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Author: wkk5159

Differences between Jesus and Muhammad

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 Author| Post time 21-11-2012 12:04 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 20-11-2012 08:03 PM
The issue now is that your example of ice , water and steam (H2O) is modalism. If you don't unde ...

The issue now is that your example of ice , water and steam (H2O) is modalism. If you don't understand what is modalism , do look it up. You need to educate yourself. Modalism is rejected by trinitarians. You gave a lot of verses but none revealed any context of biblical Jesus claiming to be God. Lets just take a sample of 1 verse from the above mentioned verses : joh5:16-18. Verses 27 and 30 answers your claims :
joh5:27 '..And he has given him authority to judge because he is the Son of Man..'
joh5:30 '..By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me..'
He was just given authority , he can do nothing on his own but seek to please God who sent him. You need to scratch your head and ask yourself : can a God be given authority as he can do nothing by himself but seek to please the one (another God) who sent him? This is an impotent 'God'. Did you attend Dr Naik's talk in KL recently? If not I suggest you vew his debate with Dr William Campbell. Do tell me what you think of it. Ha ha ....

Again, i say it for the last time, who do you muslim think you are to interpret Trinity God in Christianity, you can only see the truth when you leave Islam and uncloak your eyes from the evil spirit, then you will see the truth. Who cares about Modalism and other fancy term created by some theologian(some are not Christians at all !).  Biblical God is what Christians are looking for in the bible when you read bible with holy spirit and not some definition by some theologian and even worst still.....muslim ?

On Zakir Naik, hehehe...he even dares not to debate famous ex-Muslim Ali Sina, here is quote by a blogger from yahoo;
Why does DR. Zakir Naik refuse to debate with Ali Sina?
Dr. Zakir Naik is a famous Islamic scholar in Islamic world . But he refuses to debate with Ali Sina in public. He has also refused to refute Ali Sina through emails or in writing according to the website I have visited Dr. zakir's web site http://irf.netbut it does not refute most of the claims in Ali Sina's website. Ali Sina claims lot of people have asked  him to debate with Zakir and he is ready. With his vast knowledge in Quran, Hadith and the Bible why does not Dr. Zakir debate with Ali Sina? It obvious that Zakir Naik can’t even out debates a ex-muslim like Ali Sina.....

Just give an example where there is no religious freedom, don't just fart from your mouth. I ask again , give me a name of a peaceful apostate that had been executed by the state under shariah law due to him being a peaceful apostate. So far none from you. Why don't you google for Michael Servetus? Hmm , we have the bible in the OT and NT that calls for the execution of apostates but you just turn a blind eye. The Quran is silent on such. Therefore we can conclude that Christianity oppress religious freedom , the Christian God says so in the bible. How come you never address these issues?
Just google on how to use proxy servers ... not that difficult ... is it?

So, what you are saying is unpeaceful apostate will be brutally killed by muslim thug....eek ! Again, someone is turning a blind eye to my previous reply...didn't i share something about Christian convert in Iran being sentenced to death in Iran ??? Isn't a Christian convert a peaceful convert ??? Anyway, no religion in the world will execute their followers if they leave the religion except Islam.
Michael Servetus ? A 16th century Spanish Theologian, Physician and Humanist ??? Is that the only one you can google for ? Pathetic ! Muslim just can't find proof of Christian killing the apostate and this is the best they can come out with ?.....In fact, i want to google for Christians killing the apostate but instead this is what i found; the latest

Nairobi, Kenya. A Christians decapitated, 25 year-old Farhan Haji Moses (funny his middle name got Haji) beheaded by islamists militants in Somalia's coastal city of Barawa on Friday, Nov 16 2012. According to sources, the islamists were stalking him for 6 months suspecting him of being a spy and an apostate .

Are you sure killing of apostates is unheard in Christianity? What about the inquisition , Michael Servetus etc? Hmm, the sites you mentioned cannot even be viewed except the last one. Sentencing is one , carrying out the sentence is another. My question still stand - name one peaceful apostate that was executed by the state under shariah for being a peaceful apostate. BTW , how can a cleric issue a death sentence without proper trial? A cleric cannot even issue a fatwa. Dodgy isn't it?

Are you saying that Ustaz is not your islamic clergy ??? So who issue fatwa ??? Sometime i'm wondering who is working inside that Islamic Religious Department......

Last edited by wkk5159 on 21-11-2012 12:27 PM


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Post time 21-11-2012 08:44 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 21-11-2012 11:26 AM
Ha ha , you are just berating like a pig headed bigot. Now you are arguing from speculation. The d ...
Who do you muslim think you are to define triune God ? For sure you cannot solve the mystery of God if you keep on using islamic satanic way of denying true God. Even if i answer a zillion times also you will find ridiculous excuses to reject it... it is futile as long as that person still clinging to that dangerous cult called Islam.

The definition of the triune god comes from christian sources , your source. Now God is a mystery? The definition of mystery is someting that eludes understanding. I reject your explanation because as it defies logic. Why do you believe in something that you don't understand or cannot even explain itself? This is blind faith. Typically cultists have blind faith. Yet you deny having blind faith.

It is exactly like i said in my last reply that you will give the same reply without historical fact and the same rhetoric whinning ..."western power install ME puppet". ...bla bla bla...It is amazing how Islam can turn a normal human being into a deceptive maglinant human being.
When someone cannot refute the poor CPI rating that islamic countries are getting. He starts to argue with the nonsense like;" a Christian nation means that the constitution must be based on the bible and having biblical laws".  
You idiot ! You either really stupid or pretend to be really naive and ignorant ! All Christian nations in the world had practised separation of state and religion long time ago, a Christian nation of course technically refering to a country whereby its population is predominantly professing Christian faith.  According to Transparency International, in 2011 , New Zealand topping the chart follow by Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Singapore(many Christians and also Buddhist/Taoist), Norway ......for further result one can refer to  It is interesting to note that among the top 20 nations, Christians nation occupy 17 and the other three are Singapore, Hong Kong(also many Christians) and also Japan(perdominantly Shinto and Buddhism). The best islamic country in 2011 ranking is UAE with 28 placing(at least i am honest and sincere in complimenting UAE for being the least corrupt among all islamic countries).
What ? You want to quote sex scandals from Vantican, truly pathetic ! Want me to teach you some more ? Why don't you also quote the sex scandals of medieval RC church whereby their pope even had illegimate kids ! Don't expose other peoples scars when you don't have to look further, just look at your very own local imam and ustaz.....dare to expose their sex scandals ? Since you started the sex scandals thingy, i might as well quote your beloved founder of islamic faith, Muhammad.....He married Aisya when she was 6 years old and consummate the marriage when she was 9 years old ! Can you all imagine that the founder of Islam is a Paedophile ! A Paedophile and A Sex Maniac !.....let along revealing the list of women he married and raped ! Truly vile and repulsive !

Tell me who where the conquerors of the ME in say the last 300 years? Do you read history? Looks like you don't. I don't refute the CPI rating but where is your christian country? The definition of a christian country is that its constitution is based on the bible. The last time I checked the countries you mentioned have secular constitution. If you seperate state from religion means that it is secular , not christian. Such a simple concept and you blunder big time. If you want to talk about the CPI of the christian dominated countries , well we have Mexico , Columbia , Brazil , Haiti , Rawanda , Liberia etc. What is their standing in the corruption index?

