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Author: Ley

♥ Lee Min Ho!!^^ ~ Jib 6 ♥

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 Author| Post time 25-9-2010 12:45 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the article from soompi

(News) Shindong apologizes to Lee Min Ho, why?

Super Junior’s Shin Dong tested the celebrity look alike, and the result stated that he looks like Lee Min Ho by 23%.

On Shin Dong’s Twitter posted on September 13th, he posted the image along with a “Sorry” message.

The #1 celebrity look alike for Shin Dong came out to be the 24 year old actor, Lee Min Ho. The match came out to be 23% alike, and it even said, “Don’t really look alike, but if one had to be chosen…”

Shin Dong posted a cute “Sorry” message for looking like flower boy Lee Min Ho.

Netizens who saw the image stated, “It’s entertaining! There’s no need to say sorry. Oppa is a unique star,” “How can this happen? Oppa, I think you’re more handsome!”, and “Haha, this is very cute. Thank you for the laugh to start off my day.”

Original Source:
Translated By: Solly @ Lee Min Ho’s World                                                                                               

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 Author| Post time 25-9-2010 12:47 PM | Show all posts
thanks alovebof for the vid from soompi

Leeminho Greeting Thailand

cr:as labelled

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 Author| Post time 25-9-2010 12:48 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the article from soompi

Lee Min Ho flooded by CF love calls

Again.  For a whole year after the ending of his breakout lead performance as Gu Jun-pyo in Boys Over Flowers, Lee Min-ho  was flooded with CF offers and personal appearance requests.  He became one of Korea’s most sought after spokespersons, or what they call a ‘blue chip’ in their marketing circles.  After his appearance as an architect in the drama Personal Preference, different types of companies (like those in furniture and electronics) came calling for his services.  Now, after it has been confirmed that he will take the lead in the Korean remake of the Japanese manga City Hunter his agency’s phone is once again ringing off the hook.

The story of City Hunter revolves around a playboy type that is actually a crime fighting hero.  The original manga was written by Hojo Tsukasa in the 1980s and this dramatization will be the first time the story has been retold in 13 years.  Other attempts at dramatizing the manga occurred previously, but they all failed due to the demands of the mangaka (Tsukasa) who demanded perfection from any adaptations.

The story sounds promising and it could be another potential hit for Min-ho.  I’m thinking that’s what advertisers are thinking too, so they want in on the jackpot now.

cr:  StarNews, seoulbeats                                                                                               

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Post time 27-9-2010 01:11 PM | Show all posts
app-per-por...hari sabtu nih hana ajak g umah dia...sila2 dtg ye hehe

sekian dr akak yg takleh masuk ym or fb or twitter di opis baru nih tetapi...sempoi gak opis nih. org2 nya so far cool...bos pun cool.....pastu lunch hour pun cool.....jemaat lak siap dr kul 12 - 2....unwritten rules kata nya...balik pun leh jek balik kul 5.30 ptg....muahaha!!

Use magic Report

Post time 27-9-2010 01:58 PM | Show all posts
mekacih tlg war war kan kaka jel.. aigoo bila aa minho mau dtg mesia agik nihhhhhh...

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 Author| Post time 28-9-2010 08:51 PM | Show all posts
thanks meow13 for translation from soompi

