dani-rox replied at 30-7-2019 03:04 AM
tengok bideo behind the scenes duchass dan EE tuh mengingatkan ai dgn salah sorg kawan ai yg sikit ...
betul she doesnt respect org punya personal space... x elok tu.. kalau I taken a back kalau org suka pegang2 badan nie.. hehehe |
snazzydaisy replied at 30-7-2019 04:15 AM
thanks for de link sis, I watched it, the whole 3 hrs 38 mins+
3 most disturbing things for m ...
I x tengok video, I bc emmi dgn the rest punya convo je..
kalau betul Lady D ni korban dr illuminati.. sian kat dia. Anak2 kena terima jugak. bahaya kan.. |
snazzydaisy replied at 30-7-2019 04:15 AM
thanks for de link sis, I watched it, the whole 3 hrs 38 mins+
3 most disturbing things for m ...
Minta minta Duchess Medusa tergelincir kat kwsn pergunugan di Balmoral nnt. senang kerja, x payah susah2 nak hire org utk buat kerja x betul |
snazzydaisy replied at 30-7-2019 04:22 AM
kalau bukan pasangan kekasih pun, MA must have rendered EE the top notch, world class services tha ...
oh dear... how am I gonna shoo shoo the idea of them being together.. dah la muka EE tu ala ala manja hahaha
Wakefield replied at 30-7-2019 09:11 AM
Part ni I rasa dia busuk hati sangat. Padahal anak saudara tu pewaris takhta n berdarah raja, be ...
anak sedara tu sah sah lahir dr badan Kate... dan sudah pasti akan jd King one day..
I rasa meggot nak plan konon anak dia akan masuk warisan so senang la nak execute idea nak jdkan anak dia raja one day.. dia teringat kisah King Edward vs King George.. tp mustahil BRF x akan memberontak klau meggot nak install anak surrogate dia jd raja..
I sakit ati sbb dia ingat anak dia tu mewakili kita commonwealth. No no no.. anak dia half American or maybe fully American.. so she can take him.. jgn ingat POC suka dgn dia.. she is nothing but social climber yg guna seks utk naik kr social ladder. Escot, pastu mmg plan ngan pimp dia utk kacau UK dan Commonwealth.
Anyway... Ramai kata Vogue tu adalah muka sebenar Meggot.. sekrg ni backlash kat dia teruk gila.. padan muka  |
eva replied at 30-7-2019 12:40 AM
in my opinion.. meggot.. dah puas ati ko kutuk semua dlm brf.. now leave t ...
Harap vogue this edition kena boikot n sale merundum. Then, mana2 glossy magazines tak invite MM tulis apa2 lagi |
Farnor replied at 29-7-2019 10:48 PM
Yeah darleng... U scroll kat bawah..ada adminnya explain tentang page tu..klik kat sana...hehehe. ...
Ohhh tq darl. I dah submit without answering their question. Aiyoooo tunggu jer law |
coconico replied at 30-7-2019 12:42 PM
Harap vogue this edition kena boikot n sale merundum. Then, mana2 glossy magazines tak invite MM t ...
dorg panggil Meghan Markle Effect.. Vanity Fair x laku, Beyonce punya album terjual 50k je... haaa.. dan byk lg.. |
eva replied at 30-7-2019 02:51 PM
dorg panggil Meghan Markle Effect.. Vanity Fair x laku, Beyonce punya album terjual 50k je... haaa ...
Normally SR but this time nyampah gila.. dalam paper mana ntah tulis MM thinks it would be “boastful” to put herself on the cover with people she thinks are (kononnya) changing the world.. boastful ya, not "inappropriate" or “undeserved”. Her humility is so fake!! At the same time perli KM sbb penah jadi cover Vogue 
ish bestnya baca channel ni! |
Edited by snazzydaisy at 30-7-2019 11:49 PM
sketch ni patut jadi mukadimah & mascot benang Duchass Megdusa 
(source: MMTCD Unmasking A Grifter - public FB yg sis Nour2001 mentioned)
OMG! what a bj/tossing salad punye mouth! 
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British Vogue menampilkan pencapaian wanita2 kebanyakannya non British, yg dipilih oleh self proclaimed feminist yg pencapaiannya sendiri sekadar kawin dgn salah sorg ahli BRF - institusi paling tradisional dan konvensional. a bit oxymoron, methinks. Kekunun nak raikan kejayaan wanita, championing ultra liberals, spewing white western feminist bullshits - dlm masa yg sama, acik Meghan ingatkan marhaen bahawa semua direalisasikan ke dlm Vogue oleh "me, myself and i" the HRH Dumbass btw ada di antara wanita yg inspired MM tu pon tak semenggah mcm dia jugak.

MM's PR hard at work.

charity begins at home kata org tp si humanitarian yg tak pernah lekang sebut kind and kindness takda hati perut langsung dgn apaknya yg miskin dan sakit. |
“To have the country’s most influential beacon of change guest-edit British Vogue at this time has been an honor, a pleasure and a wonderful surprise,” - Edward Enninful

what about this dani?
Duchass MM was kind & empathetic enuf to go down under & willing to explore further in tossing salad 
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Kheeeenn. Sis snazzy, acik2 bawang international dah start bukak kisah MM masa jd intern kat US embassy di Argentina. Padanlah dia tak dpt sambung kerja kat situ, bukan failed exam tp ponteng pergi bercikcur ke Spain dgn sorg jutawan Argentina yg dah berumur. jauh jugak lah pencapaian bisnes kerang duchass. kesian uncle MM yg rekomen dia kerja kat embassy tuh, mesti dgn harapan anak sedara akan jd wanita berkarier nan sukses di mata dunia. Sekali, balasannya MM jd escort antarabangsa. hahahaha
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