Now you agree that the bulk of child molestation is from the Church? How do you explain such? Did Aishah(ra) attained puberty at 9 yrs old. Yes , according to her :
Narrated by Aishah(ra).When the girl reaches nine years of age, she is a woman. (Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Kitab: al-Nikah, Bab: Maa Jaa'a fee Ikraah Al Yateemah 'alaa al tazweej, Hadith no. 1027).
The best part , your bible agrees with the marriage :
eze16:8 '..Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love, I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your naked body. I gave you my solemn oath and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Sovereign LORD, and you became mine..'.
If you say Prophet Muhammad(saw) was a pedophile in his marriage with Aishah(ra) then you are admitting that the bible teaches pedophilia. Hmm , come to think of it , the bible does teach pedophilia - gen17:17 , gen22:23 , gen23:1 , gen25:20. Lets do a quick calculation
- biblical Sarah was 90 yrs old when she bore biblical Isaac
- biblical Rebakah was born and at the same time biblical Sarah died aged 127 making biblical Isaac 37
- biblical Isaac was 40 when he married biblical Rebekah who was only 3 yrs old
This is pedophilia (as 3 yrs old has not attained puberty) and the bible teaches it. So how? BTW , what is the medical definition of pedophilia?

Hmm , now Prophet Muhammad(saw) was a sex maniac because he practiced polyngy? In that case mat19:9 / luk16:18 must be vile and vulgar to you. In context of the verses , what happens if the man did not divorce his wife and marries another? Nothing wrong. However it is unlimited polygny as according to the verses , you can , not divorce and marry another without limit , ie, as many as you can. Ha ha , now Prophet Muhammad(saw) raped women? You are getting from bad to worse in your delusion. A delusional person is like you making empty claims , ie. farting from your mouth ...

It is nice to find out that when someone is run out of idea to debate you and eventually so desperate in digging out the references without truly understanding the chart and shooting their own foot. Left Wing, Separatist and Right Wings...aren't these are all political and got nothing to do with religion ? But if you study the chart carefully, only Islamists are the only religious group to be portrayed on the chart. So, i have to thank you SAM1528 for being so generous in exposing the hideous truth about Islam.

It is exactly like what i said before, debating with muslims are both entertaining and futile at the same time. From the above respond, it only consolidate my point that muslims is only for that 4 group of people.
I don't hate muslims because i find them just victims of a evil cult called Islam. This is reminiscent of something which the British Islam-Expert and former Sharia Jurist Sam Solomon told Dispatch International  some times ago: Islam is forced to be constantly on the attack because it cannot defend itself. He pointed out that Islam cannot withstand objective scrutiny of its holy scripture and history. If people really take an interest in Koran's contradiction and nonsense, Islam's spokesmen will have no answer. According to Sam Solomon, they are well aware of this fact and and must therefore always be on the offensive with threats and indoctrination in order to dissuade people from entertaining any doubts.

Hmm , a proper debate is when data is provided to back one's claim. Appears that you cannot refute the data / facts presented but choose to skew the argument. This is again intellectual dishonesty , something like your lame excuse of '..pretending that codex Alexandrinus = Dead Sea Scrolls in order to bait me..'.

What is the religious affiliation of the separatists? In Spain the separatists are the Basque and Catalan who are predominantly christians. In France we have the Corsican , Breton , Savoyan who are predominantly christians. Your inconsistentcy is so glaring. The Transpanency Index that you crow about , you tried to tie it to christianity being the predominant religion (ignoring christian dominated Haiti , Rawanda , Liberia etc) but choose to ignore that christianity is the predominant religion of the separatists. In short , you are an intellectual huckster or you have no intelligence at all. I believe its a bit of both. You just expose your weakness , nothing more.

You find it futile debating with me is because you don't have supporting facts. Instead your arguments are all from speculation. Refute the data if you are able to do so. Oh you mean the so called 'scholar' Sam Solomon who always talks about Quran contradiction but until now cannot produce any. If you are confident about it , give it your best shot using his arguments.
Last edited by sam1528 on 21-11-2012 11:08 PM


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Post time 21-11-2012 10:26 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 21-11-2012 12:04 PM
The issue now is that your example of ice , water and steam (H2O) is modalism. If you don't unders ...
Again, i say it for the last time, who do you muslim think you are to interpret Trinity God in Christianity, you can only see the truth when you leave Islam and uncloak your eyes from the evil spirit, then you will see the truth. Who cares about Modalism and other fancy term created by some theologian(some are not Christians at all !).  Biblical God is what Christians are looking for in the bible when you read bible with holy spirit and not some definition by some theologian and even worst still.....muslim ?

On Zakir Naik, hehehe...he even dares not to debate famous ex-Muslim Ali Sina, here is quote by a blogger from yahoo;
Why does DR. Zakir Naik refuse to debate with Ali Sina?
Dr. Zakir Naik is a famous Islamic scholar in Islamic world . But he refuses to debate with Ali Sina in public. He has also refused to refute Ali Sina through emails or in writing according to the website I have visited Dr. zakir's web site http://irf.netbut it does not refute most of the claims in Ali Sina's website. Ali Sina claims lot of people have asked  him to debate with Zakir and he is ready. With his vast knowledge in Quran, Hadith and the Bible why does not Dr. Zakir debate with Ali Sina? It obvious that Zakir Naik can’t even out debates a ex-muslim like Ali Sina.....

The only interpretation used is yours. However your interpretation of the triune god is based on modalism which is rejected by trinitarians. You have a problem not me. If you don't care what is modalism then your belief of the trinity is outside of the mainstream which makes you a cultist. Tell me how do you read the bible with the holy spirit? Does this mean that for example , in the last chapter of Mark , the later day inserted verses , the 'holy spirit' will force you to have faith that it is not corruption?

What do you mean Dr Zakir Naik refuse to debate Ali Sina in public? Ali Sina was asked to do that but he chickened out giving the lame excuse of 'so afraid for his life'. Why should Dr Naik lower his standing to debate via emails or in Ali Sina's website? If Ali Sina is brave enough , he shlould be able to go in a public debate. Ali Sina even refuse debate in paltalk. Ali Sina knows that he will be crushed intellectually. BTW , do you know how this character looks like. He could be a group of people for all you know. Ali Sina have vast knowledge of the Quran? He cannot even read it in arabic. Gee whizz , this is such a poor argument. Like I said , try using his arguments with your best shot. The so called irrefutable argument.

So, what you are saying is unpeaceful apostate will be brutally killed by muslim thug....eek ! Again, someone is turning a blind eye to my previous reply...didn't i share something about Christian convert in Iran being sentenced to death in Iran ??? Isn't a Christian convert a peaceful convert ??? Anyway, no religion in the world will execute their followers if they leave the religion except Islam.
Michael Servetus ? A 16th century Spanish Theologian, Physician and Humanist ??? Is that the only one you can google for ? Pathetic ! Muslim just can't find proof of Christian killing the apostate and this is the best they can come out with ?.....In fact, i want to google for Christians killing the apostate but instead this is what i found; the latest

Nairobi, Kenya. A Christians decapitated, 25 year-old Farhan Haji Moses (funny his middle name got Haji) beheaded by islamists militants in Somalia's coastal city of Barawa on Friday, Nov 16 2012. According to sources, the islamists were stalking him for 6 months suspecting him of being a spy and an apostate .

