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Author: minyak


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Post time 8-11-2014 04:08 PM | Show all posts
Scene bercakap dalam scene tengok pesanan video ahli keluarga (pesanan terakhir) dekat Planet Zuhal lebih kurang sebelum nak berlepas keluar dari sistem suria, sama macam macam dalam Anime '' Uchuu Senkan Yamato ''

Last edited by HangPC2 on 9-11-2014 01:22 PM


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Post time 8-11-2014 05:42 PM | Show all posts
ini movie adaptasi dari manga ke?

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Post time 8-11-2014 07:29 PM | Show all posts
Xphm aku tgk cite ni

Use magic Report

Post time 8-11-2014 10:19 PM | Show all posts
Dah nonton mobie ni tgh hari tadi. I love it so much. Selain daripada penceritaan yang bnyk menjurus kepada sains fiksyen ... turut melibatkan terlampau banyak permainan emosi yg tol tol berkesan ... I'd rate this mobie 9/10

Use magic Report

Post time 8-11-2014 10:52 PM | Show all posts
aku bagi 5 bintang


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Post time 8-11-2014 11:04 PM | Show all posts
Testing Einstein's E=mc2 in outer space


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Post time 9-11-2014 12:07 AM | Show all posts
wah..rasa macam nak nonton je cerita ni. Semua kata best!

Use magic Report

Post time 9-11-2014 12:47 AM | Show all posts
the best movie
walaupun at first ... wahhh kenapa la banyak debu
ni kalau ada orang penyakit asma ... cepat kiok nie
then matthew ... entah ler terasa dia berlakon dalam filem ni
terasa sungguh lelaki ... macam mana dia handle anak perempuan dia, murph
sayang betul dia dengan murph ... anak bapak katakan

then masa terjumpa code tuh ... terasa owhhh eureka ...
penyelesaian untuk manusia dibumi
anne hathway... terasa macam minah serius ke nak membantu manusia
sebab yer la orang saintis kan lebihkan future ...

terasa mereka yang masuk worm hole ... macam seronok jer
sebab tak dimamah usia ... muda ...

tapikan watak matt damon .. you all sure rasa aduhh
aduhhh ... aduuhhh ... kalau boleh nak pergi kat mat damon and belasah sahaja ...

then masa nak ending tu terasa omg ... miracle ...
cuma ... banyak masa telah hilang ...
tapi adakah berbaloi? maybe untuk manusia sejagat ... yesss
tapi untuk diri sendiri ... kehilangan keluarga ... seolah kita immortal ...

then in between scene matthew and murph terasa aduhh sebaknya
tak boleh tahan air mata gugur ... maybe terlalu menghayati ...

untuk rate ... 9/10
terasa macam buat ler intersellar 2 pula hahaha

tapikan masa part kat angkasa ... ya allah menakjubkan galaksi ...
macam tak percaya ... tapi wujud ke 5 dimensi?
then ... clue clue masa ending tu ...

cerita nie based dari theory kip
perasan tak ada robot nama kipp

tapi kalau betul ler teori tu rasanya manusia akan berlumba untuk guna worm hole
cuma tak boleh ke belakang ... hanya boleh ke depan ...

ehhh tapi yang kat planet dr mann tu macam wow ... awan pun boleh beku ... seriously?
then planet miller .... ya allah tinggi gila ombak .. tsunami .. cian weii mamat yang berjambang tu .. apa nama dia
ingatkan hidup lama ... rupanya .... cian ...

then yang di planet zuhal ... takkan macam tu kot
boleh atas dan bawah ... macam filem upside down ...



