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Author: gigibudak

memikat wanita menggunakan "psychology manipulation"

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Post time 29-11-2010 07:17 PM | Show all posts
Reply  camrey
biasa aja tu. baru siket aje. terbuku lagi ni
hani85 Post at 29-11-2010 18:59

Yg terbuku tu luahkan kat sini boleh dibukukan
Iols sokong uols dari belakang  

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Post time 29-11-2010 09:38 PM | Show all posts
Reply 41# camrey

tamo... itu rahsia i

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Post time 30-11-2010 03:20 PM | Show all posts
erm, cmne kalo laki tu memuji...
tp pompuan tu lak jawb secara 'push'...

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Post time 30-11-2010 05:06 PM | Show all posts
push-pull ni skill PUA paling basic dan sekarang ni tak boleh nak harapkan P&P saja.

biasanya PUA akan mix sekali peacocking+P&P sebab peacocking can be a good ice-breaker.

tak dinafikan P&P is a good way to break the ice tapi zaman IT sekarang ni susah sikit nak rely dengan P&P.

sekarang ni PUA dah extend sikit pakai skill Bold atau McGuffin...

by the way, ada sapa2 dah sampai level kiss close :p

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Post time 30-11-2010 05:38 PM | Show all posts
Reply 44# cmf_king_kong

pehh PUA plak. skill baru ni. xnak download kat sini ke?

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Post time 30-11-2010 05:39 PM | Show all posts
oh sori. upload

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Post time 30-11-2010 05:45 PM | Show all posts
kalo mengorat lelaki bukan kah lbh kurg gak...
sakat2 laki tuh..
jinak2 merpati..
so laki tu akan rase thrill..

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Post time 30-11-2010 10:25 PM | Show all posts
Reply 45# hani85

PUA - Pick-up artist

nama saintifik bagi playboy

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Post time 30-11-2010 10:47 PM | Show all posts
Reply 48# cmf_king_kong

mintak didownload ke patek boleh

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Post time 30-11-2010 11:21 PM | Show all posts

ntah hape2.......

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Post time 1-12-2010 12:43 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_king_kong at 6-12-2010 09:47

Reply 49# hani85

skill paling basic yang ko boleh try

first ko kena berada dalam familiar environment...contohnya mcm kenduri kahwin sepupu or open house rumah member baik ko.

PUA refers to it as control environment dan biasanya testing ground bagi beginner sebab modal untuk P & P dah ada.

katalah environment ko dekat open house raya rumah member, ko nampak sorang awek cun ni (target) tengah borak2 dengan kawan2 dia dan decide nak approach.

1. First thing first, set your goal. Apa ko nak? katalah your goal with this target is ko nak dapat no telefon dia.

2. Then make sure dia takda attachment (bf/tunang/laki)

3. Second move is ko kena break dia dari group tu..ko kena borrow the target from her friends.

4. Caranya be direct. Straight and simple. Tak payah hi, hi...just pergi terus dekat dia dan cakap "maaf ye boleh tak awak ikut saya sekejap?...kejap je dalam 5-10 minit mcmtu?..i promse it won't take long"...bila ko datang direct macam tu she have no choice but to break herself from the group.

5. Distance you and your target within 5 to 10 meters from her friends...jauh dari kawan dia tapi still in sight dan dengan jarak tu dia takkan rasa any hostile. Eventhough ko terjah dia mcm tu biasanya target akan ikut ko sebab 5 minutes won't harm anybody kan?

6. Once ko dan target ko dah in the zone. Be bold. Guna direct opener. Bagitahu dia yg ko rasa yang dia tu cantik dan sangat berminat nak berkenalan dengan dia (PULL) cth ayat "sebenarnya saya dari tadi tengok awak, saya rasa awak sangat cantik dan saya berminat nak berkenalan dengan awak"...jgn risau kalau ko sound mcm desperate sbb direct opener biasanya menunjukkan ko confident dan bukan lelaki average plus perempuan mana yang tak suka kena puji?

7. Biasanya target ko akan blur2 sikit...typical respond is "..OHh kay.." or "...okay..thanks..." bila dia dah respond tu, jangan biarkan dia dalam kebluran, terus tukar topik, tanya dia typical relevance question macam "awak kawan hana (org yg buat open house) ke?"..

