The Gentle Fahrenheit: An Innocent Interview from A to Z
Agent - How do you interact with your agent or agency?
Wu Chun: Italk openly with my agent, even if my opinions are contrary to thecompany's. I would communicate my thoughts to them and not keep them tomyself. Jiro Wang: Communication is veryimportant. If our ideas are different, I would take the initiative toprovide my point of view. Seek a middle ground. Everybody only wantsthe best. Since we are on the same boat, we can find the best solution. Aaron Yan: My agent and I are like friends. A fewyears ago, my agent discovered me. Since we have been together for manyyears, there bound to be times when we fight. But, we would continue tocommunicate, try to find the best way to resolve a issue. My agentoften moves me. Whenever we work late, he would drive me home insteadof letting me take the taxi, even though he lives in the oppositedirection. I really thank him for all his efforts. Calvin Chen: Weare like friends. There are a lot of agents at the agency and a lot ofpublicists at the record company. If I only treat them like workpartners, then work would be very formulaic.
Breakfast - What is your favorite and most often eaten breakfast? Have you given breakfast to the girl you like?
W: Milk,oatmeal, and fruit. I have given breakfast to my girlfriend, because aday starts with breakfast. It's important to me. So, I want my love tohave a beautiful start of a day, too. J: Many timesI would wake up after the breakfast hour. So, I would drink my mom'shealthy mix. She makes this veggie/fruit combo drink, somewhat like apower soup. Though it tastes nasty, my mom would always say the nastierit tastes the better it is for me. Sometimes, she would make too much,like 1000CC. I would be drinking until I feel like my stomach is aboutto explode. Often times, I have to get out of the house right away. SoI would drink it in one gulp. And I would be stuffed. When I was inschool, girls would give me breakfast. I would also give breakfast tothe girl I like. A: Continental breakfast,including egg, sausage, and bacon. It tastes great and is nutritious.Girls have been giving my breakfasts and lunches since grade school. Iused to like oil rice. So, they would give that to me. C: Ifit weren't for work, I usually don't eat breakfast. I like Chinesebreakfast. I like soy drink, rice drink, rice bun. My favorite isCantonese porridge. When I was in Canada, I had picked up my girlfriendin the morning. Before going to work, she would finish the breakfast Ibought in my car.
Cosmetics - Even though you are a guy, but as a celebrity, what kinds of cosmetics or skin care products are in your bag? W: Thereare only basic skin care products in the bag. The most important beingmoisturizer. Before I leave the house, I would put on some foundationand shape the brow. We had gone to make-up class, so I know somebasics. J: There aren't many skin care items. Theonly skin care I do is put on a face mask when at home. Cosmetics havecompany sponsors. So there are a lot of MAC products. In the beginning,I had the best make-up skill in the group. Now, everybody is very goodat it because they do it everyday. Practice makes perfect. A: Iwould definitely have SPF lip balm because my lips turn dark veryeasily. I also have eye cream because my eyes gets puffy easily. BeforeI entered the business, I didn't know anything about make-up or skincare. But my mom would force me to put on face mask, so I have habit ofapplying face mask. C: I have the basic skin careand cosmetics. Sometime when we go on a show, we have to put on make-upon our own. That's why I have them.
Drama - In the arena of drama, besides portraying your character, what other jobs are you interested in?
W: I'minterested in marketing, script-writing, and directing. When I was onset, I would discuss the script with the writing team and camera anglewith the director. As for marketing, I have my own gym that needspromoting, and I studied marketing, so I'm interested in it. J: Scriptwriter or director. I watched many drams being filmed, and I also havedone a 20 minutes short film with classmates at school, so I haveknowledge in scripting, editing, and plot line setup. The short filmwas a love story. I was not the male lead, but a technical director.Teacher gave us a good review. A: Director andcostume. I'm interested especially in costume. I like clothes stylingand have good sense regarding clothing style. I think I can do the job. C: Project marketing. I may do project budgeting and marketing. Since I have studied business, so I understand these things.
EQ - In Fahrenheit, who can control their emotions the best?
W: I'm pretty much in control of my emotions. I don't have too much of negative feelings. J: Wu Chun. He has the least temper. A: Calvin is the best. A little better than us. C: ProbablyJiro! Since he is in the business the longest and has learned many waysof handling people, he can get over negative feelings easier.
