hafizi This user has been deleted
There is no differences between Wahhabi and Salafi
Islam, in our understanding and that of the majority of Muslims, both scholars and non-scholars, is the Islam of Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama`a -- The People of the Way of the Prophet and the Community of Muslims. Chief and foremost among them are the true Salaf of Islam: the Companions, the Successors, and their Successors according to the Prophet's sound hadith in Muslim: "The best century is my century, then the one following it, then the one following that." All the scholars understood by that hadith that the true Salaf were the models of human behavior and correct belief for us Muslims and for all mankind, that to follow them was to follow the Prophet, and that to follow the Prophet was to achieve salvation according to God's order: "Whoever obeys the Prophet obeys God" (4:80).
In our time, however, the name Salaf has been usurped by a movement which seeks to impose its own narrow interpretation of Religion towards a re-fashioning of the teachings of Islam. The adherents of this movement call themselves "Salafi." Such an appellation is baseless since the true Salaf knew no such school as the "Salafi" school nor even called themselves by that name; the only general name they recognized for themselves was that of Muslim. As an eminent scholar has stated, the Salafiyya is not a recognized school of thought in Islam, rather, it refers to a blessed historical period of our glorious past.
In reality, today's so-called "Salafi" movement, now about thirty years old, is the modern outgrowth of an two-century old heresy spawned by a scholar of the Najd area in the Eastern part of the Arabian peninsula by the name of Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1792). This scholar has been refuted by a long line of scholars both in his time and ours. Their names and the titles of some of their excellent refutations are found in the bibliography given at the end of this introduction.
In essence, Salafism and Wahhabism are the same, but the latter is identified by its founder while the former takes the name of the Salaf and makes it its own. Yet both Salafism and Wahhabism depart from the belief and practice of the Salaf, as the present book abundantly makes clear.
For more info Pls refer to this book which title Islamic Doctrine and Beliefs According to Ahl al-Sunna written by al-Zahawi (1863-1936).
About the book
Al-Zahawi displays a profound mastery of the proofs of Ahl al-Sunna which he presents in a clear and systematic style. The book is divided into concise sections tracing the origins of the Wahhabi/Salafi movement and the teachings that this movement promotes in isolation of the doctrine of the majority of Muslims. After a brief historical overview of the bloody origins of Wahhabism and the "Salafi" creed, the author turns to investigate the foundations of the shari`a which have been targeted by the Wahhabi/Salafi movement for revision, namely:
the Wahhabi/Salafi tampering of the doctrine of the pious Salaf concerning God's essence and attributes, and his freedom from body, size, or direction;
their rejection of ijma` (scholarly consensus) and qiyas (analogy);
their rejection of the sources and methodological foundations of ijtihad (deriving qualified judgment) and taqlid (following qualified judgment).
The author then narrows down on the Wahhabi/Salafi practice of takfir, which is their declaring Muslims unbelievers, according to criteria not followed by the pious Salaf but devised by modern-day "Salafis." The author shows that the "Salafis" went out of bounds in condemning the Umma (Muslim Community) on the question of taqlid, declaring unbelievers all those who practice taqlid, that is, the majority of Muslims. Finally, the author turns to the linchpin of "Salafi" philosophy: leaving the ijma` of the true Salaf in declaring unbelievers all Muslims who use the Prophet Muhammad's intercession, Peace be upon him, as a wasila or means of blessing.
About the author
Al-Shaykh Jamil Effendi al-Siqdi al-Zahawi was the son of the Mufti of Iraq and a descendant of Khalid ibn al-Walid. He was educated in the Islamic sciences chiefly by his father and, besides going on to become the greatest Arabic and Persian poet of modern Iraq, was also a literary master in the other two Islamic languages of the time: Turkish and Kurdish. |
hafizi This user has been deleted
Another Info About Wahhabi
Petikan dari buku 40 Masalah Agama,
karangan Al-Fadhil Abuya K.H. Siradjuddin 'Abbas,Ulama
Besar Indonesia.
Konsep-konsep Moden Fahaman Wahabi yang Dibawa Oleh
Muhammad 'Abdul wahab.
1. Dalam mempelajari ilmu Ushuluddin (Tauhid) harus
menganut fahaman Ibnu Taimiyah.
2. Di dalam Fiqh diharuskan menampal-nampal Mazhab
3. Mengambil sumber Al-Quran dan Hadith yang kuat
sahaja tanpa 'Ijma Ulama dan Qias.