Christian covnert being sentenced to death in Iran? Who is he? Can you give a name? Has he been executed by the state? Isn't  Michael Servetus a good example that christians in history executed apostates? Not to mention the hundreds who were executed during the inquisition.

Hmm , can you provide the link for your so called state execution of the apostate , Haji Moses? Why so scared? Does not appear like state execution to me. If you want mob rule , christians to muslim converts are being killed by christians , an example is Salwa Atallah , a convert to Islam , together with her family were killed by her christian brothers , source

You are still dodging the issue that in the bible there are injunctions that calls for killing of apostates whereas the Quran is silent on this issue. Even the hadiths , in context , the apostates who were executed were the ones who waged war. Peaceful apostates were left alone , no action taken. How come no answer from you? Your silence and constant dodging of this issue is noted.

Are you saying that Ustaz is not your islamic clergy ??? So who issue fatwa ??? Sometime i'm wondering who is working inside that Islamic Religious Department......

There is no clergy (priesthood / clerical hierarchy) in Islam. Fatwa is just an opinion and it is not a binding rule. As such it can be opposed , criticize , accepted or rejected. Why don't you ask the religious dept on what they are working on.
Last edited by sam1528 on 22-11-2012 12:36 AM


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 Author| Post time 22-11-2012 02:16 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 21-11-2012 08:44 PM
The definition of the triune god comes from christian sources , your source. Now God is a myster ...

The definition of thetriune god comes from christian sources , your source. Now God is a mystery?The definition of mystery is someting that eludes understanding. I reject yourexplanation because as it defies logic. Why do you believe in something that youdon't understand or cannot even explain itself? This is blind faith. Typicallycultists have blind faith. Yet you deny having blind faith.

Muslim is spiritual zombie and charlatan at the same time, like i said before, don't pretend that you know bible and come here try to teach us bible, a fresh believer like me can also sense the absurdity that you were putting forward. What do you know about the mystery of God ? That's the differences between Christian & Muhammadan, we can understand the mystery of God and you can't. Ephesians 1:9 as long as you still cling to that evil cult called Islam.

Tell me who where theconquerors of the ME in say the last 300 years? Do you read history? Looks likeyou don't. I don't refute the CPI rating but where is your christian country?The definition of a christian country is that its constitution is based on thebible. The last time I checked the countries you mentioned have secularconstitution. If you seperate state from religion means that it is secular ,not christian. Such a simple concept and you blunder big time. If you want totalk about the CPI of the christian dominated countries , well we have Mexico ,Columbia , Brazil , Haiti , Rawanda , Liberia etc. What is their standing inthe corruption index?

You are slapping your own face again ! Come, slap left and right and hit it hard ! Here is the muslim obvious double standard and stupidity in their full glory. At first you are denying the top 17 nations in CPI ranking as Christian nations simply because they are secular christian countries and later quote countries like Mexico and Brazil (also secular) to defend your points as argument. How absurd ! Like i said before and i want to said it in a louder tone this time; You CHARLATAN ! A real Christian country should practise separation of state and church. Mark 12:17, Matt 22:21, Romans 13:1-7, Acts 5:29 and many more other verses which clearly instruct separation of church and state. You just cannot accept the fact that Christian countries occupy 90% of the top CPI ranking, don't you ? Sorry, that's the truth and you can do nothing about it. go back and refect on yourself you poor victims of a backward-anti development-violent-intolerant synonymous faith called islam. Oh, before i forget, countries like Mexico, Brazil and Columbia still fair much much better than majority of islamic countries.  

Now you agree that the bulk of child molestationis from the Church? How do you explain such? Did Aishah(ra) attained puberty at9 yrs old. Yes , according to her :
Narrated by Aishah(ra
).When the girl reaches nine years of age, she is a woman. (Sunanal-Tirmidhi, Kitab: al-Nikah, Bab: Maa Jaa'a fee Ikraah Al Yateemah 'alaa altazweej, Hadith no. 1027).
The best part , your bible agrees with themarriage :
eze16:8 '..Later I passed by, and when I looked atyou and saw that you were old enough for love, I spread thecorner of my garment over you and covered your naked body. I gave you my solemnoath and entered into a covenant withyou, declares theSovereign LORD, and you became mine..'.
If you say Prophet Muhammad(saw) was a pedophilein his marriage with Aishah(ra) then you are admitting that the bible teachespedophilia. Hmm , come to think of it , the bible does teach pedophilia -gen17:17 , gen22:23 , gen23:1 , gen25:20. Lets do a quick calculation
- biblical Sarah was 90 yrs old when she borebiblical Isaac
- biblical Rebakah was born and at the same timebiblical Sarah died aged 127 making biblical Isaac 37
- biblical Isaac was 40 when he married biblicalRebekah who was only 3 yrs old
This is pedophilia (as 3 yrs old has not attainedpuberty) and the bible teaches it. So how? BTW , what is the medical definitionof pedophilia?

Hmm , now Prophet Muhammad(saw) was a sex maniacbecause he practiced polyngy? In that case mat19:9 / luk16:18 must be vile andvulgar to you. In context of the verses , what happens if the man did not divorce his wife and marries another?Nothing wrong. However it is unlimited polygny as according to the verses , youcan , not divorce and marry another without limit , ie, as many as you can. Haha , now Prophet Muhammad(saw) raped women? You are getting from bad to worsein your delusion. A delusional person is like you making empty claims , ie.farting from your mouth ...

Fellow Christians, if you are reading this thread, you are withnessing how hard muslim is trying to defend their Paedophile Prophet Muhammad. Little wonder why their religion is in a state they are having right now....Hah, somebody is shooting their own feet as this account of Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca were also recorded in Torat and even so called prophet even claimed he is the last and ultimate prophet of this Abrahamic religion,...what a LIE and Biggest JOKE in humans history. No wonder Christians and Jews never recognised this satanic joker as a prophet.
On this Genesis account of our early ancestors like Adam, Eve, Lot, Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, ever wonder why God even allow incest in the early part of human history ? Genesis 19:32-36 as in the case of Lot inpregnated his own daughter ? Where do you think early human beings got their partners you moron ? Children of Adam and Eve married with who ? The only biblical explaination is that early humans like Adam and Eve are almost perfect biologically when God first created them and they don't have defective genes to be passed down to their offsprings, but with the transgression of Adam and Eve, they were expelled from the garden of paradise and their genes slowly mutate and deteriorate generations by generations. That's the reason why God strongly forbid incest in later part of humans history, Leviticus 18:6. In early part of humans history, there were little population and that's the reason why God allow Isaac to marry Rebecca when she was young. Other evidences of early humans almost perfect biological make up include;  Sarah gave birth to Isaac when she was 90 years old !
But Muhammad account is very different, that's way way past Levicitus 6th century to be exact and this evil founder of islam still practice paedophile, Yes ! He had sex with a 9 years old in 6th century ! Later this mother @#$%^& died at 62, yes only 62 ! He thought he has the perfect gene like Lot and Isaac and he can commit incest and paedophilia but the sad reality is he can't even live beyond 62 ! Any sane human being with conscience won't defend this sort of evil character. And i think you sam1528 if still don't repent now, hades is not far from you !

