maldives:  I have had many comments relating to this island chain.  I try not to let too much outside influence in because it alters my intuition, BUT these islands are in the geographic “zone.” I feel they are connected to something and I keep getting this nagging feeling in regards to this group of islands..

Ashtar:  I have been asked many times if I have read or seen  YouTube videos on him. I have heard of him, but haven’t watched or read much because again, I don’t want to sway my intuition.  I understand that these messages explain some ET involvement, which I still strongly believe is an influence in this, and I will say that there is a sense of truth that resonates with me in regards to some of his work that I have been exposed to.

Philip Wood: I was given his name because he was a passenger on the flight.. So I took time today to focus on him.  The first thing I got was this immediate sense of loyalty, but on the inside he could really be a fighter if provoked because he has a strong sense of justice.  He is smart, methodical, observant and analytical.  I see an image of someone sinking down low in their seat, with their ears perked up as if he knows how to lay low and keep tuned into the environment. With regards to the phone… I see him messing with it.  He is trying to figure out how to get a signal or boost it in some way.  As I see him doing this (but I don’t see it successful?), other passengers are standing around, but I hear him say something about, “Just a second, let me think” because people keep trying to interject their ideas and breaking his thought, which is irritating to him. I also see him concerned with battery life of the phones- there is a huge pile of phones, tablets, laptops, etc. gathered up (it actually looks like all electronics are in a pile, like they were donated in the cause of finding a way out of their situation.).  I also get a sense of several highly intelligent people being on that plane- and they, along with Philip are really working hard to figure out how to get some kind of communication out.
I’m still making sense of my next image… I see this intelligent group plotting to take some equipment from the plan (radio, electronics from the cockpit, etc) . They want to use this to build some kind of communication out.  Then another group stepped forward and are guarding the plane (I see no guns, but they are standing at the plane like a body guard.  Their stance is that they want to leave the plane in tact- as if it is somehow functional or useful to keep it intact.  I see a divide in the group over this, and that is causing tension and frustration..

[Updated from comments 4/17/14 at 6:31 AM
Hello everyone-
There were a couple of islands that I wanted to look at (thank you for the comments and helping keep the energy alive). The first is Anse Coco,  Digue Island. When I looked at this I feel it has too many people living there.  The island (in my mind) looks deserted (or at least the part that they live on is deserted and gives the passengers the feel that they are alone- with exception to the Indian tribe.).

I also wanted to look at some mountains in Viet Nam.  I looked at a map on Google earth, and I don’t get the feel for the snow at the top.  When I look at the mountains that I feel were seen, I imagine the Swiss Alps having a snowy cap (I may be wrong, and those were his words, so if they aren’t snowy let me know because I need to find what he saw, not necessarily what I am imagining.)

If you know of someone specific to focus on, I have already  tried to make a connection to Philip Wood and Paul Weeks… I am happy to try some else.  I may sit today and look at the manifest and see who “pops out” to me…

[Updated from comments 4/18/14 at 8:58 AM

I had some geographic areas that I wanted to look at.  In viewing these I couldn’t really connect, as if something is off.  The locations were Papua Indonesia, Afghanistan and Mount Kailash…  What I did is take where I feel I need to be looking, and I included a copy of that map.  I have been scanning over this area with google earth and feel like the answer is somewhere here.

Also almost daily I would like to focus on one or two people that were on the plane and try to get some different perspectives.. Today I wanted to focus on Fariq Abdul Hamid, one of the pilots. The first thing I see Is that he is in the cockpit, they hit some turbulence.. He is holding on tightly to the controls as if they had to turn off or assist the auto steering to manage though this rough patch in the air.  Then I see him with this very strange look on his face as if something took the plane over.  I saw him lift his hands into the air, and actually say something to someone else, like “look at this.”  The plane looked as if it was steering itself, and the odd part of the image is that it steered with grace- it wasn’t erratic, fluctuating up and down, it was very smooth as if it was coasting. It was so silent during this too- like you go through this loud turbulence and it is followed by this zen like silence. I get an image of a kid flying a remote controlled airplane, as if the plane itself went through the air with that kind of ease.  The most vivid thing I get when focusing on this gentlemen was the plane ride- I can’t get much after that.