Fahrenheit - If there has to be one more member, what kind of person would you want?
Wu Chun: Personalityis most important. This person has to be sincere, work hard and havegood attitude. Ability or appearance is secondary. That member can be agirl, too. Jiro Wang: No more! Four is enough! Can we reduce the number? Haha. Aaron Yan: I wish it's a girl who is popular with the audience and is multi-talented. She should also have her own style. Calvin Chen: No,four is just enough! Everybody should be thinking same thing. (Editorcut in: Too bad, only you and Jiro said the same thing! Haha.)
Group rules - Does Fahrenheit have unwritten group rules?
W: Undercertain situations, we can't take pictures with fans or sign on a whitesheet of paper. But it depends on the situation. If the fans havewaited a long time and there aren't too many people around, we wouldsign for them. Before coming to this shoot, I met a fan downstairs whowanted to take a picture with me. I agreed. When they are happy, I'mhappy too. J: We can't go against benevolent cultural norms, societal ethics, civil duties, and traffic rules. A: Thereis no group rule. After the first album release, we are over ouradjusting period. We treat each other's flaws like sweet burdens andbegin to appreciate those flaws. C: We can't goto night clubs. Our agency actually controls a lot. They felt that weare an idol group and our fan base is relatively young, therefore weshould avoid certain places. I think they don't want us to go to thebilliard either.
Hypocrite - How would you feel if you encounter a hypocrite in real life?
W: Ihate that kind of people. I had many experience. I don't like reallyfake people. If I meet them, I would avoid talking too long with themor spend to much time with them. J: Very hurt! Ihave encountered before. I couldn't accept them, so I cut them out ofmy life. I like making friends. I treat my friends with importance. Ifthey betrayed me, I would be very upset. It's as if they had lied tome. A: I hate that kind of people! I haveprinciples. People should be themselves. I hate people who would doanything to get what they want. Hate them to the bones! C: Everybody has the right to be themselves. If I know a person is a hypocrite, I will avoid this person.
Importance - What is the most important thing to maintain a group spirit?
W: Communication.To tell others how you feel is very important. When we first met, wewould keep things to ourselves. It's until one day, we decided to layall the bad blood out in the open. After that, we have bettercommunication.
J: To accept other people'shabits. For example, I spray a lot of hair spray causing people tocough. But l keep spraying. Please understand this about me. There isno use in communicating. A: We have to trust each other. We should never think that our group mate might try to hurt us. C: Time.We are a group for over two years. By now, we are like an old couplewho know each others' personalities. We get along very well now.
Japan - How is your experience promoting or traveling in Japan? What do you like about Japan?
W: Beforepromoting in Japan, I was there 15 years ago. I was only around 12.What I remembered the most was experiencing an earthquake in Japan. Itwas my first earthquake. Brunei doesn't have any earthquake, so it hadfrightened me. Plus, we lived by Mt. Fuji. We were afraid thatsomething might happen. I like Japanese cuisine, especially ramen. J: Theemployees and the fans are very polite. My first time to Japan was forpromoting "It Started with a Kiss." All the fans were very orderly atthe airport. They stood behind the line, and didn't push. They justscreamed and took pictures. They politely passed the gifts to theemployees. Everybody knows the rules. It's what's special aboutJapanese fans. They left a very good impression on me. My Japanese isfrom Japanese dramas. I always like watching and have learned a fewwords from the shows. As for actor, I like Takuya Kimura. My favoritedramas are "Long Vacation," "Ikebukuro West Gate Park," "My Boss MyHero," and "Nodame Cantabile." A: Last August, Iwent by myself to the Barco Department Store at Nagoya hosting ameeting of fans. I remember after they sold the tickets, the companytold me it was sold out in two days. When I found out, I was so touchedand happy. When I got there, there were more fans outside the door. Idon't know how the Japanese fans know about me. Probably from theChinese pop magazines. The Japanese agency was very helpful. That day,I sang a few lines wrong. The Japanese fans didn't pick it up, but theHong Kong fans in Japan did. Haha. I like Japanese clothes. There areso many things to buy. C: Before I was acelebrity, I had traveled to Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Ryukyu Islands.Of which, the experience I had at Ryukyu with my family is mostmemorable and is the favorite. I felt Ryukyu is at good as Guam orPalau. It can be called the "Hawaii of Asia." Ryukyu is verysimplistic. Even the food is healthy and good for the body. It's a goodvacation destination. Very relaxing.
