Tarikh Peristiwa pada 15-11-1966
Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1966, Perdana Menteri, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra telah merasmikan pembukaan Kongres Kerjasama Malaysia. Kongres yang berlangsung di Dewan Tunku Canselor, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur ini telah menghimpunkan lebih daripada 2,000 orang penganjur gerakan syarikat-syarikat kerjasama dari kawasan bandar dan luar bandar. Dalam ucapannya Tunku Abdul Rahman menyambut baik usaha penubuhan Persatuan Kebangsaan yang terdiri daripada gabungan lebih 3,000 buah syarikat kerjasama. Beliau juga telah menyambut baik cadangan penubuhan Bank Kerjasama yang didukung oleh seluruh Syarikat Kerjasama. Tujuan utama kongres ini diadakan ialah untuk menyatukan syarikat-syarikat kerjasama yang berada di kawasan bandar dan luar bandar yang sebelum ini terpisah dan terasing. Antara yang turut bersama dalam majlis ini ialah Menteri Pertanian dan Syarikat Kerjasama, Tuan Haji Mohd Ghazali bin Haji Jawi, Menteri Besar Perlis, Tan Sri Sheikh Ahmad bin Mohd Hashim, Setiausaha Tetap Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Abdul Jamil Rais, Profesor Ungku Abdul Aziz, wakil Universiti Malaya dan Encik N.A Kulrajah, Yang Dipertua Kesatuan Kerjasama Se- Malaya. |
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Tarikh Peristiwa pada 1986-11-16
Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1986, Muzium Di Raja Perak telah dirasmikan oleh Ke Bawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah di Kuala Kangsar. Muzium DiRaja Kuala Kangsar dahulunya yang dikenali dengan nama Istana Kenangan terletak berhampiran dengan Istana Iskandariah, Bukit Chandan, Kuala Kangsar, Perak. Istana Kenangan tersebut telah didirikan pada tahun 1926 oleh seorang tukang Melayu daripada Bukit Mertajam bernama En Sopian. Pada asalnya, Istana tersebut dikenali sebagai Istana Lembah sesuai dengan kedudukannya di sebuah kawasan tanah lembah. Selain daripada itu, ia juga dikenali dengan nama Istana Kuning kerana kebanyakan bahagian Istana tersebut dicat dengan warna kuning. Daripada reka bentuknya, ia melambangkan senibina Melayu tradisional. Bangunan Istana tersebut dibina di atas 60 batang tiang di mana panjangnya lebih kurang 42 meter dan lebarnya lebih kurang 11 meter. Memandangkan ia mempunyai nilai-nilai sejarah, maka satu Jawatankuasa Khas telah dibentuk bagi mengkaji secara terperinci cara untuk memperkenalkan bangunan tersebut kepada orang ramai. Berikutan perasmian Muzium Di Raja Perak, ia telah menjadi simbol kebanggaan rakyat Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan tempat lawatan pelancong.
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Tarikh Peristiwa pada 1986-11-16
Keamanan merupakan agenda utama dalam masyarakat dunia hari ini. Proses mewujudkan keamanan dijalankan dengan pelbagai cara seperti seminar, forum, perbincangan dan larian. Salah satu program yang dijalankan ialah larian keamanan. Bagi negara ini, satu acara Larian Dunia Pertama bersempena menyambut Tahun Keamanan Antarabangsa telah diadakan di Lapangan Terbang Subang, Kuala Lumpur pada 16 November 1986. Acara larian ini bermula di Lapangan Terbang Subang Kuala Lumpur telah dirasmikan oleh Encik Wang Choo Wing, Timbalan Menteri Kebudayaan, Belia dan Sukan. Acara yang bermula pada pukul 6.00 petang, apabila Encik Wang Choo Wing, memulakan acara Larian dengan membawa obor sejauh 1 kilometer. Seterusnya acara Larian diteruskan dan berakhir di Stadium Merdeka. Acara kemuncak diadakan dan dirasmikan oleh Datin Seri Dr. Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali sebagai tanda harapan dan impian agar semua penduduk dunia dapat hidup dalam keadaaan aman dan damai para penonton telah menyalakan lilin masing-masing. Acara Larian Dunia sempena dengan sambutan Tahun Keamanan Antarabangsa ini berakhir di peringkat Malaysia apabila obor meninggalkan Johor Bahru pada 18 November 1986. Proses mencapai keamanan merupakan satu tugas yang bukan mudah dan dan program seperti ini patut didokong oleh semua pihak di negara ini. |
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qasehnuramy posted on 16-11-2013 09:49 AM 
Ta ...
