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Author: 13Friday

Destruction series - Who destroy Sabah?

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 Author| Post time 15-10-2007 09:55 PM | Show all posts

street kids and slavery for Sabah

JK's Digest No. 29 of October 2007 (286 of 2007) We have street kids in Sabah

Would this be the unfortunate trend in Sabah be perpetrated?
It may unless we deal with that now.

The story below can be sort of an early warning sign for us and what is so good about certain
claims by some holy people around there and also here?

No amount of lips service can make a better life for all unless we know the true source of life and
act upon that in the true destiny of man in our livelihood.

The story below is bordering on slavery seen or unseen and we must avoid that at all costs in Sabah.

Joshua Kong
Child beggars thrive on Muslim holy season in Gulf states

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 Author| Post time 4-11-2007 10:44 PM | Show all posts

some food for thought

JK's Digest No. 3 of November 2007 (309 of 2007)  some Hot items on Sabah and beyond.

1)        It is very sad Labuan - where I come from at birth - is now a Phuket of Thailand.  Why is it like that?  Maybe it is the fault of the Government through the encourage of the elected representatives over the recent decades.  So it is very important that all elected representatives now hold ing office in Sabah and the nation produce their birth certificates as identity cards are not conclusive of the status of the holders which can obtain their documents by frauds.

2)        About the Anak Native Certificates, it is now obsolete that such term is obsolete after 44 years as any child born here of local parents are strictly natives.  It is also very confusing that natives are defined in the native ordinance by culture, indigeneous race, and Islam irrespective such people are born here or not.   Even if they are not born in Sabah, they can simply declare so and get the Magistrate Courts to confirm the fraudulent documents on the place of birth.  It is timely that all those guilty magistrates who had signed those documents under duress of Chief Justices like Tun Omar and others make the appropriate affidavits to declare that now.  This is aiding and abetting reverse takeover.  Native as a term is not sustainable to bring those who consider themselves to be so by virtue of a piece of document.  There are quite a number of such illegal people already awarded criminally by the Governor Datukship over the decades and especially those known ones recently.  You can name them as they are in my Police Reports.  TII is here - very sad.

3)        About the 271 Gold medal in Sawit Kinabalu and the gun in the safe for save keeping, we need to ask the illegal Chief Minister to tell us the list of those so many royal staff of 25 years given such expensive medals.  Also who is the owner /licence holder of that gun and that the Police must take appropriate action?  Why is Musa answering questions over RM350,000 (small amount only) when hundreds of Millions/ or a few  billions Ringgit under the Chief Minister and the same Finance Minister escaped the Auditor General?  AG, please tell us how wide and how deep are your audit?

4)        About the effort by BERSIH to hand over a petition to the Agong on 10th November 2007, is it necessary for a Police permit when the people in yellow just walk from Dataran Merdeka without any noise or banners to the Istana Besar (Palace)?  The number can be big but what is wrong to walk in the streets like anybody else?  I think some guilty parties would find fault to disrupt the  anti Government Rigs Elections All Times (GREAT) walk.

5)        Have you seen the latest UMNO's video propaganda on the Batu Buruk's protest which is very much different from the first shorter version?  Who had created this new video to confuse the viewers?

6)         Datuk Lajim is both the Inspector General of projects and the Chairman of Public Accounts Committee of Sabah.  He is holding a double jobs and how can he supervise his official duties when conflict can occur as we have seen the Auditor General Report 2006?  Datuk Lajim has complaints of inadequate qualified auditors to deal with some of the accounts of Government departments and GLCs.   With the number of Police Reports worth a few trillions of Ringgit, I believe I have done a better job than the Auditor Generals over the last few decades.

7)        Before I lodged the ACA and Police Report in 2004 over the RM5 billions water malaise in Sabah, I had asked the Accountant to have access to 1,000 water statements to verify a better picture of the loss in NRW.  My request was turned down but I did send a fax to the Auditor General on the malaise, but has the AG done any thing in this direction?  There was a loss of RM24m in 1994 and what happen to that?

