Musuh Sebenar BN/UMNO ketika ini IALAH......
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venom1 replied at 22-11-2022 07:47 AM
sejarah dan kegemilangan UMNO selama 60 tahun hilang. Mesti sedih pejuang2 kemerdekaan Malaya dulu k ...
Mana ada 60 tahun. Umno skrg baru 34 tahun jer umurnya. Umno lama Tun dah bubar, dia buat yg baru.
Tak mustahil umno yg dia tubuhkan ni, dibubarkan juga jadi bersatu.. |
Tun x nak umno yg jalan sendiri... nak jugak ikut telunjuk dia....
aiyoooo 97 daaaaaaa
long article
By Jae Senn
GE14 didn't bring us stability and now, GE15 has rocked us upside down in just a matter of 2 days. Based on the seat tallies of all parties and coalitions, virtually any configuration to form the Federal Government is problematic in one way or another, with bitter enemies having to be in bed with one another.
In the next few hours, BN will have to make a decision for its own survival and continued existence.
Many Malays are hoping for a BN-PN tie-up. However, it'll be a mountain with three tigers, with BN being the weakest. Both Bersatu and PAS would like to bury UMNO, and eventually there will be only one dominant Malay party and that will be PAS. UMNO will be killed little by little. Their former comrades are in Bersatu and it's likely that the dissenters in UMNO will gradually migrate into Bersatu and leaving UMNO to collapse.
However, the shocking thing is now we're seeing loud voices on social media supporting BN to team up with PH.. from PH and DAP supporters, no less. That's their chameleon-like nature. Anything white can be black and vice versa at the drop of a hat if their self-interests are at stake. PH supporters have been so eager to bury BN for good (with DAP's Superman Hew proudly saying they'll punch the Malays on Saturday and conduct a funeral the next day) that now they see what reality is like without a center-right multiracial rival like BN - they're looking at a far-right coalition with hardly any non-Malay representation having the distinct possibility of running the country.
See what short-sightedness brings? The toxic politics of hate made them unable to see beyond what happens if BN is gone. Do they think it will be a communist utopia where PH runs the country with the entire 222 Parliamentary seats and absolutely no opposition, and the country is then magically free from corruption and will have one of the highest GDPs in the world? From the looks of it, that's what they think will happen, which is why they have been framing every election as an existensial choice and a mission to save the country. Only that now their battle cry has become "save the country from PAS".
My preference was for BN to be the opposition. Sit this one out. Don't lust for power. In the 22 months of PH, BN was an effective opposition. Ahmad Maslan suddenly became a hero in Parliament. Najib's popularity and image went through the roof. There was a sharp contrast between a capable opposition and a less-than-competent government. If BN had remained as the opposition, their image and popularity would have continued improving but alas, the Sheraton Move happened and BN was dragged back into power.
We're seeing a similar situation now. Although BN can be the opposition, but they're being courted by both PN and PH. Without BN, even if both factions managed to secure the support of the Borneo Bloc, they will still not be able to form a majority coalition. It would appear that BN is unable to be the opposition out of circumstances.
Okay, what if a PH-BN alliance happens? That would be an absolutely comical turn of events and I'd relish at the sight of DAP voters having to embrace the fact that they are now in bed with UMNO. But likewise I'll have to see my UMNO and MCA friends seethe at being in an alliance with DAP.
How about we have a compromise. BN supports PH conditionally through a confidence and supply agreement without forming a formal pact (unlike those creative ideas that are floating around social media like Harapan Nasional, Jajaran Harapan and so forth). BN has to keep its identity. BN will be BN and likewise PH stay who they are, but they agree to cooperate for the sake of stability and steering the country through the extremely tough 2-3 years that are to come.
Without Mahathir, whose GTA suffered a humiliating record-breaking defeat at the polls in which every single candidate lost and even Mahathir and Mukhriz themselves lost their deposits, PH can safely throw him and his legacy under the bus and use that as a bridge to work with BN.
Start with a "reform of the judiciary". There's already a proven interference in judicial appointments as alleged by Tommy Thomas, at the behest of Mahathir. Open up investigations and transfer or sack those judges, AGs, police heads, etc. if needed. Declassify and follow up on the Judge Nazlan conflict of interest findings. Reverse the NFA decisions of Tommy Thomas.
Nullify the high court findings of Judge Nazlan and give Najib a fair retrial, this time without the impediments of blocking the admission of new evidence and so forth. Allow him to appoint a King's Counsel if needed. At the same time, with Guan Eng's NFA nullified, give him a fair trial as well. Basically, reverse all the injustice that has been commited by Mahathir as PM. That would give BN supporters (including those who swung over to PN) a modicum of confidence in this collaboration with PH.
To allay the fears and disgust of the Malays towards DAP, how about a goodwill gesture to show that BN is a moderating factor within this alliance. Let's start with handing over Superman Hew's head on a platter, shall we? Stirring racial discord and provoking racial sensitivities, it's not hard to bring him to book.
MCA is worried that DAP will wipe out MCA but let's look at it glass-half-full. PAS was an obscure outlier when they joined PKR and DAP to form Barisan Alternatif. Their acceptance and strength kept growing throughout the Pakatan Rakyat and Pakatan Harapan years. PKR + DAP was the platform that gained PAS mainstream acceptance and look at where they are now - the strongest party in parliament with the most seats. Nobody could have foreseen this 10 years ago.