lapangan terbang subang yg penuh kenangan... 
cikatilia posted on 16-11-2013 11:33 AM 
lapangan terbang subang yg penuh kenangan...
airstewardess ker????
qasehnuramy posted on 16-11-2013 11:34 AM 
airstewardess ker????
no la.. i dok area2 tuh
my late dad kerja sana.. penah masuk tower yg terbakar tu few times (before dia terbakor)

sadly gomen pi buang semua bangunan tuh..
cikatilia posted on 16-11-2013 11:46 AM 
no la.. i dok area2 tuh
my late dad kerja sana.. penah masuk tower yg terbakar tu few times (befo ...
oh ye ke???
ingat sterwardess...
best tak tnggal area tu??
hari2 tgk plane kan...
17 November 1869
Terusan Suez (bahasa Arab, Qanā al-Suways), di sebelah barat Semenanjung Sinai, merupakan terusan kapal sepanjang 163 km yang terletak di Mesir, menghubungkan Pelabuhan Said (Būr Sa'īd) di Laut Tengah dengan Suez (al-Suways) di Laut Merah.
Terusan Suez dibuka tahun 1870 dan dibangun atas prakarsa insinyur Perancis yang bernama Ferdinand Vicomte de Lesseps.
Terusan ini mengizinkan transportasi air dari Eropa ke Asia tanpa mengelilingi Afrika. Sebelum adanya kanal ini, beberapa transportasi dilakukan dengan cara mengosongkan kapal dan membawa barang-barangnya lewat darat antara Laut Tengah dan Laut Merah.
Terusan ini terdiri dari dua bagian, utara dan selatan Danau Great Bitter, menghubungkan Laut Tengah ke Teluk Suez
Dalam era Perang Dunia I Terusan Suez yang saat itu berada di bawah kekuasan Inggris, diserang oleh pasukan Jerman dan Turki Ottoman. Posisi Suez yang sangat strategis, yaitu menghubungkan Laut Mediterania dan Laut Merah, menjadikan terusan ini objek rebutan antara pasukan Sekutu dan Axis.Saat Mesir dipimpin Presiden Gamal Abdul Nasir terusan Suez pada tanggal 26 Juli 1956 dinasionalisasi pihak Mesir. Hal ini memicu terjadinya krisis Suez karena Prancis tidak terima Suez dikuasai mesir. Pada tanggal 29 Oktober 1956 terjadi serangan gabungan dari Israel, pasukan Inggris dan Prancis di Mesir. Melalui intervensi dari PBB , Amerika Serikat dan Uni Soviet konfrontasi tersebut dapat berakhir relatif cepat, dan kampanye perang pada 22 Desember 1956 kembali dievakuasi. Dalam Perang Enam Hari mendorong Israel pada tanggal 9 Juni 1967 kembali menguasai Suez . Terusan Suez tetap tertutup untuk pengiriman dari mesir dan menempatkan di perbatasan antara Mesir dan Israel. Israel mendirikan sebuah garis pertahanan yang garis Bar-Lev dan mengusai Semenanjung Sinai . Dalam Perang Yom Kippur , pada tanggal 6 Oktober 1973 Suez berhasil dikuasai oleh pasukan Mesir . Tetapi pada akhirnya Israel juga berhasil memukul mundur Mesir dalam serangan balasan pada 16 Oktober 1973, Israel menyeberangi Suez dengan membuat sebuah jembatan di atas kanal. Pada akhir perang Yom Kippur meski Mesir kalah secara militer tapi menang secara diplomatik sehingga seluruh saluran suez dan semenanjung Sinai kembali di bawah kendali Mesir. Setelah sempat ditutup sementara akhirnya terusan Suez kemudian dibuka untuk umum lagi pada tahun 1975.