4. Melarang keras umat Islam mendo'a dengan Tawassul
5. Melarang berpergian menziarahi kubur, walaupun
maqam Nabi. (Adapun orang yang menunaikan Fardhu Haji
yang diizinkan ke Madinah pada Wahabi berkuasai ini,
menurut Wahabi mereka datang ke Madinah menziarahi
Masjid, bukan menziarahi maqam.)
6. Menghancurkan tugu-tugu peringatan, kerana hal ini
semuanya menjadikan orang musyrik. Gedung besar yang
dibangunkan diatas tempat Nabi di Suq al Leil di
7. Melarang membaca-baca Qasidah yang memuji-muji Nabi
seperti Qasidah, Berzanji, Burdah, Kenduri-Kendara,
Tahlil dan sebagainya.
8. Melarangkan umat Islam merayakan dan memperingati
Maulidin Nabi, Isra' Mikraj dan semua perayaan hari
kebesaran Islam yang lain.
9. Melarang mengaji "Sifat Dua-puluh", "Kifayatul
Awam", "Sanusi", "Juaharatut Tauhid", "Husun
Hamadiyah" dan lain-lain yang serupa itu.
10. Fahaman Asy'ari, iaitu fahaman kaum AHLUSSUNNAH
WAL JAMA'AH dibuang jauh-jauh.
11. Tidak boleh membaca kitab "Dalailul Khairat",
"Burdah" dan lain-lain wirid-wirid yang memuji-muji
Nabi s.a.w
12. Tidak boleh melagukan lafaz Quran, umpamanya
dengan lagu Fuqara, Mesir dan lain-lain. Quran harus
dibaca lurus saja, begitu juga Adzan tidak boleh
13. Membaca zikir "La illa ha illallah" beramai-ramai
dilarang sama sekali.
14. Imam tidak membaca "Bismillah" dalam Sholat.
15. Amal-amal Tariqah, umpamanya Tariqah Naqsyabandi,
Tariqah Qadiri, Tariqah Sazali. Tariqah Saman dan
lain-lain dilarang keras.
16. Wirid, berdo'a selepas Sholat berjema'ah dilarang
Dari segi Tauhid, mereka tidaklah satu dari 73 cabang
yg sesat kerana cabang2 yg sesat itu telah dihuraikan
oleh Ulama secara detail. Namun, mereka mirip kepada
cabang2 seperti mazhab Mujassimah (dari Maqaatil ibn
Sulayman Al-Khuraaanee seorang Tabi'in) dan mazhab
Karamiyah, mazhab Mu'tazilah (dari 'Amr ibn Ubayd and
Waasil ibn 'Ataa), sedikit kepada mazhab Khawarij.
Wallahu a'lam. |
Saya ulang balik kat sini:
Hafizi :Mengenai fahaman WAHABI atau dipanggil juga SALAFI saya harap anda semua cubalah fahami mengapa ia tidak dikategorikan sebagai ahl sunnah wal jamaah. Janganlah kita menyokong satu fahaman tanpa terlebih dahulu mengenal dan mengkaji siapa pengasasnya.
Sekadar bertanya, kajian yang macam manakah yang sdr lakukan terhadap fahaman Wahabi ni? |
hafizi This user has been deleted
As i said before, i made conclusion based on the facts and knowledge i gathered from my study on several books and articles. But i'm very cocerned about the VALIDITY of the books and articles i used in my study.
As Sayyidina `Umar said, "This Religion is our flesh and our blood, so watch from whom you take it": in our time it is a duty to inform ourselves as to the soundness of the religious teaching which we are receiving and passing on to our children. For our own sake and theirs, we must discern the sources of such teaching with extreme caution, sifting the sound from the unsound, correcting what is wrong with our hand, our tongue, and our heart.
So i'm suggesting u to read this book "Islamic Doctrine and Beliefs According to Ahl al-Sunna" (Al Zahawi). Below, i show you the sources/references of tha author in writing this book.
(continued) |
hafizi This user has been deleted
Al-Ahsa'i Al-Misri, Ahmad (1753-1826): Unpublished manuscript of a refutation of the Wahhabi sect. His son Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn `Abd al-Latif al-Ahsa'i also wrote a book refuting them.