Are you sure your prophet don't rape ? You God damn liar ! On matter of rape, here what Islam teaches;
Muhammad actually encouraged the rape of others captured in battle. This hadith provides the context for the Qur’anic verse (4:24):
The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain.  They met their enemy and fought with them.  They defeated them and took them captives.Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers.  So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur’anic verse: (Sura 4:24) "And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess." (Abu Dawud 2150, also Muslim 3433)

There are several other episodes in which Muhammad is offered the clear opportunity to disavow raping women - yet he instead offers advice on how to proceed.  In one case, his men were reluctant to devalue their new slaves for later resale by getting them pregnant.  Muhammad was asked about coitus interruptus in particular:
"O Allah's Apostle! We get female captives as our share of booty, and we are interested in their prices, what is your opinion about coitus interruptus?"  The Prophet said, "Do you really do that? It is better for you not to do it. No soul that which Allah has destined to exist, but will surely come into existence.” (Bukhari34:432)
As indicated, the prophet of Islam did not mind his men raping the women, provided they ejaculated within the bodies of their victims.
The same hadith goes on to recount that Muhammad personally demanded one of the captured women for his own use:
I drove them along until I brought them to Abu Bakr who bestowed that girl upon me as a prize.  So we arrived in Medina.  I had not yet disrobed her when the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) met me in the street and said: “Give me that girl.” (Sahih Muslim 4345)
The prophet of Islam and his companions used war to collect women for personal sexual use and for trading.  Unless she was arbitrarily declared as someone's wife, the woman became a sex slave.  In no case was her fate tied to anything that she had personally done, nor was she given a choice about her future.....Actually there are many other verses, but I don't want to quote anymore, it's beyond repulsive and vile !

On polygamy in Bible, again this charlatan is twisting the bible facts;. The clearest verse comes from Jesus in His teaching on divorce and polygamy:
Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another womancommits adultery." (NIV Matt 19.8-9, pp. Mark 10.1-12)
The key thing to note here is that this argument fails if polygamy is acceptable! Jesus' point is that improper divorce does not nullify a marriage, and if the first marriage still stands, then a "second" marriage is adultery--and NOT simply 'polygamy'! This is very clear.
"The saying is hyperbolic-that is, it has exaggerated, intensified force: because God does not accept divorce as valid, any man who divorces his wife is not really divorced, and if he marries someone else, he commits adultery. No one else in antiquity spoke of divorce in such strong terms. (Because most Jewish teachers allowed polygamy, they would not have seen marrying a second wife as adultery, even if they had agreed that the man was still married to the first wife. But Jesus eliminates the double standard; a man consorting with two women is as adulterous as a woman consorting with two men.) [BBC, in.loc. Mark 10:11.

What is the religious affiliation of theseparatists? In Spain the separatists are the Basque and Catalan who arepredominantly christians. In France we have the Corsican , Breton , Savoyan whoare predominantly christians. Your inconsistentcy is so glaring. TheTranspanency Index that you crow about , you tried to tie it to christianitybeing the predominant religion (ignoring christian dominated Haiti , Rawanda ,Liberia etc) but choose to ignore that christianity is the predominant religionof the separatists. In short , you are an intellectual huckster or you have nointelligence at all. I believe its a bit of both. You just expose your weakness, nothing more.

You find it futile debating with me is because youdon't have supporting facts. Instead your arguments are all from speculation.Refute the data if you are able to do so. Oh you mean the so called 'scholar'Sam Solomon who always talks about Quran contradiction but until now cannotproduce any. If you are confident about it , give it your best shot using hisarguments.

I don't want  to say this but i have to say this ; You Idiot ! Basque, Catalan and Corsican are separatists which fight for autonomy and independence and they normally don't target civilian unlike Islamists who as the name portrayed, clearly represent islam and worse still targeting civilian and innocent people as in the case of Sept 11 and Bali bombing ! You imbecile and Satan agent !
An imbecile who can't undestand the words futile and keeps on pressing that on i'm speculating is not qualify to debate even a 5th grader !

Last edited by wkk5159 on 22-11-2012 03:46 PM


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 Author| Post time 22-11-2012 03:25 PM | Show all posts
sam1528 posted on 21-11-2012 10:26 PM
The only interpretation used is yours. However your interpretation of the triune god is based on ...

That's why i said debating with you this islamic imbecile are both unproductive and entertaining at the same time. Futile and unproductive is when you are like rabid dogs keep on coming back asking the same old dumb question, you are either really dumb or blind. Haven't i given the account of Iranian pastor been sentenced to death by Iranian gov in my older reply ?, Don't deny it this time around ! You deceptive fact twister !

Who dares to debate and insult Islam in public ? With real life death threat like in the case of Salman Rushdie(Satanic verses and have to live in hiding for years !), Cartoonist from Denmark Kurt Westergaard(suspected been killed by muslim with arson) and the latest, the maker of that independent movie; "innocence of muslims', Mark Basseley Yousef....and many more. They all received death threat and some already died! Any other religion do the same to a fellow human beings simply because he/she insulted their religion, ? No ! except Islam. Don't argue with me as these are concrete proofs !

Again i want to pose this question to you, why ? Why defending a proven evil cult called Islam ? Evidences and proofs against Islam are overwhelming and you still are defending it ? I don't know why you adopt the name Sam as Samuel is a leader and prophet of ancient Israel and Jews sure don't want to associate you with their great historical figure if you still defending this evil cult.  And don't tell me you are emulating the hunky good looking Sam Winchester in the drama serial Supernatural as these Winchester brothers are using cross to exorcise devil.....and also no need to mention they are zillion time more good looking than you...  If you still don't repent, your name will be more appropriately call Satanic and Moronic aka sam1528 !

On issue of God, i won't answer you anymore as my previous replies are more than adequate to address your inquiry but unfortunately you just pretend as if you are Christian scholar.......truly sickening !

On Zakir Naik, i don't have to say anything, just google and you will find his credibility....even i find George Soros more credible than him ! Ali Sina don't know how to read Arabic ?? See who is lying and speculating without blinking an eye now ??? Sheer entertainment !
Ex-muslim Ali Sina bounty reward of USD50,000 if anybody is able to refute his charges against Islam....but until now, that bounty still stands !  I don't want to type further and just like Sam Soloman say;........


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Post time 22-11-2012 07:46 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 22-11-2012 02:16 PM
The definition of thetriune god comes from christian sources , your source. Now God is a mystery?T ...
Muslim is spiritual zombie and charlatan at the same time, like i said before, don't pretend that you know bible and come here try to teach us bible, a fresh believer like me can also sense the absurdity that you were putting forward. What do you know about the mystery of God ? That's the differences between Christian & Muhammadan, we can understand the mystery of God and you can't. Ephesians 1:9 as long as you still cling to that evil cult called Islam.

Unlike you , I don't pretend that I know the bible. You claim the trinity is a mystery. My question why believe in mysteries as such is blind faith. You have no answers but just spewing diatribe. Eph1:9 '..he[d] made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ,..'. Do point out where in the verse that explains the trinity. Are you trying to run from the argument? Appears like it. Be a man and don't run.

