nak tumpang tanya jugalah.....
1. klu nak tgk kelajuan menerima signal wifi bg hp nak tgk kat mana ?
2. setakat ni hp yg paling laju terima signal wifi cap apa ? |
Reply #43 mehacomp_91's post
Reply #44 budaktua's post
taktaw le budak..aku bru nk bejinak2 dgn wifini |
Reply #47 narcolepsy's post
macam mana dgn k300i tu
sian dia disisihkan |
Reply #46 sinbad05's post
ok lah , tak pe.
nanti kita cari souce sama2. dah dpt, share kat sini... |
Reply #42 sinbad05's post
802.11b wireless protocol (11Mbs) is the most commonly used and has now been superceded by backwards compatible 802.11g (54Mbs). The college wireless system will respond to either 802.11b or 802.11g devices. 802.11a is a standard that will not be supported fully at the college because it's advantages have been incorporated into the 802.11g standard. Although some 802.11a connectivity may be provided in some areas, we recommend that you use the 802.11b/g standards. |
Reply #54 sinbad05's post
at least amek le b/g pasal skang n dah berleluasa |
Reply #59 sinbad05's post
apa salahnya
n95 8gb lagi bagus dari se w96oi tu |
Reply #60 sinbad05's post
chreeettttt |
nak tanya sikit
kat mana nak tgk harga hp secara online??
harga malaysia la bukan ikut amerika nun |
ada budak sebelah dalam LRT tadik pakai hp ni..macam best je..
Reply #59 sinbad05's post
mungkin juga
harga AP n95 8gb skang around 2100 je |
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