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Post time 9-11-2014 02:36 AM | Show all posts
sape yg tak fhm pasal org bumi jd lebih tua tu boleh gugel "twin paradox"...
kalau tak fhm gak, leh tanya aku kt sini, insyaallah boleh explain

aku leh bg 9/10
cerita ni agak berat to those yg belum familar with special relativity ( four vector formalism/Lorentz factor - time dilation), general relativity (gravity treated into spacetime structure - singularity leads to black hole), quantum gravity (adelah sket tp bg aku tak perlu sbb terlalu details), wormhole (more to mathematical structures)..

keperluan utk travel to space utk mencari planet seakan-akan bumi didasarkan kpd org bumi yg nak survive dari keadaan persekitaran bumi yg tak berapa baik..
jadi dihantar mission pelbagai ngan harapan adelah jwpn kpd misi tu...
semasa dihantar misi tulah, diperkenalkan hampri kesemua teori einstein utk tatapan anda semua dr special relativity sehinggalah general relativity...

cuma aku tak bla motif dr mans nak dptkan kredit sorg diri
kononnya dialah saintis plg hebat...
last2 yg berjaya dr brans hehe

satu lagi, aku pun no issue psl spacetime structure sms laki terperosok dlm lubang black hiole
sbb keadaan spacetime dalam black hole could not be determined physically is mathematics..
aku accept jek bentuk camne pun..
lagipun kip thorne yg suggest
Last edited by dauswq on 9-11-2014 02:38 AM



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Post time 9-11-2014 02:37 AM | Show all posts
bluezink posted on 8-11-2014 01:47 PM
dear pysicist i suggest for u, ada penjelasan singkat diBusiness Insider

ok terima kasih for the link


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Post time 9-11-2014 01:25 PM | Show all posts
fly_in_d_sky posted on 9-11-2014 12:47 AM
the best movie
walaupun at first ... wahhh kenapa la banyak debu
ni kalau ada orang penyakit asma  ...

dekat Planet Zuhal itu dalam Stesen Angkasa Lepas Cooper


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Post time 9-11-2014 02:06 PM | Show all posts
British director of the hit space movie Interstellar and the brother accused of a murder plot that's out of this world

  • [size=1.4em]Brothers Christopher and Jonathan Nolan wrote and directed Interstellar
  • [size=1.4em]Blockbuster space movie stars Anne Hathaway and Matthew McConaughey
  • [size=1.4em]But their brother, Matthew Nolan, is linked to a contract killing in Costa Rica
  • [size=1.4em]He faces the persistent allegation that he was a 'hired killer' of a financier
  • [size=1.4em]The US have refused to extradite Matthew and he remains a free man


Mugshot: An interpol photograph of Matthew Nolan when he was using a false name

[size=1.2em]The star-studded premiere of the sci-fi spectacular Interstellar was a rare step into the Hollywood limelight for Christopher Nolan, the British director of the £105 million blockbuster.

[size=1.2em]Master storyteller Nolan wrote the screenplay for the film with his younger brother Jonathan a decade after they first won acclaim for their dark reboot of the Batman franchise. Starring Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway and Michael Caine, Interstellar is released in Britain this weekend.

[size=1.2em]But as the plaudits for their fantasy adventure roll in, the Nolans have another compelling story to hand. It would certainly make a movie, but they are most unlikely to be writing a screenplay any time soon.
[size=1.2em]For it is the real-life tale of the third Nolan brother, Matthew, and his links to lurid allegations of a contract killing in which an American financier was beaten to death.

[size=1.2em]Matthew, the eldest of the brothers, faces the persistent allegation that he was a ‘hired killer’, the hitman behind the financier’s death.

[size=1.2em]He was arrested and imprisoned during extradition proceedings – and prepared a bizarre escape attempt involving tied-together bed sheets.

[size=1.2em]The extraordinary story centres on the accusation by authorities in Costa Rica, filed in an extradition request to a US court, that Nolan was a ‘hired killer’ contracted to kidnap and torture American accountant Robert Cohen, 63, while he was on a trip to the Central American country.

[size=1.2em]Cohen’s badly beaten body was found near the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica in 2005.