8)        Have anyone seen the list of debtors on quit rent on those outstanding arrears in the newspapers recently?  If so please tell me the date and name of newspapers.

9)        What do you say about the latest price increase on bread?  What other basic items have similar excessive increase?

10)        CASHorder = [Cash official representatives diligence exit report] hopefully would be done soon provided we have the financial support.  CASH have been doing things largely on personal sacrifices for public projects.  Those illegal leaders have been paid handsomely from legal and illegal sources to do illegal things against the local genuine people.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004
http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ ... age%3D1#pid16300759 for MIGS
http://won-borneo.blogspot. com/;

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2007 01:48 AM | Show all posts

for SAbah too

BERSIH website hacked / Laman BERSIH digodam
At sometime between 11:00am and 12.30pm, visitors to the the BERSIH website were greeted by a message (on a yellow background) that read:

Perhimpunan terpaksa di tunda ke tarikh yang belum ditetapkan

BERSIH would like to reiterate that the People's Gathering has not been postponed.

The problem has been resolved for now. The website may be temporarily offline this evening but we hope it will be up again tomorrow by noon (Monday, 5 Nov). We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your patience and support.

BERSIH Secretariat


Di antara pukul 11:00 pagi dan 12:30 tgh, laman BERSIH telah digodam dan pelawat-pelawat laman BERSIH mendapati mesej di bawah tertampil di muka hadapan laman ini:

Perhimpunan terpaksa di tunda ke tarikh yang belum ditetapkan

BERSIH ingin menegaskan bahawa Himpunan Aman tidak ditundakan sepertimana yang disebut oleh mesej itu.

Setakat ini, situasi terkawal tetapi laman BERSIH mungkin akan tergendala hari ini. Laman ini akan kembali beroperasi semula  selewat-lewatnya pukul 12 tgh esok (Isnin, 5 Nov).

BERSIH meminta maaf atas sebarang kesulitan.

Sekretariat BERSIH

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2007 01:52 AM | Show all posts


Whirlwind and longwinded ...

November 04, 2007 17:03 PM     

Malays Must Be Confident After 50 Years Independence - Abdullah

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 4 (Bernama) -- Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi wants the Malays to be more confident of themselves and shed the feeling of scared that has dominated their mind all this while.

"The feeling of scared and apprehensive has dominated the thinking of the Malays for far too long, it has been a long time...we are still scared even after 50 years of independence.

"Among the Malay professionals, there's no fear, but the majority of the Malays are still haunted by the feelings of fear," the prime minister said in a special interview with Mingguan Malaysia published today.

The Umno president said the Malays must realise that they cannot continue to rely on the New Economic Policy (NEP) or be dependent on government hand-outs.

"They must learn to stand on their own feet and learn to be competitive. We will help the Malays who are serious in wanting to do business and want to work hard (to succeed in business)," he said in the interview held in conjunction with the 2007 Umno General Assembly on Wednesday.

Abdullah said: "I want the Malays to capitalise on the opportunities given to them. The government has offered a lot of opportunities, especially in the corridor economic developments.

"They must be bold enough and take the initiative to seize the opportunities.

"There are no easy ways to succeed in life. Only the educated, knowledgeable and the hardworking will succeed eventually," he said.

Abdullah said it would take a long process to change the mindset of human beings but "I've said many times Malays are not stupid or weak".

On views that there are differences between the Malay leadership in world-class government-linked companies with the second echelon leadership in Umno, the prime minister said: "The Malays are fond of making announcements.

"They are like chickens, after laying one egg, it tells the whole village, while a turtle lays its eggs quietly, when we come to know, it already has many hatchlings. We need to talk less and work more," he said.

Abdullah, however, said he disagreed with the view that the Umno second echelon leadership was not dynamic.

He said many among the second-liners are people of calibre and potential.

"I firmly believe the second echelon leaders have the zeal to propel Umno towards excellence provided they are well prepared for the challenges ahead," he said.

