kak jedi, penat sungguh i menggali, i pun takde credit ker???? :@ :@ :@ :@ :@ |
Reply #44 alyana's post
belom lagi...
gosok baju pon aku lum buat...
Jangan Lupa Undilah Urban_Iz di sub-board Show Your Musical Talents!!! |
Originally posted by Urban_Iz at 3-1-2008 11:52 PM
belom lagi...
gosok baju pon aku lum buat...
Jangan Lup ...
dah pukul 12 dah ni, i rasa kat tempat u dah mcm pukul 1 kan? |
Reply #47 alyana's post
itu sudah pasti...
ok lah yana...aku nak tido dulu...really looking forward to your comments and other judges as weel...
Jangan Lupa Undilah Urban_Iz di sub-board Show Your Musical Talents!!! |
Originally posted by Urban_Iz at 4-1-2008 12:00 AM
itu sudah pasti...
ok lah yana...aku nak tido dulu...really looking forward to your comments and other judges as weel...
http://i1 ...
okk, gud nite |
salam kak yana..
nak tanye sket leh tak?
apa maksud juri - pemilihan lagu tu sesuai atau tidak?
maknanya.. jika lagu itu tak sesuai.. kita tak boleh nak nyanyikan ke?
ermm... tak paham la kak. |
Originally posted by seroja at 4-1-2008 12:19 AM
salam kak yana..
nak tanye sket leh tak?
apa maksud juri - pemilihan lagu tu sesuai atau tidak?
maknanya.. jika lagu itu tak sesuai.. kita tak boleh nak nyanyikan ke?
ermm... tak paham la kak.
bergantung kepada bbrp factor.
1. Suasana majlis/ Theme
Walaupun suara u sesuai dgn lagu tersebut, but tak bersesuain dgn majlis maka tak jadi juga. Haruskah you nyanyi lagu happy birthday dalam competiton? atau harus kah you nyanyi lagu Sekolah you di majlis malam pra graduan?
2.Diri sendiri
Again cari lagu yg comfort dgn range vocal you. Thats why, sometime ade org yg akan ukur your octave, and identify your bridge. And also watch out tone u ni dalam kategori mana? tone besar, ke kecil, tone cute?
Maknanya adakah wajar, Siti Nurhaliza nyanyi lagu Chaka atau lagu Jennifer Halliday? Wajarkah Adam AF menyanyikan lagu Tom Jones?. So u jawab sendiri. Nak rasa mcm mana vibenya, cubalah u cari kat youtube, bila Siti nyanyi lagu Whiteney, adakah org2 pinoy akan kagum dan puji? kalau learner mcm kita ni, susah nak buat rendition sendiri, so jln selamat carilah lagu yg sesuai dgn tone dan range vocal u. Selain dari tu, imej you, adakah funky ke, r&B or hip hop, sbb kalau gaya you ala2 dangdut, haruskah menggunakan suara dangdut itu menyanyikan lagu Justin timberlake? mmglah org kata, genre boleh dibentuk, but kalau u dah pandai ubah2 genre, then u have no problem
Tips, u dengar dulu lagu itu, lepas tu guna nay nay nay, ikut key lagu tu, boleh tak u reach comfortably. Untuk pastikan, bila you hit that high note, guna nay nay nay, cuba u try sustain boleh tak. if bleh, then only u apply dgn lirik and interprattion to the song.
3. Persekitaran
So lagu2 tu kalau boleh upbeat , mainstream yg terkini, yg menjadi siulan org disesuatu tempat. Haruskan you nyanyi lagu hindustan tatkala org nak dgr you nyanyi lagu Rossa? Haruskan u nyanyi lagu zaman 80an, sedangkan org skrg nak dgr lagu beyonce atau jay-z?
Jadi kalau ade sesetgh org ittew cuba menyanyikan lagu yg seems lagi tinggi dari vocal range dia, maka org itu diconsoder memilih lagu berani mati.
Ada org berkata, if u force urself sampai strain and whatnot, u berpotensi dapat nodul . i pun tak tahu ni myth ke atau tak
Apa2pun, hopefully abag vern pun leh share pandangan juga. "Ingat", mine only alternatif.
[ Last edited by alyana at 4-1-2008 12:54 AM ] |
well, tq kaka yana.
dah ngantuk ni..
hope angkel vern dpt bagi lecture sket psal tu.
nite nite uols :kiss: |
aku xpenah amek tau benda2 ni.. |
It is frightening to see students of voice learn by googling info from the internet when they really should be learning from a qualified teacher teaching at a proper and recognised school of music.
Most of the stuff available on the internet are produced by so-called vocal coaches with questionable backgrounds. I would rather trust a professor of voice at a conservatory than 'cyber-coaches'.
Guys, don't be easily convinced by 'internet lessons' offered at dubious websites. If you really want to improve your voice and learn about singing the proper and correct way, go to a REAL teacher. No amount of 'internet instructions' can replace a real teacher listening to your voice and showing you the correct technique. |
Originally posted by VernMrManager at 4-1-2008 10:01 AM
It is frightening to see students of voice learn by googling info from the internet when they really should be learning from a qualified teacher teaching at a proper and recognised school of musi ...
kalau real teacher pun berbeza mcm mana ye?
actually mmg agree kat internet got alot of dubious info. but got some yg still boleh kita take into consideration kannn abg vern kaannn. meaning as reference only. lets say brett manning, i believe his info can be trusted. what do you say abag vernnnn? anyway mmg dah jd tren budak2 zaman sekrg, say if we got things(knwoledge) from school, then we google, in order to check back what we have learned from and compare what the world say. not only as second reference but maybe masa nak buat assigment ke and whatnot. So yg mana2 we learn from sekolah, if we jumpa additional reference from internet or book, then we will have diversity amount of knowledge.
but agree, the best part is bergurulah dgn real teacher, sesorg gymnastic yg baik ,takkan jadi ahli gymnastic y tulen melainkan dgn berguru ( walaupun dia boleh bertukar guru kerana tak selesa dg sesuatu regime). begitu juga dgn bola sepak. regim europe bermain bola secara hantaran jauh & pantas, regime amerika selatan pula bermain dgn samba jadi adakah harus org2 amerika selatan mengatakan regime mereka yg terbaik manakal regime europe itu tidak, atau sebaliknya.
[ Last edited by alyana at 4-1-2008 10:18 AM ] |
I studied under three professors of voice at the prestigious LCM (London College of Music). One was Italian and two were British. Before that I studied at the Royal School of Church Music at Addington Palaca, Croydon, Surrey, under a professor of choral conducting. All my professors were unanimously clear on one thing: falsetto and head voice or head tone are one and the same register.
There are many famous voice teachers and professors all over the world, and in UK one of them was my professor, Prof John Lamb, passed away several years ago. Don't bother googling. He's not on the internet. But I have never heard of Brett Manning. Was he your teacher? Or are you just reading his internet lessons? |
Who did you study voice under and at which college or university and up to what level? |
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