me pun x sure rasa mmg 300 tu la da tny pasal pas lawatan tuh...dia kata org dekat2 sempadan je bleh guna..that's mean org kedah, perlis,kelantan..pehtu bleh p dekat2 ngan sempadan je..x leh guna sampai g bangkok nun..hoho..ottokae minik rumet ..mau je g wat sesi penyeludupan...
wakakaka..ala, me pun cam mung, jeling2 je..ngeh ngeh..cuci mata..bukan nye nk berpaling tadah masih setia ngan my only nampyeon tuh..hehehe..
me paling ske cf haptic pink tuh..abe ho ngan junsu...bukan sbb ade junsu tp mmg cf tu besh la..ceria jek..pehtu ske tgk abe ho dlm tuh..malu2 neko smpi ulang byk kali tgk..ngeh sweet...
la camtuh plak ke.. tula jue.. me pung pk nk wat sesi sludup nih.. kt share duit wat passport pehtu masa nk gi tuh me sorok dlm beg mung wakakaka gurau2
hehe.. me suke sume.. yg pink tuh sbb me ske concept dia... yg putih tuh sbb abemin ngan abechun nmpk cool je tgh lawan*jatuh chenta lagi* yg biru plak sbb me suke kaler dia
psstt nih me cilok kat soompi
Brief summary/translation of his post:
He hasn't written in a while. It's been really hot in Japan and he's been thinking about various things when working.
The boys wonderfully reached #1 in the weekly singles chart with the fans' strong support.
Also the members are really happy, and their self-confidence has been boosted.
TheTV-promotion continues busy this week. They're being in more shows thanever before this time, they're for the first time in 「THE M」 and 「CDTV」
T/N: I translated this part sentence-for-sentence because I think this is what interests people:
There'sa certain really popular program where the boys haven't been able toappear since they've [the program] been rejecting any interest the[Avex] promotion-team's been showing that way.
The promoter incharge has been fighting hard and will keep trying. The boys havereached #1 in this program's ranking, but when it comes to the offerabout guesting in the show and a performance...Even after three weekly#1s, there's nothing from that direction.
There hasn't reallybeen any kind of an explanation offered about the issue either, but theteam will keep working hard for an appearance in that show!
Butif it continues like this and the inquiries keep coming from theviewers as well, how can a music program explain this kind ofbehaviour?
T/N: Here we go for the record store-issue:
Ofcourse the promotion-team is striving for the best possible set-up inthe stores (but obviously, so are all of the other artists' promotorsas well).
It depends on every store (chain) where they put thereleases; and some of the stores have the Tohoshinki in the "Foreignacts" -section instead of "Jpop".
The store's bought the CDs so naturally they can advertise it how they want to and how they think it will sell the best.
They'vebeen trying to have some type of an agreement on this, but especiallynow when they changed the release date for "Kimisuki" in such a shortnotice, it became even harder to get the majority of the shops to putthe single in the Jpop-section instead of Foreign acts.
It'sbetter when you have time to talk to the stores way before the releaseand assure things, because all the things are mostly decided abour 6months before the release already. So a date-change doesn't make thingseasier at all.
So they had to cancel the space reserved for theCDs in the stores for the original release week, and ask for anothersetting for the new week.
Of course that messes up the stores'plans and they have to be quick and get a Plan B up. And most of themdecided to give the maximum exposure by putting Kimisuki in theforeign-shelves.
-more stuff about the Jpop- and world-corners in the shops-
Tohoshinki will continue releasing Jpop (with good results).
Theyhope that the fans will understand the managing team and the stores'policies. The team will keep working and he believes that the saleswill do well during the next few weeks.
He apologizes for the long entry, but thinks that it will be useful for the people interested in the music industry in general.
cr: aleyna @ JpopMusic Forums + soompi
so unfair nape depa wat cenggini sian depa even staff avex pung dah berusaha nk bagi oppadel masuk MS tp dorg rejek siannye psstt me tataw pung depa dapat nomot1 3 mgg berturut2 wahhh bangga.. bangga..
sweet nyer yoosu... adeiii me tgk diorg cam kembar lagi
omo korang ni... nak seludup masuk bangkok...
adeiii... yg me ada, korang takde... yg korang leh, me lak tak leh~
me ada passport tapi cam takleh pon gi ottokaeeee~
kalo la passport tu boleh dishare2 beberape org..sanggup jer me share ngan korang pehtu gi sama2...
me dh pulih spt sedia kala nih~~thanx for asking^^
>>>wah, korg sume mmg nk pegi eh~~kalo ade sesape pegi, amik gmbr dgn fancam bnyk2 tau~~me mmg xdpt nk pegi...bnyk hal di sini kene di uruskan mase tuh~~bajet utk ke sane pon xde gak~~
korang citer pasal SM town konsert eh? seme cam kobar je nak gie...jadik ke tak nie... me tumpang nak tgk pic ngan vid korang jerla kalau confirm korang gie..hehe
citer pasal dah pernah mimpi dongbang...tapi ntah terapat dengan abe jae lak dalam mimpi tu...yg lain2 tu sipi2 jer...aisshhh
aritu sape ntah tanye pe mende gantung kat leher jj tuh.. me br tringat tuh kipas pasan sbb aritu minho ada bg kat sorg noona tuh.. jeles.. dahla kaler biru me nak jugak
diorg explain pasal 'SMP'.. me pun tak tau wujud 'SMP' ni skrg baru paham... abe chun explain baik punyer...
macam yg abe jae ada ckp..ada lagu yg leh nangis masa diorg nyanyi.... deep gila explaination lagu 'one' tu... T-T
patut ler dpt bitter-sweet feeling gitu...
same kes biler me nak main lagu LITI on the piano..rasa nak nangis T-T
omomo pn same kes cam mung....ade passport tp xleh gi...jauh sgt
klu leh bg org pinjam mmg lame me kasi kat org2 yg nk pi tu
byk tul kesamaan kiter usual madus sejati la katakan
xsesia abechun pilih kiter jd minik...wakakkaka...