8. Respon dia biasanya short dan pasif cthnya mcm "ha'a..kwn hana"...then tease/challenge her, cth ayat "ye ke kawan hana? saya tak pernah nampak awak pun sebelum ni? saya tak nampak pun hana cakap dengan awak...betul ke awak kawan hana?" (PUSH)

9. Dah kena mcm tu target ko biasanya akan bite back dan being defensive mcm cthnya dia akan ckp "eh betullah saya kawan hana...awak ni sapa pandai2 cakap saya mcm tu?"...

10. Jangan risau buat dia marah, a little bit intense is good to built up conversation...from here ko main2 dengan P & P...this is the part where you have to "BE YOURSELF"...note that aku tak mentioned anything about introducing yourself to your target dlm step2 dekat atas...this is the part where you open up to her.

11. Important notes. keep the conversation SIMPLE AND SHORT. Jangan meleret2 sampai berjam2. Keep it maximum at 15 minutes even kalau ko rasa ko boleh borak smpi esok pagi dgn dia...remember ko janji dengan dia 5 - 10 minit sahaja.

12. Bila dah mcm 10 to 15 minutes is time for closing. Ingat balik objektif ko ialah nak dapat nombor phone dia. Please remember this.."Never Ask For The Phone Number" instead "Tell Her To Give The Number".

13. Cara dia..masa ko borak2 dgn dia tu just take out your phone, and masukkan nama dia dekat phonebook ko..katala nama dia Yana dan ko dpt tau dia suka dengan band Incubus be creative..give her a nickname..cthnya.."saya letak nama awak dlm phone saya Yana Boyd sebab awak suka Incubus" dan terus hands her your phone and tells her to put in her number..cth ayat.."letak nombor phone awak kejap..hehe"..and trust me she will give her phone number...sebab ko suruh bukan mintak..kalau ko minta dia, there will be a moment yg dia akan berfikir "nak kasi ke tak nak" but kalau ko kasi dia handset ko dan suruh dia key in numbers dia under the name "Yana Boyd"...ko rasa dia nak letak ke tak nak?

14. Bila ko dah closing, ask for permission to leave because you need to even there's no reason for that...bila dah bye bye semua tu just leave the environment dan balik rumah.

Lepas tu terpulanglah apa ko nak thing for sure, you already make her thinking of you before she goes to bed.

Aku dah guna skill ni banyak kali and it never fails...jangan salah faham, ini bukan skill mengorat..ini ialah approaching skill...mengorat take place lepas dia kasi no telefon tu..samada dia jadi gf ko atau tak depends dengan your move after that...itu ko kena improvise sendiri lah sebab i cannot teach you to be yourself

good luck



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 Author| Post time 1-12-2010 06:04 AM | Show all posts
mengorat ni adalh mengikat emosi pompuan dh test td..memang sah pompuan like to guess..

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Post time 1-12-2010 01:19 PM | Show all posts
kalo mengorat lelaki bukan kah lbh kurg gak...
sakat2 laki tuh..
jinak2 merpati..
so laki tu akan ...
limauais Post at 30-11-2010 17:45

ye ke gitu...
kire ape yg aku buat tu bole la ek..
hehe...nk tros kn la..
muahaha...dtg semangat secara mendadaq...

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Post time 1-12-2010 01:30 PM | Show all posts
Reply 51# cmf_king_kong

bestnye tips ni. ader x tips tuk ngurat jejans ensom without looking cheap?

let say aku minat sgt tgk sorg laki ni dlm lrt. mcm demure2 gitu. im dying to talk to him (let say dia sorg2). tp aku malu. n aku nak approach dia without looking cheap. approach yg buleh bg impression kat dia, like, wow, this girl is interesting.

lotsa times aku nak approach tp xtahu mcmana

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Post time 1-12-2010 05:03 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_king_kong at 1-12-2010 17:12
Reply  cmf_king_kong

bestnye tips ni. ader x tips tuk ngurat jejans ensom without looking cheap? ...
hani85 Post at 1-12-2010 13:30

my tips to you...

1. Set your objektif/goal...apa yg ko nak dari dia?...let say ko nak "berkawan" dengan dia and eventually get his contact.

2. then dekatkan diri ko dengan dia but keep it normal...jangan la ko terjah dia mcm yg aku tulis kt tips atas..itu untuk lelaki, perempuan tak sesuai buat macam tu. Cara dia, keep the distance between you and him within vocal range..maknanya kalau ko ckp dgn dia, dia boleh dgr but not too close...maybe dlm 2- 2.5 meter macam tu.