[size=1.2em]The court heard that ‘there was little doubt that Cohen’s death was caused by trauma’ while a Costa Rican pathologist was said to have found evidence he was subjected to pain and anguish before he was bludgeoned to death.
[size=1.2em]The American justice system refused to extradite Matthew. He was released from prison and remains a free man. Yet not everyone agrees with the decision.

[size=1.2em]In another blockbuster-style twist to the long-running saga, the Costa Rican authorities have told The Mail on Sunday they consider the case still ‘active’ and want to put Nolan on trial. And the victim’s daughter, Alisha, wants Nolan to face court in Costa Rica.

[size=1.2em]The three Nolan brothers have had a cosmopolitan upbringing. They were born in London to Brendan Nolan, a British advertising executive, and their American mother Christina, and have spent much of their lives shuttling between the US and Britain.

[size=1.2em]Jonathan, 38, and Christopher, 44, who were educated at £30,000-a-year Haileybury school in Hertfordshire, are now two of the most highly sought talents in the screen industry, and are feted in Hollywood.


[size=1.2em]Matthew, 46, chose to make his mark in business. He worked as a property developer in Chicago and married his wealthy American wife Erika in a lavish society ceremony at one of the city’s most exclusive venues in 1999.

[size=1.2em]Posing for the wedding photographs, the three handsome English brothers seemed the epitome of American success. But despite the glamorous lifestyle Matthew enjoyed with his wife and two sons, it would seem that he had major financial problems: he and Erika filed for bankruptcy in 2009.

[size=1.2em]The tangled story of the murder and Nolan’s alleged involvement were laid out in extraordinary detail by an Illinois Federal Magistrate during a hearing in 2009 into the extradition request.

[size=1.2em]The US District Court was told the victim, Cohen, worked as an accountant for Florida millionaire gem dealer Robert Breska, who was sentenced to four years in jail in the 1980s after being exposed as a drug trafficker.
[size=1.2em]When £5 million of Breska’s money went missing he, according to American court papers, blamed Cohen despite counter allegations that Cohen’s Costa Rican business partner Mario Quintana stole the money.

[size=1.2em]Cohen, it seems, was in no doubt about the trouble he was in.

[size=1.2em]In 2004, Quintana was discovered shot dead, in an apparent suicide.

[size=1.2em]Cohen, realising that he had lost all chance of recovering the cash, said, according to the court documents, that Breska ‘is capable of putting my life in danger… if anything were to happen to me. Mr Breska would be the person responsible.’
[size=1.2em]Breska, the court heard, brought Nolan in to recover the lost money and introduced him to Cohen.

[size=1.2em]Nolan, it was said, was calling himself Matthew McCall Oppenheimer in an attempt to hoodwink Cohen into believing he was a scion of the Oppenheimer diamond family.

[size=1.2em]The Costa Rican investigators told the American court that this assumed identity was to hide Nolan’s real occupation as a hired killer.

[size=1.2em]The court papers said: ‘Breska told Cohen this man was a multi-millionaire and a member of a family that was dedicated to the jewellery business.’ They added that Cohen and Nolan met in March 2005 in Costa Rica, where Nolan also met hotel bellboy Luis Alonso Douglas Mejia, who subsequently was convicted in Costa Rica of Cohen’s kidnap and murder.

[size=1.2em]According to the Costa Ricans, witnesses claimed they saw Cohen and Nolan together in the capital San Jose. Later Mejia and Nolan allegedly forced Cohen into a Toyota hire car in a local shopping centre car park on March 6.

[size=1.2em]When the FBI were called in to help locate Nolan, agents discovered he had flown out of Costa Rica the same day to Houston, Texas, then went on to Paris, New York and finally Miami, all the time allegedly using a fake Paris address and his father’s UK mobile number for his contact details.

[size=1.2em]Three days later, however, Nolan was allegedly back in Costa Rica and rejoined Mejia, who was holding Cohen captive. The court heard the Costa Rican authorities claimed the pair ‘continued to torture the victim’, damaging his internal organs. The torture ‘caused a massive haemorrhage and resulted in death’. Cohen’s body was discovered on March 10.