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Luís Carlos Almeida da Cunha (lahir 17 November 1986 di Praia, Cape Verde), atau lebih dikenali sebagai Nani, merupakan pemain bola sepak berbangsa Portugis yang bermain di posisi sayap untuk kelab Manchester United dan pasukan bola sepak kebangsaan Portugal.
Nani memulakan karier beliau bersama Sporting CP dengan menyertai pasukan remaja pada 2003 sebelum membuat penampilan senior pertamanya pada 2005. Ketika bermain selama 2 tahun di Portugal, Nani memenangi satu trofi, Portuguese Cup pada musim 2006-07. Prestasi beliau menarik minat Manchester United yang kemudiannya mendapatkan khidmatnya pada Julai 2007. Beliau berjaya mendapat tempat dalam kesebelasan utama dalam tempoh masa yang singkat dan setakat ini telah memenangi dua kejuaraan Liga Inggeris, Liga Juara-Juara Eropah pada 2007-08, dan dua Piala Liga yang masing-masing dimenangi pada musim 2008-09 dan 2009-10.
Nani membuat penampilan sulung untuk Portugal pada 2006 dan menjaringkan satu gol pada perlawanan tersebut. Beliau merupakan antara tonggak penting dalam skuad dan kerap berada dalam skuad utama sepanjang Euro 2008 dan pusingan kelayakan Piala Dunia 2010.
Happy Birthday Nani  |
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TODAY IN HISTORY - Battle Of The Somme Ends
On this day in 1916, British Commander in Chief Sir Douglas Haig calls a halt to his army's offensive near the Somme River in northwestern France, ending the epic Battle of the Somme after more than four months of bloody conflict.
With the French under heavy siege at Verdun since February, the Somme offensive was Haig's long-planned attempt to make an Allied breakthrough on the Western Front. After a full week of artillery bombardment, the offensive began in earnest on the morning of July 1, 1916, when soldiers from 11 British divisions emerged from their trenches near the Somme River in northwestern France and advanced toward the German front lines.
The initial advance was a disaster, as the six German divisions facing the advancing British mowed them down with their machine guns, killing or wounding some 60,000 men on the first day alone: the single heaviest day of casualties in British military history to that point. The failure of the advance was credited variously to the complete lack of surprise in the timing of the attack, incompetence on the part of Haig and the British command--namely, their failure to conceive that the Germans could build their trenches deep enough to protect their heavy weapons or bring them up so quickly once the artillery barrage had ended--and the inferior preparation of the British artillery, for which the infantry paid a heavy price.
Over the course of the next four-and-a-half months and no fewer than 90 attacks, the Allies were able to advance a total of only six miles in the Somme region, at the cost of 146,000 soldiers killed and over 200,000 more injured. On November 18, 1916, Haig finally called off the offensive, insisting in his official dispatch from the front that December that the Somme operation had achieved its objectives. "Verdun had been relieved; the main German forces had been held on the Western front; and the enemy's strength had been very considerably worn down. Any one of these three results is in itself sufficient to justify the Somme battle."
Despite its commander's positive assessment, the Battle of the Somme would remain one of the most controversial operations of World War I. In the war's aftermath, British Prime Minister David Lloyd George, a nemesis of Haig's, roundly condemned Haig's offensive: "Over 400,000 of our men fell in this bullheaded fight and the slaughter amongst our young officers was appalling...Had it not been for the inexplicable stupidity of the Germans in provoking a quarrel with America and bringing that mighty people into the war against them just as they had succeeded in eliminating another powerful foe—Russia--the Somme would not have saved us from the inextricable stalemate."