On his leadership style, Abdullah said: "My style is to shut my ears when someone speaks nonsense. I prefer to focus on my work rather than entertaining unconstructive talk."

As to the negative perception on the Malay agenda, Abdullah said the perception surfaced due to lack of understanding on the agenda to the extent that people dared to talk about it.

"But I say it needs strong and bold leaders to allow others to talk. It takes bold leaders to forgive and forget and to give someone a second chance," he said.

On this year's Umno General Assembly, Abdullah said Umno must show through the motions tabled that the party's struggles were for all races.


[ Last edited by  13Friday at 5-11-2007 01:59 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2007 04:36 PM | Show all posts

rotten system

JK's Digest No. 5 of November 2007 (311 of 2007)  Do I have straight answer for this?

A famous journalist wrote me this small passage -
"Can you let me know what's happeningat the political front? Is Musa Aman's position further entrenched politically in Sabah as CM?
What's happening to ChongKah Kiat?"

In one sentence this is a smoke screen some where but is there really big fire (at least political fire) in Sabah?

As a precaution, I hope Sarawak would not follow the footstep of Sabah in admitting illegal UMNO there.  In Sabah we have the famous brother pairs and there lies the root of that GREAT - Government Rigs Elections All Times for  UMNO to come to power in 1994.  

This is now confirmed GE2004 was a rigslide by evidence in the OFFICIAL Gazette and I don't need any human witness because we cannot get anyone brave enough to do that.  Is there any brave lawyer to help Sabahans to file a Court Case before the next General Elections as it is too costly to proceed with that when GE2004 is the evil one?
What is really happening in the political front is simply a lot of confusions as many political parties are outdoing amongst themselves for the seats allocations.  Maybe we need to have  360 state seats for Sabah to make all those half past six politicians happy to grab.  That has been the political tendencies for 44 years doing all the illegal things to stay in power.

Just look at Tunku Abdul Rahman as how he made it to be the Founder of Malaysia.  His sacrifices in his younger days must have stood him to be a prominent leaders beyond others.  Amongst our crops of present days' leaders, how many have sacrificed like the first PM?  So many leaders of BN have yet to clear all those allegations of terrorism, frauds, project IC and corruptions in the press and Malaysiakini and Malaysia Today, and there are the like of Yong Teck Lee, Osu Sukam, Musa Aman, Shafie Afdal, Salleh Keruak, Pandikar Amin (fly over deal),  Jeffrey Kitingans,  Joseph Kurup etc.

I think the Federal Government albeit illegal has some options in Sabah because UMNO in Sabah is bad when the situation is getting worst as a lot of financial bailout would be needed with its presence here but Central UMNO prefer to give all those goodies to Peninsula for 44 years than for Sabah even post 1994.

The options which had been rumours to be clarified are as follows:-
Option 1.   If Labuan could become Federal Territory, and other areas in Sabah had been rumoured to be FT for sometimes, then Sabah itself can be a FT.  Some may say that is not possible but slavery in Sabah is very real when the Malaysia Agreement had been in the dustbin (of history) from 17th September 1963.  So if that had happened for 44 years and Sabah had been officially raped worst since 1976, what is there to stop that FT concept in Sabah so that all the goodies go back to the central coffer or some people who call the shots by remote control with the greedy and corrupt proxies in Sabah.  I would appeal to those who had been the signatories to MA do something now or face the court cases like those done by Hindraf over the US$4 Trillions backlash.

Option 2.   Allow Sabah already a trojan horse scenario to teach the Sabahans who do not submit to Islam be overrun by Tsunami of Illegals & Illegals as the demography speaks volume of that intention.  The Malays Migration Fund Board failed to do that in the early 1970s and so Federalism went further with the wise move of Project IC so that ultimately Sabah would be reverse taken over.  The non establishment of the Royal Commission of Inquiry over Project IC as petition presented to the Agong in January 2007 by CASH is another proof of that intention of the illegal Prime Minister who has remained disquiet on the paralysis of crisis of illegals getting genuine identity cards in Sabah and elsewhere.

