Anwar Ibrahim Masih Membisu, PH Belum Adakan Sebarang Pertemuan Dengan Gabungan Lain
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Kak-Rohana replied at 20-11-2022 06:15 PM
Undi lebai dapat Taliban Serambi. Mercedes nak.. tp kerja lembap.. apoooo?
rakyat dpt tgk taliban2 melayu pakai Merc jelah sambil melaungkan BMF  |
Salesman Merc tersenyum girang.. |
so bila ph nak bergabung dengan bn? bersorak la penyokong ph dapat kerajaan gabungan dengan bn undi ph, dapat bn  |
tak jadi
wak jahit yg nak comolot ngan nuart
now wak jahit sendiri dah tercyiduk
so bn-pn tu hampir pasti, dengo deme dah berkampung kat umah hishamuddin
dia mcm yg menang race no 2,3 dapat naik podium jadi no 1 dah
yg no 1 tu , duk tepi podium porevah and evahh 
Kitty_catz replied at 20-11-2022 08:28 PM
tak jadi
wak jahit yg nak comolot ngan nuart
boleh ke deme bergabung kalau presiden tak setuju?  |
Pelik nya. Zahid mcm tak disukai, tapi, boleh jadi presiden? At least Najib dulu, ramai haters ramai gak penyokong. |
R2D2 replied at 20-11-2022 06:07 PM
Mandai je korg kata 18 undi ph... |
tu lahh problem nyehhh skang nehhhh 
PH bila kalah :
- salah logo
- salah cuaca
- salah SPR
- salah Undi18
- salah tiktok
- salah pengundi
BN bila kalah :
- salah Pengerusi BN (Zahid Hamidi) |
I prefer taliban dari liberal  |
kakikuDibibirmu replied at 20-11-2022 04:54 PM
PH perlu ada dalam kerajaan untuk mengelakkan Malaysia jadi Taliban
Siti Kasim gets the ‘last laugh’ about religion and state
FMT Reporters -November 20, 2022 9:41 PM
PETALING JAYA: Lawyer-activist Siti Kasim says the results of the general election have vindicated her stance on the need to separate religion and government.
Siti said she wanted to laugh at all the people who had previously criticised her view, which formed the pillar of her campaign as a candidate for the Batu parliamentary seat.
She said the results of the general election had shown up her critics. The Perikatan Nasional (PN) coalition of Bersatu and PAS made major gains in the election, with young voters believed to have made the difference.
“Okay, you’ve seen the results of GE15,” she said in a tweet today. “That’s why I’ve been saying, our children are being brainwashed. You thought they would be the ones to save you, (but) you see who they chose.”
“This is due to decades of brainwashing, they feel they must choose groups that empower their religion, but of course, they don’t understand,” Siti said.
The PN coalition had secured 73 parliamentary seats, nine less than Pakatan Harapan, placing PN in a position to form a new coalition government.
She said that if brainwashing of the young was not halted in the next five years, Malaysia would be in a worse position, and the country would be filled with “Talibans”.
Addressing Malays who voted for PN, Siti said: “Good luck Malays, you dug your own grave. Whoever said not to talk about (separating religion and government), this is the result. I’m not surprised. Thank you. I got the last laugh.”
Siti kassim sorg jah berani cakap mcm ni, KJ penah cakap dulu tapi sipi2 tak seberani terang2 mcm siti kassim. |
nak wat acaner DAP haritu belum apa2 dah buat onar macam2. Tau la sekular takde agama pun tapi wat lek slow2 ler dulu kalau ada agenda busuk sekalipun ni tidak from day one sana sini tunjuk anti malay anti islam ape semua bercakap bertindak macam tak mikir akibat langsung.
anony-mous replied at 21-11-2022 12:32 AM
I prefer taliban dari liberal
Same goes to me, sebab taliban kat malaysia ni takdak 1% pun macam taliban kat luar negara tu, tapi kalau liberal kat malaysia memang semacam kat luar negara sebab bapok sajat semacam je bapok kat luar malaysia |
bahaya bro statement macam ni, mau pasal statement kau ni berkubur forum cari.my ni..silap2 kau pun ke dalam nanti.
Purpkehag replied at 21-11-2022 12:56 AM
Last laugh? Dia ni meraih 5 undi je kan??
Padan muka siti anak kassim, tgk muka dia rasa nak pi cuci balik mekap dia tu pastu nak mekapkan semula bagi nampak seiiring nama dia.. Nampak ayu kedesaan gitu |
anony-mous replied at 21-11-2022 12:32 AM
I prefer taliban dari liberal
Yes… aku lbh rela taliban dr israel… dap tu pro israel kut… takpe lah org ckp kuno ke apa… dap perintah negara pun teruk jg ekonomi… cuma diaorg pndai provokasi kutuk org lain je |
yaaa setujuuuuuuuuuuuu chuolsss
| |