You are slapping your own face again ! Come, slap left and right and hit it hard ! Here is the muslim obvious double standard and stupidity in their full glory. At first you are denying the top 17 nations in CPI ranking as Christian nations simply because they are secular christian countries and later quote countries like Mexico and Brazil (also secular) to defend your points as argument. How absurd ! Like i said before and i want to said it in a louder tone this time; You CHARLATAN ! A real Christian country should practise separation of state and church. Mark 12:17, Matt 22:21, Romans 13:1-7, Acts 5:29 and many more other verses which clearly instruct separation of church and state. You just cannot accept the fact that Christian countries occupy 90% of the top CPI ranking, don't you ? Sorry, that's the truth and you can do nothing about it. go back and refect on yourself you poor victims of a backward-anti development-violent-intolerant synonymous faith called islam. Oh, before i forget, countries like Mexico, Brazil and Columbia still fair much much better than majority of islamic countries.

Hmm . it appears that I am slapping you as much as I can and thre is nothing you can do about. All you can do is to shout at the top of your voice. The following is what I stated in post#37 which you have been to thick to understand :
Show me which christian nation is tops in the Corruption Perception Index. Christian nation means the constitutiuon is based on the bible and having biblical laws. The only so called 'christian nation' is the sovereign land belonging to the Vatican. Just look at the sex related scandals hitting them , every year there are new cases cropping up.

Where is the so called denial by me? You are now saying that a real christian nation separates church from state? Too bad , romans13:1-7 thoroughly refutes you , rom13:1-2
1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves
Your God's established authority comes from the bible or man made secular law? Are you just too thick not to notice this? I did not say I do not accept the CPI index. I stated that you are skewed in your argument. You have christian dominated countries like what I mentioned being the last in the rankings. Therefore your argument that christianity is the cause of the good CPI is wrong as christian dominated countries occupy both ends of the spectrum. You have again been caught trying to pull a fast one. I can argue that the index affecting muslim dominated countries are due to
(1) war and unstablity
(2) the puppet regimes placed by the former colonial masters which just about now have started to be toppled by the masses
I am not wrong in this matter. You only answer is to deny that such ever happened. You have been living in a cave. 800 odd yrs ago Islamic countries were leading the world civilization. Explain to me what happened when the western powers came.

Fellow Christians, if you are reading this thread, you are withnessing how hard muslim is trying to defend their Paedophile Prophet Muhammad. Little wonder why their religion is in a state they are having right now....Hah, somebody is shooting their own feet as this account of Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca were also recorded in Torat and even so called prophet even claimed he is the last and ultimate prophet of this Abrahamic religion,...what a LIE and Biggest JOKE in humans history. No wonder Christians and Jews never recognised this satanic joker as a prophet.
On this Genesis account of our early ancestors like Adam, Eve, Lot, Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, ever wonder why God even allow incest in the early part of human history ? Genesis 19:32-36 as in the case of Lot inpregnated his own daughter ? Where do you think early human beings got their partners you moron ? Children of Adam and Eve married with who ? The only biblical explaination is that early humans like Adam and Eve are almost perfect biologically when God first created them and they don't have defective genes to be passed down to their offsprings, but with the transgression of Adam and Eve, they were expelled from the garden of paradise and their genes slowly mutate and deteriorate generations by generations. That's the reason why God strongly forbid incest in later part of humans history, Leviticus 18:6. In early part of humans history, there were little population and that's the reason why God allow Isaac to marry Rebecca when she was young. Other evidences of early humans almost perfect biological make up include;  Sarah gave birth to Isaac when she was 90 years old !
But Muhammad account is very different, that's way way past Levicitus 6th century to be exact and this evil founder of islam still practice paedophile, Yes ! He had sex with a 9 years old in 6th century ! Later this mother @#$%^& died at 62, yes only 62 ! He thought he has the perfect gene like Lot and Isaac and he can commit incest and paedophilia but the sad reality is he can't even live beyond 62 ! Any sane human being with conscience won't defend this sort of evil character. And i think you sam1528 if still don't repent now, hades is not far from you !

Now I want people to see how desperate you are. In your desperation you are claiming separation of the OT and NT. Too bad for you , this is not the case. 2tim3:16
'..All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness..'.
Nice try trying to divert the issue.

Now you need to show me where in the Quran that stated Prophet Isaac(as) married Rebekah when he was 40 and her just 3. We don't have such 'porn' in the Quran. Neither do we have have the incident where biblical Lot got drunk and fornicated with his daughters in the Quran. No wonder the institution of marriage is breaking down in christianity.

I am not talking about incest here. I am talking about your charge that Prophet Muhammad(saw) committed pedophilia. If you say so that means you are also admitting that your bible teaches pedophilia per
(1) exe16:7-8
(2) gen17:17 , gen22:23 , gen23:1 , gen25:20

You are again arguing from your own stupidity about era when people accepted child marriages. To confirm your stupidity and ignorance ; such ages in the USA about 120 yrs ago : average of 10 - 12 elsewhere and in Delaware just 7.
'.The age of consent in the U.S., determined by each state, ranged from seven years, in Delaware, to an average of 10 to 12 years,..' , source
The medical definition of pedophilia :
'..a paraphilia in which an adult has recurrent, intense sexual urges or sexually arousing fantasies of engaging or repeatedly engages in sexual activity with a prepubertal child..' ; source

That is why your argument about pedophilia and the time era is just hogwash , you are trying to lie from ignorance
(1) Pedophilia means sexual engagement with prepubertal child. The hadith shows that by 9 , Aishah(ra) confirmed she attained puberty.
(2) Your own bible sanctioned the said marriage in exe16:8
(3) Its just 120 yrs ago , child marriages , ie, age of 7 in Delaware USA (and average of 10 - 12 elsewhere) have been protected by the law
However biblical Isaac (40) marriage to biblical Rebekah(3) is against all the above 3 points. We can conclude its the bible that teaches pedophilia. I've cornered you again in your ignorance and stupidity. Lets see what excuses you will provide to try to escape. Gee , I am enjoying this.

Are you sure your prophet don't rape ? You God damn liar ! On matter of rape, here what Islam teaches;
Muhammad actually encouraged the rape of others captured in battle. This hadith provides the context for the Qur’anic verse (4:24):

    The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain.  They met their enemy and fought with them.  They defeated them and took them captives.Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers.  So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur’anic verse: (Sura 4:24) "And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess." (Abu Dawud 2150, also Muslim 3433)

There are several other episodes in which Muhammad is offered the clear opportunity to disavow raping women - yet he instead offers advice on how to proceed.  In one case, his men were reluctant to devalue their new slaves for later resale by getting them pregnant.  Muhammad was asked about coitus interruptus in particular:

    "O Allah's Apostle! We get female captives as our share of booty, and we are interested in their prices, what is your opinion about coitus interruptus?"  The Prophet said, "Do you really do that? It is better for you not to do it. No soul that which Allah has destined to exist, but will surely come into existence.” (Bukhari34:432)

As indicated, the prophet of Islam did not mind his men raping the women, provided they ejaculated within the bodies of their victims.
The same hadith goes on to recount that Muhammad personally demanded one of the captured women for his own use:

    I drove them along until I brought them to Abu Bakr who bestowed that girl upon me as a prize.  So we arrived in Medina.  I had not yet disrobed her when the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) met me in the street and said: “Give me that girl.” (Sahih Muslim 4345)

The prophet of Islam and his companions used war to collect women for personal sexual use and for trading.  Unless she was arbitrarily declared as someone's wife, the woman became a sex slave.  In no case was her fate tied to anything that she had personally done, nor was she given a choice about her future.....Actually there are many other verses, but I don't want to quote anymore, it's beyond repulsive and vile !