人间本色------李敏镐 独家专访(8月精华版)
Exclusive interview with Lee Min Ho

about acting skill
COOL:从出道至今参与了多部作品的拍摄,总结一下每个角色的特点和自己 出演时的心情吧?抛开观众们的反应,对自身影响最大的作品有哪些?
COOL: Quite a number of projects you have participated since debut, can you tell us each role's feature and your feeling  when playing that role? do not consider audience's response, which project affect you most?
LMH:就最近的两部作品来说的话,“具俊表”脾气很倔,虽然个性张扬但很纯 真;“全镇浩”个性清爽、冷酷,但却很有人情味,责任感很强。其实,每次决定出演一部作品的时候,我都不会有任何犹豫,只想着集中精力去啱好它。
LMH: For the 2 recent projects, Goo Jupyo is very arrogant yet innocent, Jeon Jinho's personality is cool but very human, and he's very responsible. Actually, when I confirmed every project, I wouldn't have any hesitation, I would just concentrate to work on it.
COOL: [花样男子]的第一集播出后,很多人都在议论你的造型,因为它很特别,但是如果说到演技,无论是你的出场,还是你坐在椅子上高傲的让家丁穿鞋的样子都完全 融入了角色。可以说“第一集里面,你是最快进入状态的演员”能呈现非常自然的演技,你私下一定做了很多准备吧?
COOL: After first episode of BOF was aired, many talked about your style since it's very special. But if talk about acting, no matter your appearance, or when you were sitting pridefully to wait for servant to put on shoes for you, you were totally into the role. It an be said that " in the first episode, you are the actor who get into the state the fastest", and acted very naturally. Did you do a lot of preparation on your own beforehand?
LMH:“具俊表”是个游走在上层 社会的财阀、精英,但这些并不能让他觉得开心和满意。这个角色可能大家在生活中也很少见,无论是外在,还是内在,我为了表现出更贴近“具俊表”的样子而做 出了很多努力,在说话的语气和态度上都极力变得高傲起来。另外,我还特意去学习了骑马,设计打高尔夫球等诸多运动。
LMH: GJP is an ellite  who has been living in the upper calss society, bu these cannot make him happy or satisfied. People might not see this kind of role in reality very often. No matter the outlook or in the heart, I have tried very hard to show how "GJP" look like, the way I speak and attitude had become full of pride. In addition, I especially learned lot of sports like riding and golf etc.
COOL:很多人评价你是“一 夜成名”,你赞同这种说法吗?
COOL: many said that you become famous in one night, do you agree with that?
LMH:对任何人来说,开始了一次之后再从新开始都是件不容易的事情,虽然现在有很多人在支持我,但我觉得自己要走 的路还有很长。
LMH: It's difficult for anyone to start again after you have started once. Though a lot of people support me now, I feel that there's a long way to success for me.
COOL: Because of your handsome appearance, everyone subconsciously hope you would continue to develop as an idol. What do you think about your career and choice of role?
LMH: 当演员一直是我的梦想,现在也是如此。现在的偶像们在出道前都做了很多准备和练习,如果我想成为偶像的话估计还得多加练习才可以,而且我现在这个年纪已经 做不了偶像了吧(笑)(小编:这话听起来好欠揍啊,明明还那么嫩!)我觉得做好自己眼前的事情已经很 开心了。

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 Author| Post time 28-9-2010 08:52 PM | Show all posts

LMH: It's always my dream to become an actor until now. Nowadays idols have to prepare and receive lots of training before debut, if I want to develop as an idol, I think I still need a lot of practice. Also I can't be an idol at my age now (laugh) (editor: that's hurt to hear that, he's still so young!) I think I would be very happy if I could finish my current works well.
COOL: A good actor has to understand the intention of director, and also to interpret the characteristics of the role as well as acting response, How do you think you have done on that?
LMH: 我觉得要想准确理解角色的定位必须要跟导演进行充分地讨论,一定要掌握他的意图。
LMH: I think thorough discussion with director is necessary for full and accurate understanding of a role, master the notion/ intention of the director is a must
COOL:出演偶像剧的人往往演技都很一般,不可避免地,这是很 多一部分的思维定势,你准备用什么方法证明自己绝对是个拥有优秀演技的好演员呢?
COOL: The ones who act in idol drama" do not have good acting skill, that's a thought of many which inevitably exist. How would you prove yourself to others that you have got good acting skill?

