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Author: stanum123


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 Author| Post time 20-12-2011 11:15 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by stanum123 at 20-12-2011 11:26

Ala korang...jom la! sapa2 free ahad ni meh la join kami...You are all cordially invited!

BTW, ni ada lagi acara undi-mengundi uri BIGBANG utk sesapa yg rajin.. Byk betoi la nak kene undi..sib bek FOC aje..

1. Vote for BIGBANG's MV @ Martina & Simon's blog (our fav Kpop blogger coz they are YG bias!)  


Current positions:

1st: Tonight - Bigbang
12th: Love Song - Bigbang
19th: Knock Out - GD & TOP
21st: High High - GD & TOP
41st: Baby Goodnight - GD & TOP
46th: VVIP - Seungri
55th: What Can I Do - Seungri

2. ALLKPOP 2011 AWARDS (not so fond of this site tho, but there's BB so..{:4_185:} )
HERE: http://www.allkpop.c...best_male_group
**Like the page on FB and vote

**1 vote per category per day



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Post time 20-12-2011 12:53 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by chibi_mawad at 20-12-2011 15:44

[BBVIPSUBS] L&H2011 (Making Film)

Video credit: vIp-小C √@yinyuetai (via juangbb@soompi)
Subs brought to you by BBVIPSUBS @

yg de subs da tepek ke?? yg sis stan tepek xde subs lg kn?? x sempt tgk lg kekdahnye
kalo da de gi tau ni iols remove.

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Post time 20-12-2011 01:43 PM | Show all posts
mawad...pekata u singgah kat kitorang lepas abis kenduri nanti? hehehe...
cik stan...satgi i che ...
luvsushi Post at 20-12-2011 01:07

   AM bwk hard disk udahle sis..sis provide lappy utk upacara sedut menyedut.. mcm xramai je yg nak datang nih

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Post time 20-12-2011 01:47 PM | Show all posts
L&H2011 (Making Film)
Video credit: vIp-小C √@yinyuetai (via juangbb@soompi)
Subs brought to you ...
chibi_mawad Post at 20-12-2011 12:53

    xdok lagi ni mawad.. thx share link td ushar xde plak link donlod utk yg nih, tpaksa amek dari yt je la jwbnye

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 Author| Post time 21-12-2011 01:47 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by stanum123 at 21-12-2011 14:01

Time to sPazZ over my Kwon Leadah!!



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 Author| Post time 21-12-2011 02:18 PM | Show all posts



OH YEAH! MV (Japan Version)


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 Author| Post time 21-12-2011 09:01 PM | Show all posts
Sapa2 tgh online leh stream the STAY-G Gmarket Concert - LIVE at below link! BIGBANG (sans GD) will perform around 10 - 10.30 PM KST ^^ (M'sia time around 9~9.30pm)


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Post time 22-12-2011 08:45 AM | Show all posts
Big Bang’s Seungri to cameo in ‘Light and Shadow’

Big Bang‘s Seungri has revealed that he will be making a special cameo appearance in MBC‘s 50th anniversary drama, ‘Light and Shadow‘.

Seungri will play the role of a trainee who dreams of becoming a star. Confident and full of pride, he calls himself the ‘man of Yeosu’ (his hometown), and wins everyone over with his smooth ‘satoori’ and witty commentary. Seungri is actually from Gwangju, in the same district, so the role should be no problem for him to pull off.

Seungri expressed, “This is my first time acting in a formal drama and I’m looking forward to it a lot, especially since the character I’m playing reflects who I am in real life. I’d love it if our viewers would have fun watching it.”

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Post time 22-12-2011 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Reply 647# stanum123

   sis,nape kwon leadoh xder ek? still 'reflecting' himself ke? nnt kalau ada fancam daebak, post tau

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 Author| Post time 22-12-2011 09:34 PM | Show all posts
Reply  stanum123
sis,nape kwon leadoh xder ek? still 'reflecting' himself ke? nnt kalau ada ...adikmanis Post at 22-12-2011 11:41
hahaha...begitulah kira2nyer..let's just say JiDi is bizi recording in the he let his hyung & donseng take the limelight for 1 nite... btw, semlm unni stream more to audio je sbb VIP tu x leh zoom hp dia..but they were ohsem, as usual..

G-Dragon was NOT there.
During “TONIGHT”, there were no guitar smashing.
During ment after “CAFE”, Taeyang said, “All five of Big Bang is going to endorse GMarket. We miss one member tonight but I want you guys to understand it.” (sr: @yynnnn)
Seungri sang some of GD’s parts during “LOVE SONG”
After “LOVE SONG”, Daesung asked, “Are you having fun tonight?” Taeyang also said, “Seungri, why are you not sweating?” Then Taeyang continued, “Please sing together with us.” Taeyang also said they are coming back with new songs and he thanked VIPs for supporting them. and they started singing “LIES” (sr: @yynnnn)
Taeyang’s sunglasses kept falling when he was dancing. Daesung was really happy. Seungri’s eyes keep darting back and forth. (sr:  潘小白SP via @mystifize)
TOP greeted “Happy new year!” while Seungri greeted “Merry Christmas” (sr: @rnosel)

Daesung: Are you having fun tonight?
Taeyang:  I sweat, but, Seungri, it seems like you don't sweat
Seungri :  Pro doesn't sweat
TOP:  These days, Taeyang is trying to eliminate Seungri
Taeyang:  If you guys want to. No, just kidding

And GD's reaction to this was...

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 Author| Post time 23-12-2011 07:52 PM | Show all posts
YG updates fans on Big Bang’s March comeback progress [NEWS]

Shared by KAOWAO on Friday, December 23, 2011

YG Entertainment previously announced that Big Bang was gearing up for a Korean comeback in March of 2012.