Apart from showing your ignorance and stupidity , I now am going to demonstrate you trying to lie your way thru. Ok then show me where in the hadiths Abu Dawud 2150, also Muslim 3433 that the soldiers actually had sexual intercourse with the captives. Pinpoint to me where in the said hadiths. It merely stated that they asked such question. Asking and actually doing it are 2 different things.

Again Sahih Bukhari 3:4:432 only states about coitus interruptus. No mention of rape. Why do you again trying to lie your way thru by stating '..the prophet of Islam did not mind his men raping the women, provided they ejaculated within the bodies of their victims..'
The prophet was merely saying even though 'coitus interruptus' is practiced , if Allah wills for life , the woman will be impregnated. Where in the hadith there is occurance of rape or encouraging rape? It is all in your filthy mind.

Why don't you quote Sahih Muslim 4345 in full? Lets look at the last part of the said hadith :
'..the next day, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) again met me in the street, he said: O Salama, give me that girl, may God bless your father. I said: She is for you. Messenger of Allah ! By Allah. I have not yet disrobed her. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent her to the people of Mecca, and surrendered her as ransom for a number of Muslims who had been kept as prisoners at Mecca..' ; source

Did Prophet Muhammad(saw) raped her per your argument? No , he returned her to her people as a ransom exchange for the muslims who were captured. It is so easy to debunk you and prove that you are trying to lie your way thru. Now do you know why I stated it is so easy to refute and demolish arguments that you copied pasted from Ali Sina? I got you again , liar liar - pants  on fire.

Lets look into the biblical injunction to rape female capives ; your biblical god assisted in the raping of war captives , zech14:2 :
'..I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile..'
Care to explain such? Ha ha , lets see what lame excuses you come up with.

On polygamy in Bible, again this charlatan is twisting the bible facts;. The clearest verse comes from Jesus in His teaching on divorce and polygamy:
Jesus replied, "Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. 9 I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another womancommits adultery." (NIV Matt 19.8-9, pp. Mark 10.1-12)
The key thing to note here is that this argument fails if polygamy is acceptable! Jesus' point is that improper divorce does not nullify a marriage, and if the first marriage still stands, then a "second" marriage is adultery--and NOT simply 'polygamy'! This is very clear.
"The saying is hyperbolic-that is, it has exaggerated, intensified force: because God does not accept divorce as valid, any man who divorces his wife is not really divorced, and if he marries someone else, he commits adultery. No one else in antiquity spoke of divorce in such strong terms. (Because most Jewish teachers allowed polygamy, they would not have seen marrying a second wife as adultery, even if they had agreed that the man was still married to the first wife. But Jesus eliminates the double standard; a man consorting with two women is as adulterous as a woman consorting with two men.) [BBC, in.loc. Mark 10:11.

mat19:9 '..I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”..'
You are again trying to twist your own biblical verse. The said verse in context means if you divorce your wife except for her sexual misconduct and marries another then you are committing adultery. What happens if you don't divorce your wife and marry another? According to the verse it is OK. There is no limit as to how many times you can do it. Polygny means you do not divorce your wife and marry another. Therefore mat19:9 teaches unlimited polygny. Ha ha , just read an reread your response. Its the response of a desperate person. No where in the verse in any uncertain term state that marrying another while staying married to the first one is wrong. You are lying thru your teeth.

I don't want  to say this but i have to say this ; You Idiot ! Basque, Catalan and Corsican are separatists which fight for autonomy and independence and they normally don't target civilian unlike Islamists who as the name portrayed, clearly represent islam and worse still targeting civilian and innocent people as in the case of Sept 11 and Bali bombing ! You imbecile and Satan agent !
An imbecile who can't undestand the words futile and keeps on pressing that on i'm speculating is not qualify to debate even a 5th grader !

You are still dodging my question. You tried to tie the CPI rating to religion , ie christianity dominated countries. You need to be consistent. What is the predominant religion of the Basque , Catalan , Corsican separatist? 100% they are christians and they are responsible for the most terrorist incidents in Europe. Their activities target civilians. In that effect , the war in Iraq / Afghanistans target civilians as they suffered the most in casualities. Such is state terrorism where more than a million died. You are a natural born liar but not a good one. It is so easy to catch you in your inconsistency. No amount of you berating will be of any help. You are being insulting to cover up your weakness. Come on liar , you need to come clean.

Last edited by sam1528 on 22-11-2012 10:14 PM


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Post time 22-11-2012 08:23 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 22-11-2012 03:25 PM
That's why i said debating with you this islamic imbecile are both unproductive and entertaining a ...
That's why i said debating with you this islamic imbecile are both unproductive and entertaining at the same time. Futile and unproductive is when you are like rabid dogs keep on coming back asking the same old dumb question, you are either really dumb or blind. Haven't i given the account of Iranian pastor been sentenced to death by Iranian gov in my older reply ?, Don't deny it this time around ! You deceptive fact twister !

Ha ha , you are a dumb christian who has been living in a cave. Can you find out the latest in the so called iranian 'pastor' situation. I will not tell you what it is. I want you to find out for yourself. When was he executed by the state? Everything you brought up have been refuted. However you still deny that the church did execute apostates like Michaloe Servetus ,  Chevalier de La Barre , deacon in oxford (name unknown) burnt en circa 1222. BTW , do you consider pastor Nadarkhani a christian? He is 'oneness pentecostalism' closely associated with William M Branham who actually claim to be one of the last of God's prophets on earth and the doctrine of trinity is from the devil. With that in mind , don't you think he should be executed per the injunction of the bible for killing apostates? Ha ha , got you again. You are so ignorant but trying to put on a show of being knowledgeable. These type of people are ones who can be refuted with ease.

Who dares to debate and insult Islam in public ? With real life death threat like in the case of Salman Rushdie(Satanic verses and have to live in hiding for years !), Cartoonist from Denmark Kurt Westergaard(suspected been killed by muslim with arson) and the latest, the maker of that independent movie; "innocence of muslims', Mark Basseley Yousef....and many more. They all received death threat and some already died! Any other religion do the same to a fellow human beings simply because he/she insulted their religion, ? No ! except Islam. Don't argue with me as these are concrete proofs !

Again i want to pose this question to you, why ? Why defending a proven evil cult called Islam ? Evidences and proofs against Islam are overwhelming and you still are defending it ? I don't know why you adopt the name Sam as Samuel is a leader and prophet of ancient Israel and Jews sure don't want to associate you with their great historical figure if you still defending this evil cult.  And don't tell me you are emulating the hunky good looking Sam Winchester in the drama serial Supernatural as these Winchester brothers are using cross to exorcise devil.....and also no need to mention they are zillion time more good looking than you...  If you still don't repent, your name will be more appropriately call Satanic and Moronic aka sam1528 !

