P/s: Aku nak g Jepun malam esok untuk work trip seminggu
che'mah Post at 25-2-2012 15:03 
Motipp bagitahu??? Kat Jepun x da tenet??
Nak belajar jadi Geisha ke? |
(kalau ko anak jantan BUGIS la).
che'mah Post at 25-2-2012 15:03 
Ini bukan thread Bugis bah...aku sudah tepek Surat Beranak nya si Mahathir di thread borak? Ko bulih pigi sana |
sbb patih gaja mada yg telah memperkenalkan konsep alam nusantara yg mana sebelum ini adalah alam melayu.
manuskrip_lama Post at 25-2-2012 17:45 
Alam Melayu ni macam citer kat TV3 setiap malam Jumaat khenn |
tp, dgr2, org limbng diorg more ke brunei ek?
khutbh pun ke sultn brunei kn?
manuskrip_lama Post at 26-2-2012 05:09 
Ko ni pon satu...bukan semua Melayu kat Sabah tu Islam...ada je Melayu Kristian macam sebilangan orang Melayu Kadazan |
Motipp bagitahu??? Kat Jepun x da tenet??
Nak belajar jadi Geisha ke?
nobito Post at 26-2-2012 11:36 
I am better than you ever be in your life time. Kalau aku cakap sini pun ko takkan percaya aku...ko pegi je la link ni
Just want to remind you that, ko tak tahu sapa yang ko bercakap di forum ini. Ko ni masih budak-budak tapi kurang ajar! Sorry to say that if you meet me personally, I would not even entertain your sorry ass.
This is what I hate about online forum, budak-budak semakin kurang ajar & think that they know everything. In real life, you have to call me Dr. |
Post Last Edit by che'mah at 26-2-2012 16:24
Reply 43# nobito
And to prove that I am telling the truth, I scan my flight itenarary for you to see. Aku bukan macam ko budak mentah yang hanya pandai menyalak macam anjing tapi tak berani nak bertindak.
Btw, mostly kadazan dusun di sabah bukan Muslim. You admit you a Muslim but I don't see you as a Muslim. Even Christians have better moral than you. Maybe you are a free thinker or an atheist. Betapa sedihnya bila orang lain ingat ko sebagai kafir sbb perangai ko yg teruk.
I would never entertain your thread, pm or any of your bullshits EVER AGAIN.
Sekian, terima kasih. |
Just want to remind you that, ko tak tahu sapa yang ko bercakap di forum ini. Ko ni masih budak-budak tapi kurang ajar! Sorry to say that if you meet me personally, I would not even entertain your sorry ass.
This is what I hate about online forum, budak-budak semakin kurang ajar & think that they know everything. In real life, you have to call me Dr.
che'mah Post at 26-2-2012 14:20 
Marah ke hakak...tak da zaman skang tak da zaman dulu
Hakak...sorry I will not call you Dr...hakak cuma manusia biasa sama macam Mahathir dan Najib..lain la kalau hakak tu Raja-Raja Melayu |
Reply 47# che'mah
Napa hakak marah saya n cakap saya x da moral...kan saya puji hakak sbg pakar Sejarah |
I would never entertain your thread, pm or any of your bullshits EVER AGAIN.
Owh dia marah sangat...mungkin dah biasa dipandang tinggi kat 'Apex' u
Disebabkan hakak tu dah x nak jawab persoalan yang mengelirukan ni...harap ada porumer2..pakar2 sejarah yang lain dan orang2 Melayu Kadazan boleh kasi pencerahan
Mungkin penulis2 blog Melayu Kadazan dan porumer2 forum Sabah boleh menjelaskan lg. |
Meghoyan la ko sorang2 dlm thread ni, takde sape nak layan dah...kikikikikikikiki |
Post Last Edit by manuskrip_lama at 26-2-2012 16:49
Reply 45# nobito
nak kene jizyah nape plak nobito?
kerajaan arab bukannya sampai ke kerajaan melayu.
kalu uthmaniyah pun cube dorg mengamalkan "dasar diplomasi luar negara".
mmg ada melayu kristian kat sana.
melayu kadazan, melayu iban etc.
mmg agak pelik sebenarnye.
tp tu le..
nak wat mcm ne.
ape yg sy tahu, mmg tunku pujuk sabah dan sarawak masuk malaysia.
tp tak le sampai merayu2.
sbb tunku kate terpulg pd sabah n saarawak. nk join, join, xnak sudah, lgpun United Nation selidik n kaji benda ni.
lgpun sabah n sarawak baru pas merdeka time tu.
sabah kalu tak silap 31 ogos 1963.
sarawak plak kalu tak silap 22 julai 1963.
jadik, sabah n sarawak ni mesti dalam keadaan tak selamat.
sebab filipina tuntut sabah.
indonesia plak tuntut sarawak.
jadik, dorg amik pilihan masuk Malaysia yang bermakna Tanah Melayu.
persekutuan tanah melayu bergabung dengan sabah, sarawak, singapura n brunei jadik la Malaysia.
tp, brunei n singapura kuar atas sebab2 tertentu.
tp, masih mengekalkan Malaysia yg bermakn Tanah Melayu.
pandangan sy yg x sebarapa.
ok x? |
lgpun, nak tambah.
sbb kebanyakan org sarawak, dorg tak suke indonesia.
sy tak ingat sebab2 die.
sy dh lupe.
lg2 time tu, mmg komunis mmg semakin berkembang giler2.
kat asia tenggara ni, yg trime komunis ni, cume indonesia je, dorg berkiblatkan cina dan russia.
melayu raya kan sama dengan indonesia raya.
ehehhehe.. |
Sayang Sumandak...Sayang Melayu Kadazan..
