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Author: semarmesem

F-16 for Indonesia, Super Hornet for Malaysia

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 Author| Post time 3-12-2010 01:55 AM | Show all posts
nih ada brita baik buat loe smuer, syukuri aja. mudah mudahan terlaksana.

Malaysia to buy 12 more Pilatus PC-7 Mk IIs
By Greg Waldron

Malaysia is likely to buy 12 additional Pilatus PC-7 Mk II primary trainers and could sell its early-model PC-7s to the Philippines.
A first batch of new PC-7 Mk IIs will probably be purchased after April 2011, when the country's new five-year budget - the Tenth Malaysia Plan - will come into effect, says an industry source.
"The problem with the current five-year plan is that most of the defence money was spent on armoured personnel carriers," says the source. "The air force definitely has a need for 12 PC-7 Mk IIs, but a decision is not likely until after April 2011." The service will split its planned purchase between two batches, the source says.
In April Malaysia decided to acquire 257 armoured personnel carriers for around $2.5 billion, according to media reports.
The Royal Malaysian Air Force operates 17 PC-7 Mk IIs out of an original fleet of 19 purchased in 2005, with two having been lost in accidents. It also has 31 early-model PC-7s that were acquired in the 1980s.
The source says the older aircraft could be refurbished and sold to the Philippine air force. The Philippines recently took delivery of four Alenia Aermacchi SF-260F primary trainers, with 14 more to follow in early 2011. It also has 25 older model SF-260s and six S-211 trainers, says Flightglobal's MiliCAS database.
The shortage of primary trainers in the Philippines has resulted in a training backlog of between 150 and 170 pilots.

Links posted in this story:
Aermacchi|Pilatus PC-7 ... us-pc-7-mk-iis.html

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Post time 3-12-2010 07:58 AM | Show all posts
lebih baik punya dream dari pada seperti msia yg hanya punya nightmare brace yourself for ...
semarmesem Post at 2-12-2010 23:05

   sure... keep on dreamin wak masam.... jangan ngiri dengan dream orang lain sekiranya loe juga bisa dreamin...

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Post time 3-12-2010 12:47 PM | Show all posts
Reply 42# windof

    Hahaha..wak wak...indonesia ada 250juta lebih bola pun kena pakai player import...aisey...tak der keyakinan pada orang orang sendri ya wak>? aiseey...tak yah la ...wak..hang pi ..buat benda benda lain la..tak yah sibuk kat sini..

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Post time 3-12-2010 03:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply  windof

    Hahaha..wak wak...indonesia ada 250juta lebih bola pun k ...
jingojigger Post at 3-12-2010 12:47

salah seorang dari 250juta...

~sekadar gambar hiasan.

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Post time 3-12-2010 04:16 PM | Show all posts
semarmesem Post at 2-12-2010 22:54

Kapan mau jadi Macan  Asia ?

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Post time 3-12-2010 07:42 PM | Show all posts
aku rasa la , lepas obama lawat indon , mesti org indon rasa dorang ni sebahagian dari amerika hehehe

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Post time 3-12-2010 07:45 PM | Show all posts
   Hahaha..wak wak...indonesia ada 250juta lebih bola pun kena pakai player import...


Pak cik, Cristian gonzales tu sudah mengajukan menjadi WNI sejak 3 TAHUN YANG LALU tetapi undang-undang di Indonesia blom mengijinkan beliau jd WNI. Sekitar tahun 2008 banyak keturunan WNI dan orang asing mengajukan undang - undang agar mudah menjadi WNI. Tahun 2009 undang - undang tersebut di setujui dan mempermudah orang asing mau pun keturunan menjadi WNI. 

Irfan Bachdim sejak dulu memegang pasport indonesia.. So, dia bukan pemain import. 

FYI, seorang striker top klub papan atas di liga australia pun mengajukan menjadi WNI. Dia berdarah indo - belanda. Cek ke sini:

Jangan ngiri yah..