DAP had always said they're a multiracial party but the masses of Chinese ultras supporting them seem to indicate otherwise. With DAP and MCA in the same camp, how about it's time again for MCA to be the Chinese component while DAP start being the more multiracial party that it has always claimed to be? Heck, DAP supporters cheering on UMNO to support PH? It's not a big leap for them to go back to supporting MCA while both MCA and DAP are on the same side.
Teaming up with PKR and DAP might result in the same strengthening of BN component parties, like what it did to PAS. So let's not dismiss this outright or be too pessimistic about it. At the same time. The center-right BN can also pull PH away from the far-left and bring them towards the center-left.
And when we look at the upcoming leaders of both sides, the next generation that will helm their parties, these are intelligent people who would have no problems working with each other across party lines. It's not hard for me to imagine Isham Jalil, Tengku Zafrul, KJ, Shahril Hamdan, Nicole Wong, Nurul Izzah, Fahmi Fadzil, Rafizi Ramli and Syed Saddiq sitting together to discuss and debate in a productive and civil manner.
What if the internal opposition against Zahid is too great and BN ends up with PN? Then all I can say is, good luck to MIC and MCA, and congratulations to PH voters for making it happen through the systematic destruction of BN. From having a balanced, moderate center-right rival, now you're scared shitless of a far-right rival and bitching about the lack of non-Malay representation in government. Rather than having a balanced multi-racial rivalry in Parliament, you have bifurcated the Malaysian electoral map into an us-and-them division of Conservative Malay zones on one side and Liberal zones on another.
These are the fruits of your labor for killing BN. Enjoy! |
kalau PH+BN
gossip kata UMNO akan secure position MOF... most prob Tok Mat dapat |
creep_bite replied at 22-11-2022 06:36 AM
Undi UMNO dapat DAP...org UMNO mesti suka.
Undi DAP pn dpt umno...org DAP mesti suka
True-X replied at 22-11-2022 09:32 AM
PN banyak betol bajet dia.... dengar kata sbb sakau 600 biliyun time gantung parlimen covid ari tu ...
Kalau x de angin masakan pokok bergoyang hehe |
primarikey replied at 22-11-2022 06:27 AM
Makanya BN kena jadi pembangkang
Tak perlu comolot dgn PH atau PN
Jadi parti yg bermoral
Setuju sgt... bersihkan diri & jadikan party lebih bermoral. Sekarang ni bila sebut bn/umno je mesti ingat rasuah je..kikiskanlah pemikiran tersebut dari pemikiran rakyat. Its a long journey for u bn/umno...but InsyaAllah can be done |
Edited by ctaz at 22-11-2022 10:41 AM
Musuh Sebenar BN/UMNO ketika ini IALAH
Zahid hamidi |
True-X replied at 22-11-2022 09:38 AM
aku x kata depa ni suci.... tapi madey pon tukang sakau gak... ko je x nampak.... BBNU kot
Saya memang bbnu pakcik..umur baru masuk 18 bulan lepas
Tapi sama sama sakau takyah nak salahkan org lain. |
Ketika Ini Ialah Ahmad Zahid Hamidi |
noor2 replied at 22-11-2022 07:33 AM
Perpecahan Umno disebabkan oleh TUN sendiri asalnya masa kejatuhan Anwar..masa tu UMNO berpecah meny ...
Pas pun sepihan umno sebelum zaman tun m lagi.
Semangat 46 another sepihan yang join dap sebelum menyesal dan patah balik kepada umno.
Pkr sepihan sekali lagi dari umno dan bergabung dengan dap sampai hari ini.
Kemudian amanah sepihan dari pas dan juga bergabung dengan dap
bersatu sepihan terbaru dari umno. Memula bergabung dengan dap. Kemudian tinggalkan dap. Dan terbaru bergabung dengan pas.
Paling baru pejuang. Sepihan kepada bersatu.
Bersatu dan pas dah bersatu under pn.
Amanah umno dan pkr juga dah bersatu under harapan nasional.
Pejuang tu anggap je lah xwujud. Semua kawasan termasuk langkawi dan Jerlun hilang deposit.
Xde lah teruk sangat perpecahan melayu ni.
Lebih kurang je dap, mca dan gerakan. masyarakat cina majoriti menyokong dap.
Masyarakat melayu pula majoriti menyokong pas dan bersatu.
Jawapannya pemimpin bn tu sendiri..jgn nak salahkan parti lain kalau dalaman bn sendiri dah membusuk..orang tgk muka zahid pun org tak kowser nak pangkah bn..tgk muka bung cikebung lg la bertambah loya..jadi paham2 sendiri la.... |
Sebab bersatu dari dulu lagi mahu kuburkan UMNO. Sebab tu BN undurkan diri dari MN sebelum ni. Takkan nak serah diri lagi.
Zahid yg desak bubar parlimen,pak mael yg umumkan pembubaran, ujung2 tun plak yg salah... |
zidane_ziege replied at 22-11-2022 07:06 AM
Umno kalau
Join PN - PN akan perlahan lahan telan umno utk dptkan aset umno yg bilion2 tu sbg tapak ...
Especially point yg terakhir tu..
Sendiri yg x sabar sgt bubar parlimen kn..rasakan. |
itu cara musuh2 Umno nak menjatuhkan Umno dengan menghasut, menanam fikiran rakyat dengan perkara2 yg negartif ...
banyak duit pas bg duit minyak rm150 wuhuu ofismate iols balik ganu ritu
iols balik kampung cuma nampak 1 pondok PN ja..yg lain tade bajet ke apa
takde plk duit2 minyak ni rugi2 |
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