Sa harap satu hari nanti Melayu Kadazan akan menerima nama Melayu Raya dengan hati terbuka sebab kamu urang sama-sama Melayu. Betul bah?
nobito Post at 25-2-2012 11:06 
Banyak pihak yang berpendapat bahwa orang Sarawak dan Sabah adalah orang yang paling bodoh se Malaysia karena mereka menerima tawaran TAR bergabung dengan Tanah SEmenanjung membentuk Malaysia .. Padahal jika mereka membentuk negara sendiri ... saya yakin Sabah dan Sarawak akan lebih maju dari Tanah Semenanjung ...
The smartest adalah Brunei .... selanjutnya ... Singapore ... |
Reply 54# wartakita
nape kamu leh kate macam tu ek? |
Reply 55# manuskrip_lama
sebab wak org indonesia, dia masih simpan dendam sebab sabah dgn sarawak pilih tuk bergabung dengan Malaysia dari bergabung dgn indonesia. sudah2 la tu wak kejadian da berpuluh2 tahun pon nak dikenang lg, kalau dulu orgnye budak2 sekarang dah jdk tok nenek dah |
Post Last Edit by wartakita at 26-2-2012 20:46
Reply wartakita
wah, menarik.
manuskrip_lama Post at 26-2-2012 19:45 
Brunei Smartest, Singapore Smarter, Sarawak Stupid, Sabah Most Stupid Beyond Redemption!! (Part-1. Brunei)
I don't have to be a Malaysian history expert or professor to talk about the formation of Malaysia. Tunku Abdul Rahman "invited" Brunei, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore to form "Federation of Malaysia" with Malaya. Therefore, Brunei, Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore could have more privileges and special rights than "any of the states in Malaya", in short, they should not be deemed as just one of the states in the Federation of Malaysia, they ought to be treated as a "treaty-member" with Malaya!
Let's look at Brunei in Part-1:
The Brunei Sultanate would have ceased to exist as an independent state without Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saiffuddien. In August 1963, Indonesia was opposing the proposed Federation of Malaysia and confronting Malaya and Singapore. Only eight months earlier, on 8 December 1962, Brunei had faced a revolt by Sheikh Azahari of the Partai Rakyat Brunei (PRB) and British forces from Singapore had flown in to put down the rebellion.
It was a time of great peril when the Sultan decided not to join the proposed Federation. Singapore went ahead and joined the Federation. Sultan Omar Ali was under great pressure from the British who had hinted that they would be leaving the region soon. But he stood firm. He put his position as Sultan and the fate of his people on the line. His judgment was that the British would be responsible enough to give him some time to get his country in better shape before British forces left.
The late Sultan was a modest man. He was soft-spoken, with a frequent smile when speaking to his friends. He lived a simple and frugal life.On May 1961, Tunku Abdul Rahman, the Malayan Prime Minister, at an address to the Foreign Correspondents Association in Singapore, mooted the formation of Malaysia, to include Brunei, Sarawak, North Borneo (subsequently to be named Sabah), Singapore and Malaya.
On 5 December 1961, Sultan Sir Omar Ali described the Malaysia proposal as very attractive. In January 1962, he appointed a Brunei-Malaysia Commission to report on the opinion of the people. On 18 July 1962, the Sultan stated that he accepted the Malaysia proposal in principal, but that did not necessarily mean it was final. If agreement could not be reached on important conditions affecting benefits to the people and the state, Brunei would not participate in the Malaysia plan.
In August 1962, the Partai Rakyat Brunei (PRB) won a landslide election victory in four District Councils, which in turn would choose 16 members for the Legislative Council (LegCo). The PRB won 54 seats and had all the 16 members required for the LegCo. But they could not form the government. The 17 government nominees outnumbered the PRB in the 33-member Council. Sheikh Azahari, leader of the PRB, rejected the proposal that Brunei join the proposed Malaysian Federation.
Azahari put forward three motions at the LegCo meeting, for 5 December 1962; first, to reject the proposal of a Malaysian Federation; second, to request the restoration of Brunei's sovereignty over Sarawak and North Borneo and the installation of the Sultan as constitutional monarch of the North Borneo Federation; and third, a request to the British to grant independence to Brunei not later than 1963. The Speaker of the LegCo disallowed the motions because the issues fell within the purview of the British government under the 1959 British-Brunei Agreement. Sheikh Azahari, the PRB leader then decided to resort to a military solution and staged a rebellion led by its military wing, Tentera Nasional Kalimantan Utara (TNKU).
