drama tebusan

17-22 Oktober 1986
Drama penahanan tebusan di Penjara Pudu. Enam orang banduan telah menahan Dr. Radzi Jaafar & pembantu makmal, Encik Abdul Aziz Abdul Majid sebagai tebusan sewaktu kedua-duanya merawat banduan di penjara itu. Drama mencemaskan itu berlangsung selama lima hari sebelum pasukan polis menggempur bagi menyelamatkan tebusan. Operasi itu berjaya kerana tidak melibatkan sebarang tembakan & selesai dalam beberapa minit sahaja. |
Tuesday June 17, 2008
Mega development plan proposed for Pudu Prison land
THE land on which the 113- year-old Pudu Prison is located has been identified as one of the major sites for mega development in the Draft KL City Plan 2020.
The colonial era prison was taken over by the Urban Development Authority (UDA) in November 1996 after it was officially closed.

First sight: The arch leading to the inner sanctum of the prison's
X-shaped main block.
The land on which the prison structure stands has been earmarked for mixed development in the draft plan.
That means 70% of the land will be used for a commercial hub and 30% for residential development.
There are five plots involved in the proposed plan submitted by the UDA to the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) in July 2005.
Plots 1, 2 and 5 are proposed for commercial buildings, including a 33-storey office tower, a shopping complex, a 43-storey hotel tower and a 44-storey serviced apartment tower.

Familiar site: A look at the famous Pudu Prison mural and some of the buildings
within the compound.
The old prison mosque will be maintained while plots 3 and 4 will feature two blocks of 44-storey condominiums on each plot. There is also a 1.2ha park proposed in the plan.
The proposal also involves the widening of Jalan Pudu and making a new traffic way at Jalan Changkat Thamby Abdullah to create a dedicated entrance to the development site.
The Hang Tuah monorail station will also be integrated with the proposed development site to create easy accessibility for the public.
According to DBKL town planning director Mahadi Che Ngah, the proposed plan has been discussed by the town planning committee and examined by former mayor Datuk Ruslin Hasan when UDA submitted it in 2005.

Infamous resident: A file picture of Botak Chin who served
time and was executed at Pudu Prison.
However, due to the proposal抯 high density, the UDA was told to scale down the development.
揂t present, the traffic condition along Jalan Hang Tuah is already bad. The developers have to find a good solution to tackle the traffic problems, |
Pudu Prison a prominent landmark in the city
THE 113-year-old Pudu Prison in Jalan Hang Tuah, Kuala Lumpur, is a prominent landmark in the nation抯 capital city.
The prison, which was built in 1895 by the British colonial administration, had stood the test of time and gone through the crucial eras of the English, Japanese and Emergency in the country.
The prison was built at the then princely sum of $138,000. Its first governor was Lt-Kol J.A.B. Ellen.
Also known as Pudoh Gaol, most of its building materials were imported from India and Britain.
Its design of an X (cruciform) was copied from the Kandy Prison in Bogambia, Africa. It originally had 240 cells on three floors, but more cells were added over the years.
Its mass kitchen, bathrooms, administrative office, hospital and training centre are located outside the main X-building structure.
The prison抯 gruesome condemned cell is located at block D where those on death row were prepped before being hanged at the execution room in the same block. Between 1960 and 1993, 180 convicts were hanged there.
One of the infamous prisoners who served his time at the prison was armed gang leader Botak Chin who was executed by hanging in June 1981.
Convicted Australian drug traffickers Brian Chambers and Kevin Barlow were also sent to the gallows there in July 1986.
A famous saga that took place at the prison was when inmate Jimmy Chua and six other inmates took hostage of Dr Radzi Jaffar and Dr Abdul Aziz in 1985.
When the prison was first opened in 1895, it could only accommodate 600 prisoners but, since 1960, the number has increased gradually.
More prisons cells were added but the number was still insufficient.
In 1985, the prison recorded its highest number of inmates at any one time with 6,550.
This forced the prison authorities to arrange sleeping shifts for the prisoners.
A prominent feature of the prison is the mural painting on its outer walls done by former inmate Khong Yen Chong in the early 1980s.
Stretching out to more than 260m long, the mural used up nearly 2,000 litres of paint.
The painting earned Khong the Guinness Stout Effort Award for 搊utstanding achievement in his world record work of art |