Anne Hathaway and Matthew McConaughey star in Interstellar, which hit UK cinemas on Tuesday



[size=1.2em]At Nolan’s extradition hearing, Judge Michael T Mason noted that Nolan flew out of the country the following day and added: ‘There is competent evidence that Nolan continued his efforts to locate Breska’s assets following Cohen’s death.’
[size=1.2em]Nolan remained at liberty for another four years until 2009, when he was trapped by FBI agent Pablo Araya – who discovered Nolan was due to attend his own bankruptcy hearing in Chicago.

[size=1.2em]Araya, who arrested Nolan, said: ‘Matthew Nolan was the most arrogant person I have talked to.

[size=1.2em]‘I grabbed him after he had eluded me for one or two years, and when I arrested him his words to me were, “You would never have got me if it wasn’t for the bankruptcy.” But it was his greed that got him – because of his bankruptcy.’

[size=1.2em]Nolan was arrested and sent to Chicago’s Metropolitan Correctional Center while the extradition hearing was prepared. It took place later that year.

[size=1.2em]Giving his decision, Judge Mason refused to extradite Nolan on kidnapping and murder charges, ruling that Costa Rica had not submitted sufficient evidence that Nolan was a ‘person who kills’.

[size=1.2em]When asked how Nolan had escaped extradition, Agent Araya said: ‘I do not know how he paid for his defence. He was going through bankruptcy. Someone paid for a high-powered attorney.

[size=1.2em]‘The Costa Rica extradition request was not up to the legal standards required and it took a good lawyer to see that and the good lawyer fought it and prevailed.’

[size=1.2em]Even then, Nolan’s anxious wait was not over. The court did approve his extradition on false passport charges – but the Costa Rican authorities abandoned their request and in 2010 Nolan was released.

[size=1.2em]But by then this story had already taken another extraordinary twist.

[size=1.2em]Earlier that year, in April, Nolan had pleaded guilty to preparing an escape from the Chicago jail, from where there had never been a successful breakout. Guards discovered a 31ft-long ‘rope’ made up of bed sheets, and a harness, razor and clip designed to unlock handcuffs.

[size=1.2em]Araya said: ‘It was make-believe stuff. Prison guards had his cell turned over and he had ropes made up. The guard said it was the best rope they had ever seen made.’

[size=1.2em]Matthew Nolan’s brush with the law and bankruptcy does not appear to have impaired his lifestyle. He and his wife – a Pilates instructor – and their sons Parker and Peter live in substantial four-bedroom townhouse in Chicago.

[size=1.2em]His lawyer, Andrea Gambino, last week said: ‘Matthew Nolan is innocent of the charges levelled against him by the government of Costa Rica.’


Brothers Jonathan (left) and Christopher Nolan (right) wrote and directed space blockbuster Interstellar

[size=1.2em]She added that the American courts had concluded the Costa Rican extradition request contained an ‘excessive amount of sheer speculation, inconsistent statements and typographical and/or translation errors.’

[size=1.2em]Referring to murder victim Robert Cohen’s 44-year-old daughter, Ms Gambino said: ‘Mr Nolan respects Ms Cohen’s grief and is sorry for her loss.’

[size=1.2em]But Alisha continues to believe that justice has been denied. Speaking to The Mail on Sunday, Alisha, from Orlando, Florida, said: ‘I think that judge was wrong to rule that there was not enough evidence to go ahead with extradition because I think the evidence was strong.

[size=1.2em]‘My mom and I want justice. We believe Matthew Nolan should stand trial in Costa Rica for the murder of my father. I believe that, if Nolan was not from a famous family, it would be a different situation.’
[size=1.2em]There may yet be more plotlines to play out in this byzantine tale.

[size=1.2em]In 2012, Matthew Nolan filed a court action against the US Government alleging that the Bureau of Prisons had inflicted ‘physical, psychological and psychiatric injury’ during his incarceration at the Chicago prison.

