Originally posted by ananur at 9-6-2006 01:56 PM
fina, baby ni tak sama, lain baby lain peel nye.. ada yg belasah sume tak memilih janji dpt minum.. so berdoa lah supaya baby ko tak memilih tak kisah memana..
nie yang buat risau nie...fina dah plan lama nak breast feed baby sampai susu kering...tak nak jadi macam mamanya degil macam lembu coz minum susu lembu dari lahir....:pray: |
Originally posted by eyzlyn at 9-6-2006 13:50
mcm mana tak 28%, undang-undang buruh kat malaysia ni tak adil la. cuti bersalin pun seciput jer... kalau kat tempat lin, ibu bersalin dpt cuti bersalin maksimum setahun dgn gaji separuh. ataup ...
:setuju::setuju: sekejap sgt masa yg diberi utk kita bersama bb, so tak sempat lagi dah kene keje sampai kadang2 tu kene pegi o/stesen lah, meeting lah, etc... so susu pun kering dan tak kuar byk!!!:geram: |
Originally posted by dafina at 9-6-2006 13:54
fina nak tanya sikit la...betul ker baby kalau dah diberi susu pakai botol, dia tak nak breast feed terus dari kita? bulan depan fina nak deliver dah....takut lak ti kat sepital nurse tu terus bagi ...
tak jugak tp u kene berusaha lebeh byk supaya siang dia menyusu botol n mlm bf!! kene buat berulang2, n better buat sebulan seblm pegi keje sbb kalau bg botol awal sgt, nanti bb taknak breast! |
anak aku awal2 dah kasi botol sebab susu takde, tp alhamdulillah dia nak susu badan gak.. so i take for granted ingatkan dia nk botol sekali bila stat keja dia dah pandai taknak botol..teruk gak sbb dia angin melalak smpai tak ingat kalau kita sumbat gak botol, kena ttunggu dia okay sikit and lapar sesungguh baru dia nak |
eh breast dah rasa sakit and full sebab tak perah since pagi tadi tp bila pam awat tak byk pun..selalu aku kala dah bengkak tu sekali pam selamba sebelah pun dapat 3-4oz.. |
ananur..masa ko pam tu ko stress ke atau rasa nak cepat abeh ke
takpun try urut2 sket then picit nipple
minum air lps tu pam
dafina..ko kene bitau nurse tu ko nk bf so that lps lahir je dia bley kasik kat ko..dan tak sumbat botol susu
aku rasa GH dah semuanya suruh bf kan
mmg cuti tak cukup..aku cukup jeles ngan kakak kawan aku dia keje ngan PBB ke apa..cuti sampai stahun lps tu time balik keje lak ikut suka cam kol 3 ke utk bf anak
bestnya |
by baby102
eh nak tanya. sapa tau baby 2 bulan berapa oz dia sekali minum? baby 3 bulan berapa? aku nak tau baby dr umur 2 bulan hingga 5 bulan. sapa2 tau tolong bagi tau. thanks.
musti tak baca kat sini eh: http://breastfeeding.hypermart.net/working.html
ok la sebab aku baik hati aku pastekan sebahagian dr artikel tu:
To determine how much milk to leave for your baby, take your baby's weight in pounds and multiply that number by 2.5-3. Now divide the new number by 8. The answer is the approximate amount of milk in ounces, per every 3 hour feeding, that your baby will need while you are at work or school.
jadik..secara kasar kalo baby umur 2bln mebi berat 4kilo jadi minum dalam 3oz sekali feeding
so kalo ko keje sampai kol 5 lebey krg 5-6 kali feeding so jumlah susu 15oz ok |
Originally posted by osheenz at 9-6-2006 01:41 PM
thanks vizier.... eemmm shin skg nih tgh berusaha utk buat stock. sehari shin pump 3x kat ofis... but rasa still tak enuf.... risau sgt2 kalau baby takmo isap memang menangis aku dibuatnya... but s ...
Baru hari ni sempat buat stock 8 oz. adoi tak de masa betul. my baby lagi dkt i nak gi kerja lagi nak berkepit je. letak je dlm baby cot nangis. mmmm. heheheheeheh. |
Originally posted by ViZieR at 9-6-2006 04:03 PM
musti tak baca kat sini eh: http://breastfeeding.hypermart.net/working.html
ok la sebab aku baik hati aku pastekan sebahagian dr artikel tu:
To determine how much milk to leave for your baby, ...
ooo thanks vizer. baby aku skrg dah 2 bulan, berat dia dah 6kg. anak aku ni suka minum sikit2. itu yg payah nak tau berapa dia minum sekali feeding. kadang2 byk, kadang2 sikit.