Source : History Channel |
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Nov 18, 2006:
Tom Cruise weds, again
On this day in 2006, the actors Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are married in a Church of Scientology ceremony at the 15th-century Odescalchi Castle in Lake Bracciano, Italy. A number of the Hollywood super-couple's celebrity friends were in attendance, including Will and Jada Smith, Brooke Shields, Victoria Beckham, Jim Carrey and Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony. Cruise and Holmes's whirlwind courtship was obsessively chronicled in the tabloid press and their wedding created an international media frenzy.
Cruise, the star of such Hollywood blockbusters as "Top Gun" and "Mission: Impossible," and Holmes, who until then was best known for her role as Joey Potter on the popular teen-oriented TV series "Dawson's Creek," first appeared together publicly as a couple in the spring of 2005. That May, Cruise went on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and generated headlines by jumping on the host's couch and expressing his love for Holmes, who is 16 years his junior. The following month, the two actors, dubbed "TomKat" by the media, became engaged in Paris. Around the same time, Cruise sparked controversy for his impassioned advocacy of Scientology as well as his public criticism of anti-depressant drugs and psychiatry. That fall, Cruise and Holmes announced they were having a baby. Their daughter Suri was born April 18, 2006, and the couple wed seven months later.
Cruise, who was born on July 3, 1962, made his feature film debut at the age of 18 in "Endless Love" (1981), which was followed by "Taps" (1981) and "The Outsiders" (1983). After a breakthrough performance in the 1983 hit "Risky Business," he won international fame for his role as fighter pilot Pete "Maverick" Mitchell in 1986's "Top Gun." Cruise received his first Academy Award nomination, for best actor, for his performance as the Vietnam veteran and anti-war activist Ron Kovic in "Born on the Fourth of July" (1989). His second Oscar nomination came for his portrayal as a sports agent in "Jerry Maguire" (1996); a third nomination followed for Cruise's performance as a self-help guru in Paul Thomas Anderson's ensemble drama "Magnolia" (1999). Cruise's numerous film credits also include "The Color of Money" (1986), with Paul Newman; "Rain Man" (1988), with Dustin Hoffman; "A Few Good Men" (1992), with Jack Nicholson; "The Firm" (1993); and "Interview with the Vampire: the Vampire Chronicles" (1994). He starred as superspy Ethan Hunt in 1996's "Mission: Impossible," and reprised his role in the hit 2000, 2006 and 2011 sequels. Other Cruise movies include "Minority Report" (2002) and "War of the Worlds" (2005), both of which were directed by Steven Spielberg.
Prior to tying the knot with Holmes, Cruise was married to the actress Mimi Rogers ("Someone to Watch Over Me," "The Door in the Floor") from 1987 to 1990. Cruise acted in three films with Nicole Kidman, to whom he was married from 1990 to 2001: "Days of Thunder" (1990), "Far and Away" (1992) and "Eyes Wide Shut" (1999).
Katie Holmes, who was born on December 18, 1978, made her big-screen debut in director Ang Lee's critically acclaimed "The Ice Storm" (1997), featuring Tobey Maguire. Holmes went on to star in the teen drama "Dawson's Creek" from 1998 to 2003; she has also appeared in such films as "Go" (1999), "Wonder Boys" (2000), "Phone Booth" (2002), "Pieces of April" (2003), "Batman Begins" (2005), "Thank You for Smoking" (2005) and "Mad Money" (2008).
On June 28, 2012, after more than five years of marriage, Holmes filed for divorce from Cruise. Two weeks later, on July 9, it was announced the couple had reached a divorce settlement.