3. Then ko kene show the body language and make eye contact dengan dia, giving him the indirect message yg you are inviting him to know you. Bukanlah maknanya ko kena tergedik2 depan dia...first your must relax your body...jangan tegak kaku semacam je ..relax..let your muscle loose...cara paling senang..tarik nafas in count of 5 and let go (ikut hidung) in the count of 10...biar your mind and your body relax...also good to control your heartbeat since you are nervous..and its okay to be nervous but jgn sampai  tangan ko terketar2 plak..just keep it under control.

4. Cuba dapatkan eye contact dengan dia..tapi janganla ko pergi tenung dia mcm nak makan...kalau masa ada eye contact tu mcm lama sikit...give him a friendly smile....jangan risau dgn thoughts yg dia takkan reply your smile..bila ko give him a smile, it is a guarantee that he will return it back.

5. The first important step...collect your strength dan tegur dia. Aku tau its easier said than done but that's the only way to start. This is crucial "Never Start With HI"..jgn ngada2 start dengan HIIII...guna open-ended question yg membolehkan dia respon more than "Ha'a" or "Ya"...cthnya "Kenapa awak lambat harini?/kenapa harini awak pakai baju biru, selalunya warna putih/etc etc"

6. Bila ko tanya mcm tu it will send him in the state of his mind he will ask himself apasal awek dpn aku ni tiba2 tanya..dia kenal aku ke?..

7. The usual respond will be either another open ended question (e.g. "Eh ye ke saya lambat? Kenapa awak tanya mcm tu eh?" ) or an elaborate answer followed by an open-ended question (e.g. oh harini saya bla bla bla bla...tapi kenapa awak tanya mcm tu eh?)....key point here is, it doesn't matter whether mmg ko rasa dia lambat atau tak..the validity of your statement is not a concern...dlm PUA dipanggil McGuffin...Using "A" to get to "B"..."kelewatan" dia just a plot device to break the ice.

8. Now you're in the game. Control the game because this is your game. Jangan biar dia lead, ko mesti lead...jangan biar dia yg banyak tanya..that's your role since ko yg tegur dia dulu. Keep the topic relevance...jgn tiba2 ko pergi cerita pasal nenek ko dekat kampung bagitau kucing yg dia bela baru beranak 30 about the weather..cthnya skrg ni slalu about that.

9. Now ko dah start mesra...borak pun dah ligat..KEEP THE CONVERSATION LIGHT, SHORT & SIMPLE...and this is where you apply the P & P. My advice jgn mix push and pull statement in one sentence, separate it in individual statement...cthnya ..."saya selalu perhatikan awak" (pull) dan "eh perasan nye awak ni, apa ingat saya tengok awak sebab awak hensem ke?" (push)..then pull balik....keep the playing sporadic..jgn guna frequent more about the petty stuff mcm hujan..banjir dkt kl...

10. Eventhough this is your game but let him have his space, listen to what he say and respond accordingly..guys love it when girl paying attention to him..but remember this is your game and you must that i mean jgn mintak..biarkan dia yang memberi...cthnya..jgn tanya nama dia..biar dia yg tanya nama ko dan dia yg bagitau nama dia...let him the one who ask for your info and at the same time give you his info...never ask...your game is your ego..once you let him lead..that's the time yg dia akan rasa ko ni lemah. Another thing is..never apologize..there's nothing to say sorry about because you & him are complete stranger...if you feel that your push statement kinda step on his feet...just say you're joking...being apologetic just show that you being subservient to him.

11. Refer to step 1 balik. The Distance. Bila ko borak2 dgn dia from that distance, there will be some kind of hindrance. To make the conversation more comfortable, either one must come closer to the other. Jangan sesekali bergerak, keep to your ground and let him the one yg dtg dekat ko...again, this is your game.

12. Sebab aku advice to keep the conversation light, short & simple is because your time with him is subjected to his or your stop. The first approach is not the time untuk ko nak tau pasal dia, it is the time to make him comfortable with you and TO LIKE YOU. Jangan expose byk sgt info psl ko dekat dia...that's for him to find out when he contact you.