This rational of the Federalism leadership is understandable because poor Sabah with its great gaps in all aspects with the mainland would need great financial injection to the tune of RM500 billions to reduce the gaps in reality.  Isn't it better for that money to be spent away from Sabah - a land of plenty but stolen hence an oppressed land of oppressed people?

An FT would do away with the State Assembly hence less politicking headaches periodically plus savings for their own games (string of demands) in Peninsula.

The question of the entrenchment of Musa in Sabah is to be challenged when rotation within UMNO was supposed to be enforced through the Central command in the UMNO leadership.  But personal deals had got better in all selfish leaders.  If Musa was to vacate his seat now, who would takeover is a billion ringgit question?  There are a few candidates for that but the process is cumbersome as the Federal minister (deputy Liaison chief) is not an elected Assemblyman except by using the nominated channel.  I believe the Federal Minister has to resolve the issue of his deals with Saham Amanah Sabah and the money from the Bakun Dam in 1994.  None of the other prevailing potential contenders/candidates are capable to revamp Sabah in the rotten system we have.

Before I deal with Chong Kah Kiat, I would like to say that where should the Administration capital in Malaysia be?  Is it right to have it in Peninsula Malaya rather than Borneo portion?  Can it not be rotated or even better to emulate Australia with Canberra?  Can peninsula be the mainland?  If you look at the map of Malaysia, the map of Sabah is like the head of an animal - fox or dog - and so why should it not be that the capital city be in Sabah?  With Sarawak as the body and the tail in Malaya, we are unstable to have the Capital City in the vibrating portion.  Symbol apart, would not Sabahan and Malaysian support my sincere proposal for me to be the Prime Minister and new capital city in Sabah to uplift Sabah by a natural process with much lesser amount of say  RM100 billions rather than dumping another RM500 billions into an old system that had failed 26 million people after 50/44 years - win & win scenarios.  The dumping of resources into futile national projects have been observed in that Putrajaya in Kuala Lumpur  had encountered structural damages plus landslide in the Central Administrative zone.  In Sabah we have expensive RM300m buildings for the mini Putrajaya in Menggatal, but now we need to install "moustaches" to block the national fortune going away as the marble scales of the walls are falling into pieces.  Who then is disintegrating - as I had been there 3 days in row from 28, 29 and 30 October to attend to urgent matters in the mini Putrajaya to assess the prospect of the rotten system to be stopped.

Also it is really bad news for Sabah when the ACA officer told me that ACA cannot handle my 18 Police Reports worth a few trillions Ringgit because ACA is not independent with the oomph to settle my public issues concerning the illegal Government and its agencies and GLC.  So I recommend that in the absence of Royal Commission of Inquiry for at least 18 items in Sabah, ACA should be as independent as possible with a seat in Parliament and be under the Ruler Conference for the check and balance. Unless that is done, ACA should be closed down to prevent child plays there as corruption are rampant even with so quick state honours when the officers are unconnected with Sabah.  I want the white paper on the 5,000 illegal logs as it was visible when the ACA DG came over to Sabah to publicise that and now it is total disquiet.  Why?  Why whistleblowers are downplayed when I could not lodge a report with ACA office in mini Putrajaya.  The Police was telling me that I could do so to effect my 18 Police Reports largely connected with massive corruptions and abuses of power.  Even the Public Complaint Bureau had written me a letter to go to ACA.  I am doing all these for free but the well paid officers are toys for them as the nation degrades further into greater rottenness.  When it is a single Government in a single nation, why should whistleblowers be asked to go from one place to another, and of course it is the byproduct of an ILLEGAL Government with many hidden agendas.

(part 1)

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2007 04:40 PM | Show all posts

rotten system

JK's Digest No. 5 of November 2007 (311 of 2007)  Do I have straight answer for this?

A famous journalist wrote me this small passage -
"Can you let me know what's happeningat the political front? Is Musa Aman's position further entrenched politically in Sabah as CM?
What's happening to ChongKah Kiat?"

In one sentence this is a smoke screen some where but is there really big fire (at least political fire) in Sabah?