Another name I had that I want to try to focus on is Mary Burrows. I see her more as she is now.  Very distraught and worried.  She goes in and out of the “numb” state of mind and during her clear times it seems filled with worry.  She is a pacer, walks around, but I get the impression of a slight limp.  I am trying to focus on food, and one thing I she is that she dislikes it, but when you are hungry you will eat most anything.  I get a sense of a strict diet, or things she stays away from (vegetarian??) and she is eating things not typical for her. I see a smaller animal being roasted on a fire as I type this.  They often chew on these sweet leaves that have a sugary taste on the inside- I see they chew these as people here chew gum.  They look to be habitually addicted to chewing these leaves.  Natural food- Berries are the thing I see them gather.  They are brown and red, and there is also a fruit that grows on trees that has a brown furry outside, about the size of a golf ball (relative to seeing it in someone’s hand) and they eat the insides…


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Post time 25-4-2014 09:02 PM | Show all posts
[Updated from comments 4/19/14 at 9:48 AM
Betel Plant- Thank you for suggesting I look at this plant.  It does look like the plant they chew on.  In most every image I see they are chewing this as if it were chewing gum.  The Indians all chew this, and they are showing or introducing it to the passengers.  The passengers look skeptical to try it, but enjoy it as if it has a calming effect or creates some kind of mild enjoyment.  I feel like we are onto something here!

The fruit resembles kiwi, but I feel like it is called something else.  (Does kiwi grow somewhere in that area of the world and called by a different name?).  I was trying to look at some other pictures on a blog at, but my browser says what I am looking for doesn't exist anymore.  I will keep focusing on this…

The location I feel pulled to (and mapped out on the previous update) doesn't really show an island that matches the images on my mind… I still feel like the answers are there (in that triangulated area), and maybe they area just difficult to see.  There is some connection to the Cocos Basin, Cocos Island, Diego Garcia and a land mass (that isn’t on current day maps) located to the west of Australia.  I am trying to not lock my mind so narrow to this that I don’t consider other possibilities… one of which that was suggested is Indonesia.  My impression is that it (Indonesia) is too east BUT I can’t completely dismiss it.  Of everything that I have looked at and then looked at again, I feel some pull to not let this one go and keep it in my mind to work on. It was also suggested that I look at the Caucasus in Russia.  This location feels a little too far of the “zone” that my mind wants to work on. I’m and keeping Indonesia in my mind to explore some more.

I also still maintain that there is some ET involvemendt in this.  I have not reviewed the Ashtar readings, I am just aware that they exist.  I am trying not to get too jaded by his impressions and would like to see what I can view independently of him.  I think that will lead to more truth (comparing the similarities).

Today I wanted to put some energy into JU Kan, from China, age 32.  The first thing I see is this man and he is excited and trying to talk fast, so fast he is at a stutter.  He has so much to say, but he can’t get it out.  I feel like he super hyper… The words he is trying to say sounds like (phonetically in English)  “Jute, Jute, Jute, How (long and drawn out).  We, Hawl.” (I need help because I do not speak this language- just trying to get anything.) He also keeps bowing his head up and down really fast.. He is very anxious, or hyper and although physically seems healthy, he is very stimulated. That  is really all I get for him, and that image just keeps playing in a loop as if it was a movie being repeated.

[Updated from comments 4/20/14 at 9:04 AM
Hello everyone.
I had a couple things I wanted to take a look at.. I had some comments about the words or sentence I was able to get yesterday.. Someone mentioned that maybe he was trying to say something about Jute.  I can’t get a true confirmation on it, but maybe he was telling me that was around, or some kind of plant is there that makes “jute.”THEN, It was also brought to my attention that he may be saying that he needs help- which when I read it- I did feel like that was what he was saying. I instantly had this panic feeling, and saying those words in my mind as I combine it to the image of him and how anxious and hyped up he looked-, that felt right (and I felt this panic in my chest). My next quest will be to try to figure out how I can help him… Please share your energy toward this- I’m going to continue to focus on his because he is full of energy and I might get something.

I also looked at Buah Salak and Ciku fruit.  They didn’t seem to be hairy or fibrous enough in the pics I was able to look at. I also looked at Chicos- they resemble this too.  Chinese Gooseberry- looks like it.  It was small, tan and fibrous texture.  I wanted to say it reminded me of a small coconut, but when I looked at Chinese Gooseberry (looks much like a kiwi, or maybe even the same thing) that looks right.. I think we are onto something with the Chinese Gooseberry!

Betel. The more I hear and see on it, I think it is it…When I focus on the word Betel, I keep hearing “Peppermint flavored Stevia.” From the comments I have read, betel sounds very similar to stevia- if I am wrong, let me know, because this “Betel” feel right.

[Updated from comments 4/21/14 at 6:15 AM
Hello  everyone… I didn't have a lot today, but I still had a few things I wanted to look at.