KTV - Besides singing your own songs at karaoke, who else's songs would you sing?
Wu Chun: I mostly sing old English songs at karaoke. Songs from seven or eight years ago. Jiro Wang : Iusually don't pick our songs. It's always other people. I have to singfor them. Karaoke is a place where everybody have fun. So I would singvery upbeat songs, like those from Stanley Huang or Chemistry. Aaron Yan: Iwill never sing our songs. It's awkward. But if other people purposelypicked it, then I would have to. I like to sing songs from Shin, LeehomWang, Alex Li, and Nicky Lee. Calvin Chen: I would always choose TANK's "Jie Tou Ba Wang" and Show Luo's "Jin Wu Men."
Lyrics - Have you ever forgotten your lines?
W: WhenI do forget, it's only one or two lines. But when I hear the othermembers sing it, I would remember the rest. Some songs everybody takesturn to sing a few lines. I may accidentally sing other people's lines. J: I don't usually forget the lines. Most I wouldforget is the sequence, screw-up A1 and A2's order. I would sing a fewwords and realize my mistake. Then I would be scare back to the correctsection. A: At Nagoya, I accidentally sang the mainportion twice. The hardest song to remember is "Chu Shen Ru Hua." It'sstinky and long. And, every segment is different. Ha, that song isfast, and lyrics is hard to remember. (Editor cut in: It so happenedthat the songwriter was sitting next to him when we did the interviewand heard his bloody criticism about the song being stinky and long. C: I never forget my lines. I have a great memory. I remember lyrics or script very well.
MSN - What is your latest MSN nickname? Do you have celebrity friends on MSN?
W: I don't use MSN. I have an account, but I'm too busy to use it. J: Mymost recent one being "I'm busy, too." MSN celebrity friends includeFahrenheit members, Danson Tang, Candice Liu, and Dong Cheng Wei's Shu. A: It's been a long time since I used MSN. Itstill has "GTV, Monday to Friday, The X-Family." From July of last yearto now, I didn't have time to log on and change it. MSN celebrityfriends include Evan Yo, Zhang Rui Jia, Calvin and Jiro. C: Mineis always "sunshine Calvin." Recently, I added my mood, which is"Everyone has their own principles." My MSN friends are mostly people Iworked with, like Angela Zhang, Genie Chou, and Huang Xiao Rou. Genieloves changing her nickname and loves to write her current mood.
Nickname - What are some impressionable nicknames the fans have given to you or your group?
W: Allof them make me a little embarrassed. Probably because I'm not used toit. Nobody had called me that before so I feel weird. The mostinteresting nicknames are "Shi Shen Chun" and "Xiao Lin Chun." Calvinbegan using it, then the fans caught on.
J: Mydramas gave fans the impression I'm the big boss or big brother. So,they usually call me "Tian Ge" (The character he portrayed in "TheX-Family) or "Dong Ge." Some fans actually called me "babe" in aletter. It's a little embarrassing. A: Thenickname "Lun Lun" is a little gross. But, most people call me "A Bu,"which I have used since high school. The oddest experience was whenfans called me by my real name in the public and the reporters didn'tknow who they were calling for. As for our group nickname, the mostimpressionable being "A Hai." It's probably because the Taiwanese fansknow us most and like to joke with us. The nickname feels generous andTaiwanese, but it sounds like a seafood store. Kind of funny. C: Fanswould take us four as a family. They call Wu Chun "Daddy Chun," and me"Mommy Ru," then Jiro and Aaron the kids. I thought it's creative. Whatembarrassed me the most is when fans call me "Honey."
Overseas - Which is your most meaningful, special overseas promotion tour?