Penjara Pudu dari udara -
sekarang ni - sapa2 yang sokmo naik monorail dari hangtuah tu
memang lalu la kat penjara pudu ni --
Balas #3 dexa\ catat
err...ada gmbr bilik gantung penjara pudu tak?...saja je nak tgk... |
Originally posted by apit_skynet at 17-6-2008 05:45 PM 
err...ada gmbr bilik gantung penjara pudu tak?...saja je nak tgk...
tak boleh tangkap gambar.. --
tapi gosh.. memang gerun gak..
saya ada pergi prison kat melbourne
last year masa saya holiday kat sana -
dan pergi tempat gantung orang gak -
(masa tu australia ada death penalty)
di sana orang yang terakhir depa gantung 1890s...
siap ada gambar orang tu semua -
and then ada bilik SEJUK... then ada bilik
gelap - gosh.. kecik aje...
kat penjara pudu ni -- ada bilik yang memang utk
mereka yang menanti hukuman mati -
yang tu diasingkan cell depa -
dan make sure yang cell tu tak ada apa2 -
sebab tak nak inmate tu suicide -
sebab bila kena hukuman mati - depa tak nak la
orang tu pergi bunuh diri dulu -- tak capai lak
goal depa nak bagi hukuman tu -- |
huuuu seram gak....... |
Penjara Pudu Dalam Kenangan...
pernah melawat penjara pudu ni dulu masa penjara ni di buka utk org ramai...mmg seram ah masa melawat kat bilik gantung tu...anak kwn aku pulang dari situ meracau tgh mlm...sejuk semacm ajer tmpt tu...and oso tgk tayangan pesalah yg kena sebta...darah masih lg ada kat sel tahanan dorang... |
Apa beza banduan seumur hidup dengan banduan seumur hayat? |
Aku pun pernah pergi ke penjara Pudu ini sebanyak dua kali da ya, ianya agak menyeramkan khususnya dalam bilik gantung(aku hilang kamera kat situlah,padan muka aku ). Tetapi apabila melawat ke sel2 tahanan banduan, aku agak kagum dgn kebolehan dan kreativiti banduan2 dalam bidang seni lukis yang dipaparkan pada dinding2 di dalam sel....memang cantik sekali.
Cuma, korang setuju tak kalau penjara pudu ini dirobohkan kerana selain tidak llagi mempunyai fungsi, ianya agak menyempitkan ruang jalan raya. Jikalau ianya dirobohkan, mungkin trafik di sekitar kawasan berhampirn dapat dikurangkan ataupun sekurang2nya ruang itu digunakan utuk tujuan pembangunan. Atau korang lebih bersetuju ianya dikekalkan sebagai salah satu tempat bersejarah Malaysia? Apa pendapat anda?
[ Last edited by Neraka Bulan at 21-6-2008 01:25 PM ] |
Originally posted by <i>Neraka Bulan</i> at 21-6-2008 01:24 PM <a href="http://eforum.cari.com.my/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=23987943&ptid=358752" target="_blank"><img src="http://eforum.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif" border="0" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open(this.src);}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" /></a><br />
Aku pun pernah pergi ke penjara Pudu ini sebanyak dua kali da ya, ianya agak menyeramkan khususnya dalam bilik gantung(aku hilang kamera kat situlah,padan muka aku<img src="images/smilies/sweat.gif" smilieid="32" border="0" alt="" />). Tetapi apabila melawat ke s ... <br />
yup, masih aku ingat lagi, dlm bilik sel, ada lukisan pengantin perempuan. cantik sgt lukisan itu, sebelah gambar lukisanpotret tu, ada sajak utk si pengantin
alkisahnya, banduan tu membunuh pengantin lelaki di kenduri itu sbb frust pengantin pompuan tak kawen dgn dia
mmg sedih sgt baca sajak tu
tp yg herannya, macam mana banduan tu boleh dpt pensil?
tp aku tak tipu, mmg ada lukisan potret pengantin tu
dlm bilik akhir, mmg ada diorang tunjukkan cara2 bagaimana banduan tu di saat2 akhir hayat
audio shj, ttp, mmg gerun sbb sound effectnye melampau lampau. tersentap gak le jantung aku
ruang tandas, mmg open air. adoiiii tgk dlm mangkuk jamban (tandas cangkung) mmg hitam dan berlumut/berkerak
kuali besar kat dining kitchen, dah berkarat
tp sume tu kenangan.
mmg penjara pudu menyimpan 1001 kisah duka
hope, gomen jgn le runtuhkan penjara pudu tu
kira warisan negara le |
Originally posted by bobbie80 at 21-6-2008 09:59 AM 
pernah melawat penjara pudu ni dulu masa penjara ni di buka utk org ramai...mmg seram ah masa melawat kat bilik gantung tu...anak kwn aku pulang dari situ meracau tgh mlm...sejuk semacm ajer tmpt ...
memang aura dia menyeramkan.. kat situ -
saya tengok video banduan kena sebat tu
saya rasa orang yang menyebat tu memang
kena kuat...
juga ada doctor kat situ yang pastikan
banduan tak coma or apa ker..
kat bilik gantung tu masa saya pergi
tak dibenarkan ambil gambar.. -
so tak ambil la...
tapi depa ada produced sendiri gambar2 untuk kita
tengok -
btw - ambiance kat dalam bilik gantung tu memang
sejuk dan mcm horror sikit rasanya --
saya sangat2 tak setuju bangunannya diruntuhkan
saya suka kalau buat sebagai satu warisan building
and do something constructive about it -
lots of history about it - |
dulu penah ikut lawatan sekola... tp duk luar jer sbb mak x bg masuk.... huhuhuhu.... rs mcm rugi sgt.....  |
Originally posted by sherrina at 21-10-2006 10:56 AM 
sherrina pegi melawat penjara masa ia dibuka dulu. Spooky, seram dan menginsafkan. Tengok video bagaimana pesalah dihukum sebat. Kene baring ditempat khas, tukang sebat bedal ngan ekor pari tak s ...
eerrrr misteri betul yang indon tu bleh hilang ngan lukisan kapalnya..ade ilmu ke ape?? |
Originally posted by Syd at 6-10-2006 03:55 PM 
UDA belanja RM1.9 bilion bangun tapak Penjara Pudu
KUALA LUMPUR 20 Sept. - UDA Holdings Berhad (UDA) akan membangunkan kawasan bekas tapak Penjara Pudu sebagai pusat komersiol dan kediaman ...
tak berantu ke kalo buat bangunan baru kat tapak penjara tu nanti.errr..musti keras punye.. |
Reply #43 nizam_syah82's post
takkanla nak dibuat bangunan lain..tempat tu kan bersejarah..rekabentuk zaman british lgi.. |
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