I keep feeling that there is some kind of Indonesian connection, and I haven’t put it together.  I realize it isn’t within the “triangle” that is I feel has a pull to it.  Possibly I feel this energy because some of the passengers are from Indonesia… I am trying to sort this out.

The Betel Plant fits what I saw, and I was sure that was what I was seeing.  Someone then mentioned Kratom, so now I am wondering… I will describe exactly what I saw / got when I focused on this:  It has green, small leaves.  They chew this as if it were gum.  They don’t just hold it in their mouth, they chew it with their teeth to get the juice or sweetness out of the middle. I got a message that It was like “peppermint stevia”. It is sweet and calming, and it felt a little addicting as if it had some kind of mellowing effect. There are huge abundances of it and it seems as if they could never run out.

I also felt that Chinese Gooseberry fit my image.  Someone addressed nutmeg, and it too looks similar to what I saw. I feel I need to go into as much detail as possible with this also.  It was small, fit into the palm of your hand. It was tan with a fibrous outside.  I also got the impression that it wasn’t only edible, and they used it as food, but it had other purposes too, like putting it on your skin or helping with skin irritations (medicinal properties). It reminded me of coconuts with a cream colored center when it was broken, but I didn’t get the impression it was juicy- the center was firm.]

[Updated from comments 4/22/14 at 6:44 AM
Thank you everyone for your continued support on this.  I had I short update today (I hope to focus on more passengers later this week) that I wanted to post.

I had some comments regarding the area called Pulau Tanahmasa.  Geographically it is close to where I am already looking.  I still feel like the area I am questioning is either near Cocos, Diego Garcia (and lately Indonesia).  I will keep my mind open, but I can’t connect to Pulau Tanahmasa just yet..

Someone shared a link of purple mangosteen fruit.  This is very interesting!   I wasn’t able to see that the outside had a fibrous brown texture though.  I really feel like I am more focused on the Chinese Gooseberry. That keeps sticking with me.

After all the comments and focusing on the Betel leaves, I think this is what this is.  I felt like my biggest clue was hearing the phrase “peppermint stevia” and the fact they chew this as chewing gum…I feel connected to this plant.


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Post time 25-4-2014 09:02 PM | Show all posts
[Updated from comments 4/23/14 at 6:38 AM
Thank you for everyone that is sending information on Betel.  I really feel that we have the right plant.  I am still open to viewing other suggestions (I don’t want to limit myself), but I feel pretty connected to the Betel plant (in some places I understand it to be called Beetle.)

Kumari Kandam is the name of the land mass that David Icke talks about.  I feel a huge connection to this!  In my mind it looked smaller, but it is in the exact same location.  I feel this island forms the bottom part of the triangle of some strange kind of energy (Diego Garcia and Cocos Islands are the other two points).  I am struggling to figure out how the land mass is relevant, but I do feel a connection to this area.

[Updated from comments 4/24/14 at 6:44 AM
Hello everyone.  I wanted to do another update on some things I have been working on….

Ancient Mu and Kumari Kandam-  I have had several people bring these areas up during the course of all these great comments.. I am drawn to this.  The area falls within the “triangle” I am drawn to, and I can’t help but focus on it.  In the beginning I saw the plane enter into some kind of portal.  I also felt as though ET involvement guided them.  I see they (the passengers) can come back, but there is some expectation or needed action from us to make that happen.  I have been really pondering if Ancient Mu or Kumari Kandam exists on a parallel plane, and that is where these passengers are… I think my emotions want them to be safe and sound here on current earth, so I keep focusing on this physical plane of existence we all experience, but there is something nagging that is much more complex than simply “just finding them.” I have to hold true to my initial reactions and work on what I see, blocking my emotions from the mix.

Metal objects of others:  Someone suggested that I hold metal objects or something from the plane or passengers.  With all the chatter and news on this, it is hard for your subconscious to truly block out every influence, but holding an object in a sense has a grounding effect.  If I had access to that type of item, I would do it.  Since I don’t, I have just been trying to focus on names, images and what situations I see.
Paul Weeks:  I had someone mention that Paul Weeks stated they were  “taken.”  I too thought this was a strange choice of words.  The way he described it reinforced in my mind that there was ET involvement that either forced or guided them to where they went.