[size=1.2em]And he may not yet be entirely free from the threat of standing trial because, five years after Nolan was released, the Costa Rican authorities are still not giving up their attempts to extradite him.

[size=1.2em]A spokeswoman for Costa Rica’s Public Ministry, which deals with legal matters, told The Mail on Sunday last week that they dropped the extradition action only because the use of a false passport was ‘secondary’ to the ‘main ones [which] were murder and kidnapping.’

[size=1.2em]The spokeswoman said: ‘This evidence that the US judge considered was insufficient to link Mr Nolan with the crimes committed against Mr Cohen, is the same evidence used to condemn Mr Mejia here in Costa Rica.

[size=1.2em]‘The Costa Rican Public Ministry and the respective Costa Rican authorities have done everything possible to submit Mr Nolan to legal procedure, which is still open against him because of such matters committed against and harming Mr Cohen.’

[size=1.2em]Nor has Alisha given up hope. She said: ‘I’m thrilled by the news that the case is still open. I would just like to see justice finally done. Nolan needs to stand trial.’


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Post time 9-11-2014 02:08 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 9-11-2014 02:37 AM
ok terima kasih for the link

Spoiler untuk Konsep wormhole, blackhole, galaxy, dilatasi waktu sampai ke dunia 5 dimensi aka interstellar timeline

Jadi pesan moralnya dari muvee ini ialah.... sayangilah bumi kita yg tercinta. Kita juga sebagai manusia nggak boleh mengubah masa lalu, tapi kita yg di masa sekarang ....dlm case ini (cooper pas di ruang lima dimensi) bleh mengubah masa depan. Intinya sih gitu yg aku tangkap dlm kepala otak kita


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Post time 9-11-2014 02:10 PM | Show all posts
bluezink posted on 9-11-2014 02:08 PM
Spoiler untuk Konsep wormhole, blackhole, galaxy, dilatasi waktu sampai ke dunia 5 dimensi aka int ...

abg nolan ni mmg pembunuh ker?

Use magic Report

Post time 9-11-2014 08:12 PM | Show all posts
woahh.. movie ni memang mind blowing..
aku rate 9/10..

siapa yang minat subjek parallel universe, multi-dimension & time travel..
mesti suka movie nih..
satu lagi movie yg mind blowing dari chris nolan selain Inception..

masa adalah entiti 3 dimensi - panjang, lebar, tinggi + masa..
pada dimensi lebih tinggi, masa tak wujud..
kan ada scene si cooper masuk ke black hole, jumpa anak dia balik di masa kecik..
dia termasuk ke dalam dimensi ke 5.. robot tu ada sebut tesserract bagai..
pada dunia 4 dimensi/ke atas - tesserract, 3 dimensi - cube, dunia 2 dimensi - empat segi biasa..

movie ni macam nak sampaikan mesej..
time travel can happen, using wormhole (to another dimension)..
but once kita dah masuk to the past, kita hanya boleh tengok, gather info.. macam tgk tv..
tak boleh interfere.. cuma hanya satu medium yang boleh communicate inter-dimension - GRAVITI..

**** SPOILER ALERT ******

dalam scene yg sama, si cooper ni try to communicate to her daughter guna daya graviti..
macam buku (yang jatuh), morse code (jam/buku) & pasir yang masuk (koordinat lokasi nasa)..
itu antara contoh communication inter-dimension using graviti..

aku kesian kat watak doktor mat black yang tunggu diaorang 23 tahun sorang2 di angkasa..
sampai beruban janggut dia..
tak dapat di bayangkan his loneliness.. mostly manosia, musti da bunuh diri..
tapi last2 mati gak di sebabkan si matt damon psycho..

masa pergi ke planet yg pertama, graviti sangat tinggi sampai boleh berjalan atas air..
sampai air laut setinggi gunung..
masa 1 jam di sana, sama dengan 7 tahun di luar..
planet tu maseh dalam dunia 3 dimensi..
masa jadi slow, sebab graviti sangat tinggi..
explanation ada kat artikel bawah ni..