As a precaution, I hope Sarawak would not follow the footstep of Sabah in admitting illegal UMNO there.  In Sabah we have the famous brother pairs and there lies the root of that GREAT - Government Rigs Elections All Times for  UMNO to come to power in 1994.  

This is now confirmed GE2004 was a rigslide by evidence in the OFFICIAL Gazette and I don't need any human witness because we cannot get anyone brave enough to do that.  Is there any brave lawyer to help Sabahans to file a Court Case before the next General Elections as it is too costly to proceed with that when GE2004 is the evil one?
What is really happening in the political front is simply a lot of confusions as many political parties are outdoing amongst themselves for the seats allocations.  Maybe we need to have  360 state seats for Sabah to make all those half past six politicians happy to grab.  That has been the political tendencies for 44 years doing all the illegal things to stay in power.

Just look at Tunku Abdul Rahman as how he made it to be the Founder of Malaysia.  His sacrifices in his younger days must have stood him to be a prominent leaders beyond others.  Amongst our crops of present days' leaders, how many have sacrificed like the first PM?  So many leaders of BN have yet to clear all those allegations of terrorism, frauds, project IC and corruptions in the press and Malaysiakini and Malaysia Today, and there are the like of Yong Teck Lee, Osu Sukam, Musa Aman, Shafie Afdal, Salleh Keruak, Pandikar Amin (fly over deal),  Jeffrey Kitingans,  Joseph Kurup etc.

I think the Federal Government albeit illegal has some options in Sabah because UMNO in Sabah is bad when the situation is getting worst as a lot of financial bailout would be needed with its presence here but Central UMNO prefer to give all those goodies to Peninsula for 44 years than for Sabah even post 1994.

The options which had been rumours to be clarified are as follows:-
Option 1.   If Labuan could become Federal Territory, and other areas in Sabah had been rumoured to be FT for sometimes, then Sabah itself can be a FT.  Some may say that is not possible but slavery in Sabah is very real when the Malaysia Agreement had been in the dustbin (of history) from 17th September 1963.  So if that had happened for 44 years and Sabah had been officially raped worst since 1976, what is there to stop that FT concept in Sabah so that all the goodies go back to the central coffer or some people who call the shots by remote control with the greedy and corrupt proxies in Sabah.  I would appeal to those who had been the signatories to MA do something now or face the court cases like those done by Hindraf over the US$4 Trillions backlash.

Option 2.   Allow Sabah already a trojan horse scenario to teach the Sabahans who do not submit to Islam be overrun by Tsunami of Illegals & Illegals as the demography speaks volume of that intention.  The Malays Migration Fund Board failed to do that in the early 1970s and so Federalism went further with the wise move of Project IC so that ultimately Sabah would be reverse taken over.  The non establishment of the Royal Commission of Inquiry over Project IC as petition presented to the Agong in January 2007 by CASH is another proof of that intention of the illegal Prime Minister who has remained disquiet on the paralysis of crisis of illegals getting genuine identity cards in Sabah and elsewhere.

This rational of the Federalism leadership is understandable because poor Sabah with its great gaps in all aspects with the mainland would need great financial injection to the tune of RM500 billions to reduce the gaps in reality.  Isn't it better for that money to be spent away from Sabah - a land of plenty but stolen hence an oppressed land of oppressed people?

An FT would do away with the State Assembly hence less politicking headaches periodically plus savings for their own games (string of demands) in Peninsula.

The question of the entrenchment of Musa in Sabah is to be challenged when rotation within UMNO was supposed to be enforced through the Central command in the UMNO leadership.  But personal deals had got better in all selfish leaders.  If Musa was to vacate his seat now, who would takeover is a billion ringgit question?  There are a few candidates for that but the process is cumbersome as the Federal minister (deputy Liaison chief) is not an elected Assemblyman except by using the nominated channel.  I believe the Federal Minister has to resolve the issue of his deals with Saham Amanah Sabah and the money from the Bakun Dam in 1994.  None of the other prevailing potential contenders/candidates are capable to revamp Sabah in the rotten system we have.