Al-Ahsa'i, Al-Sayyid `Abd al-Rahman: wrote a sixty-seven verse poem which begins with the verse:
Badat fitnatun kal layli qad ghattatil aafaaqa
wa sha``at fa kadat tublighul gharba wash sharaqa
[A confusion came about like nightfall covering the skies
and became widespread almost reaching the whole world]
Al-`Amrawi, `Abd al-Hayy, and `Abd al-Hakim Murad (Qarawiyyin University, Morocco): Al-tahdhir min al-ightirar bi ma ja'a fi kitab al-hiwar ["Warning Against Being Fooled By the Contents of the Book (by Ibn Mani`) A Debate With al-Maliki (an attack on Ibn `Alawi al-Maliki by a Wahhabi writer)"] (Fes: Qarawiyyin, 1984).
`Ata' Allah al-Makki: al-sarim al-hindi fil `unuq al-najdi ["The Indian Scimitar on the Najdi's Neck"].
Al-Azhari, `Abd Rabbih ibn Sulayman al-Shafi`i (The author of Sharh Jami' al-Usul li ahadith al-Rasul, a basic book of Usul al-Fiqh: Fayd al-Wahhab fi Bayan Ahl al-Haqq wa man dalla `an al-sawab, 4 vols. ["Allah's Outpouring in Differentiating the True Muslims From Those Who Deviated From the Truth"].
Al-`Azzami, `Allama al-shaykh Salama (d. 1379H): Al-Barahin al-sati`at ["The Radiant Proofs..."].
Al-Barakat al-Shafi`i al-Ahmadi al-Makki, `Abd al-Wahhab ibn Ahmad: unpublished manuscript of a refutation of the Wahhabi sect.
al-Bulaqi, Mustafa al-Masri wrote a refutation to San`a'i's poem in which the latter had praised Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab. It is in Samnudi's "Sa`adat al-Darayn" and consists in 126 verses beginning thus:
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Shaykh al-Islam Dawud ibn Sulayman al-Baghdadi al-Hanafi (1815-1881 CE): al-Minha al-Wahbiyya fi radd al-Wahhabiyya ["The Divine Dispensation Concerning the Wahhabi Deviation"]; Ashadd al-Jihad fi Ibtal Da`wa al-Ijtihad ["The Most Violent Jihad in Proving False Those Who Falsely Claim Ijtihad"].
Al-Falani al-Maghribi, al-Muhaddith Salih: authored a large volume collating the answers of scholars of the Four Schools to Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Wahhab.
al-Habibi, Muhammad `Ashiq al-Rahman: `Adhab Allah al-Mujdi li Junun al-Munkir al-Najdi ["Allah's Terrible Punishment for the Mad Rejector From Najd"].
Al-Haddad, al-Sayyid al-`Alawi ibn Ahmad ibn Hasan ibn al-Qutb
Sayyidi `Abd Allah ibn `Alawi al-Haddad al-Shafi`i: al-Sayf al-batir li `unq al-munkir `ala al-akabir ["The Sharp Sword for the Neck of the Assailant of Great Scholars"]. Unpublished manuscript of about 100 folios; Misbah al-anam wa jala' al-zalam fi radd shubah al-bid`i al-najdi al-lati adalla biha al-`awamm ["The Lamp of Mankind and the Illumination of Darkness Concerning the Refutation of the Errors of the Innovator From Najd by Which He Had Misled the Common People"]. Published 1325H.
Al-Hamami al-Misri, Shaykh Mustafa: Ghawth al-`ibad bi bayan al-rashad ["The Helper of God's Servants According to the Affirmation of Guidance"].
Al-Hilmi al-Qadiri al-Iskandari, Shaykh Ibrahim: Jalal al-haqq fi kashf ahwal ashrar al-khalq ["The Splendor of Truth in Exposing the Worst of People] (pub. 1355H).
Al-Husayni, `Amili, Muhsin (1865-1952). Kashf al-irtiyab fi atba` Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Wahhab ["The Dispelling of Doubt Concerning the Followers of Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Wahhab"]. [Yemen?]: Maktabat al-Yaman al-Kubra, 198?.
Ibn `Abd al-Latif al-Shafi`i, `Abd Allah: Tajrid sayf al-jihad `ala mudda`i al-ijtihad ["The drawing of the sword of jihad against the false claimants to ijtihad"].The family of Ibn `Abd al-Razzaq al-Hanbali in Zubara and Bahrayn possess both manuscript and printed refutations by scholars of the Four Schools from Mecca, Madina, al-Ahsa', al-Basra, Baghdad, Aleppo, Yemen and other Islamic regions.
Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab al-Najdi, `Allama al-Shaykh Sulayman, elder brother of Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Wahhab: al-Sawa'iq al-Ilahiyya fi al-radd 'ala al-Wahhabiyya ["Divine Lightnings in Answering the Wahhabis"]. Ed. Ibrahim Muhammad al-Batawi. Cairo: Dar al-insan, 1987. Offset reprint by Waqf Ikhlas, Istanbul: Hakikat Kitabevi, 1994. Prefaces by Shaykh Muhammad ibn Sulayman al-Kurdi al-Shafi`i and Shaykh Muhammad Hayyan al-Sindi (Muhammad Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab's shaykh) to the effect that Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab is "dall mudill" ("misguided and misguiding").
Ibn `Abidin al-Hanafi, al-Sayyid Muhammad Amin: Radd al-muhtar `ala al-durr al-mukhtar, Vol. 3, Kitab al-Iman, Bab al-bughat ["Answer to the Perplexed: A Commentary on "The Chosen Pearl,"" Book of Belief, Chapter on Rebels]. Cairo: Dar al-Tiba`a al-Misriyya, 1272 H.
Ibn `Afaliq al-Hanbali, Muhammad Ibn `Abdul Rahman: Tahakkum al-muqallidin bi man idda`a tajdid al-din [Sarcasm of the muqallids against the false claimants to the Renewal of Religion]. A very comprehensive book refuting the Wahhabi heresy and posting questions which Ibn `Abdul Wahhab and his followers were unable to answer for the most part.
Ibn Dawud al-Hanbali, `Afif al-Din `Abd Allah: as-sawa`iq wa al-ru`ud ["Lightnings and thunder"], a very important book in 20 chapters. According to the Mufti of Yemen Shaykh al-`Alawi ibn Ahmad al-Haddad, the mufti of Yemen, "This book has received the approval of the `ulama of Basra, Baghdad, Aleppo, and Ahsa' [Arabian peninsula]. It was summarized by Muhammad ibn Bashir the qadi of Ra's al-Khayma in Oman."
Ibn Ghalbun al-Libi also wrote a refutation in forty verses of al-San`ani's poem in which the latter had praised Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab. It is in Samnudi's Sa`adat al-darayn and begins thus:
Salami `ala ahlil isabati wal-rushdi
Wa laysa `ala najdi wa man halla fi najdi
[My salutation is upon the people of truth and guidance
And not upon Najd nor the one who settled in Najd]
Ibn Khalifa `Ulyawi al-Azhari: Hadhihi `aqidatu al-salaf wa al-khalaf fi dhat Allahi ta`ala wa sifatihi wa af`alihi wa al-jawab al-sahih li ma waqa`a fihi al-khilaf min al-furu` bayna al-da`in li al-salafiyya wa atba` al-madhahib al-arba`a al-islamiyya ["This is the doctrine of the Predecessors and the Descendants concerning the divergences in the branches between those who call to al-salafiyya and the followers of the Four Islamic Schools of Law"] (Damascus: Matba`at Zayd ibn Thabit, 1398/1977.
Kawthari al-Hanafi, Muhammad Zahid. Maqalat al-Kawthari. (Cairo: al-Maktabah al-Azhariyah li al-Turath, 1994).
Al-Kawwash al-Tunisi, `Allama Al-Shaykh Salih: his refutation of the Wahhabi sect is contained in Samnudi's volume: "Sa`adat al-darayn fi al-radd `ala al-firqatayn."
Khazbek, Shaykh Hasan: Al-maqalat al-wafiyyat fi al-radd `ala al-wahhabiyyah["Complete Treatise in Refuting the Wahhabis"].
Makhluf, Muhammad Hasanayn: Risalat fi hukm al-tawassul bil-anbiya wal-awliya ["Treatise on the Ruling Concerning the Use of Prophets and Saints as Intermediaries"].
Al-Maliki al-Husayni, Al-muhaddith Muhammad al-Hasan ibn `Alawi: Mafahimu yajibu an tusahhah ["Notions that should be corrected"] 4th ed. (Dubai: Hashr ibn Muhammad Dalmuk, 1986); Muhammad al-insanu al-kamil ["Muhammad, the Perfect Human Being"] 3rd ed. (Jeddah: Dar al-Shuruq, 1404/1984).
Al-Mashrifi al-Maliki al-Jaza'iri: Izhar al-`uquq mimman mana`a al-tawassul bil nabi wa al-wali al-saduq ["The Exposure of the Disobedience of Those Who Forbid Using the Intermediary of the Prophets and the Truthful Saints].