Why are you changing your mind or do you have a mind to start with? Your post #41 which you appeal to some unknown blogger '..Dr. Zakir Naik is a famous Islamic scholar in Islamic world . But he refuses to debate with Ali Sina in public..'
First Dr Zakir Naik was scared to debate Ali Sina in public but now Ali Sina is scared to debate in public. You are going around in circles chasing your backside. Christians are scared to debate muslims as you know all of your arguments will be demolished .... easily. Just a simple question of the nature of trinity have made you tongue tied ... no answer. Salman Rushdie living in fear? That shows how stupid him and you are. The so called fatwa by Imam Kohmeini is only binding in Iran. The good imam must have been laughing his ass off. Suspected killing of K Westergaard is just a suspicion. Why are you arguing devoid of facts? No more ideas that now you have to invent speculative arguments. Mark Basseley Yousef was arrested by the FBI for hate crime. See , it is always the christians who insult Islam. This stems from inferior complex of the comparative theology.

What have you proven so far? All of your copy paste arguments from Ali Sina have refuted. However you cannot even explain what is the trinity.  I think its the other way around. Your arguments are extremely lame like 'I pretend that Codex Alexandrinus = Dead Sea Scrolls just to bait you'. If you want to lie , it being damage control , at least be professional about it. Ha ha , now its  your so call diatribe of my handle name. This is the mentality of a defeated person. You have no intellect to compete and now its name calling. Hmmm , typical atheist turn christian. You are big embarrassment to your religion.

On issue of God, i won't answer you anymore as my previous replies are more than adequate to address your inquiry but unfortunately you just pretend as if you are Christian scholar.......truly sickening !

On Zakir Naik, i don't have to say anything, just google and you will find his credibility....even i find George Soros more credible than him ! Ali Sina don't know how to read Arabic ?? See who is lying and speculating without blinking an eye now ??? Sheer entertainment !
Ex-muslim Ali Sina bounty reward of USD50,000 if anybody is able to refute his charges against Islam....but until now, that bounty still stands !  I don't want to type further and just like Sam Soloman say;........

You can't answer on the issue of your triune god is because you don't have any answers. Such a simple question , the father fully god , the son fully god , the holy spirit fully god ; not 3 fully gods but 1 fully god. You still fail to explain just how 3 fully gods can become 1 fully god.

George Soros is a currency trader a a good one. Can you prove to me that Ali Sina can read arabic? So far none from you meaning you are arguing from speculation. Ali Sina has been refuted countless times , I don't need to tell you. You can google for answers. He is just too skint to pay the USD50k.

Like I stated , your constant dodging of the issues have been noted. About time you grow a spine and address the issues head on. If you don't know , just admit it.
Last edited by sam1528 on 22-11-2012 11:30 PM


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Post time 23-11-2012 04:01 AM | Show all posts
Goys always be goys
Jesus always be a Jew

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 Author| Post time 23-11-2012 04:16 PM | Show all posts
Fellow Christian, do you all enjoy the truths i have exposed about Jesus and Muhammad ? At the same time you can also witness how devout muslim can go all the distance to deceive and twist the fact just to defend their beloved paedophile cum murderer cum rapist cum narcissist cum mad man called Muhammad. it's little wonder why someone will commit these bestial crimes like Sept 11 and Bali bombing to fellow innocent human beings....It's bone chilling to be exact.

For a new beginner and a fresh believer like me, what do you all think i fair in this debate with a recalcitrant veteran muslim ? If you all follow closely this debate in the beginning, like i said before, debating with muslims is really amusing and yet seemingly unproductive at the same time.( Even that Sxx1xxx starts emulating me by describing this debate as entertaining in his last two replies) ...   Speaking of aping, they will pretend that they are better than you in understanding the Bible by quoting the bible and start teaching you the bible, this remind you of which character ? Yes, Lucifer..or the devil..or the Satan.
I visited a lot of ex-muslims websites and they all almost unanimously agree with me that debating with hardcore muslims is the same all over the world, be it Nadir Ahmed, Alwi Alatas and Zakir Naik.....speaking of Zakir Naik, last time around when i said that he was challenged to a open debate with Ali Sina by someone, note someone and not Ali Sina himself because every sane human knows that you will be brutally killed if you refute islam with truth in open.... but one imbecile is quoting as saying"you are just cycling in cycle when you said Ali Sina is to debate Zakir in open in the first place and later part refuse to debate Zakir in open, you are contradicting yourself".... How dumb or simply fact twisting, the first instances is not initiated by Ali Sina at all, it's a proposal by public to have a debate between Sina and Zakir. Any sane human being will not dare to debate muslim in open for fear of their lives will be ended in a instantl by muslim thugs if they embarrass islam with truths. All these have been well documented before. Even so, a lot of questions posted by Sina in his website just cannot and will not be answered by Zakir simply because islam don't have answers to the contradictions and absurdity in their holy book. This again materialized what Sam Soloman(he himself an ex-muslim) said about Islam.

I think i have to wind up this debate and make a conclusion because this will be a never ending debate when you debate with a deceptive and fact-twisting muslim. I miss my motoring forum by the way. To wind up, let me share with you all some verses about Lucifer in the Bible....;
For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works" (2 Corinthians 11:13–15).

Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, "I am the Christ," and will deceive many'" (Matthew 24:4–5).

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.Revelations 20:10

Hallelujah ! Amen. Last edited by wkk5159 on 23-11-2012 04:18 PM


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Post time 23-11-2012 07:17 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 23-11-2012 04:16 PM
Fellow Christian, do you all enjoy the truths i have exposed about Jesus and Muhammad ? At the same  ...
Fellow Christian, do you all enjoy the truths i have exposed about Jesus and Muhammad ? At the same time you can also witness how devout muslim can go all the distance to deceive and twist the fact just to defend their beloved paedophile cum murderer cum rapist cum narcissist cum mad man called Muhammad. it's little wonder why someone will commit these bestial crimes like Sept 11 and Bali bombing to fellow innocent human beings....It's bone chilling to be exact.

For a new beginner and a fresh believer like me, what do you all think i fair in this debate with a recalcitrant veteran muslim ? If you all follow closely this debate in the beginning, like i said before, debating with muslims is really amusing and yet seemingly unproductive at the same time.( Even that Sxx1xxx starts emulating me by describing this debate as entertaining in his last two replies) ...   Speaking of aping, they will pretend that they are better than you in understanding the Bible by quoting the bible and start teaching you the bible, this remind you of which character ? Yes, Lucifer..or the devil..or the Satan.
I visited a lot of ex-muslims websites and they all almost unanimously agree with me that debating with hardcore muslims is the same all over the world, be it Nadir Ahmed, Alwi Alatas and Zakir Naik.....speaking of Zakir Naik, last time around when i said that he was challenged to a open debate with Ali Sina by someone, note someone and not Ali Sina himself because every sane human knows that you will be brutally killed if you refute islam with truth in open.... but one imbecile is quoting as saying"you are just cycling in cycle when you said Ali Sina is to debate Zakir in open in the first place and later part refuse to debate Zakir in open, you are contradicting yourself".... How dumb or simply fact twisting, the first instances is not initiated by Ali Sina at all, it's a proposal by public to have a debate between Sina and Zakir. Any sane human being will not dare to debate muslim in open for fear of their lives will be ended in a instantl by muslim thugs if they embarrass islam with truths. All these have been well documented before. Even so, a lot of questions posted by Sina in his website just cannot and will not be answered by Zakir simply because islam don't have answers to the contradictions and absurdity in their holy book. This again materialized what Sam Soloman(he himself an ex-muslim) said about Islam.

