091116 SHINee Taemin,Minho - SBS Star King Recording
cr: as tagged
dorg bagi2 lak...jongkey gi SGB....hmmm nmpk byk idol lak...spesel ke nih???
minmin gi SK...cam sesuai lak kekekeke...sbb kalo kat SK sah2 jongkey x kena layan oleh pakcik hodong
madus taeminhonew~
me dah check.. minhonye bloodtype B..
nnt me gi wat test tgk me darah jenis ape
kerakusan para madus minew yg nak menambah koleksi ni dah leh kira mendatangkan bahye wat BB me.
wakakakakaka x bley blah baca ayat mung hahahaha~
BB mung x de rasa bahaya pung.. dia sendri ckp ngan minho dia ske klu ada rmi yg jaga dia*merujuk kpd me ngan just* minho pung bg permission gak*tetibe*
Motip nak wat pesanan bagai? phuahahahah
noona BB dah tergugat wakakakakaka~
madus taeminhonew~
smalam me dah sedut inki ahad lpas tp me dah terbwk balik umah plak.. br ingat nk upload kat MF.. klu me tringat me upload blk t kat umah~
smalam me tgk perf sketchbook.. babynye sore power babas..
me ske ble baby konpiden camtuh.. me harap sgt minho pung ada konpiden ble nk nyanyi..
bkn me nk kutuk nampyeon tp me mmg pasan klu minho start nyanyi sore dia mesti nak tanak je kuar.. seb bek dia nampyeon me maafkan.. *rap lain cite minho mmg jjang klu rap* sbb tuh smalam me tgk perf juliette me gelak tgk muke minho.. semangat nk nyanyi tp sore plak x kuar tatawla prob mic ke sound system.. tp ble part rap kuar jelas plak sore minho tp sbb byk pokes kat minho sore x kuar pung me hepi gak haha~
minmin kuar SK lagi.. harus sbb hodong ajushi yg suh dorg dtg
jongkey gi SGB.. dubu gi mana
x sihat lg ke
{INFO} Central Let's Celebrate 2010, SHINee and T-MAX are coming to Thailand this December!
Countdown to the festival of happiness with top idols from Korea,SHINee & T-MAX. Enjoy light & sound mini-concert duringChristmas Festival in the middle of colorful city heart of Bangkok.Also there's a wish to make during let go of 2,010 of balloons todecorate the sky at night.
Conditions and reward are as followed:
Shopping value reached to 1,500 baht or more at 'Central Chidlom Midnight Sale' (between 25-28 Nov. 09)
Reward: 2 tickets (per account) of SHINee or T-MAX’s concert (200 per day only)
Note: Mini-concert of SHINee will be held on 3rd December at 7 pm while T-MAX's is on 4th.
Topmost shopping value of the day at 'Central Chidlom Midnight Sale' (between 25-1 Dec. 09)
Reward:A closer to SHINee and T-MAX to having a chance to participate to'Build-A-Bear Work shop' together (total of 7 lucky only)
Bid (via sms) for '8 Teddy Bears' from SHINee and T-MAX
Reward:The one with topmost number of votes will be receiving 'Build-A-Bear'directly from stars and also take a photo together.
Bid conditions (between 17-30 Nov. only):
Taemin’s - press 'S1' and send to 4874321
Onew's - press 'S2' and send to 4874321
Key's - press 'S3' and send to 4874321
Jonghyun's - press 'S4' and send to 4874321
Minho's - press 'S5' and send to 4874321
Yoon Hwa's - press 'T1' and sent to 4874321
Min Chul - press 'T2' and sent to 4874321
Kim Joon's - press 'T3' and sent to 4874321
ensem babas lak dorg nih serba itam....ai like~~~
tetibe je dorg sama tinggi huhu~
the article said they're the guest..
so um, do you guys remember how ft island, tmax, ukiss etc.. the "maknaes" were on a show?
well shinee's the guest.