13. Now the most important and crucial part. Know where his stop is. Either ko dulu or dia dulu. When it is closer to the stop, ko kena close cepat2. Remind him about the stop and make a pull statement..cth "Saya nak turun lepas ni/lepas ni awak turun kan? thanks sebab borak dengan know what, you're an interesting guy" and hit the brake...again and again...Never Ask But Let Him Give It To You...if you doing it right semua step2 ni...I can assure yg dia akan tertarik dgn ko and want to know you more...Kalau dia betul2 gentleman, dia akan mintak no phone/facebook acc/ym/msn or anything yg boleh dia contact ko. Walaupun goal ko is nak dpt contact dia but it is not your role as a woman to ask for his contact, ko cakap tak nak nampak cheap kan? well asking for his number IS cheap...itu role org lelaki...kalau dia tak mintak contact ko meaning samada dia tak gentleman or he's just not that into you...either way he's not worth your time.

In the end, to summarize all that:-

1. Gut to approach him. Kena berani

2. Confident when talking. Jangan cakap merapik2 tah cool. Sebab tu aku insist on keep the conversation light, short & simple sbb easy topic senang nak borak.

3. Be yourself. You want him to like you for what you are.

4. Keep your pride. Jgn biar dia buatkan ko sikit2 ckp sori, sikit tergedik2 gelak bodo tah apa2. Guys like girls who bite back

5. Do not afraid of being daring. Jangan takut saying something good about him. If you find his look is the one that attracts you, just say bold. It shows you have guts and not the kind of woman he want to mess with. Again..guys like girls who bites back.

Aku rasa cukup complete dah ni...lagi sekali aku nak cakap...this is "An Approach", bukan mengorat...mengorat take place right after "The Approach"...after ko dah approach dia dan dia mintak contact ko...from that moment on pandai2 ko lah nak adjust to guarantee and happy ending to all this? Be Yourself

Good Luck



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Post time 1-12-2010 05:23 PM | Show all posts
menarik tred ni..

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Post time 1-12-2010 05:44 PM | Show all posts
Reply 55# cmf_king_kong

thanks. menarik. tp benda ni perlukan praktis kan. its harder for women to approach men rather than the instead. sbb perempuan ni da memg sifatnya pemalu. sgt jarang nak mulakan langkah- takut dianggap 'murah'. but rsnya zaman skg bnda tu org da xkesah kot? betul ke lelaki?

lg satu, just wonder, if kita suka tgk laki tu, n kita senyum kat dia, say, ms kita ternmpak kat cafe ke apa, adekah kita akan dianggap cheap? i always has that thought. lagi2 kalau senyuman kita x dibalas. rs mcm bodoh je senyum2 kat org tuh . aku paham ape yg ko tulis, jgn takut nak bg senyuman, tp aku takut satu bnda jek, terbagi senyuman yg dianggap mengada instead of senyuman yg nmpak ikhlas.

penah jgak terjadi org yg aku suka tgk n dia pun mcm ade respon yg positif, tp masing2 xbuat apa2. n here comes the next issue- how to be bold n throw away shyness . tp yg ini mgkin xde teknik yg khas, cuma kena perlu ada courage saje kot?

n how about a man, giving his namecard, kenal baru brapa minit, n if the woman contact him, just for some light chatting, akan nmpak cheap x?

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 Author| Post time 1-12-2010 06:22 PM | Show all posts
Reply  cmf_king_kong

thanks. menarik. tp benda ni perlukan praktis kan. its harder for women to  ...
hani85 Post at 1-12-2010 17:44

    boleh je approach lelaki..tapi ngan cara yg betul la..haha

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Post time 1-12-2010 06:54 PM | Show all posts
waahhhh best thread ni..
boleh cuba tips king kong bg..
i follow...~

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Post time 1-12-2010 07:31 PM | Show all posts
klu aku laaa.a.. klu situasi dlm lrt ke ke ....library ke ( mcm p library je) keke... klu awek yg agak aku berkenn skit  senyum2 dulu ngn aku ....that the correct time for me to approach that girl...aku  akan jd dri aku...mulakan langkah..( sbb aku sllu suka dlm hati..tgok dri jauh..nk be gntle approach agak segan skit tgok mood llki gak laaa kan....

easy to say...guys xkn pndh ko murah  ke ape ke...klu girl yg start dulu..die akan tau cemane nk mainkan perann klu kau dh bg key  hint mcm kat atas tuu.. sentiasa senyum...

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