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Author: Terong Pipit

The First Commandment is that God is One. Jesus is not GOD!

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Post time 27-8-2004 07:47 PM | Show all posts
Sabbath was practised by all our prophets but muhammad broke it.

the fallen angel is to manipulate God hand written and he did choose muhammad to broke that Sabbath.

If muhammad is seal of all prohpets, why he did not observed Sabbath practised by Moses, David, Zackaria, Jonah, Jeremiah , Jesus & Paul? that is why Jews rejected him and me too I do not believed Mr. Muhammad.

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Post time 27-8-2004 11:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 27-8-2004 07:47 PM:
Sabbath was practised by all our prophets but muhammad broke it.

the fallen angel is to manipulate God hand written and he did choose muhammad to broke that Sabbath.

If muhammad is seal of al ...

Regarding Sabbath day... tell me what is Sabbath day meant to you?

As a Muslim we dont have Sabbath day or a holy day, because we are subject to pray and obey God everyday.

Monotheism was the message of all prophets. Abraham, Moses and Jesus were all monotheists..... now who broke that rule? Muslim or you?

Now are you following monotheism?

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Post time 28-8-2004 12:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kid at 27-8-2004 11:10 PM:

Regarding Sabbath day... tell me what is Sabbath day meant to you?

As a Muslim we dont have Sabbath day or a holy day, because we are subject to pray and obey God everyday.

Monotheism was the message of all prophets. Abraham, Moses and Jesus were all monotheists..... now who broke that rule? Muslim or you?

Now are you following monotheism?


Sabbath day was God hand written given to Moses. Are u challenging HIS writing?? don't ever mocked and question that otherwise u received his WRATH. trust me, i know.

Why Sabbath, i hve posted this topic long time ago why Sabbath should be observed . Sabbath was day we should not work & rest thanking him, prasing and etc.

If our prophets ( not muhammad) can observed and kept Sabbath why not Muslims? Thats show  Muhammad brought 'war' amoung prophets to broke that Holy Sabbath.

I do agreed that every day is holy but there is one day that we should rest and observed this day. This remains us God gave us this world by resting on Sabbath. God is not tired by resting but giving us an example that human should work, rest & remain that world was created and rested on Sabbath.

Exodus 20:8-11 says: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it."

At least in Bible, we hve the Sabbath written but in your Koran it totally taken and giving different meaning. Thats why u can see why so many suffering amoung Muslims.

The word "Remember" was a reminder to humans. Does u remembering his Hand written Sabbath?? NO. U so taken with Muhammad who claimed he received words frm that "spirit" in cave of hira.

God will never switch Sabbath to friday but it was the fallen angel to play around with HIS WORDS, the target ? MUHAMMAD

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Post time 28-8-2004 12:11 AM | Show all posts
Sunset to Sunset - God's Sabbath Rest

The Sabbath: In the Beginning
"And on the seventh day God ended His work...and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made" (Genesis 2:2, 3).

When we think of the Sabbath, we often think of the Ten Commandments, which God gave when Israel left Egypt under the leadership of Moses. The events of that period of Israel's history梩he Exodus梬ere extraordinary. The plagues on Egypt, the death of all Egypt's firstborn, the parting of the Red Sea, manna coming from heaven and God giving Moses the Ten Commandments on stone tablets were all miraculous occurrences.

These events were dramatic testimony to the birth of a new nation. And, in the midst of these incredible beginnings, God told His new nation to remember something. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy," He commanded His people (Exodus 20:8).

He pointed them back to creation, reminding them that "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it" (verse 11).

The Sabbath commandment had an important spiritual purpose.

for further reading:

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KENNKID This user has been deleted
Post time 30-8-2004 11:57 AM | Show all posts
The Sabbath were for people before Islam. They were still weak in their submission to God. Yes jesus praticed the Sabbath. It was for his time and he DID NOT worship himself or any part of himself ~ only his Creator.

A day is not set apart for worship, as in Judaism and Christianity. One day of prayer with no business and six days of business with no prayer is not the Muslim抯 rule of life.

Prayer is made a part of the everyday affairs of man. There is a prayer in the morning before sunrise when a man rises from his bed; another just after midday; a third in the afternoon; a fourth at sunset; and a fifth before going to bed. Prayer is thus the first daily work of a Muslim; and it is also his last work of the day, and between these two there are other prayers during hours of business or recreation.

Thus Islam requires that in all the varying conditions through which man has to pass, his spirit should be in touch with the Divine Spirit. Even when busiest, he should still be able to disengage himself from all worldly occupations for a short space and resort to prayer.

The object in view in this arrangement is clear, that man should feel the Divine presence under all conditions, so that while he is doing his work, God should still be nearest to his heart. It would readily be seen how immensely such arrangement must enhance the value of prayer as a moral force in the transaction of everyday affairs.