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Post time 3-12-2010 08:07 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by shantika at 3-12-2010 20:14
wak masam mabuk todi masam... berangan nak jadi mercu suar konon.... keep on dreamin...
windof Post at 2-12-2010 23:00

Beberapa link berita yg mendukung pernyataan semarmesem:

Berita terbaru yg di tulis tgl 3 desember. Kalau tak salah, penulis berita adalah orang chinesse malaysia: 
All to gain from a buoyant Jakarta

TWO articles published last week underscore Indonesia’s lustrous economic prospects. If Southeast Asia’s largest economy fulfils its potential, Malaysian policymakers should welcome this outcome: a turbo-charged Indonesian economy is an opportunity, not a threat.

Written by Roben Farzad in Bloomberg Businessweek, the first article focuses on calls by economist Nouriel Roubini and institutions like Morgan Stanley for either Russia to be ousted and replaced by Indonesia in BRICs or for Indonesia to join and transform the grouping to BRIIC. Comprising Brazil, Russia, India and China, BRICS is an acronym coined by Goldman Sachs in 2001 for developing countries that the US investment bank said would be the most dominant economies by 2050.

Today, Russia’s negatives include policymaking drift in the Kremlin, demographic atrophy and endemic corruption, Farzad says.

More appealing are Indonesia’s fiscal prudence, economic growth as well as strengthening social and political institutions. Moreover, more than half of Indonesia’s population is less than 30 years old while Russia faces a paucity of productive labour, Farzad adds.

A BNP Paribas report, written in March, notes Indonesia’s budget deficit last year – 1.6% of GDP – was the smallest in the region, after Singapore. Moreover, the archipelago’s public sector debt has tumbled from a peak of 92% of GDP in 2000 to 31% last year and could fall to 28% in 2014, the International Monetary Fund says.
Written by Anthony Deutsch in the Financial Times, the second article says in the coming decade, more than 60 million low-income Indonesians are poised to join the middle class, a development that will make the country of nearly 240 million people the fastest-growing consumer market after China and India.

Market research group, Euromonitor, expects the number of households in Indonesia with US$5,000 to US$15,000 in annual disposable income to expand from 36% of the population to more than 58% by 2020.

One indicator of growing consumer spending in Indonesia is rising car sales. Prijono Sugiarto, president of Astra international, the republic’s biggest carmaker, predicts Indonesia will probably surpass Thailand this year as the region’s largest automotive hub, with output of 730,000 cars and 7.2 million motorcycles.

Another indicator is increasing cement sales, which BNP Paribas says is even more spectacular than that for cars. Equally noteworthy, cement consumption in other cities and provinces outside Jakarta is strong. A more decentralised Indonesian economy will underpin continued consumer spending, BNP Paribas adds.

Optimism about consumer spending attracted billions in foreign capital inflows to Indonesia’s stock market, a development that propelled the Jakarta Composite Index to soar from end-December last year to Nov 19 this year by nearly 47% to 3,725.038 – significantly outpacing the Kuala Lumpur Composite Index’s 18.33% rise.

Because Indonesia, like Malaysia, is a resource-rich Muslim country, it is tempting to regard the republic as a competitor. However, closer analysis shows both countries’ complementary aspects outweigh the competitive elements.

First, Indonesia has an abundance of land and low-cost labour. For Malaysian plantation companies like Sime Darby and Kuala Lumpur Kepong, instead of being hamstrung by land and labour constraints in this country, investing in Indonesia has opened up a new and stronger growth path.

Second, Malaysia’s economy is heavily export-oriented while Indonesia is largely driven by private consumption. The same BNP Paribas report says private consumption growth contributed 61% of Indonesia’s GDP growth last year, up from 51% in 2008.

What cannot be denied is an economically buoyant Indonesia will mean a bigger market for Malaysian goods and services.

One Malaysian beneficiary of Indonesia’s consumer-driven growth is CIMB Group. Thanks to the Indonesian unit’s focus on consumer lending, CIMB Niaga’s 34% share of group profit before tax was larger than that from all the other Malaysian units – the first time this has happened.