the show's called Idol Maknae Rebellion
here's allkpop's previous article about the show: *CLICK +this show will air on the 28th
++taemin will dress as a girl again
cr:soompi, as tagged
motip time baby ensem babas nak buat dia yeppo lagi nih wuwuwuwuwu~~~
mesti baby jadi rebutan wuwuwuwu~~~
Note* I'm going to be uploading a HQ version latertonight. I'm still downloading it. It's a pretty huge file so I'm goingto convert it to avi and then upload it so it might take a while for itto be posted.
credits: shineeTH + shineee.net re-upload: sanbi
sakit tinge me denga yoja tu bckp wuwuwuwuw.....
kalerpul dan bershabang2 oppadel wuwuwuwu
wakakakakaka x bley blah baca ayat mung hahahaha~
BB mung x de rasa bahaya pung.. dia sendri ckp ngan minho dia ske klu ada rmi yg jaga dia*merujuk kpd me ngan just* minho pung bg permission gak*tetibe*
Tak yah wat andaian sendirik hokey Hanya me je tau feeling BB *wakakak... tak menahan*
sbb tuh smalam me tgk perf juliette me gelak tgk muke minho.. semangat nk nyanyi tp sore plak x kuar tatawla prob mic ke sound system.. tp ble part rap kuar jelas plak sore minho
Tu la. Me pun dok heran gak part neh. Minno nyanyi beriya. Cam lagu tu high note giler pye. Kalah mimik muka dubu ngan key yg bagai nak mati nyanyi time tuh Yg BB plak time Julliette tu tak reti duk diam. Asyik goyang sana goyang sini. Org lain fokus kat vokal. Dia leh fokus dedua... sore leh tahan, body asyik mengedik jek. Geram tul me tgk dia time tu. Rasa nak picit2 jek... kiyo sangat
Central Let's Celebrate 2010, SHINee and T-MAX are coming to Thailand this December!
Kenapa me tetibe rasa cam nak mencarut jek? mencikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Idol Maknae Rebellion
OMG... my BB {:3_84:}
Hensem nak mati neh.
Harus me jaga dia dgn lebih hati2 supaya tade mata2 rambang dan keranjang nak wat rampasan kuase {:3_81:}
eh, omma lagi tinggi dr BB ke? Me ingat dia sama tinggi jek. Abg long pakai insole la tuh gile tinggi pye insole wa cakap sama lu.. wakakaka
Fancam Taem SK 03
I can't stop smilling looking at him
I love his hair, his smile, his cuteness, his cheekbone, his charm, his..... ahhhhhh.... I love everything about him~!!!!!
Dear Hodong ahjushi,
Me tau ahjushi tak leh resist kecomelan BB, but please jgn ler amik kesempatan nak polok dan dukung dia everytime BB jadi guest dlm tu. BB plak macam ske je kena dukung cam tu *tp bila kena dukung tu siyes BB nampak super comel*
-Taemin's forever love-
p/s: Time BB angguk tu giler kiyo nak mati sampai hodong pun gelak separuh mati....... ohhh..... fancam tu mmg word "mati" jek yg kuar dlm otak me... wakakakak
SHINee! CF Film Outfit Event
First: Jonghyun + Key starting from 01st of December until 07th of December
Second: Taemin + Minho starting from 08th until 14th
Third: Onew + F(x) Sulli starting from 15th until 21st
@ Just ssi
komawo.. wawa dah ade link SK.. seb bek dah selamat sedut.. sangat lah lawok nye.. ni tgh gigih sedut Dream Team... guggugugu tak sabo nk tgk MH n HJ moment hehehe... alahai mcm mana tak pasan diaorg ade masuk SGB .. humm nk kena cari link full show ni... tarak sub pun takper.. mcm bese, melayannnnnnnnnn hehehe...
@ Just
SGB yg mlm ni punya tu ler.. ooo DUbu menang ekk.,.. me tgk kat depan just link shinee cut aje... me spt bese mesti nk yg full cut hehehe.. nanti nk rikie umah Suju hehe..
@ Just
SGB yg mlm ni punya tu ler.. ooo DUbu menang ekk.,.. me tgk kat depan just link shinee cut aje... me spt bese mesti nk yg full cut hehehe.. nanti nk rikie umah Suju hehe..
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 18-11-2009 08:56
me baru pasan dah ade MF link utk episod nih tp raw...
mianhae yorobun...me update kat depan sekali