Al-Mirghani al-Ta'ifi, `Allama `Abd Allah ibn Ibrahim (d. 1793): Tahrid al-aghbiya' `ala al-Istighatha bil-anbiya' wal-awliya ["The Provocations of the Ignorant Against Seeking the Help of Prophets and Saints"] (Cairo: al-Halabi, 1939).
Mu'in al-Haqq al-Dehlawi (d. 1289): Sayf al-Jabbar al-maslul `ala a`da' al-Abrar ["The Sword of the Almighty Drawn Against the Enemies of the Pure Ones"].
Al-Muwaysi al-Yamani, `Abd Allah ibn `Isa: Unpublished manuscript of a refutation of the Wahhabi sect.
Al-Nabahani al-Shafi`i, al-qadi al-muhaddith Yusuf ibn Isma`il (1850-1932): Shawahid al-Haqq fi al-istighatha bi sayyid al-Khalq (s) ["The Proofs of Truth in the Seeking of the Intercession of the Prophet"].
Al-Qabbani al-Basri al-Shafi`i, Allama Ahmad ibn `Ali: A manuscript treatise in approximately 10 chapters.
Al-Qadumi al-Nabulusi al-Hanbali: `AbdAllah: Rihlat ["Journey"].
Al-Qazwini, Muhammad Hasan, (d. 1825). Al-Barahin al-jaliyyah fi raf` tashkikat al-Wahhabiyah ["The Plain Demonstrations That Dispel the Aspersions of the Wahhabis"]. Ed. Muhammad Munir al-Husayni al-Milani. 1st ed. Beirut: Mu'assasat al-Wafa', 1987. |
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Al-Qudsi: al-Suyuf al-Siqal fi A`naq man ankara `ala al-awliya ba`d al-intiqal ["The Burnished Swords on the Necks of Those Who Deny the Role of Saints After Their Leaving This World"].
Al-Rifa`i, Yusuf al-Sayyid Hashim, President of the World Union of Islamic Propagation and Information: Adillat Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama`at aw al-radd al-muhkam al-mani` `ala munkarat wa shubuhat Ibn Mani` fi tahajjumihi `ala al-sayyid Muhammad `Alawi al-Maliki al-Makki ["The Proofs of the People of the Way of the Prophet and the Muslim Community: or, the Strong and Decisive Refutation of Ibn Mani`'s Aberrations and Aspersions in his Assault on Muhammad `Alawi al-Maliki al-Makki"] (Kuwait: Dar al-siyasa, 1984).
Al-Samnudi al-Mansuri, al-`Allama al-Shaykh Ibrahim: Sa`adat al-darayn fi al-radd `ala al-firqatayn al-wahhabiyya wa muqallidat al-zahiriyyah ["Bliss in the Two Abodes: Refutation of the Two Sects, Wahhabis and Zahiri Followers"].
Al-Saqqaf al-Shafi`i, Hasan ibn `Ali, Islamic Research Intitute, Amman, Jordan: al-Ighatha bi adillat al-istighatha wa al-radd al-mubin `ala munkiri al-tawassul ["The Mercy of God in the Proofs of Seeking Intercession and the Clear Answer to Those who Reject it"]; Ilqam al hajar li al-mutatawil `ala al-Asha`ira min al-Bashar ["The Stoning of All Those Who Attack Ash'aris"]; Qamus shata'im al-Albani wa al-alfaz al-munkara al-lati yatluquha fi haqq ulama al-ummah wa fudalai'ha wa ghayrihim... ["Encyclopedia of al-Albani's Abhorrent Expressions Which He Uses Against the Scholars of the Community, its Eminent Men, and Others..."] Amman : Dar al-Imam al-Nawawi, 1993.
Al-Sawi al-Misri: Hashiyat `ala al-jalalayn ["Commentary on the Tafsir of the Two Jalal al-Din"].
Sayf al-Din Ahmed ibn Muhammad: Al-Albani Unveiled: An Exposition of His Errors and Other Important Issues, 2nd ed. (London: s.n., 1994).
Al-Shatti al-Athari al-Hanbali, al-Sayyid Mustafa ibn Ahmad ibn Hasan, Mufti of Syria: al-Nuqul al-shar'iyyah fi al-radd 'ala al-Wahhabiyya ["The Legal Proofs in Answering the Wahhabis"].