W: It'swhen I went to Kinmen to promote "Romantic Princess." It's my firsttime going back to my hometown. All my distant relatives and friendlytown's people made it very memorable. J: Lastyear when our first album came out, we went to promote it in Guangzhou.My dad was from Guangzhou, so it's like my hometown. The first time Iwent there, I was impressed by the beautiful sceneries, as well as, theabundant products. A: Each time is meaningful. Iwent to Japan three times last year and bought huge numbers of clothes.One time, I came back to Taiwan with two full suitcases more. It'sgreat. Every overseas promotion is like traveling. Even though, wedon't have time to play, it feels like traveling just by looking atsceneries. C: Last year's album promotion was on my birthday. Every place we went, I cut a cake. I cut total of 20 cakes.
Photograph - What techniques have you learned from shooting for album, promotional photo, and magazine?
W: I give the photographers every angle and let them or the editors choose the best one. I don't really look at my photos. J: Youshould get up early on the day of the shoot. Like today, for FANSshoot, I forgot about this technique. Haha. I think you should get upat least two hours earlier, and don't drink water after dinner thenight before. If you are really thirsty, it's better to eat somefruits. Also, I have hair partition, so I tend to take pictures from myleft side. A: There is nothing I need to do when I'm thin. But, everything when I'm fat. C: After all the photo shoots I been through, I know how wide my smile should be.
Question - Which question are you tired of the media asking?
W: Gossipabout love interest. Actors tend to become friendly while they worktogether. But, because the media would make a big fuss about it, ouragencies would tell us to not be too close. We just want to have fun,to be happy. Work is tiring enough, why can't we even have some fun?It's because we get along so well, we hang out together.
J: Do members not get along? A: Our personalities. We are changing at every moment. The answer would be different each time. C: Is Fahrenheit not getting along?
Record - What are your habits during recording?
Wu Chun: Iwear a T-Shirt and a loose pant. Before going in the recording studio,I would eat something to fill me up. After I finish, usually three orfour hours later, I would be tired and hungry. So I would go for a bigmeal. Jiro Wang: I would do some exercise beforehand, like cross jump or push-ups, as a warm up. After I go into therecording studio, the producer would let me eat first and talk with meto help me open up my voice. When I officially begin recording, I wouldclose my eyes. That way, I would be more concentrated and moreinvolved. Since I would be closing my eyes, I would memorize the lyricsbefore hand. Aaron Yan: I need the teacher totell me that I'm on a stage and there are millions of people listeningto me. Ha, whenever the teacher say that, I sing better. I wouldprepare a bottle of warm water and keep a cough drop in my mouth. Then,I would put the cough drop in the water turning it into a cough dropwater. Calvin Chen: I would turn the light toreally low. It'll be just bright enough for me to see the lyrics. Then,I would take off all my accessories and hat. Let myself relax. (Editorcut in: Next time, why don't you take off all your clothes too? Beingnaked in the recording studio could be more relaxing! Ha!)
Superman - Within Fahrenheit, who is most suitable to become Superman in term of personality or appearance?
W: Thatdepends what area. Aaron is the singing superman. He is foreversinging. He never stops. Jiro is fashion superman. He has his ownstyle. Calvin is book and stock market superman, ha. I'm definitely thegourmet superman. J: Wu Chun. I remember we had aphoto shoot, and the theme was movie characters. We had Spiderman,Magician, King Kong, Harry Potter, etc. Wu Chun was assigned Superman. A: Everybodyis a superman. Calvin is the lubricant superman. He is very important.He gets everybody to play together. He is a born PR. Jiro is the stagesuperman. He has great stage presence. Even if he is unhappy offstage,he can still be cheery onstage. Wu Chun is a considerate superman. Heis very cute. Sometimes, he acts like a mother. He nags a lot, remindspeople the little things. I like to have good working mood, so I wouldtry to make workplace a happy place. C: Wu Chunhas the appearance. His body is perfect to become the superman. But asfor personality, it would be Aaron. He likes to help resolve disputes.If he sees unjustness, he would point it out. He likes to help others.
Time - When is your favorite time in a day?