source: http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/tom-cruise-weds-again
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Tarikh Peristiwa pada 19-11-1973
Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1973, Perdana Menteri, Tun Abdul Razak Hussein telah merasmikan Mesyuarat Pertama Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang dan Majlis Penasihat Peladang. Turut hadir pada majlis yang telah diadakan di Bilik Gerakan Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang, Kuala Lumpur ini ialah Menteri Pembangunan Ekonomi Luar Bandar, Y.B Encik Abdul Ghafar Baba dan Setiausaha Parlimen Kementerian Pertanian dan Perikanan, Y.B Datuk Haji Mustafa Jabar yang juga Pengerusi Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang. Dalam ucapan perasmian mesyuarat tersebut Tun Abdul Razak mengarahkan Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang agar menjalankan kempen besar-besaran bagi menggalakkan penyertaan para petani untuk memasuki pertubuhan-pertubuhan peladang atau pun syarikat-syarikat kerjasama berasaskan pertanian bagi menjayakan Dasar Ekonomi Baru. Beliau juga menyarankan agar kempen besar-besaran juga diadakan bagi menjayakan Dasar Pertanian bercorak perdagangan bagi memastikan bekalan makanan negara termasuk beras mencukupi. Berikutan itu beliau telah mengumumkan peruntukan yang telah diluluskan oleh kerajaan sebanyak $10.97 juta kepada Lembaga Pertubuhan Peladang untuk memajukan kegiatan pertubuhan-pertubuhan peladang.
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Tarikh Peristiwa pada 19-11-1988
Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1988, Jalan Bandar telah ditukar nama kepada Jalan H.S.Lee. Nama jalan tersebut ditukar adalah bertujuan untuk mengenang jasa dan pengorbanan yang ditunjukkan oleh Tun H.S. Lee pada masa lalu. Pengorbanan tersebut telah dikaitkan dengan dua isu utama iaitu perpaduan kaum dan kemerdekaan negara. Bagi kaum Cina di negara ini ketokohan Tun H.S. Lee amat terserlah dan perlu dikenang selama-lamanya. Bagi mengenang jasa beliau, sebatang jalan telah dinamakan dengan nama beliau iaitu Jalan Bandar yang ditukar kepada Jalan Tun H.S. Lee. Beliau memainkan peranan yang penting dalam penubuhan MCA, perancang utama penubuhan perikatan UMNO-MCA, penentang komunis di zaman darurat dan merupakan pejuang negara semasa menuntut Kemerdekaan Malaya. Apabila Malaya Merdeka, beliau telah dilantik sebagai Menteri Kewangan antara tahun 1957 hingga 1959. Pengumuman penamaan Jalan Tun H.S.Lee dilakukan oleh Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamed sempena pameran Patriot dan Negarawan - Tun Sri H.S. Lee di Muzium Negara. Tun H.S. Lee telah meninggal dunia pada 22 Jun 1988 akibat sakit tua. Sesungguhnya, jasa dan pengorbanan beliau telah menjadi salah satu kebanggaan negara.
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Date 19 November 1994 (sumber:abam wiki )
In 1993, Rai gained public recognition for her appearance in a Pepsi commercial with actor Aamir Khan.In the 1994 Miss India pageant, she won second place, behind Sushmita Sen, and was crowned Miss India World. With Sen representing India at the Miss Universe pageant, Aishwarya's duties as the first runner-up included representing India in the rival Miss World Pageant, held that year in Sun City, South Africa. She went on to win the crown (Miss World) where she also won the "Miss Photogenic" award and Miss World Continental Queen of Beauty − Asia & Oceania.

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Nov 19, 1969:
Pele scores 1,000th goal
Brazilian soccer great Pele scores his 1,000th professional goal in a game, against Vasco da Gama in Rio de Janeiro's Maracana stadium. It was a major milestone in an illustrious career that included three World Cup championships.
Pele, considered one of the greatest soccer players ever to take the field, was born Edson Arantes do Nascimento in Tres Coracos, Brazil, in 1940. He acquired the nickname Pele during his childhood though the name has no meaning in his native Portuguese. When he was a teenager, he played for a minor league soccer club in Bauru in Sao Paulo state and in 1956 joined the major league Santos Football Club in the city of Sao Paulo, playing inside left forward. Two years later, he led the Brazilian national team to victory in the World Cup. Pele, who was only 17 years old, scored two goals to defeat Sweden in the final.
Pele was blessed with speed, balance, control, power, and an uncanny ability to anticipate the movements of his opponents and teammates. Although just five feet eight inches tall, he was a giant on the field, leading Santos to three national club championships, two South American championships, and the world club title in 1963. Under Pele's leadership, Brazil won the World Cup in 1958, 1962, and 1970. In 1970, Brazil was granted permanent possession of the World Cup's Jules Rimet Trophy as a tribute to its dominance. On November 19, 1969, Pele scored his 1,000th goal on a penalty kick against Vasco da Gama. Eighty thousand adoring fans in Maracana stadium cheered him wildly, even though Santos was the opposing team.