Al-Subki, al-hafiz Taqi al-Din (d. 756/1355): Al-durra al-mudiyya fi al-radd `ala Ibn Taymiyya, ed. Muhammad Zahid al-Kawthari ["The Luminous Pearl: A Refutation of Ibn Taymiyya"]; Al-rasa'il al-subkiyya fi al-radd `ala Ibn Taymiyya wa tilmidhihi Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, ed. Kamal al-Hut ["Subki's treatises in Answer to Ibn Taymiyya and his pupil Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya"] (Beirut: `Alam al-Kutub, 1983); Al-sayf al-saqil fi al-radd `ala Ibn Zafil ["The Burnished Sword in Refuting Ibn Zafil (Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya)" Cairo: Matba`at al-Sa`ada, 1937; Shifa' al-siqam fi ziyarat khayr al-anam ["The healing of the sick in visiting the Best of Creation"].
Sunbul al-Hanafi al-Ta'ifi, Allama Tahir: Sima al-Intisar lil awliya' al-abrar ["The Mark of Victory Belongs to Allah's Pure Friends"].
Al-Tabataba'i al-Basri, al-Sayyid: also wrote a reply to San`a'i's poem which was excerpted in Samnudi's Sa`adat al-Darayn. After reading it, San`a'i reversed his position and said: "I have repented from what I said concerning the Najdi."
Al-Tamimi al-Maliki, `Allama Isma`il (d. 1248), Shaykh al-Islam in Tunis: wrote a refutation of a treatise of Ibn `Abd al-Wahhab.
Al-Wazzani, al-Shaykh al-Mahdi, Mufti of Fes, Morocco: Wrote a refutation of Muhammad `Abduh's prohibition of tawassul.
al-Zahawi al-Baghdadi, Jamil Effendi Sidqi (d. 1355/1936): al-Fajr al-Sadiq fi al-radd 'ala munkiri al-tawassul wa al-khawariq ["The True Dawn in Refuting Those Who Deny the Seeking of Intercession and the Miracles of Saints"] Pub. 1323/1905 in Egypt.
Al-Zamzami al-Shafi`i, Muhammad Salih, Imam of the Maqam Ibrahim in Mecca, wrote a book in 20 chapters against them according to al-Sayyid al-Haddad.
See also:
Ahmad, Qeyamuddin. The Wahhabi movement in India. 2nd rev. ed. New Delhi : Manohar, 1994. |
hafizi This user has been deleted
So if you have any sceptical with the book, the author and the bibliography thats being using in the book i used to get info about WAHABI/SALAFI, pls tell me...
but as i said before, i'm very concerned about the VALIDITY, the REALIBILITY of any knowledge i gained from any sources.
And i believe that this book has show the truth facts about WAHABI/SALAFI either with the logical ARGUMENT or facts derived from Al Quran, Hadits and Ijma' which give me conclusion thats WAHABI/SALAFI cannot be categorised under Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama`a .
Wallahu a'lam.... |
adakah dalam kajian sdr ini, sdr hanya membaca buku karangan al-Zahawi ini shj atau buku2 lain? ada tak sdr baca buku/artikel yang ditulis oleh puak-puak Wahhabi ini sendiri atau yang ditulis sendiri oleh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab? |
kalau boleh kita cakap melayu lah... mat-mat salleh ni saya tak pandai... kalau nak cakap arab boleh lah...![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif)
saya bertanya ni bukan apa tetapi tertarik dgn kenyataan sdr yang mengatakan sdr membuat kajian. sebab tu saya tanya ... bukan apa, sekadar utk berkongsi ilmu dan maklumat ...
Sebagaimana yang sdr maklum bahawa di internet ni ada banyak site puak-puak Wahhabi ni. bila saya buka, saya terjumpa dgn artikel yang mempertahankan Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, dan menjawab balik hujah al-Zahawi, bahkan saya juga ada buku yang menjawab balik hujah Syeikh Ahmad Zaini Dahlan yang menjadi rujukan kepada penulisan al-Zahawi itu. Adakah sdr membaca buku-buku ini dalam kajian sdr ini sehingga sdr mengisytiharkan bahawa mereka terkeluar dr ASWJ di forum ini? |
Sebagai contoh, ini yang saya dpt di site www.saaid.net.
ويسود الزهاوي |
Saya tak pernah baca buku al-Zahawi tersebut. Saya nak tanya adakah al-Zahawi mengatakan bahawa puak Wahabi ini mengkafirkan orang Islam lain yang tidak sebulu dgn mereka? |
hafizi This user has been deleted
Sedara Nahzaluz,
Pertama, Maaf lambat reply...2 hari sibuk ada urgent tasks...
Kedua, maaf kalau kata-kata saya menyinggung fahaman sedara, saya tidak bermaksud utk menyinggung hati sesiapa, saya cuma ingin berkongsi maklumat tentang apa yg saya tahu.
