Reply lostnfaun
Just click the retweet button next to the favourite button.
What I want to ...
lwyl Post at 24-2-2011 10:00
dh click die cuma tukar jd warna hijau pastu bl komen xde kuar msg yg kite RT skali tue.. sy guna web twitter.. |
Reply 41# lostnfaun
What is web twitter? |
Reply 42# lwyl
sy tweet dr site twitter bkn guna tweetdeck atau yg lain2 software twitter.. kwn sy ckp guna tweetdeck lg senang |
Reply 43# lostnfaun
I'm using twitter from the web too. I clicked the retweet button and that's it. But I don't know how to add a comment before the retweet.
I think I need to read up more on twitter. |
ooo...thanks 4 sharing tuan... |
Twitter susah cari kwn baru..
Kita follow dia belum tentu dia akan follow kita.. :cry: |
Reply 46# c_manis
kalu die x follow kite, kite xleh anta msg kt die ker? |
Kita still blh htr mesej, tapi utk invitation kepada kwn baru yg mana kita x kenal rasa mcm improper lak.. |
Reply 48# c_manis
oooo...xtau plak selama nie selamba jer anta kt sesapa
c_manis dh lama ke guna twitter? |
Reply c_manis
oooo...xtau plak selama nie selamba jer anta kt sesapa
c_manis dh lama k ...
lostnfaun Post at 18-3-2011 15:51
sy br jer start guna twitter thn lepas..
Agak kurang best la berbanding facebook.. |
mana boleh samakan FB dengan Twitter
skopnya lain. |
Reply 50# c_manis
klu kite ramai kwn yg guna twitter best jgk la...bgsnya any info cpt jer update compare dgn facebook...hehe...
klu kite follow ramai org kdg2 spai x terbaca tweet2 diorg laju btl... |
I got a Weibo account recently. It's like FB plus Twitter but it's in Chinese language. It's awesome even though I have to google translate all those buttons.
Sina Weibo is going to launch the English version of Weibo end of this year. |
View Rating Log
I love my twitter more than fb..
Fb ramai sgt kawan kdg x selesa nk citer..
Twitter cepat dpt info ape2...
My twitter pon x ramai kawan cuma kwn2 & sedara yg rapat jer...
Me x suka update status kt fb... |
I love my twitter more than fb..
Fb ramai sgt kawan kdg x selesa nk citer..
Twitter cepat dpt info ...
TapaiMasam Post at 25-7-2011 16:06
tp twitter nie mcm laju je kn...kdg2 off skejap dh telepas citer yg lps2...
camne nk guna RT tue? |
From wiki answers:
RT stands for "ReTweet." To retweet someone's tweet/message is to share their tweet with your own Twitter followers.
When you come across an interesting tweet and you want to help it spread - you retweet it.
There's usually a ReTweet button next to each Tweet, so you can usually just click that.
The syntax of a ReTweet is the abbreviation "RT" or the word "Retweet" followed by the username of the person who tweeted it (e.g @User) and then the content of the actual tweet.
Full example:
You see the following Tweet from @hagoleshet
Found a great site for getting great answers: Answers.com!
You ReTweet it as:
RT @hagoleshet Found a great site for getting great answers: Answers.com!
You may also modify the original tweet to make it more interesting for your followers, or because the addition of RT + username makes it longer than the permitted 140 characters. In order to make everything fit, you may need to omit words or use shorter synonyms or abbreviations.
You can also add your own comments to the beginning or end, such as
I love it too! RT @hagoleshet Found a great site for getting great answers: Answers.com!
RT @hagoleshet Found a great site for getting great answers: Answers.com! | Yeah, it's gr8! |
tp twitter ttp best |
tp twitter ttp best
ruzaruza Post at 6-8-2011 01:57
sbb apa ruza kata best? leh bg cnth... |
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