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Post Last Edit by Zamarul at 11-8-2011 17:54
FYI, aku pilot mas berpangkat First Officer (co-pilot) di MAS. type rating aku ialah B737 narrow body dimana aku fly aircraft paling kecik di MAS. Qualification aku SPM je & skang umo aku 25 taun. So kalau korang nk tau lebih tentang gaji pilot, check bawah ni.
Basic salary for Second Officers (SO), 2 BARS:
- Upon endorsement, a Cadet Pilot will be paid a basic monthly salary of RM4,229
- On posting to the fleet, without supervision of co-pilot – RM5,069
- Second year on fleet – RM5,360
- Third year and onwards – RM5,668
Basic salary for First Officers (FO), 3 BARS:
- Narrow body aircraft – RM5,984 – RM9,501
- Wide body aircraft – RM9,146 – RM17,009
Narrow body and wide body aircrafts are differentiated by a number of factors including the plane size and width, seating and so on. Typically, a narrow body aircraft has less than 200 seating, while a wide body can accommodate between 200 to 600 (Note: This is just a general definition).
Meals and Night Stop Allowances:
- Allowances range between RM150 to RM160 per night, depending on city of stop over.
Flying/Pilot Productivity Allowances (PPA):
- Narrow body aircraft – RM48 for Captain, RM29 for co-pilot
- Wide body aircraft – RM72 for Captain, RM43 for co-pilot
Average Gross Salary (inclusive of basic salary & allowances):
- Second Officer, SO – RM6,000 – RM8,000
- First Officer, FO – RM10,000 – RM16,000 (also depends on craft size)
- Captain – RM15,000 – RM35,000 (also depends on craft size)
Aku rasa korang maybe tau gaji aku bape. so aku suggest pada sapa yg bru abis SPM @ lepas grad blh apply pilot. It is an interesting career. |
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rasenyer dlm mesia ni xde lg kot fresh grad terus keje dpt 5k
reenz013 Post at 29-7-2011 17:30 
ada...network engineer...kawan iols dapat rm5500..fresh grad..tu tak campur claim lg.. |
Reply 44# siputsedut
yeker..iols baru tahu ada rupanyer fresh grad dpt 5k  |
Post Last Edit by damiqula at 12-8-2011 08:32
Reply 45# siputsedut
setuju.kalo IT leh cecah 5k,tapi kene sesuai ngan requirement or software yang diguna pakai la.or maybe based in oversea.or tambah2 allowance bagai baru bunyi logik sket.kalo basic 5k agak impossible kalau kampeni kecik.lainla mnc.
1st level bese kecik sket gaji dalam 2k lebey,bile dah 2nd level insyaAllah ok 3k lebey.n bile dah jadi software engineer atau consultant,lelebih lagi senior consultant or specialist or contractor,sky is the limit kate omputih  |
Post Last Edit by siputsedut at 12-8-2011 09:35
Reply siputsedut
yeker..iols baru tahu ada rupanyer fresh grad dpt 5k
reenz013 Post at 12-8-2011 07:42 
hehe ini yang iols tau la...tetau jugak yang lain..rasanya ade je tp orang tak gebang2...mcm IT...dia tak glemer mcm doktor or mechanical engineer...sbb tuh orang ingat IT ni kejenye biasa2 je...g keje check komputer check server room balik keje..hehe bidang IT..sangattttttttttt la luas...dan sangat byk peluang pekerjaan..sbb dia biasa buat pengkhususan |
Reply 49# siputsedut
aah kije IT 
kampeni yang disebut di atas tu kampeni u ke?dengar cer ade racist sket  |
Reply 52# siputsedut
xleh pakai uols.kije buruh tu,terseksa mengangkat simen bagai,berape je yang leh dapat.sian leh pakai tak perbandingan ni?  |
Reply 55# siputsedut
mode bersyukur di bulan ramadhon gitew  |
Reply 57# siputsedut
setujuk sgt2.mak aku pun kalo org kampung tanye kije ape,die ckp kije komputer.kalo makcik2 tnye,ckp IT je.kalo explain pun,bukan diorang paham.habis kene juih noks.makcik2 ni kan jaki 
motep kite serupa?motep thread ni jadi thread borak?  |
Reply 59# siputsedut
ade pesbuk tak cik sipotsedot?  |
Reply 43# Zamarul
neh nak mintak camner nehh?? |
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