dafina, my baby masa kat hospital diroang bagi susu formula dlm 3 hari. tapi bila aku bfeed dia ok je nak. tapi bila dah lama bfeed skrg ni susah pulak nak bagi bottle. so my advise kau bfeed je dia nanti, after 3 weeks selang2 kan dgn bagi thru bottle. tak la susah nak gi kerja nanti. |
Originally posted by ananur at 9-6-2006 03:00 PM
anak aku awal2 dah kasi botol sebab susu takde, tp alhamdulillah dia nak susu badan gak.. so i take for granted ingatkan dia nk botol sekali bila stat keja dia dah pandai taknak botol..teruk gak sb ...
sama mcm my baby la. mula2 lahir kat hospital diorang bagi bottle ok je dia. pastu dah balik rumah aku bfeed je. then dia dah 3 minggu aku try bagi thru bottle ok je dia nak. last2 lagi 3 weeks aku nak gi kerja bagi thru bottle je melalak2. mmg kena sabar jela. kena tunggu dia relax. last2 lapar punya pasal dia minum gak, tapi kejap2 melalak2 gak la. harap isnin ni aku kerja dia ok la. |
u all pakai pump brand apa ye, berapa regeenya......nampak macam senang je dpt banyak botol...i nak dptkan sebotol seharipun susah...lepas tu hampair 1/2 jam duduk dlm toilet .... tension kat sbb kekadang keje banyak nak buat.... |
Originally posted by eyzlyn at 9-6-2006 01:50 PM
mcm mana tak 28%, undang-undang buruh kat malaysia ni tak adil la. cuti bersalin pun seciput jer... kalau kat tempat lin, ibu bersalin dpt cuti bersalin maksimum setahun dgn gaji separuh. ataup ...
Aku setuju..tapi x leh angkat mouse, sbb pakai laptop :bgrin: (ehh dah dapat charger baruuuu laaaaaaaa)
I really respect mummies kat msia yg kja, then still boleh exclusively breastfeed babies memasing..mmg 100% respect!!! :hatdown::hatdown:
Bila start kja, baby baruuuuuuu nak masuk 2 months, mak oiiii kecik lagi tu, ishhh tabah betul la korang, aku x sampai ati nak antar kat org waktu Aiman still kecik camtu, dahtu, waktu tu aku punya supply pun x establish lagi, still dok gelong2..
Sbb tu la aku make a decision to take some time off from work, which is a big sacrifice for me, will affect my career progress forever, but who cares, my baby will be a baby for a very short time,while I can work for the rest of my life.
while I know that not everybody is as lucky as me, to be able to do this..that's why :hatdown: to you guys!!!
As I said, for me to be able to do this mmg kena sacrifice la, my stupid career progress, kena postpone lots of things, sacrifice financially, but it's soooooo worth it..
But kat msia, nak buat camni pun macam x boleh kan :hmm:
Hmmm macam OT lak, but tuuu ahhh..bila la msia nak tukar kita punya undang2 nih...
BTW, korang2 semua, kalau kat office, pump susu kat mana? yg ada bilik sendiri tu, ok la, yg x de plak?
[ Last edited by fairyjasmine at 10-6-2006 09:24 PM ] |
Originally posted by rodzie at 10-6-2006 11:27 AM
u all pakai pump brand apa ye, berapa regeenya......nampak macam senang je dpt banyak botol...i nak dptkan sebotol seharipun susah...lepas tu hampair 1/2 jam duduk dlm toilet .... tension kat sbb ...
Rodzie jumpa gak ye thread ni.. Anak dah brp bulan dah?
Fadz dulu memula pakai mcm2 pam, tp mostnya Pureenlah, yg pam tarik manual, yg pakai bateri sampai ingatkan nak sewa pam elektrik pun ada. Tp mcm Fadz cakap sblm ni tak jalan sgt. Fadz baca mcm2 artikel beli mcm2 buku, dan semuanya kata cara terbaik adalah perah dgn tagan sendiri. Mmg susah sbb tak reti memula tu tp, lps dah try beberapa kali ok pulak.
Minum air, lap breast ngan kain yg telah dibasahkan air suam, pastu relax tarik nafas, urut breast tu dari atas ke bawah, dan baru boleh mula perah. Perah pun ada cara, ni antara artikel yg Fadz jumpa. Gambar tak jumpa pulak, trylah..
By hand
Expressing milk by hand is a cheap and convenient method. Once you master the skill, you can express your milk at any time. It also means you don't have to buy or hire any special equipment, which (particularly in the case of electric pumps) can be expensive.
It may take a little practice to learn this skill, but it is worth the effort.
Before preparing to hand express:
* Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
* Try to relax. The let-down reflex is delayed by anxiety, although it will eventually occur. It may help to have your baby close to you. If that is not possible, have a photograph nearby or think about your baby.
* Massage your breasts with the flat of your hands, working towards each nipple.
* Place your thumb above your nipple at the edges of the areola (dark area around the nipple) and the first finger below.
