Farnor replied at 28-7-2019 11:38 PM
Haha bezanya si oaks dgn jenglot ini dear..c megantut very entarnisional lebih banyak drama : ...
meggot org kata MKUltra...takut bc ooo.
seremmm... |
mysr01 replied at 29-7-2019 10:43 AM
So, Skippy has some interesting things said today. MeAgain shut down a store during business hours s ...
dah la halau org kuar dr store.. perangai x semengah... aiks.. pls la August dtg cepat.. kick this grifter away..
PC dan Camilla dah kick dorg kan dr tanggungan.. so no money from Cornwall Duchy for meggot and PH.. rasain..
x ada la nak bergaya pakai baju mahal2 dah  |
shaxa replied at 29-7-2019 10:54 AM
https://www.bharian.com.my/dunia/eropah/2019/07/590149/meghan-jadi-penyunting-tetamu-vogue-britain ...
baju pengantin pon x fit.. pastu nak ajar org psl pesen??? hahha |
Edited by eva at 29-7-2019 02:25 PM
I bc konspirasi mlm td kat twitter..
jgn memain.. backers dia mmg hebat..
pastu.. sampai sekrg I masih terkedu.. sgt terkedu bila dorg diskus psl kematian Lady D.. ini off topic la eiks.. They said she was elite sacrifice bukan dr BRF tp above BRF.. maksudnya mmg ada yg rancang kemalangan tu, tp bukan dr tgn BRF.IMO BRF pun nak lindungi dia.. BUT group above BRF punya kerja la tu yg menyebabkan Lady D dan dodi meninggal.. and that group also yg sekrg nie blackmail BRF dan hantar meggot.
Sepatutnya si meggot nie kuar dr role dia, x payah kawin dgn PH tp dia degil, dia yg nak kahwin dgn PH dan buat onar.. itu dia punya plan.dan cuba nak ketengahkan idea new world order kekdahnya kat BRF.. dna dia rasa dia paling bijak sbb dia bi-racial, ramai akan support dia sbb commonwealth kan POC.. Ended up kita ngan brf sama mengutuk si meggot.
now kalau apa2 falling psl dia.. padan muka dia . |
No one reads Vogue anymore, 80% of its contents are ads anyway.
Ingat lagi article last year Vogue US pasal vacation Chrissy Teigen kat Bali. Prayer offerings yang siap ada incense stick tu writer tu boleh cakap zucchini noodle. 
my_november replied at 29-7-2019 02:55 PM
No one reads Vogue anymore, 80% of its contents are ads anyway.
Ingat lagi article last year Vo ...
wooow.. merching hahaha |
pm link tu sis eva 
dianegurl replied at 29-7-2019 03:50 PM
pm link tu sis eva
yg mana sis? discussion abt theories yg Lady d tu ke atau abt backer meggot. |
Farnor replied at 28-7-2019 02:52 PM
MMTCD UnmaskingAGrifter. Taip mmtcd. Keluar the charlatan.. Guwe dah join. Diterima jadi member at ...
Yg keluar charlatan tu ya |
brace yourself..info nie a bit tehory.. tapi who knows kan ;
https://mobile.twitter.com/EmmiB18/status/1155451754970058752 |
Edited by eva at 29-7-2019 04:37 PM
dianegurl replied at 29-7-2019 03:50 PM
pm link tu sis eva
I put it here.. senang
https://mobile.twitter.com/EmmiB18/status/1155435221296320512 |
Haruslah merching.
Former Fashion Director BV yang dah kerja dengan BV for 25 years pun cakap Vogue dah tak relevant dalam zaman social media sekarang ni. Read this.
kosukeconan replied at 29-7-2019 09:49 AM
logik jugak duchass meggot menggemok sekarang sbb treatment ivf
sama ngn tok iti
x guna menggemok.. sbb x lama lg nak kena divorce
angin sepoi bertiup... PC dah cut them loose.. no money dr purse cornwall duchy .. yipeee hehehe |
my_november replied at 29-7-2019 04:52 PM
Haruslah merching.
Former Fashion Director BV yang dah kerja dengan BV for 25 years pun cakap V ...
sian dia.
x pa la.. jd la Vogue jd majalah Katalog mcm Katalog Argos
tatler juga la the best one |

Tetiba TP dan DD muncul balik  |
coconico replied at 29-7-2019 08:35 PM
Tetiba TP dan DD muncul balik
yeap.. dua org ni memunculkan diri.. strange. |
betul ke nie??
Jan Moir @DM rakes MM over coals on Vogue….
Jan Moir of the DM has written about MM editing Vogue that shreds her to pieces. JM says MM is of the “Me Myself and I Foundation” and her choices for women who can change the world are women who seem to have merchandising affiliations/money making arrangements in place, with any charity work/benefit in essence a by-product or after-thought.To me, this is a VERY hard-hitting and critical media piece on Sparkles, and not complimentary at all. IF HMTQ/LG/RF had instructed MM NOT to be involved with the Vogue guest editing, and she went ahead and did it anyway in direct revolt, I would imagine that THIS would be what finally gets her driven from the family. How I wish I was working at Balmoral when she comes face to face will the rest of the family!! Can you just imagine what that confrontation will be like !?!!??
I think MM is walking into a trap!
mak aiii QE larang dia buat Vogue tu, tp doa buat jugak and now..hohoho..
tp I bc sikit psl Me,Myself and I Foundation tu.. spot on 
mcmana la dia nak lari lepas nie |
mysr01 replied at 29-7-2019 10:43 AM
So, Skippy has some interesting things said today. MeAgain shut down a store during business hours s ...
Pffftt. Dia ingt dia MJ ke, MJ tu legend.. Teringat pulak video MJ tgh shopping barang furniture the store has to shut down, beza dia. Kat luar ramai orang terjerit2 nama Michael and take his pictures.but MM ain’t nobody cares |
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