By 2015, Indonesia’s contribution to group profit could be larger than Malaysia’s, chief executive officer (CEO) Datuk Seri Nazir Razak said in an interview.

Another potential corporate beneficiary is AirAsia. Its CEO, Datuk Seri Tony Fernandes, said the company’s Indonesian operations may surpass that of its Malaysian counterpart in the not-too-distant future, although this country’s economic activities are more than three times larger than that of its neighbour.

Malaysia’s medical tourism industry will also gain from increasingly affluent Indonesians. A Frost & Sullivan report says the number of medical tourists visiting this country has quadrupled since 2003 to an estimated 425,500 last year and Indonesians make up 69% of Malaysia’s medical tourists.

If and when Indonesia closes the economic gap with this country, Malaysians will have good reason to be joyful rather than fearful.

By Tan Siok Choo

Orang2 kaya malaysia sudah tak memandang indonesia dengan rendah lg, hanya sebagian orang malaysia yg memandang indonesia dengan rendah. Mungkin kerna kurangnya informasi ttg indonesia dlm 10 tahun ini, padahal 5 tahun terakhir ini justru indonesia mengalami booming ekonomi.. 


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Post time 3-12-2010 10:11 PM | Show all posts
Beberapa link berita yg mendukung pernyataan semarmesem:

Berita terbaru yg  ...
shantika Post at 3-12-2010 20:07


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Post time 4-12-2010 12:23 AM | Show all posts
bagi cik cik yg bawa bawa sepak bola ke thread militari
jangan lupa 5-1

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Post time 4-12-2010 12:25 AM | Show all posts
Kapan mau jadi Macan  Asia ?
HangPC2 Post at 3-12-2010 16:16

bukankah malaysia macan asia juga?ato udah berubah kale cik?

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Post time 4-12-2010 06:15 PM | Show all posts
malaysia truly asian , takde pakai pemain yg bukan warganegara

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Post time 4-12-2010 11:31 PM | Show all posts
malaysia truly asian , takde pakai pemain yg bukan warganegara
hyazinth79 Post at 4-12-2010 18:15


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Post time 4-12-2010 11:46 PM | Show all posts
malaysia truly asian , takde pakai pemain yg bukan warganegara
hyazinth79 Post at 4-12-2010 18:15

Di baca lagi pak cik post saya di halaman depan. Indonesia memberlakukan peraturan yg sangat ketat dalam naturalisasi orang asing. termasuk Gonzales

ups.. ada 1 pemain lagi yg ingin jd warganegara Indonesia. Saat ini dia baru di kontrak feyenord..

Foto ketika menggunakan jersey indonesia:

Sebenernya banyak orang2 malay yg pengen orang2 asing di timnas malay, tp pas di bantai indo kmaren mereka ngatain indo pake pemain asing.. 

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Post time 5-12-2010 12:06 AM | Show all posts
5 -1?   cakap military sajork ler disini...

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Post time 5-12-2010 01:07 AM | Show all posts
di sini apapun boleh

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Post time 5-12-2010 08:28 AM | Show all posts
Tahniah, indon ganyang laos pula 6-0.

Padang bola indon mmg world class....

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 Author| Post time 5-12-2010 08:30 AM | Show all posts
nonton timnas malasia tak lebih seperti menonton pertunjukan ketoprak bisu. mo ketawa, perasaan gimana gitu. klo gak ketawa, mereka semuanya badut.

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 Author| Post time 5-12-2010 08:32 AM | Show all posts
Tahniah, indon ganyang laos pula 6-0.

Padang bola indon mmg world class....
edmundo Post at 5-12-2010 08:28

shut up and enjoy your pain!!!!

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Post time 5-12-2010 11:08 AM | Show all posts
bukankah malaysia macan asia juga?ato udah berubah kale cik?
botakgundul Post at 4-12-2010 00:25

If Chinese can take over the gov't of Malaysia from Malays ....we will overtake you soon ...!!!!

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