W: Morning,when I first wake up. I like the sun very much, and dislike darkness.That's why morning is my favorite. No matter how tire I was, I wouldnever sleep past 12PM. I automatically wake up after 6 hours of sleep,never more. In the past ten years, I hadn't slept over 6 hours, noteven when I stayed up all night. J: Sleeping time. Lying on the bed after taking a shower is the best time of the day. A: Threeo'clock in the afternoon. It's because my face is not puffy anymore.And, I'm way pass the grudging mood of first waking up, ha. C: Between 12:00 to 2:00 midnight. I just got home and took shower. I could relax and watch some television or go online.
Unforgettable - Thinking back last year when your first album was released, what is your most unforgettable event?
W: Themoment I got my first CD, I was super happy! I even bought 300 copiesusing my own money to give to my family and friends. First, it'sbecause I'm happy. Second, it's too increase sales volume! Haha!(Editor cut in: It was already selling crazy. Did it need more help?Why don't next time Wu Chun buy 300 copies of FANS?) J: Themost unforgettable event is the super intense and exhaustingpromotional period. During that period, we went on 7 to 8 shows eachday, from morning to evening. It's super exhausting. A: WhenFahrenheit was first formed last year, we had put out an album rightaway. We didn't know each other until the promotion period. Thankgoodness we went through that adjusting, fighting, communicating periodto finally forming a bond. At first, we didn't get along when we werein the car. To now, we are so adjusted it's comfortable. It's veryunforgettable. I've learned a lot. C: OnSeptember 15 when we released our first album, we text each other thatmorning to give each other support. It felt like we were going to abattle.
Vocal - Whose vocal do you like?
W: (Editorcut in: When Wu Chun couldn't think of an answer, Aaron was hintingjokingly for Wu Chun to choose him. Instead, Wu Chun said, "I'm alreadysick of hearing his voice.") J: I like the vocal of the Japanese lead singer for L'Arc~en~Ciel, Hyde. A: Ethan Chan, Jacky Cheung, A-Mei, and Beyonce. C: I like Maria Carey. Her vocal is great.
Weight - After you became a celebrity, how do you maintain your weight?
W: If I over eat one meal, I'll find time to walk off the calories. J: Multiple meals in small portions. It allows my body slowly digest the food and avoids excess fat deposits. A: I'mnot too good in maintaining my weight, especially when I go overseas. Iwould be eating a lot on the plane and more when I get to thedestination. Plus, the employees themselves are too busy eating toremind us to eat less. And, they don't want us to be hungry, so theyusually would prepare a lot of food. So, it's really easy for me togain weight working overseas. C: If I eat too much this meal, I'll eat less next meal. I never eat midnight snacks.
X - It's the new year. What flaw would you like to change about yourself?
W: Don't think too much. Let my mind take a rest. J: I'm too out there sometimes. I need to hold it back a little. A: I'veimproved gradually on many aspects of myself. I used to always expressmy displeasure and affect other people's mood. I've changed. Now, Iwould think before I act. And, my thoughts are more positive. Not sogray. I wish I'll be even better. C: I wish I wouldn't take things to hard. Open up my heart.
Year - For the rumored 2008 Fahrenheit concert, what do you look forward to the most?
W: Ofcourse, I can't wait for it. We had always been the special guests insomeone else's concert. In our own concert, we have to carry the entireevent. It would be great. And, seeing a whole room of fans supportingus, we will definitely feel a sense of accomplishment. J: I look forward to the special guest. I wish Dong Cheng Wei would perform at the concert. A: Ilook forward to playing on a very large piano. One with special design.I'm still thinking which design would be really cool. Look forward toit. C: I look forward to the special guest, too.I want to know at the Fahrenheit concert, who we can work with, createwhat kind of spark?
Zoo - Which animal do you want to look at the most? And, which one would you want to change identity with?
W:It'sbeen a long time since I went to a zoo. I remember I used to likepanda. But, the Brunei zoo only has tropical animals. So I never seen areal panda. So if given the chance, I would like to see a real one. Idon't want to change identity with the zoo animal, because it doesn'thave freedom. J: I want to see dinosaur. But, I can never see it because it's extinct. A:Iused to love hippo. Its roundish fat appearance and huge mouth isadorable. But after I grew up, I thought it stinks. I don't know why Iever liked it. If I can change identity, I want to be an eagle. I canfly and attract everyone's attention. I'm afraid of being ignored, ha. C: I want to see polar bear. I don't want to change identity. I like being Calvin Chen.