Lets me read first what saaaid.net said about Wahabisme....as your suggest me...hope that its will give me a clear vision between Wahabisme/Ahl Sunnah Wal Jamaah. |
hafizi This user has been deleted
ASM Saudara Nahzaluz,
Saya yakin bahawa Wahabi/Salafi bukan termasuk di dalam Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah kerana saya tidak dapat menerima secara logik akalpun fahaman Wahabi/Salafi untuk dikategorikan sebagai Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah. Saya tahu saudara tidak akan berpuashati dengan jawapan saya. Tetapi saya yakin dengan kefahaman saya dan ilmu pengetahuan yang saya dapati dari pembacaan saya dan pimpinan guru saya menunjukkan bahawa Wahabi/Salafi bukan termasuk di dalam Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah. Akal dan hati saya tidak dapat menerima fahaman yang dibawa oleh Wahabi/Salafi. Saya harap saudara hormati pendirian saya.
Di bawah ini, saya pastekan petikan lain yg saya dapat utk pembacaan dan penelitian kita semua.
Wallahu a'lam...
(bersambung) |
hafizi This user has been deleted
Rasulullah SAW bersabda (maksudnya) :-
"Bahawasanya Bani Israil telah berfirqah-firqah sebanyak 72 millah dan akan berfirqah umatku kepada 73 firqah, semuanya dimasukkan ke dalam neraka kecuali satu"
Sahabat-sahabat yang mendengar ucapan ini bertanya kepada Rasulullah SAW:
"Siapakah yang satu itu wahai Rasulullah?"
Jawab (baginda) : Yang satu itu ialah orang yang berpegang (beri抰iqad) sebagaimanaku (i'tiqadku) dan pegangan sahabat-sahabatku"
Dirawikan Imam Tarmizi. Sanad Shahih
Rasulullah SAW bersabda (maksudnya) :-
"Demi Tuhan yang memegang jiwa Muhammad di tanganNya, akan berfirqah umatku kepada 73 firqah, yang satu dimasukkan ke dalam syurga dan yang lainnya dimasukkan ke dalam neraka"
Bertanya para sahabat : "Siapakah firqah itu wahai Rasulullah?"
Jawab (baginda) : "Ahlussunnah wal Jama抋h"
Dirawikan Imam Thabrani
73 firqah/millah berkenaan ialah :-
Syiah (termasuk Bahai抋h dan *Ahmadiyyah Qadiani) 22 Aliran
Khawarij 20 Aliran
Muktazilah (Termasuk Qadariah) 20 Aliran
Murji抋h 5 Aliran
Najariah 3 Aliran
Jabariah 1 Aliran
Musyabihah (termasuklah Ibnu Taimiyah dan Wahabi) 1 Aliran
Ahlussunnah Wal Jama抋h 1 Aliran
* Ini bukannya Tariqat Ahmadiyyah Al-Allamah Syaikh Ahmad Idris |
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Ringkasan I抰iqad Ahlussunnah wal Jama抋h
Iman ialah mengikrarkan secara lisan dan membenarkan dengan hati. Disempurnakan pula dengan mengerjakannya dengan anggota.
Tuhan itu ada, namaNya Allah SWT dan mempunyai 99 Asma-Ul-Husna.
Tuhan mempunyai sifat banyak sekali. Dibahagikan kepada 3 bahagian |
hafizi This user has been deleted
Ringkasan I抰iqad Ahlussunnah wal Jama抋h
Bahawa tawakkal, usaha, berdoa, harap, takut, syukur dan redha adalah suatu maksud yang bersatu dan tidak bercerai berai.
Ajal setiap manusia sudah ada di dalam ketetapan Allah SWT |
Sedara Nahzaluz,
Pertama, Maaf lambat reply...2 hari sibuk ada urgent tasks...
Ok. Tak mengapa. Biasa lah sibuk ni. Saya pun sama. Kita kan bekerja. Time tak sibuk bolehlah ngadap pc ni ...
Kedua, maaf kalau kata-kata saya menyinggung fahaman sedara, saya tidak bermaksud utk menyinggung hati sesiapa, saya cuma ingin berkongsi maklumat tentang apa yg saya tahu.
