baru habis maraton ep 1-4 terus..
ok la menarik.. best la watak mirae tu, best YEH berlakon..
watak kim shin belum menyinar lagi, tu yg ramai berpaling tadah kat se joo kot..
nak buat camana, se joo memang hot
tapi aku still ship kim shin & mirae kot.. sebab mirae obvious takde hati kat se joo, dia just ikut cakap ahjumma mirae tu je.. tak best la pulak kalau gitu ..
aku speku pilihan mirae untuk berdikari instead of leaning on the man akan beri impact kepada orang2 di sekelilingnya, yg mana nanti akan beri hepi ending kpd semua watak.. and everyone will change for the better.. Last edited by manganini on 28-10-2013 03:53 AM
This week on Marry Him If You Dare, Mi Rae and Shin face imminent crisis when a fire breaks out in a subway car that they’re riding. The two are shown wrapped in each other’s arms tightly, as terrified as the other passengers.
One still from the scene also shows the others hustling away from the fire but Mi Rae bravely and with determination approaches it. Does she plan to put out the fire or is she trying to save something or someone?
ayushuhada04 posted on 27-10-2013 05:50 PM
terbaik ler pic2 ni...
mmg nampak sweet jer sebenarnya KS dan MR ni..
tp hati ayu tt ...
hehhee.. tu la.. tp yoon rasa cm @manganini ckp tu.. hati si mirae kt kim shim.. kekeke..
kite mybe suke kt yong sbb die sweet n ensem je lam ni.. wahahaha..
kim shim tu kemain skema.. dgn rmbut nye... ish2
manganini posted on 28-10-2013 03:50 AM
yoonarang guna application apa ni?
dramania ... hehehe.. beshh.. leh stream n donlod jgk... tp de 4 part la.. kalo stkt nk wat tgk lam tab leh la.. nk wt smpan x besh sgt sbb gmbr x clear cm biasa donlod
YoonArang posted on 28-10-2013 09:44 AM
hehhee.. tu la.. tp yoon rasa cm @manganini ckp tu.. hati si mirae kt kim shim.. kekeke..
kite ...
yer le yoon..mmg dh kenyataannya begitu.....
dah terjadi pun kan....cuma skrg ni...ahjumaa tu jer nk ubah nasib diri dia...
samada menjadi atau tk...tu tk sure lagi ler kan....
여러분 용화예요. ㅋㅋ 날씨가 많이 추워졌네요ㅜ 감기조심하세요~~~ 촬영중에 세주팀 우리 스타일리스트 형이 찍어준 사진 여러분께 보여드리려고요~~ㅋ 월요일까지 기다리기 힘드실까봐.. ㅋ 집밖에 나가실때 따뜻하게 입고 다니세요~~^^ have a good night(Everyone, this is Yonghwa. kk weather got a lot colder ㅜ be careful not to catch a cold~~~ I'd like to show you the photo at the shooting of Seju team taken by our stylist hyung~~k Its hard to wait until Monday..k dress warmly when going out the house~~^^ Have a good night)
YoonArang posted on 28-10-2013 09:44 AM
hehhee.. tu la.. tp yoon rasa cm @manganini ckp tu.. hati si mirae kt kim shim.. kekeke..
kite ...
haha tu la.. tak suka rambut kimshin tu.. harap kimshin & mirae akan tukar fesyen rambut masing2..
tp rasa cm tu je... kalo ending nnt mirae dgn si kim shim pon... harap2 endingnye pmpn tu x dpt pon kt se joo.. hhahaha.. mencikk
mungkin nanti yukyung pun berubah jadi baik kot .. tak gedik lagi pengaruh dari sejoo? se joo pun dah nasehat dia jangan asyik nak membodek je..
kimshin pulak mugnkin slow2 berubah sebab mirae kot..
hihi ntahla, camna la endingnya nanti...