I think i have to wind up this debate and make a conclusion because this will be a never ending debate when you debate with a deceptive and fact-twisting muslim. I miss my motoring forum by the way. To wind up, let me share with you all some verses about Lucifer in the Bible....;
For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works" (2 Corinthians 11:13–15).

Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, "I am the Christ," and will deceive many'" (Matthew 24:4–5).

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.Revelations 20:10

Hallelujah ! Amen.

Awww , poor chap. You are just a clown that have been defeated. On top of it you are just a cheap natural born liar. To recap what you have so far
(1) When asked about the nature of Trinity , you jump from 1 issue to another and ending up admitting its a mystery
(2) You 'die-die' claim Codex Alexandrinus = Dead Sea Scrolls but when your blunder has been pointed out , another lame damage control '.. every christian knows that Codex Alexandrinus is not equal to the Dead Sea Scrolls but I want to bait you..'
(3) You claim , Prophet Muhammad(saw) was a pedophile not knowing what is the medical definition of pedophilia. Ending up , exe16:8 sanctioned his marriage to Aishah(ra) and the bible actually teaches pedophilia with biblical Isaac at 40 marrying biblical Rebekah who was only 3 , a prepubertal.
(4) I have caught you lying with your claim Prophet Muhammad(saw) raped captives with bit part of Sahih Muslim 4345. The full hadiths shows that the woman captive was returned to her people as prisoner exchange. Yeah , a copy paste argument from Ali Sina.
(5) You claim Prophet Muhammad(saw) encouraged rape of captives per hadiths Abu Dawud 2150, also Muslim 3433 and Bukhari 3:4:432  but nowhere in the hadiths state of any rape. You don't want to be called out being a liar , do you? Another copy paste argument from Ali Sina
(6) You are extremely silent when pointed out the biblical God assisted raping of women captives , zech14:2
(7) You are extremely silent when pointed out that the biblical God commands to execute apostates
(7) You presented the CPI index and tried to claim christianity is the cause of why christian dominated countries tops the index but conveniently left out the bit that christian dominated countries also dominate the bottom end. So easy to catch you trying to lie.
(8) You claim Prophet Muhammad(saw) practiced polygny not knowing the bible teaches unlimited polygny in mat19:9
(9) First Dr Zakir Naik is afraid to debate Ali Sina in public but then Ali Sina is afraid to debate in public. When pointed out of your flip flop , suddenly it now becomes a proposal for a public debate. You are making a mockery of yourself with your flip flops. You don't even know who is Ali Sina. The latest is to debate Ali Sina at his site. Why should anyone debate at Ali Sina site when he conveniently erase comments that he cannot answer.
(10) You don't even know the latest with regards to the so called iranian pastor and still yapping that he has been sentenced to death. BTW , now you are just too embarrassed to admit that the pastor is considered a cultist by mainstream christians
(11) You cannot even articulate what is trinity and resort to modalism which has been rejected by mainstream trinitarians
(12) You quote Sam Solomon the so called self declared islamic scholar who claims to be able to point out contradictions in the Quran , until now ..... zilch

Ha ha , never ending debate? This debate has ended. You have been cornered in all aspect in addition to you being exposed being a liar. Now you are just looking for an exit.  Yeah , just run with your tail between your legs ( they always do that). Come back when you have better understanding of your own bible.  

BTW , lucifer was actually a christian bishop. His full name Lucifer Calaritanus of Cagilari who opposed Arianism ~ CE370. He had disagreements with Jerome who later came out with the ploemics of lucifer being satan. Such ploemics is nothing new in the Christian church just like what you are doing now. Polemics aka arguing without evidence.
Last edited by sam1528 on 23-11-2012 09:53 PM


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Post time 2-12-2012 10:08 PM | Show all posts
Very true.. aci.. both has transgressed!

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 Author| Post time 7-12-2012 11:09 AM | Show all posts
dinsmann posted on 2-12-2012 10:08 PM
Very true.. aci.. both has transgressed!

I used to believe that all religions is good for mankind, like common folks used to say; all religions are good and it is the human factor which corrupt the religion, i won't say this statement is wrong but i can only say that it's only partially correct...and just like you, my perception of life was so secular that i believed that there was no differences in adopting any formal religion as long as it was politically correct to accept any of these great religions of the world.

But as i study the doctrines of these religions, the more i study, the more uncompromise differences i discovered. You have to study them yourself before coming to conclusion as it would take years just to argue on this topic and i don't want to enter into an argument with you. Of course, be as neutral as you can when comparing these religions and i know it's tough as we are all to some extent preconceived with idealogy and subconcious religious teaching which we are not aware of.

Lastly, i like to give you a simple analogy for the comparison of religions. Most religion is like pure water, externallly they all look as if it is harmless and just like drinkable pure water which will quench the thirst of most spiritual thirsty folks....but if i tell you today that this water contains 1% arsenic and 99% water, would you want to drink it anymore ? Same with most religions today, they might appear good to most eyes, with many great teachings and philosophies but believing in it is just like drinking that water which contains the minute amount of arsenic, it will only lead you to ultimate death and not salvation.


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Post time 7-12-2012 11:46 PM | Show all posts
very true again..

the earthly hindus ... (the most peaceful)
the flaming jews ...
the water that could drown .. christians
the windy muslims..  

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Post time 8-12-2012 06:04 AM | Show all posts
Chlorine is a toxin - poison
infectants are viruses - plague
boil the two for purification and cleanliness...

Thus, desalination is a synthetic deteriorating way
in deceiving mankind for survival as Gods...

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 Author| Post time 8-12-2012 10:45 AM | Show all posts
dinsmann posted on 7-12-2012 11:46 PM
very true again..

the earthly hindus ... (the most peaceful)

the earthly hindus...(the most peaceful) ??? Seems like you are indoctrinated with subconcious religious biases.....


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Post time 8-12-2012 04:11 PM | Show all posts
the four elements earth, fire, water and wind
aptly described the characteristics of the four religions..
I am biased to all religions and the Creator did not
subscribe religion ...  

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Post time 17-3-2013 12:14 AM | Show all posts
Dari Allah kami datang,  kepad Allah kami kembali
Dr tanah kami dujadikan,  kepada tanah kami dikembalikan

Tiada tuhan yg disembah melainkan allah
Dan nabi muhammad saw pesuruh allah

Al quran,  adalah kitb akhir zaman

Kami beriman pada allah, malaikat,  rasul,  kitab alquran, hari kiamat and qada &qadar

Tiada apa yg mampu menggoyahkan iman

Debat la semahu kamu,
Sbb tuhan tetap satu,

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Post time 18-3-2013 07:36 PM | Show all posts
another stupid threat.....

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 Author| Post time 6-4-2013 07:18 PM | Show all posts
cmf_BeachBoys posted on 18-3-2013 07:36 PM
another stupid threat.....

It's thread not threat.....why muslims subconciuosly want to threaten people ??

Islam is a dictatorial religion in which it only want to subdue and subjugate its impending believers.

Islam literally means submission to Allah. It's purpose is not the salvation of soul but to submit and surrender to Allah.


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Post time 6-4-2013 08:29 PM | Show all posts
wkk5159 posted on 6-4-2013 07:18 PM
It's thread not threat.....why muslims subconciuosly want to threaten people ??
Last edited by cmf_BeachBoys on 6-4-2013 08:30 PM


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