Tidak. Kata-kata sdr tidak menyinggung saya sebab saya bukan Wahhabi sebagaimana yang sdr faham. Cuma saya ingin berkongsi maklumat dgn sdr di mana setahu saya Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab dan pengikut2nya yang digelar Wahhabi masih lagi ASWJ. Bahkan saya menyakini bahawa gerakan beliau adalah gerakan dakwah dan islah. Beliau tidak bawa mazhab baru. Mazhab fekah mereka ialah mazhab Hambali dan akidah pula adalah ASWJ pegangan para sahabat, tabiein dan ulama' Salaf termasuk Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Malik, Imam Shafei dan Imam Ahmad Ibn Hambal r.anhum. Cuma di sana saya tak nafikan ada khilaf dalam memahami nas dan riwayat sehingga timbulnya perselisihan pendapat. Tetapi ia tidak menyebabkan mereka terkeluar dari ASWJ.
Lets me read first what saaaid.net said about Wahabisme....as your suggest me...hope that its will give me a clear vision between Wahabisme/Ahl Sunnah Wal Jamaah.
Artikel di site ini ditulis dalam B. Arab. Bahkan site itu sendiri rasanya tak ada dalam B. Inggeris. Sdr boleh try baca artikel/dengar talk oleh puak-puak yang sdr katakan Wahhabi itu di http://english.islamway.com/ |
Berikut adalah jawapan kepada soalan ttg Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab dan gerakannya di bahagian fatwa www.islamweb.net oleh panel yang diketuai Dr. Abdullah al-Faqeh.
http://www.islamweb.net/ver2/Ist ... &Option=FatwaId
Sya terjemahkan utk sdr secara ringkas.
Tolong berikan saya gambaran ringkas ttg gerakan Wahhabi. Adakah al-Marhum Ibn Baz salah seorang pengikutnya?
-Wahhabi adalah gelaran yang diberikan kepada gerakan Islam yang dipimpim oleh Syeikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah. Gelaran ini bukan beliau yang berikan, juga bukan dari pengikutnya, bahkan diberikan oleh musuh-musuh beliau.
-Syeikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab merupakan salah seorang mujaddid (reformis). Ulama'2 yang munsif memperakui bahawa beliau adalah seorang yang berilmu, beragama dan istiqamah. Bahkan kebanyakan dari mereka menganggap beliau adalah Mujaddid kurun ke 12H.
- Syeikh Muhammad Rasyid Redha berkata: Syeikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab rahimahullah adalah mujaddid Islam di Negeri Najd, dgn mengembalikan penduduknya dari kesyirikan dan bid'ah yang tersebar luas di kalangan mereka kepada tauhid dan sunnah.Beliau juga berkata: Syeikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab al-Najdi adalah dari kalangan mereka yang adil dan mujaddid. Beliau telah menyeru kepada pengaslian tauhid dan mengikhlaskan ibadat hanya kepada Allah shj dgn cara yang telah Allah syara'kan di dalam Qur'an dan Sunnah. Beliau juga mengajak supaya meninggalkan bid'ah dan maksiat dan menegakkan syiar Islam dan kehormatannya yang telah ditinggalkan dan yang telah dicabuli.
-Sesiapa yang mengetahui tentang keadaan Najd dan Semenanjung Tanah Arab yang penuh dgn bid'ah dan khurafat serta kejahilan sebelum munculnya dakwah Syeikh Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab tentunya mengakui kesan-kesan positif gerakan ini dan peranannya besar dlm menghidupkan sunnah dan mematikan bid'ah.
-Seorang ulama' dari Syria, iaitu Syeikh Muhammad Bahjah al-Baitor di dalam bukunya: Kehidupan Syeikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyyah telah berkata: Gerakan Wahhabi dan Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab tidak bawa mazhab baru. Beliau adalah mujaddid kepada dakwah Islam dan mengikut mazhab Imam Ahmad bin Hambal.
-Di antara ulama' yang memuji beliau ialah Imam al-San'ani (pengarang kitab Subulus Salam), Imam al-Syaukani, al-Jabarti (ahli sejarah tersohor dari Mesir), Mahmud Syukri al-Alusi, Amir Syakib Arsalan dll yang telah mengkaji kitab-kitab karangan Syeikh serta kitab-kitab anak cucunya.
Wallahua'lam |
Akal dan hati saya tidak dapat menerima fahaman yang dibawa oleh Wahabi/Salafi. Saya harap saudara hormati pendirian saya.
Saya sememangnya menghormati pendirian sdr. Cuma kalau boleh saya tahu apakah fahaman yang dibawa oleh Wahabi/Salafi sehingga sdr mengatakan mereka tidak termasuk dalam ASWJ? |
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