LMH:今后我将更加专心于演技方面的研究,我希望以后出演的每 一部作品都能获得很好的评价。我时刻提醒自己,虽然客服的难题很多,但只要尽了全力就一定能找到解决的方法。
LMH: I will be paying more attention to learn acting, I hope every project in future wold receive good feedback. I always remind myself that though there would be a lot of difficulties to overcome, trying the best would definitely find a solution to them.
COOL: usually handsome actors would face similar problem: the appearance would limit the choice of roles, have you ever think about that?
LMH:真的从来没想过呢,我觉得即 使再难演的角色,只要自己认真的去演就都能演好。
LMH: I have never thought about that. I think even if that is the most difficult role, you would act well if you take it seriously.
COOL:对哪些角色特别想挑战一下呢?觉得“如果征服了这个角色,外貌如何就完全不在考虑的范 围内了!”
COOL: What kind of role you want to challenge most? what is the role that "if I can overcome that, appearance would never be a matter!"
LMH:想挑战的角色实在太多了(笑)。那种有男人味的角色或者是极富吸引力的角色等等。每拍摄完 一部作品想尝试的角色就会更多。我觉得即使是乞丐也会有自己的魅力,所以外形并不重要。
LMH: There are a lot of roles that I ant to challenge (laugh) Those manly role, or the role with much charisma, etc. There would be more roles that I want to challenge whenever I finished a project. I think even a vagrant would carry his own charisma, thus appearance doesn't matter
COOL: What kind of movie you like most?
LMH: 我喜欢反转型的恐怖片。
LMH: I like horror movie (I can't understand what is 反转型)
COOL: Which movie you have watched over 3 times? What was that attractive to you?
LMH:我有两部经 常看的电影。一部是[美丽心灵],讲述了自己和自己战斗的故事;另一部是[甜美人生],电影的氛围和李秉宪前辈的演技都很吸引我。
LMH: there are 2 movies that I always watch. one is "A beautiful Mind", which is a story about self battle; another one is "A bitter Sweet Life", the ambiance of the movie and Lee Byun Hun's acting are very attractive to me

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Post time 28-9-2010 10:12 PM | Show all posts
Reply 665# Jelita

kaka Jel~~!!

patutlaaa dah lame tak nampak!!

all the best kt tmpt baru~!!

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Post time 28-9-2010 10:13 PM | Show all posts
pd yg ke rumah hana unni~

mian... xdpt join

nomu2 bogoshippo..~!

Use magic Report

Post time 28-9-2010 10:14 PM | Show all posts
eh.. eh...

hai minho

byk yg dibincangkn aritu psl minho

namun...... ape2 pun, minho totap pojaan hatiku...

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Post time 29-9-2010 10:00 AM | Show all posts
motip berforum sorang2 ekekeke

alaaa nony...apesal tak join sabtu nih?? nony...opis kita dekat2 tau....akak kat wisma genting nih hahh!!

calling for nora....calling for nora...mana dia nih?? sonyap ajok

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2010 09:05 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the article from soompi

DBSK’s Micky Yoochun and Goo Hye Sun chosen to have most charming dimples

DBSK’s Micky Yoochun and actress Goo Hye Sun were picked as the stars with the most charming dimples, according to a poll that was recently conducted.

Out of the 105,503 netizens who took part in the 8-day long poll, 6510 votes (42%) went to ‘Sangkyunkwan Scandal’ actor, Park Yoochun, becoming netizens’ most favorite dimpled celebrity.

In addition, Goo Hye Sun gained 3811 votes (24.6%), ranking her 2nd place, while actor Lee Minho received 2238 of the votes (14.4%) to snatch 3rd place.~hehehe

Other celebrities who earned the top 5 spots were singer and actor, Lee Seung Gi, and fellow ‘My Girlfriend is a Nine-tailed Fox’ star, Shin Min Ah.