On December 23rd, representatives followed up by revealing that the album will contain several new songs written during the boys’ period of reflection. A representative expressed, “Big Bang has composed many songs during their period of reflection this year. They’ll be choosing a few of them to include in their March release next year.”

He continued, “The title track is currently in the process of being chosen, and the music video filming will take place in January. All of the members are working diligently on the album’s production.”

As reported previously, their comeback will take place ahead of their ‘Big Show‘ concert.

Naver, allkpop via BBupdates


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Post time 24-12-2011 12:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply 651# stanum123

   xsabar!!xsabar!! ada mv lagik...awww excited tahap gaban da nih

*sis, i still remember u cakap nk reveal sumthing pasal surat kVIP to iVIP tuh..apa dia? (motip nk korek citer lama)

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Post time 26-12-2011 01:41 PM | Show all posts
tgh tgk ulang MTV Ema kat Belfast tu... dari tadi dok cari kelibat uri boysss.. tp tak jumpe lg.. sure mata akak tak dpt tangkap diaorang nih...
eh cute lak bdk Bieber neh.....

@ AM.. aah akak pon dok tggu jgk stan dok citer sal tu... mmg nk tau jgk...

Big Bang has composed many songs during their period of reflection this year. They’ll be choosing a few of them to include in their March release next year.”

mesti march nanti artis lain tak brani nk wat kambek.. agaknye maner2 yg plan nk kuar album  time tu, mesti diaorang postpon kan>>>
mesti BS thn ni lg  gempakkk

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Post time 26-12-2011 02:19 PM | Show all posts
hmm.join sini pun best jugakkk nehh.


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 Author| Post time 26-12-2011 10:02 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by stanum123 at 26-12-2011 22:03

Reply 653# nzhass79
mesti march nanti artis lain tak brani nk wat kambek..

kya!!! iollz adalah sangat SUKA dgn statement kaka momod!!..better watch out je la yg len2 tuh, even BB x pomot bebagai pun dok menang mcm2 award, inikan pulak nak wat kambek yg ditunggu2 for 2012!! hmm..maleh la eden nak kobar lebey2..kang kata riak plak..

@AM and Kak Zue..
jgn panic! soghat "KVIP to IVIP" ni bkn ler apa sgt pun..i sj gempor je.. mcm ni, since ia sgt menyentuh hati, momod2 kat soompi run check sapakah penulis soghat ni..diorg nk sahkan legit ke tak since VIP dok tnya2 kat diorg..they found out that the author has multiple accounts here and there, twitter and on other forums...posing as someone who had insider from KVIPS when in fact stories are just collated from tweets multiple accounts, not so good of a reputation..another point, contoh2 yg diletak dlm letter tu like suju, snsd, rain, boa..Eh2..dimanakah SHINWA?? itu idol otai kat SK nun! Mcm x logic dia leh tertinggal so most probably she's not a KVIP afterall.. tu yg cedeh tu..sbb KVIP dan IVIP sejak azali  mcm ada gap, so kita ni dok terharu igt KVIP yg tulih..rupa2nya propa..huhu! Okay la..niat dia baik, dia sayangkan BB mcm kita gak so dia karang letter tu, nk igt kan fans spy support BB dlm ssh atau sng..tapi pada stanum that letter is merely luahan perasaan seorg fan BB, TAK lebih dari itu..I won't look at it as 'A Letter from KVIP to IVIP' (bcoz 4 me dat is HUGE!) my two cents!! peace ya'all!

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 Author| Post time 26-12-2011 10:07 PM | Show all posts
hmm.join sini pun best jugakkk nehh.
ah_mao Post at 26-12-2011 14:19

Annyeong ah_mao!!! weh, jemput2 lepak kat mansion BIGBANG ni....umh ni mmg besshhhh tau!! kalau hari semua org eksaited nk spazzing tu mmg meriah giler! kekeke...sila la meroyan bersama2 kami dan tepek info2 best kat sini!!!


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Post time 27-12-2011 01:16 AM | Show all posts
Reply 656# stanum123

   hekhek. dah berzaman dah tak lepak kat cari nihhh.

haha.dulu tak pnah minat pun bigbang. just tau camtu je. sebab classmate sorang ni sgt minat dgn top.
alih2 sekarang dia jadi roommate, dan haruslah terjebak sekali!

tapi takde bias sape2 pong. minat diorang as a whole. hihi

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Post time 27-12-2011 08:00 AM | Show all posts
Reply 655# stanum123

kalo fan lain tgk sure hangin kan?? lantak la.. ni umah kita...sukati kita ler... lg pon statement tu kira cam nk sedapkan diri sendiri... tak salah kan??? lgpn kita tak focus pd artis2 tertentu

slalu sangat mcm tu..kekadang kita pon tak tau nk percaya mana 1.. tak percaya lgsg kang takleh la plak... nk percaya, tu la jdnyer.... takpe laaa.. iolzz redha jer laaaa....

smlm tgk gambar2 myVIP ms kat YG Family... best giler diaorang dpt gi... tgk goods dia lg best.. kalo la dpt beli kan bestttt...
stan, leh order ke goods tu?? nk beli laaaa... 1 2 pon jd lerrr

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Post time 27-12-2011 08:01 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by nzhass79 at 27-12-2011 08:05

Reply 654# ah_mao

annyeong,... welkam welkam... selamat menjadi sebahagian dari MyVIP @ CARI...

argghhhh!!! cumil giler laaaa... curik 1 sat

lagi kat sini : BIGBANGUPDATES
Source:  Lotte Japan

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Post time 27-12-2011 09:41 AM | Show all posts
Reply 659# nzhass79

gambaq ni waktu bila? awat dae dae takdak?

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