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Author: GhostWalking

[Tempatan] Melayu sanggup berbunuhan kerana syurga, kata Tun Mahathir(Penjelasan MAZA Pg 2)

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Post time 29-6-2014 04:28 PM | Show all posts
kat sini ramai keling dan cina
keji dan hina Islam
napa tak berani BOM
jihad kat negera sendirilah

baru depa tau

takyah 13 Mei


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Post time 29-6-2014 04:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sueism posted on 29-6-2014 12:24 PM
sorry malas baca, buka melayu aje tapi
areb jugak sebab nanti masuk syurga
ada anak dara nak lay ...

Melayu kam suka ikut ereb
Last2 bukan jd muslim( tunduk dan patuh)
Jd ereb dari pakaian smpai sebutan
Smpai melagu quran pun gigih nk nyebut ikut nashu ereb, pahamnye kelaut

Jd la pengikut agama ereb, bukan islam
Semua rasul kan islam...xde plk semua rupa ereb

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Post time 29-6-2014 06:18 PM | Show all posts
Kalau org dlm CI ckp merapu boleh jer abaikan, kalau cerdik pandai idola separuh malaya bercakap, ramai akan termakan.. Inilah bahaya org yg ada pengaruh ckp ikut sedap mulut..


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Post time 29-6-2014 06:19 PM | Show all posts
Kalau ko sorang2 tak purcaya syurga neraka, ada orglain kisah? Alih2 itula yg diulang2 sindir kat forum ni...

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2014 01:10 PM | Show all posts
Ex-mufti: In Syrian conflict, Malay youths see chance to shine for Islam

KUALA LUMPUR, June 30 — The prospect of helping out Muslims in need and to fight and die in the name of Islam is what is attracting many young Malays here to take part in the ongoing armed conflict in Syria, former Perlis Mufti Datuk Dr Asri Zainul Abidin has said.

The Islamic scholar said that he had been approached "many times" by young Malays expressing an interest in taking part in the conflict, and that many of them felt "frustrated" over what was happening to fellow Muslims over there and not being able to do anything about it.

"I know lots of Malay youths have been asking me about it, either in person or through email. The offer is attractive to them," he told The Malay Mail Online when contacted.

"In Malaysia, there is unhappiness over what is happening, a sense of injustice... many of these youths have a good intention, because they see Muslims in Syria being bombed and killed so they feel that they want to help out whatever way they can.

"There is also a feeling that this will be a big reward because you are giving yourself to defend your religion," Asri added.

But while many youths here may have good intentions in wanting to participate in the Syrian conflict, Asri stressed that he has strongly discouraged them from doing so.

"I tell them, don't go....if you want to take part in a jihad, there must be a clear purpose or reason. In the issue involving Syria, we have yet to be sure of the specifics of the conflict, who is in the wrong, or who is right," he said, and that much news surrounding the crisis so far remained "accusations" and have yet to be verified.

"You also need a clear leader to guide you if taking part in a jihad. If you are unfamiliar with the culture and laws there or the political situation, it is easy to be might even end up attacking villagers whom you think is the enemy," the former mufti stressed.

Asri's remarks come amid reports of an alleged involvement of Malaysian militants in the ongoing Syrian armed conflict.

Former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed said recently that Malaysians should not take part in the conflict, and that the Quran teaches Muslims to reconcile two enemies to achieve peace, not to kill over mere differences in political ideologies,

Dr Mahathir also urged religious scholars to state their views on Muslim suicide and the ongoing jihadist movement, noting that no edict has been issued on the matter as yet.

Agreeing with Dr Mahathir, Asri said that bearing arms and taking part in any conflict should be a "last resort" when all other forms of reconciliation have failed.

"Islam prioritises peace, but not every situation has a peaceful resolution.

"That is why countries still need armies, that is why countries also makes its soldiers bear that people can defend themselves as a last resort," scholar said.  

Last week, the Foreign Affairs Ministry said 15 Malaysians might have been killed in Syria after joining in terrorist and jihadist activities with Islamist militant group Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS).

It said the news was conveyed by the Permanent Representative of Syria to the United Nations in New York at a press conference on June 18.

ISIS, also known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), is a splinter group of al-Qaeda that wants to set up an Islamic caliphate encompassing both Iraq and Syria.

ISIS is viewed as a terror organisation by authorities both here and abroad.

A Malaysian suspected of being a member of ISIS was believed to have been the suicide bomber who killed 25 members of an Iraqi police team last month.

Earlier this month, three local men were arrested by police for suspected links to ISIS.
Read here: ... ance-013900917.html

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Post time 30-6-2014 01:31 PM | Show all posts
serbanista PIS dan penutuh pungkoq hanak2 ikan jugak la yg membawak budaya militan ni kat malaysia...mampuih pi la...duit aku cukup nak bayar tiket flight cash pegi obersea europe bagai kalau sini jadi lagu tu jugak....duit hangpa cukup kah? jgn time tu nak carik anuar maupun set2 dap kapiaq dah...depa semua pon dah lari cabooott

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Post time 30-6-2014 01:49 PM | Show all posts
justchu posted on 29-6-2014 04:58 PM
Melayu kam suka ikut ereb
Last2 bukan jd muslim( tunduk dan patuh)
Jd ereb dari pakaian smpai se ...

Pencerahan skit...............

Hang baca Quran ikut nahu sapa??


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Post time 30-6-2014 01:53 PM | Show all posts
PerKasa posted on 29-6-2014 04:28 PM
kat sini ramai keling dan cina
keji dan hina Islam
napa tak berani BOM

Puak AMENOgok ada.................