* Using your thumb and finger, gently press your breast tissue back towards your chest wall and squeeze. By doing so, you are moving back along the milk ducts, gathering some milk, which is lying in the ducts, and then squeezing it forward. Drops of milk should soon bead on your nipple. Gently rub these first drops into your nipple. This will further stimulate your let-down reflex and increase the milk flow.
* Continuously press and squeeze in a rhythmic massaging movement. The milk will soon begin to flow - sometimes even squirting out.
* To reduce muscle fatigue, switch hands regularly.
* Once the milk dwindles to a few drops, move your finger onto another area of your breast and continue to press and squeeze. |
Originally posted by Fadz77 at 11-6-2006 09:28 AM
Rodzie jumpa gak ye thread ni.. Anak dah brp bulan dah?
Fadz dulu memula pakai mcm2 pam, tp mostnya Pureenlah, yg pam tarik manual, yg pakai bateri sampai ingatkan nak sewa pam elektrik pun ...
hi fadz...thanks 4 the info...
bila i baca...rasanya macam kena byk sabar je....boleh ke ii buat ni....i ni jenis nak cepat je....ialah kat opiskan...kalau kat rumah tak kesah sgt....tambah2 buat dlm toilet tu...bkn nya blh duduk...berdiri...penatnya....tension gak bila dipikirkan......anywhere mlm ni i try kat rumah......tak yah bawak pump ni kehulu kehilir...blh letak kat opis je...
hari ni my baby pg nursery tanpa stok...terpaksalah dia inum susu tin tu...ciannya...
my baby 23hb ni 3bln..(girl)namanya nurliana syahirah.....mukanya garang cam lelaki kalah kakaknya(nurliyana syafiqah) esok 13.06.06..birthday dia..yg ke 3thn....sekejap je...dah besar anak2 i...
[ Last edited by rodzie at 12-6-2006 08:26 AM ] |
Originally posted by rodzie at 12-6-2006 08:25
hi fadz...thanks 4 the info...
bila i baca...rasanya macam kena byk sabar je....boleh ke ii buat ni....i ni jenis nak cepat je....ialah kat opiskan...kalau kat rumah tak kesah sgt....tambah2 ...
rodzie, cuba u pakai avent mcm i sbb mase dulu mula2 i pakai pureen, mak datokkk susahnye susu nak kuar, tp since pakai ni mmg best, breast tak saki n relax je!! setiap kali perah u blh dpt paling kurang 2-3oz so kalau u perah 3x sehari mesti dpt 8-9oz! lagi satu kalau nak perah susu nak tak blh stess nanti susu tak kuar! i perah setakat ni bb i dah masuk 7mths still susu masih kuar lagi! |
ccuupp...sori nak tanya sikit....anak i 23hb ni dah masuk 3bln.....biasanya lepas bersalin...bila kita datang reriod lagi eekk...macam dah lama tak period.....sori...lari topik sikit..tq:tq: |
Originally posted by rodzie at 12-6-2006 12:34 PM
ccuupp...sori nak tanya sikit....anak i 23hb ni dah masuk 3bln.....biasanya lepas bersalin...bila kita datang reriod lagi eekk...macam dah lama tak period.....sori...lari topik sikit..tq:tq:
lin dtg period masa my baby nak masuk umur 6 months, masa tu i dah start introduce solid food .. rasanya depends on our hormon jugak kan... cuba tanya kenkawan lain cemana |
Originally posted by fairyjasmine at 10-6-2006 21:20
Aku setuju..tapi x leh angkat mouse, sbb pakai laptop :bgrin: (ehh dah dapat charger baruuuu laaaaaaaa)
I really respect mummies kat msia yg kja, then still boleh exclusively breastfeed ...
mmg really sad bila bb masih kecik (2 mths) kita dah nak gi keje but it's a sad reality that we have to face kat mesia nie!!! i rasa so sad masa mula2 nak gi keje ari tu, tp nasib baik kat opis nak perah susu senang je sbb ada pantry, surau n ada bilik mtg so kalau takde org mtg, i selalu perah kat situ je!!! so skrg ni bb dah 6mths, so rasa sedih pun dah kurang!!! i salute u becoz u mmg sygkan anak u sgt!!:tq: |
Originally posted by eyzlyn at 12-6-2006 12:42
lin dtg period masa my baby nak masuk umur 6 months, masa tu i dah start introduce solid food .. rasanya depends on our hormon jugak kan... cuba tanya kenkawan lain cemana
i baru period ari nie selepas bb umor 6.5 mths!! at last, takut gak sbb takut preknen even tho i mmg pakai protection!! |
Originally posted by zamnie at 12-6-2006 03:43 PM
i baru period ari nie selepas bb umor 6.5 mths!! at last, takut gak sbb takut preknen even tho i mmg pakai protection!!
6bln...:hmm:...bukan apa cuma takut ter eksiden je...ada sape2 yg awal lagi tak...anyway lega sikit...coz i ni normallah yek...hampir 2bln...tak period (tolak waktu berpantang) |
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