cuma wormhole/blackhole adalah entiti 2 dimensi di dunia 3 dimensi kita..
sebenarnya dimensi lebih tinggi, tak jauh pun.. cuma sebelah kita ni jer..
cuma mostly manosia tak tau nak activate wormhole.. a.k.a Portal, Blackhole, Stargate..
(cuma sesetengah manusia gifted saja yg dapat anugerah ni, you know who)..
tapi dalam cerita ni, kenapa sampai nak ke outer space, sampai ke planet saturn..
sebab wormhole ni telah di timbulkan secara tiba2 oleh "mereka" di sana..

satu jer persoalan aku utk movie nih..
siapakah "mereka" ?  kenapa tak di jelaskan "mereka" ni siapa sebenarnya..

Kemudian dia menerbitkan satu lagi kertas kerja tentang relativiti pada tahun 1916. Teorinya kali ini digelar Relativiti Am. Anehnya lama sebelum itu ada seorang ahli Matematik Jerman yang bernama David Hilbert telah menulis persamaan yang sama. INI ADALAH KISAH LAIN. KONSPIRASI YANG LAIN. Teori ini menggantikan Teori Graviti Newton. Teori ini mengatakan sesuatu yang melangkaui kepercayaan orang tentang apakah graviti itu sebenarnya di mana Newton sendiri tidak dapat menjelaskannya. Teori ini menjelaskan bahawa graviti itu bukanlah suatu daya sebenarnya tetapi hasil dari ruang-masa yang dilengkungkan oleh jisim-jisim besar seperti matahari dan bintang. Teori ini menambah lagi, bahawa MASA BERGERAK LEBIH LAMBAT DALAM MEDAN GRAVITI YANG TINGGI.

Matrix 06 - Matrix Di Dalam Matrix ... -06/441064976006172

Dalam String Theory, membran gelung tertutup adalah entiti yang mampu menyeberang dari satu dimensi ke dimensi lain. Cahaya, walaupun manusia amat mengagumi kecantikan dan kepantasannya, ia masih tidak dapat keluar dari lingkungan Matrix ini. Satu-satunya medium setakat ini yang dikenalpasti oleh manusia berkemungkinan mampu menyeberang ke dimensi lain, adalah GRAVITI. Ini kerana graviti boleh muncul di lohong hitam, di mana objek ini berbentuk dua dimensi (2D) di alam semesta.

The Matrix : Matrix 010 ... 010/442303012549035 Last edited by capiloton on 9-11-2014 08:35 PM



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Post time 9-11-2014 10:21 PM | Show all posts
capiloton posted on 9-11-2014 08:12 PM
woahh.. movie ni memang mind blowing..
aku rate 9/10..

"mereka" yang disebut dalam movie ni dah dijawab.."mereka" itu ialah manusia sendiri..manusia dari masa depan telah menemukan 5 dimensi dan telah memilih Cooper untuk berhubung dengan masa silam..itulah sebabnya Cooper masa depan bagi koordinat(dalam bentuk debu) pada Cooper masa silam untuk dia terbang meneroka wormhole.

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Post time 9-11-2014 11:21 PM | Show all posts
johnmcclain posted on 9-11-2014 10:21 PM
"mereka" yang disebut dalam movie ni dah dijawab.."mereka" itu ialah manusia sendiri..manusia dari ...

oh yer.. baru teringat..
tapi tak di tunjukkan pulak siapa "mereka" a.k.a manusia dari masa depan tu..

n then kalo betoi boleh jumpa or create wormhole..
awat jauh sangat sampai kena pi saturn..

tak boleh ker create pintu suka hati macam doreamon utk explore planet lain..
or masuk wormhole ikut stargate, macam filem stargate..
or masuk pintu2 rahsia wormhole, macam filem the adjustment bureau..
or create devices utk masuk wormhole, macam filem contact..
or just teleport dari bumi..

wormhole kat mana2 pun boleh..
black hole jer kena jauh dari bumi, graviti kuat.. karang di sedutnya ke dimensi lain.. Last edited by capiloton on 9-11-2014 11:24 PM


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Post time 10-11-2014 12:33 AM | Show all posts
capiloton posted on 9-11-2014 11:21 PM
oh yer.. baru teringat..
tapi tak di tunjukkan pulak siapa "mereka" a.k.a manusia dari masa depa ...