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Post time 30-6-2014 02:17 PM | Show all posts
anonims posted on 29-6-2014 06:18 PM
Kalau org dlm CI ckp merapu boleh jer abaikan, kalau cerdik pandai idola separuh malaya bercakap, ra ...

taw takpe.
kalu ayya dah keluar stetmen suci
...ramai bakal terpesong akidah.

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Post time 30-6-2014 02:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Chedet komen meratib kutuk, Dr Maza komen yg sama boleh trima pulak?

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Post time 30-6-2014 02:55 PM | Show all posts
PerKasa posted on 29-6-2014 04:28 PM
kat sini ramai keling dan cina
keji dan hina Islam
napa tak berani BOM

tuduh la yahudi dan nasrani sekali.. baru la complete..


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Post time 30-6-2014 03:14 PM | Show all posts
GhostWalking posted on 30-6-2014 05:10 AM
Ex-mufti: In Syrian conflict, Malay youths see chance to shine for Islam

Akhirnya Dr asri sudah bersuara. Banyak kat sini dah terkeluar tajuk, betulla apa yang che det kata. matlamat tak menghalalkan cara. yang hangpa dah sampai kelaut dok cerita personal chedet pasaipa

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Post time 30-6-2014 03:18 PM | Show all posts
ustaz2 ulama2 lain semua takut nak bagi komen. takut komen tak popular dgn pendapat majoriti. nanti hilangla pengikut dekat media social bagai. diaorang cuma akan komen benda yang bagi advantage je kat depa. cari makan bagi ceramah kan.

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Post time 30-6-2014 03:29 PM | Show all posts
nemonemonemo posted on 30-6-2014 03:14 PM
Akhirnya Dr asri sudah bersuara. Banyak kat sini dah terkeluar tajuk, betulla apa yang che det kat ...

mungkin sbb dia tu asyik dok cakap tak serupa bikin...
selayak nye la

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Post time 1-7-2014 09:22 AM | Show all posts
5229 posted on 29-6-2014 03:21 PM
true...konflik dekat middle east tu pure politics and ideology..xde kena mengena ngan agama..dorang  ...

btol..itulah namenye arab spring!..
syurga neraka tu kan hak Allah..sape la kite ni nak bgtau sape salah sape betol..
TAPI bunuh diri dgn mengebom diri sendiri dan mengorbankan wanita atau kanak2 x berdosa, bukan terang2 neraka ke jawabnye?~ mohon pencerahan


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Post time 1-7-2014 09:41 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Byk macai yg meroyan tak tentu hala... janji buat posting suda...lollol

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Post time 1-7-2014 09:47 AM | Show all posts
satu kacang.

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Post time 1-7-2014 10:33 AM | Show all posts
Tentera Basyar tiada hak utk membunuh rakyat dia. Tapi mereka ada hak utk membunuh orang asing yg mengangkat senjata yg menentang mereka kan?

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Post time 1-7-2014 01:06 PM | Show all posts
LUNCH posted on 28-6-2014 07:45 PM
Kalau dah berdendam dan membunuh tu tak ada masuk syurga nya. Bodoh je kena tipu kerana agama dan ha ...

lu mau tipu sama sapa ?
dengan manusia yang tidak berugama ataupun mengikut ugama ciptaan manusia bolehlah
Tapi dengan orang Islam lebeh2 lagi dengan Allah, janganlah ko nak tipu
Tak mengucap syahadah, tak solat, tak puasa & buat ibadah boley ker senang2 nk masuk Syurga Allah. Para2 Nabi, Rasul, para sahabat, attabiin yang dah dijamin masuk syurga pun tak berani mengaku dapat masuk syurga. Apatah lagi manusia biasa, yang siapakah kita disisi Allah. Sebab itu orang Islam & mukmin yg sejati akan berusaha untuk hidup sebagai Muslim dan mati sebagai syuhada kerana akan terus masuk ke Syurga Allah tanpa dihisab/ dihitung amalannya, kecuali jikalau ada berhutang sesama manusia, maka akan tertangguhlah sehingga selesai perkiraannya di padang Masyhar.

Sedangkan orang2 Islam yang mati bukan kerana kerana Syahid, maka terpaksalah menunggu utk perbicaraan menentukan kadar dosa dan pahalanya.

Tapi kalau aqidah pun dah ke laut, jangan haraplah nak dapat masuk syurga akhirat
Masuk syurga doniya boleyler


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Post time 1-7-2014 01:14 PM | Show all posts
penyo posted on 1-7-2014 10:33 AM
Tentera Basyar tiada hak utk membunuh rakyat dia. Tapi mereka ada hak utk membunuh orang asing yg me ...

tentera Mujahiddin asing jugak berhak utk mengzass tentera Basyhar yg menzalimi org2 Islam
Islam tidak dibawa dan disebarkan dengan keganasan, tapi bila umat Islam dan wilayahnya diancam dan ditindas, tidaklah pulak Allah menyuruh orang Islam duduk menyuruk dan berdiam diri
Nabi Muhammmad menyebarkan Islam secara aman dan berdakwah pada org Quraisy, tetapi apabila sahaja org kafir Qraisy memulakan perseteruan dan melancarkan peperangan,maka tidaklah pula Nabi Muhammad duduk berdiam diri sahaja. Maka berlakulah beberapa peperangan yg membawa kpd pembukaan Kota Makkah


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