Pele announced his retirement in 1974 but in 1975 accepted a $7 million contract to play with the New York Cosmos. He led the Cosmos to a league championship in 1977 and did much to promote soccer in the United States. On October 1, 1977, in Giants Stadium, he played his last professional game in a Cosmos match against his old team Santos.
During his long career, Pele scored 1,282 goals in 1,363 games. In 1978, Pele was given the International Peace Award and in 1993 he was inducted into the National Soccer Hall of Fame. Since retiring, he has acted as an international ambassador for his sport and has worked with the United Nations and UNICEF to promote peace and international reconciliation through friendly athletic competition.
source: http://www.history.com/this-day- ... -scores-1000th-goal
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TODAY IN HISTORY - 1945: Nuremberg Trial Of Nazis Begins
Twenty of Germany's Nazi leaders have gone on trial in the German city of Nuremberg charged with war crimes.
The four judges who make up the International Military Tribunal took their seats at 1000 hours to hear the charges read out.
The offences included waging a war of aggression, violating the customs of warfare and committing crimes against humanity.
The three major wartime powers, the United States, Soviet Union and Britain will sit on the tribunal, and France has also been awarded a place.
The British president of the tribunal, Justice Geoffrey Lawrence, opened the trial, calling it "unique in the history of the jurisprudence of the world and of supreme importance to millions of people all over the globe.
War crimes
"For this reason there is laid upon everybody who takes any part in this trial the solemn responsibility to discharge his duties without fear or favour in accordance with the sacred principles of law and justice," he said.
The accused include Hermann Goring, Commander of the Luftwaffe, Admiral Karl Donitz, who became German president following Hitler's death, Albert Speer, a close friend of Hitler's, and Martin Bormann, successor to Hess as Nazi Party Secretary, is being tried in his absence.
They were seated in two rows in the dock, which has been specially adapted to contain all 20 of them. American military police in their trademark steel white helmets were seated behind and at either end of the dock.
The whole day's sitting was then taken up with the simultaneous reading of the 24,000-word indictment in four different languages.
Everyone in the court was issued with headphones to allow them to hear the charges being read in their native language, but the accused showed little interest.
They are represented by counsel and the prosecution has made available all its documents to allow a just defence.
Talks about how to punish the Nazi leadership once the war ended began months ago.
The British Government wanted to shoot the leaders once they were caught and formally identified - but the Soviet Union and US favoured a legal process.
The International Military Tribunal was finally set up on 8 August by which time the main parties had agreed a compromise on a set of internationally recognised offences.
They had also accepted Soviet insistence that only Axis aggression was covered by the new court - otherwise the Soviet authorities would have been in the dock as well for carving up Poland in 1939 and attacking Finland three months later.
The defendants are expected to enter their pleas in the morning - most are expected to plead not guilty.
Source : BBC News
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HARI INI DALAM SEJARAH - Kota Belanda Di Pulau Pangkor Dibina Semula
Pada hari ini dalam tahun 1745, Kota Belanda di Pulau Pangkor telah di bina semula. Pada peringkat awal, pedagang Perak telah menjalankan perdagangan dengan pedagang-pedagang lain secara senyap dengan menawarkan harga yang lebih baik. Perkara ini telah menimbulkan kemarahan Syarikat Belanda. Beberapa serangan telah dibuat oleh orang-orang Melayu terhadap kota ini atas sebab tidak puas hati dengan kekerasan orang-orang Belanda. Akhirnya, serangan oleh Panglima Kulup Ali telah memusnahkan kota tersebut. Peluang untuk bertapak semula terbuka apabila keadaan politik negeri Perak yang bergolak akibat perebutan kuasa dan kawasan bijih timah. Orang-orang Belanda berjaya mendapatkan monopoli perdagangan bijih timah tersebut. Bagi menjaga kepentingan dan keselamatan orang Belanda dan hasil bijihnya sebuah Kota Belanda telah didirikan di Pulau Pangkor pada tahun 1670. Kota tersebut telah musnah diserang oleh sekumpulan pahlawan-pahlawan Melayu yang diketuai oleh Panglima Kulup Ali pada tahun 1690 dan askar-askar Belanda telah melarikan diri ke tempat lain. Berikutan serangan pahlawan-pahlawan Melayu, Kota Belanda berjaya dibina semula di bawah kuasa Negeri Perak.