Wan Hock Khoon: Someone thought that if I could connect to him I could get some more insight… I wanted to see what I was able to get.  [Please keep in mind that when I see things it could be literal or symbolic… I am really trying to see any clues or connections that can help these people.] He is showing me sand dollars.  He is then showing me trees that have the bark texture of a pine cones, but the leaves are long and narrow.  The plane is still on a sandy beach, and he is saying that rather than looking at the water for a crash, they need to look on land / islands [which is where I get a little lost because if they are on a parallel earth, even that wouldn’t work.].  in a far distance he can see another island that appears to have a volcano on it (he can see it but it is too far to try to get to from their current location.).  He is then showing me these huge totem poles that have been carved from stone made by the natives with the idea they ward off bad spirits and bring luck.  The distinctive feature is that the mouths on the carvings are huge in comparison to the rest of their facial feature. And that is all I can really extract from that….

Someone found a map and sent it to me of some Indonesian Islands [to the right].  Does anyone know of a volcano, native Betel plants or Chinese gooseberry in this location?

[Updated from comments 4/25/14 at 7:00 AM
I had a lot of points I wanted to touch on today…

Someone had addressed the plane being shot down.  I can’t see that it was shot, but when I focus on the plane, I do see a flash of light.  It looks more like light than fire, and it appears to have happened right after the turbulence, and prior to the great “calm” that overtook the plane.

I have also been asked to draw a picture of the totem.  I was able to find a similar picture on Google, however what I was shown in my mind had lips that were twice this size.  It was a similar look, just bigger lips/mouth.  It was also carved from stone and not wood.

I really appreciate all the help in sorting our the plants, trees, etc… In looking at pictures the tree looked like a shorter version of the Arecaceae Tree and the top was fuller. The bark is similar, and the leaves are similar, but the top had more foliage.

I looked at several pictures of the Aborigines because they do have the face paintings I described.  The face markings similar, but I will say their skin is too dark.  In what I saw they looked to have the tan skin complexion of an Indian (possibly Asian??) origin, and they had smooth, silky,shinny black hair.


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Post time 25-4-2014 09:08 PM | Show all posts
sejak ada forumer yg share link ni: [link]

aku jd syok pulak dok baca updates org putih ni hari2. aku pun tak tahu nak percaya apa, tapi aku anggap sekadar baca cerita lah. apa2pun, sebarang kemungkinan boleh berlaku, kuasa Allah kan. kalau ikut blog ni, dia kata My mind also has a nagging feeling about Diego Garcia, as if someone there knows what is really going on. The energy and activity at this location (Diego Garcia) is off and it looks like people are intentionally being run around (the image I see is a maze and people are being forced to run through it while top official view the people in the maze and laugh at them) for entertainment. I do not get the passengers are there, but there is some suspicious about this place.]

kalau rajin, baca dari mula. seronok.

kalau sapa2 dah dok mengikuti, boleh bg pencerahan kat aku, ET tu stands for what??

yg tinggalkan komen kat blog dia tu pun ada org dari Malaysia, China, US, Indonesia... Last edited by erin86 on 25-4-2014 09:09 PM


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Post time 25-4-2014 10:19 PM | Show all posts
erin86 posted on 25-4-2014 09:08 PM
sejak ada forumer yg share link ni: [link]

aku jd syok pulak dok baca updates org putih ni hari2. ...

Aha..seronok juga baca cerita dia ni. Boleh buat movie.
ET - tu extra teresterial kot. Agaknya macam bunian or makhluk asing yang bawa plane tu keluar drp dunia nyata.


Use magic Report

Post time 25-4-2014 10:43 PM | Show all posts
Sambungan drp atas....
Ni komen drp orang lain:

Dear PF,

can you view if this psychic's blog is real about the missing plane? ... -mas-370-with-love/

Angel Psi on MAS 370 with Love
March 14, 2014 - Posted by Divine Love
I receive information through meditation or while doing my scientific work, as I am always connected.

What happened to the Malaysia Airlines ?
- Humans were involved in it. There was a bad intention to bring them down. It was planned by one of the countries that are involved in the search right now.
Why bring them down?
- Related with a group of people who builds products that are of massive important for the country that attempted to bring the flight down.

What happened?
- The intelligent love beings that are always monitoring earth, quickly saved the flight from the military attack.
It is hidden now in a branched reality.
The attackers are equally puzzled. They followed it after attack using their equipments and then just couldn’t physically see it.