Source + Photo: MoneyToday

Cre: allkpop

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 Author| Post time 29-9-2010 09:09 PM | Show all posts
thanks to meow13 from soompi


MH tweet~~
으 ~ 날씨가 너무좋네요 ㅠㅠ 이제 정말 가을인가봅니다 괜히 감성적으로 변하는... 여러분도 가을을 함께 즐겨요!   

Translation by ㅇㅇㅇ횽;
"Oh.. What a nice weather ㅠㅠ It must be autumn that makes me emotional... Let us enjoy this fall !"

Credit DC Minho

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Post time 30-9-2010 01:48 PM | Show all posts
lagik 2 minggu nak jumpa buah hati...yahoooooo!!!

nanti kan kemunculan akak di youtube yeeeee

Use magic Report

Post time 30-9-2010 02:51 PM | Show all posts
kaka jel
nony gi cuti2 mesia arini til sunday.. tak dpt ler kita nk meroyan beramai2.. tp epp por lain insya allah dtg..

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Post time 1-10-2010 12:30 PM | Show all posts
adehhh! lum dpt details psl flight minho ke bangkok lagik uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

akak lum book flight akak gak....ottokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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 Author| Post time 4-10-2010 09:31 PM | Show all posts
thanks first_snow from soompi

[10.03.2010] Staff Diary from Min Ho’s Website


비내리는 밤… 날씨도 쌀쌀하고 굉장히………………. 가을이네요 ^^
It’s a rainy night… The weather is chilly so it’s really………………. becoming autumn ^^
즐거운 주말 보내고 계신가요?
Are you enjoying your weekend?

민호씨 소식을 기다리는 여러분들 생각하며 이렇게 늦은 시간이지만 사진을 들고 왔습니다.
I know many of you have been waiting for some news about Min Ho, so I came back with a photo of him.

12시가 지났으니 어제군요. 토요일저녁! 민호씨는 바쁜 일상을 잠시 뒤로하고,
12 hours have passed since yesterday. On Saturday night! To take a break from his busy schedule,
‘개인의 취향’에서 함께 연기했던 정성화씨가 출연하는 멋진 뮤지컬을 관람하였습니다.
he attended a musical where Jung Sung Hwa from “Personal Taste” was featured in.
짧게나마 현장에서 감상 멘트도 남겼으니 가까운 시일 내에 공연관련 사이트에서 볼 수 있기를 기대 해 봅니다.^^
He left a brief video message for him, and the video will be posted on a performance related site.^^

이미지는 영상멘트를 촬영하는 민호씨의 모습이예요~!
This is a picture of Min Ho recording his video message~!

작은 사진이지만 여러분들에게 활력소가 되기를 바라며,
즐겁고 건강한 주말 보내세요 ^^
Although it’s a really small picture since I took it on a camera phone,
I hope you enjoy a healthy weekend ^^

+ 10월 웰페이퍼는 다음주 초에 업데이트 됩니다. 늦어져서 죄송해요!
+ October’s wallpaper will be updated next week. Sorry about the delay!

Original Source:
Translated By: Solly @ Lee Min Ho’s World

Cre: Lee Min Ho's World

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2010 06:49 PM | Show all posts
thanks meow13 for the pics from soompi

Japanese Magazine
Resized to 98% (was 720 x 1037) - Click image to enlarge

Resized to 98% (was 721 x 1041) - Click image to enlarge

cre Luxury Minho

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 Author| Post time 6-10-2010 06:55 PM | Show all posts
thanks for the vid from soompi

LeeMinHo Promote The Special Day with MINOZ in Thailand

Cr: leeminhothailand & DC minho

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Post time 7-10-2010 09:33 PM | Show all posts
motip berforum sorang2 ekekeke

alaaa nony...apesal tak join sabtu nih?? nony...opis kita dekat2 t ...
Jelita Post at 29-9-2010 10:00

    ha? opis kite dekat2 ke kaka Jel?

kite kt times square tau!!

wawawa... lame tak jumpe kaka Jel & yg lain2

nomu nomu bogoshippo!!

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