[ Last edited by KENNKID on 30-8-2004 at 12:09 PM ]

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Post time 30-8-2004 01:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KENNKID at 30-8-2004 11:57 AM:
The Sabbath were for people before Islam. They were still weak in their submission to God. Yes jesus praticed the Sabbath. It was for his time and he DID NOT w ...

u just newly converted to islam....pls shut up.

Sabbath  was observed before untill now. If u still mocking Sabbath, then wait God wrath on u. Don't try to mess with God hand written commandement.

who u think u are?? just made of mud.

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Post time 30-8-2004 01:52 PM | Show all posts

Wrong topic guys.

I think you guys should try a new thread abt Sabbath.

The topic is whether Jesus is God.

My reasoning is simple, taking into account both Muslim and Christian views.
In Christianity,see my posting in "Who is Jesus".

1.Simply put, if Jesus did not claim divinity, the Jewish Rabbi's would not have claimed blasphemy, and crucified him.
2. Jesus has implied it many times during his ministry.
3. The Muslims have acknowledged that Jesus is the Messiah. If this is true (Muslims pls re-confirm this) then please understand the term and implication of being the Messiah. Read it up.
4. The Quran says Jesus will return to judge all. Yet you Muslims claim he is just a man. If he was given the power to judge the living and the dead (which originally only belong to God) doesn't this prove that he was made divine in the beginning and given a divine mission?


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Post time 30-8-2004 02:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nightlord at 30-8-2004 01:52 PM:
Wrong topic guys.

I think you guys should try a new thread abt Sabbath.

The topic is whether Jesus is God.

My reasoning is simple, taking into account both Muslim and Christian views.
In Christianity,see my posting in "Who is Jesus".

1.Simply put, if Jesus did not claim divinity, the Jewish Rabbi's would not have claimed blasphemy, and crucified him.
2. Jesus has implied it many times during his ministry.
3. The Muslims have acknowledged that Jesus is the Messiah. If this is true (Muslims pls re-confirm this) then please understand the term and implication of being the Messiah. Read it up.
4. The Quran says Jesus will return to judge all. Yet you Muslims claim he is just a man. If he was given the power to judge the living and the dead (which originally only belong to God) doesn't this prove that he was made divine in the beginning and given a divine mission?

Nightlord ...

if want to know if Jesus is God, pls visit my thread here :

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Post time 31-8-2004 12:38 AM | Show all posts
The Quran says Jesus will return to judge all. Yet you Muslims claim he is just a man. If he was given the power to judge the living and the dead (which originally only belong to God) doesn't this prove that he was made divine in the beginning and given a divine mission

that is totally not true.
Only Allah will judge all.

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Post time 31-8-2004 12:41 AM | Show all posts
An-Nisaa' 4 171

Wahai Ahli kitab (Yahudi dan Nasrani)! Janganlah kamu melampaui batas dalam perkara agama kamu dan janganlah kamu mengatakan sesuatu terhadap Allah melainkan yang benar; sesungguhnya Al-Masih Isa Ibni Mariam itu hanya seorang Pesuruh Allah dan Kalimah Allah yang telah disampaikanNya kepada Mariam dan (dia juga tiupan) roh daripadaNya. Maka berimanlah kamu kepada Allah dan Rasul-rasulNya dan janganlah kamu mengatakan: (Tuhan itu) tiga. Berhentilah (daripada mengatakan yang demikian), supaya menjadi kebaikan bagi kamu. Hanyasanya Allah ialah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Maha Suci Allah daripada mempunyai anak. Bagi Allah jualah segala yang ada di langit dan yang ada di bumi dan cukuplah Allah menjadi Pengawal (Yang Mentadbirkan sekalian makhlukNya).

O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) a messenger of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not "Trinity" : desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah: Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs.

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Post time 31-8-2004 04:18 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by neostream at  12:41 AM:
An-Nisaa' 4 171

Wahai Ahli kitab (Yahudi dan Nasrani)! Janganlah kamu melampaui batas dalam perkara agama kamu dan janganlah kamu mengatakan sesuatu terhadap Allah melainkan yang benar; sesungguhnya Al-Masih Isa Ibni Mariam itu hanya seorang Pesuruh Allah dan Kalimah Allah yang telah disampaikanNya kepada Mariam dan (dia juga tiupan) roh daripadaNya. Maka berimanlah kamu kepada Allah dan Rasul-rasulNya dan janganlah kamu mengatakan: (Tuhan itu) tiga. Berhentilah (daripada mengatakan yang demikian), supaya menjadi kebaikan bagi kamu. Hanyasanya Allah ialah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Maha Suci Allah daripada mempunyai anak. Bagi Allah jualah segala yang ada di langit dan yang ada di bumi dan cukuplah Allah menjadi Pengawal (Yang Mentadbirkan sekalian makhlukNya).