Maybe itu wormhole paling terdekat yang mereka boleh jumpa dan didalam filem ni pun tak ada pun state kan berapa banyak wormhole di angkasa atau wormhole mana yang paling dekat (atau mungkin aku terlepas pandang)..kalau bercakap pasal possiblility dengan ciptaan2 yang "melampau"..aku rasa itu bukanlah style Nolan..dalam filem ni,Nolan hanya menggunakan teori2 Enstein untuk diterjemahkan dalam bentuk visual which is masih didalam norma yang "logik" untuk teori itu..dan kalau ada device2 shortcut macam filem2 lain, buat apa nak masuk wormhole kan?just pegi je planet2 guna device tu

dan "mereka" tu rasanya tak tunjuk pun takpe kot sebab tak beri effect pada plot pun..i guest..

Use magic Report

Post time 10-11-2014 12:45 AM | Show all posts
oh..extra info yang aku baru tahu..
Dalam filem ni langsung tak menggunakan green screen..apa yang hangpa tengok dekat planet2 dalam filem ni semuanya tempat2 real dalam bumi..

Use magic Report

Post time 10-11-2014 01:23 AM | Show all posts
Part yang aku suka tentang cerita sains fiction ni ialah banyak kajian sainstifik yang dilakukan tentang fakta2 sebenar angkasa. So fakta sains dan auta fiction bergabung sehingga mampu menghasilkan muvee yang cukup cantik....cth ....perjalanan nak menuju ke Zuhal ambik masa 2 tahun dan mereka perlu masuk mesin hibernasi dan mesin tu totally tak macam dalam Futurama or Thundercat atau mana-mana muvee penjelah angkasa or masa yang lain.,,kerr aku terlepasa pandang,,kemudian black hole dia pun tak macam dalam muvee2 tipikal yang biasa kita tengok. Ia langsung tak ada hole but of coz laa yang ia black in color.
Then aku sangat mesmerize dengan 2 planet yang mereka dah pegi. Planet pertama penuh dengan air..
yang ingatkan dalam macam lautan tapi rupanya tinggi sejengkal lebih je tapi ombak yang terhasil pula setinggi gunung. Planet kedua lak penuh dengan salji sehingga awan kat situ pun membeku dan terapung. Freaky awesome .disebabkan planet air tu punya graviti berbeza  menjadikan masa di planet tu bergerak terlampau perlahan. rupa2nya mereka berada di planet tu sekitar sejam tapi apabila mereka balik ke mother ship tahu2 dah 23 tahun berlalu.
ku rasa sesiapa yang memang minat gila filem genre macam ni, space adventure, aku rasa 3 jam itu adalah sangat berbaloi. Filem ni tak juga pasal sains semata-mata, ia juga sentuh pasal kemanusiaan. Sejauh mana seseorang akan melakukan sesuatu untuk menyelamatkan spesies manusia. Logik vs emosi.