The revolt began on December 8. It was put down in short order by British forces flown in from Singapore. On 20 December, Sultan Omar Ali declared a State of Emergency, suspended the Constitution, dissolved the LegCo, and appointed a 14-member Emergency Council comprising four ex-officio members, including the British High Commissioner, Sir Denis White, and 10 members nominated by the Sultan.
Negotiations on Malaysia were resumed in earnest following the end of the rebellion. The sultan did not accept the terms that Malaya offered him. When the Malaysia Agreement was signed on 9 July 1963 in London, Singapore, North Borneo and Sarawak signed on. Brunei did not. He was very firm in his decision not to join. As a result, after Malaysia was formed on 16 September 1963, Tunku Abdul Rahman, the Prime Minister of Malaysia, recalled hundreds of Malaysian teachers and government officers seconded to serve the Brunei administration. Their departure caused a temporary dislocation in Brunei.
Several accounts were given to explain the reason for Brunei's decision not to join the Malaysian Federation. One account cited disagreement over oil revenues as the primary cause. Kuala Lumpur wanted Brunei to hand over control of its oil to the federal government after 10 years. Kuala Lumpur also wanted to immediately tax any new oil and mineral finds discovered after Brunei joined Malaysia and to make the Sultan's contribution of $40 million to the federal revenues compulsory rather than voluntary. The Sultan was said to have found these terms unacceptable.
Another account from Kuala Lumpur alluded to the Sultan's unhappiness over the issue of royal precedence. Sir Omar was neither willing to compromise Brunei's control over its oil revenues nor ready to have his privileges as the Ruler of Brunei curtailed. More to the point, the vibes that Sultan Omar Ali felt during the negotiations were that he would become subordinate to Kuala Lumpur's leaders and he would rank behind Malaysian's nine Sultans in seniority, besides giving up a chunk of this oil wealth to KL. He met Lee Kuan Yuan soon after Singapore was asked to leave Malaysia in August 1965, he nodded with satisfaction that his decision not to join was wiser than Singapore's acceptance of Malaysia.
Just over two months after Malaysia was formed, on 1 December 1963, the British Colonial Office cut its long-term connection with Brunei. The British High Commissioner in Brunei, no longer called the British Resident, henceforth would deal with Secretary of State for Commonwealth.
When the Labour Government took office in 1964, it became clear that sooner or later they would withdraw their forces from east of Suez. This would jeopardise Brunei's secure position as a protectorate. British advisers pressed the Sultan to hasten the implementation of constitutional reforms so that there could be a democratic government in place. In March 1965, a second general election was held for District and Legislative Councillors. 36 candidates contested for 10 LegCo seats in the 21-member LegCo that would comprise six ex-officio members and five members nominated by the Sultan. 88 candidates fought for seats in four Districts Councils. A large number of candidates contesting under political parties were defeated by independents because the political parties were weak.
On 4 October 1967, Sultan Omar Ali, then aged only 53, abdicated in favour of his 21-year-old son, Hassanal Bolkiah, born on July 1946. It was a strategic move he made to buy time before a British withdrawal. Protracted negotiations with the British on Brunei's future continued following the abdication. The Sultan, now the Seri Begawan, dragged out the discussions. He wanted the son to get familiar with the administration. Moreover, his son was only 21 years old. He deflected pressure to adopt the British adversarial Parliamentary system.
He argued with the British that he needed a few years for the young Sultan to learn the ropes and strengthen the domestic situation ahead of any constitutional changes. He bought time from 1963 to 1983, over 20 years, when the British finally withdrew, and Brunei became an independent state. Without the skilful and determined stand taken by Sultan Omar Ali in the full knowledge that he was risking the future of his Sultanate if the British were to leave precipitately, he saved his dynasty, delayed majority rule before Brunei was ready, and secured Brunei's continued defence by an agreement to pay for one British Gurkha battalion that would stay in Brunei but under British control. A discreet presence remained.
http://malaysia-today.net/mtcolumns/from-around-the-blogs/47599-brunei-smartest-singapore-smarter-sarawak-stupid-sabah-most-stupid-beyond-redemption-part-1-brunei- |
Setelah membaca jawapan-2 dari nobito...................aku amat yakin sekali nobito adalah pelajar sekolah. Deyyyyyy, gi studylar UPSR dah dekat....asyik berporem jah kojo ko. |
Reply 56# kurtzuandy
tu la.
sy stuju.
sy sndiri penah baca bahawa sukarno dan Prof. Yamin nak sangat2 giler2 kat Semenanjung Tanah Melayu.
sebabnya Semenanjung Tanah Melayu ni kaya dan dah maju sejak zaman kerajaan Melaka lagi.
then, dorg kate tak pakai kolonialisme, padahal dorg terang2 pakai kolonialisme belanda yang merangkumi seluruh kepulauan melayu:sumatra, jawa, nusa, sulawesi, papua dan lain2.
tp dorg kate, tu adalah kerajaan Majapahit.
tp sebenarnya, kerajaan majapahit ni, menurut pengkaji sejarah barat n indonesia.
dorg pun tak pasti sama ada btol ke x kerajaan majapahit ni merangkumi seluruh asia tenggara.
adakah ni propaganda patih gaja mada or ape2? |
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