O People of the Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: Nor say of Allah aught but the truth. Christ Jesus the son of Mary was (no more than) a messenger of Allah, and His Word, which He bestowed on Mary, and a spirit proceeding from Him: so believe in Allah and His messengers. Say not "Trinity" : desist: it will be better for you: for Allah is one Allah: Glory be to Him: (far exalted is He) above having a son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth. And enough is Allah as a Disposer of affairs.


that is ur koran version. we do not believed that.

secondly, why muslims has two source??? the hadith and koran??? lack of confident???

at least we hve one source the Bible

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Post time 31-8-2004 07:31 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 31-8-2004 04:18 PM:

that is ur koran version. we do not believed that.

secondly, why muslims has two source??? the hadith and koran??? lack of confident???

at least we hve one source the Bible

Muslim has one source.. which is Al-Qur'an, and Hadith is the saying of prophet Muhammad which shall be followed as long as it fits Qur'an... but if sunnah againts Qur'an we reject it. So the basic is Qur'an as the pure word of God.
The different between Qur'an and Hadith are very clear..

Now... about the Bible..., yes it is one book, but inside you find all mixed-up, the words of "God", words of prophets, words of Paul, and so many other words is there in ONE book. You forget about that Truth8 ?

You need to study more... and most important be Truth to yourself.

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Post time 31-8-2004 08:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kid at  07:31 PM:
Muslim has one source.. which is Al-Qur'an, and Hadith is the saying of prophet Muhammad which shall be followed as long as it fits Qur'an... but if sunnah againts Qur'an we reject it. So the basic is Qur'an as the pure word of God.
The different between Qur'an and Hadith are very clear..

Now... about the Bible..., yes it is one book, but inside you find all mixed-up, the words of "God", words of prophets, words of Paul, and so many other words is there in ONE book. You forget about that Truth8 ?

You need to study more... and most important be Truth to yourself.

if the Hadith is the saying meaning not sure??? very confusing because some muslims quarrel about hadith too. the suni & shit that show the so called saying by muhammad is in doubth.

The Bible is final book of  God. If Paul  mix his words, why he observed Sabbath?

As far as the Bible concern, it word of God.

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Post time 1-9-2004 09:55 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 31-8-2004 08:55 PM:

if the Hadith is the saying meaning not sure??? very confusing because some muslims quarrel about hadith too. the suni & shit that show the so called saying by muhammad is in doubth.

T ...

No Muslim have doubt that Qur'an is the source of Islam, even shia and shiite.

And why you said we are not sure about Hadith? there are some category of the Hadith, strong hadith, weak hadith, there were chain of narration which we must look and study into it, and in fact there are special study for Hadith in all Islamic Institutionals by Muslim's scholar.. it is not just simple as you say "not sure"... we study every Hadith, learn and understand.

That's show you dont even understand the basic knowledge of Hadith... yet you claim you were Muslim??

And for Paul...  you believe in him because he observed Sabbath, but do you still believe him when he teach you trinity? you gotta answer me that Truth.

[ Last edited by kid on 1-9-2004 at 09:57 AM ]

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Post time 6-9-2004 10:42 AM | Show all posts
the HARDbottomline is jesus is no god. the 10 commandments never say god is ONE n jesus is god.  uh huh.  only trinity n twoness wanna make assumptions  


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Mat Kampong This user has been deleted
Post time 21-9-2004 10:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sonny~~ at 6-909-2004 12:42:
the HARDbottomline is jesus is no god. the 10 commandments never say god is ONE n jesus is god.  uh huh.  only trinity n twoness wanna make assumptions  


[fly]Does their assumptions includes accepting gay as a priest?....:pompom::pompom::pompom:[/fly]

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aenemy This user has been deleted
Post time 13-11-2004 03:40 AM | Show all posts
bible is not 100% accurate anymore, why believe it anywhere!!! try reading the Quran instead.... peace!

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Post time 13-11-2004 11:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aenemy at  03:40 AM:
bible is not 100% accurate anymore, why believe it anywhere!!! try reading the Quran instead.... peace!

then born more terriost. reading Bible gives me LOVE.

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Post time 13-11-2004 11:40 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by kid at  09:55 AM:
And for Paul...  you believe in him because he observed Sabbath, but do you still believe him when he teach you trinity? you gotta answer me that Truth...

which verse does Paul teaches trinity?? show me the verse rather writing ur own words

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aenemy This user has been deleted
Post time 17-11-2004 02:21 AM | Show all posts
there's a limitation for love....u can't love such enemy who killed ur siblings,robbing your lands just like ariel sharon,hitler,slovodan milosevic,hiroshima civillian nuke...etc!!the satan in human form....even animals retaliate if threatened!!....get what i mean!!! peace yall...:clap:

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