What was their plan to attack it in air? Why from the air?
-The attackers were afraid the traders/business people were next going to meet with their rivals. The traders simply wanted to do good business by showing power of things they can build. This would make the rivals know what sort of instruments the attackers has as they are their regular customers. The attackers didn’t want this to happen. This was the only way for them to stop. They wanted to oppress the information. They planned to damage the right side of the plane and bring it down to land on a large vehicle or artificial island, that was waiting in the sea. There they would get the people out and kill the rest and break the plane and leave it in the sea as a crash. But their plan failed as the love beings interfered.

Why did the love beings interfere?
-Because the vibration of the passengers of the flight was very highly raised by a 3 volunteers present in the flight. Because greater things are happening now and the new earth frequencies are here. The love beings are allowed to interfere now any time that you humans ask.

Can the passengers come back?
- They can come back which is not so easy- for their belief system right now does not believe they can. The three volunteers can create a loop to come back. But they might not want to. All the passengers saw the profound being and realizes what life on 3-D earth meant as they can now see more than 3-D. At this moment they are focused purely on their energy and there are no ties and no important reason enough to come back. However some of them are just hoping if they could send a message for their relatives not to worry. Their presence by their families will only be known through a dream or meditative state.

I receive information through meditation or while doing my scientific work, as I am always connected.

Use magic Report

Post time 25-4-2014 10:52 PM | Show all posts
erin86 posted on 25-4-2014 09:08 PM
sejak ada forumer yg share link ni: [link]

aku jd syok pulak dok baca updates org putih ni hari2. ...

Isy...u ni! I dah leka pulak baca blog dia ni.
I rasa buah yang dia mentioned tu adalah buah kabung kot - arecaceae


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Post time 26-4-2014 12:02 AM | Show all posts
uda posted on 25-4-2014 10:19 PM
Aha..seronok juga baca cerita dia ni. Boleh buat movie.
ET - tu extra teresterial kot. Agaknya ma ...

ok..thanks atas pencerahan..

haaa tgk u pun dah terpengaruh kan kalau baca dari mula. thanks jugak sbb bg link baru. i dah bookmark.

cuma i selalu terfikir2...kalaulah mat2/minah2 saleh yg berkebolehan scan2 ni dapat hidayah n mendalami islam, dan kenal Allah, mesti diorang boleh relate unexplained thing happened yg diorang 'nmpk' tu kan. kan dlm blog tu dia ada ckp 'seolah2 ada satu kuasa besar yg tak terlawan yg menolong...'. dia pun taktau nak explain mcmana dari segi logik akal. tapi bagi kita org Islam ni, sebarang kemungkinan boleh berlaku atas kehendak Allah walau tak logik sekalipun

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Post time 26-4-2014 12:06 AM | Show all posts
uda posted on 25-4-2014 10:52 PM
Isy...u ni! I dah leka pulak baca blog dia ni.
I rasa buah yang dia mentioned tu adalah buah kabu ... angelpsi tu dia tak update hari2...

Use magic Report


Post time 26-4-2014 09:48 AM | Show all posts
erin86 posted on 25-4-2014 09:08 PM
sejak ada forumer yg share link ni: [link]

aku jd syok pulak dok baca updates org putih ni hari2. ...

aku kah yg share blog itu?
ok la ada yg wat further reading kan
actually aku jmpa blog ni sbab ada forumer laen post psal omputeh wat remote viewing utk scan MH370 neh
ada thread khas utk remote viewing tu :[url][/url]
korek2 punya korek dlm google aku jmpa la blog tu
mmg menarik la kalu bca
aku respek gak sbab dea xputus2 asa lg mcari kan
smentara kita ni pon naek feed up dah
cuma bla bca tu pndai2 filter la
yg mna msuk akal bleh wat rujukan
yg lwaknya dea da ckap ada ET yg involve kan..pastu ET tu mayb alien ka apa, hehe


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Post time 26-4-2014 10:17 AM | Show all posts
cektim posted on 26-4-2014 09:48 AM
aku kah yg share blog itu?
ok la ada yg wat further reading kan

oh ko ke yg share blog tu hari tu. thanks ye. aku jd syok pulak dok mengikuti. yg ET involvement tu, ikut pemikiran aku, campur tgn kuasa Tuhan la kan kalau benda tak logik tu berlaku (masuk ke dimensi /timeline yg berbeza). bg dia yg bukan Islam ni, dia ingat Alien la yg buat hehe


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Post time 28-4-2014 05:25 AM | Show all posts
lizaliza posted on 25-4-2014 10:29 AM
ayahanda tu siapa?

sheikh nazim kot


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Post time 28-4-2014 10:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dah xde apa2 update sar ke? ke dh stop mencari? kite pun dh x follow dah. kt ci sana dh senyap jee

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