Kalau nak cakap elemen sains yang ada dalam muvee ni, aku sarankan seseorang mesti ada sedikit ilmu asas astronomi, general relativiti, astrofizik. Sebab kalau tak, mungkin kau  org akan sedikit 'lost' sepanjang perjalanan cerita tu. Tapi takpa, lepas tonton, boleh buat research sendiri lepas tu.
Tapi kudos juga utk  pakkcit nolan, sebab rekrut Kip Thorne (theoretical physicist) sebagai scientific consultant mereka. Nolan nak muvee ni cuba ikut hukum fizik semaksimum mungkin, tapi biasalah, penulis kadang-kadang akan gunakan 'artistic license' dalam menyampai cerita mereka.Dalam muvee ni,sebenarnya tak ada watak jahat. Tak ada orang yang bertindak jahat atas alasan duit, nama, dendam, etc. Watak yang dimainkan oleh Matt Damon, walaupun dia pecahkan kaca helmet Cooper dan biar dia mati, tapi dia punya sebab yang, agak munasabah. Tindakan dia, kalau dilihat dari sudut menyelamatkan manusia, adalah rasional. aku tak guna perkataan 'betul' dari konteks moral, sebab berlaku rasional tidak semestinya betul. Pada pandangan dia, tindakan dia adalah perlu untuk meneruskan kemandirian spesies. Macam yang aku katakan tadi, logik vs emosi. Sebab dia tahu, lambat laun Dr Brand dan Cooper akan tahu yang dia menipu koje nye, kantoi yang planet dia tandus. Jadi dia terpaksa rampas kapal tu dan pergi ke planet seterusnya yang dilawati oleh Edmund.

Sama juga watak yang dimainkan oleh Michael Caine, Prof Brand. Plan A pada awalnya ilusii semata2. Tapi dia terpaksa berbuat demikian, sama macam Mann, watak Matt Damon. Tiada hitam putih dalam cerita ni.yg nampak hanya kelabu asap.

Serba sikit homework yang di buat selepas tengok Interstellar.Antara elemen sains dalam muvee ini dan sejauh mana ketepatannya.
Ruang angkasa sangat luas. Kalau boleh bergerak selaju kelajuan cahaya sekalipun, masih tidak mampu untuk merentas ke galaksi yang lain dalam masa jangka hayat kau. Sangat jauh. Galaksi Andromeda adalah galaksi yang paling dekat dengan galaksi kita. Tapi itu pun adalah sejauh 2.2 bilion tahun cahaya.  dalam 1 saat cahaya bergerak sejauh 299792 km. Jadi bayangkan 2.2 bilion tahun, berapa km tu?

Jadi apa yang wormhole ini boleh lakukan? Ia adalah shortcut antara dua titik di atas fabrik ruang itu. Seperti contoh yang ditunjukkan dalam muveeni, dua titik di atas kertas boleh dipertemukan kalau kita lipat kertas tu dan tebuk lubang, supaya individu dari titik A boleh ke titik B dalam masa yang singkat. Cuma masalahnya, untuk membuat satu wormhole, wajib sejumlah tenaga yang besar diperlukan.
jadi (kurang tepat)untuk konteks worm hole dlm muvee ini.

Time dilation
Masa adalah relatif pada sesuatu tempat dan ruang. Ruang angkasa dan masa sangat berkait rapat. Di tempat yang punyai tarikan graviti yang sangat kuat, contohnya di black hole, masa akan bergerak sangat lambat berbanding masa di bumi.
yg ini (tepat dan betul)

Untuk selamat di dalam black hole
Kalau sesapaditarik masuk ke black hole, kebarangkalian untuk selamat agak tipis. Sebelum tu, kena tau dulu apa itu 'event horizon'. Event horizon ni senang cakap macam sempadan di antara ruang yang kau boleh terlepas dari tersedut masuk ke dalam dan ruang yang bila dah masuk, takkan boleh keluar balik. The point of no return. Jadi andai kata kalau cuba nak masuk dengan menghulurkan kaki kau dulu, kaki kau akan stretch sampai sehalus atom, tapi bahagian atas badan kau still maintain, sebab belum cross lagi. Ahli fizik menamakan fenomena ini sebagai 'spaghettification'. Jadi dengan kata lain, kau akan mati secara sakit dan perlahan. Ngeri siot. Melainkan, kalau blackhole yang kau cuba nak masuk itu sebesar sistem solar kita, dia punya event horizon tu takkan terasa sangat. Jadi...., mungkin boleh selamat.


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