Sumber : Arkib Negara
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Nov 20, 1947:
Princess Elizabeth marries Philip Mountbatten
In a lavish wedding ceremony at Westminster Abbey in London, Princess Elizabeth marries her distant cousin, Philip Mountbatten, a dashing former prince of Greece and Denmark who renounced his titles in order to marry the English princess.
Princess Elizabeth, heir to the British throne, was 21 years old. Philip Mountbatten, age 26, had fought as a British naval officer during World War II and was made the duke of Edinburgh on the eve of his wedding to Elizabeth. The celebrations surrounding the wedding of the popular princess lifted the spirits of the people of Britain, who were enduring economic difficulties in the aftermath of World War II.
On February 6, 1952, the death of King George VI sent Elizabeth to the throne, and Philip ended his naval career to concentrate on his new duties as consort of the British monarch. Elizabeth and Philip eventually had four children--Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, and Prince Edward.
source: http://www.history.com/this-day- ... -philip-mountbatten
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TODAY IN HISTORY - Edison's First Great Invention
The American inventor announces his invention of the phonograph, a way to record and play back sound.
Edison stumbled on one of his great inventions--the phonograph--while working on a way to record telephone communication at his laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey. His work led him to experiment with a stylus on a tinfoil cylinder, which, to his surprise, played back the short song he had recorded, "MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB". Public demonstrations of the phonograph made the Yankee inventor world famous, and he was dubbed the "Wizard of Menlo Park."
Edison set aside this invention in 1878 to work on the incandescent light bulb, and other inventors moved forward to improve on the phonograph. In 1887, Edison resumed work on the device, using the wax-cylinder technique developed by Charles Tainter. Although initially used as a dictating machine, the phonograph proved to be a popular tool for entertainment, and in 1906 Edison unveiled a series of musical and theatrical selections to the public through his National Phonograph Company. Continuing to improve on models and cylinders over the years, the Edison Disc Phonograph debuted in 1912 with the aim of competing in the popular record market. Edison's discs offered superior sound quality but were not compatible with other popular disc players.
During the 1920s, the early record business suffered with the growth of radio, and in 1929 recording production at Edison ceased forever. Edison, who acquired an astounding 1,093 patents in his 84 years, died in 1931.
Source : History Channel
HARI INI DALAM SEJARAH - Kemangkatan Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong Ke-11
Pada hari ini dalam 2001,Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong ke-11, Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah Alhaj Ibni Almarhum Sultan Hisamuddin Alam Shah Alhaj mangkat di Pusat Perubatan Gleneagles Intan, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur. Kemangkatan Seri Paduka telah diumumkan oleh YAB Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad menerusi siaran televisyen dan radio. Sehubungan itu YAB Perdana Menteri telah mengisytiharkan seluruh negara berkabung selama tujuh hari mulai hari ini dan kerajaan meminta semua pihak mengibarkan bendera separuh tiang sepanjang tempoh itu. Menteri Besar Selangor, Datuk Seri Dr. Mohamed Khir Toyo mengumumkan negeri Selangor berkabung selama 40 hari. Jenazah Almarhum Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah selamat dimakamkan dengan penuh adat istiadat diraja di Selangor Makam Diraja Klang di pekarangan Masjid Diraja Sultan Sulaiman, Kelang, pada pukul 5.30 petang pada 22 November 2003. Sesungguhnya, negara kehilangan seorang raja yang berjiwa rakyat dan semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh baginda dan ditempatkan bersama mereka yang beriman.
Sumber : Arkib Negara
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