[Part 1 of 2]

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004
http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ ... age%3D1#pid16300759 for MIGS
http://won-borneo.blogspot. com/;

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 Author| Post time 5-11-2007 04:45 PM | Show all posts

rotten system

JK's Digest No. 5 of November 2007 (311 of 2007)  Do I have straight answer for this?
A famous journalist wrote me this small passage -
"Can you let me know what's happeningat the political front? Is Musa Aman's position further entrenched politically in Sabah as CM?
What's happening to ChongKah Kiat?"
In one sentence this is a smoke screen some where but is there really big fire (at least political fire) in Sabah?
As a precaution, I hope Sarawak would not follow the footstep of Sabah in admitting illegal UMNO there.  In Sabah we have the famous brother pairs and there lies the root of that GREAT - Government Rigs Elections All Times for  UMNO to come to power in 1994.  
This is now confirmed GE2004 was a rigslide by evidence in the OFFICIAL Gazette and I don't need any human witness because we cannot get anyone brave enough to do that.  Is there any brave lawyer to help Sabahans to file a Court Case before the next General Elections as it is too costly to proceed with that when GE2004 is the evil one?
What is really happening in the political front is simply a lot of confusions as many political parties are outdoing amongst themselves for the seats allocations.  Maybe we need to have  360 state seats for Sabah to make all those half past six politicians happy to grab.  That has been the political tendencies for 44 years doing all the illegal things to stay in power.

Just look at Tunku Abdul Rahman as how he made it to be the Founder of Malaysia.  His sacrifices in his younger days must have stood him to be a prominent leaders beyond others.  Amongst our crops of present days' leaders, how many have sacrificed like the first PM?  So many leaders of BN have yet to clear all those allegations of terrorism, frauds, project IC and corruptions in the press and Malaysiakini and Malaysia Today, and there are the like of Yong Teck Lee, Osu Sukam, Musa Aman, Shafie Afdal, Salleh Keruak, Pandikar Amin (fly over deal),  Jeffrey Kitingans,  Joseph Kurup etc.
I think the Federal Government albeit illegal has some options in Sabah because UMNO in Sabah is bad when the situation is getting worst as a lot of financial bailout would be needed with its presence here but Central UMNO prefer to give all those goodies to Peninsula for 44 years than for Sabah even post 1994.
The options which had been rumours to be clarified are as follows:-
Option 1.   If Labuan could become Federal Territory, and other areas in Sabah had been rumoured to be FT for sometimes, then Sabah itself can be a FT.  Some may say that is not possible but slavery in Sabah is very real when the Malaysia Agreement had been in the dustbin (of history) from 17th September 1963.  So if that had happened for 44 years and Sabah had been officially raped worst since 1976, what is there to stop that FT concept in Sabah so that all the goodies go back to the central coffer or some people who call the shots by remote control with the greedy and corrupt proxies in Sabah.  I would appeal to those who had been the signatories to MA do something now or face the court cases like those done by Hindraf over the US$4 Trillions backlash.
Option 2.   Allow Sabah already a trojan horse scenario to teach the Sabahans who do not submit to Islam be overrun by Tsunami of Illegals & Illegals as the demography speaks volume of that intention.  The Malays Migration Fund Board failed to do that in the early 1970s and so Federalism went further with the wise move of Project IC so that ultimately Sabah would be reverse taken over.  The non establishment of the Royal Commission of Inquiry over Project IC as petition presented to the Agong in January 2007 by CASH is another proof of that intention of the illegal Prime Minister who has remained disquiet on the paralysis of crisis of illegals getting genuine identity cards in Sabah and elsewhere.
This rational of the Federalism leadership is understandable because poor Sabah with its great gaps in all aspects with the mainland would need great financial injection to the tune of RM500 billions to reduce the gaps in reality.  Isn't it better for that money to be spent away from Sabah - a land of plenty but stolen hence an oppressed land of oppressed people?
An FT would do away with the State Assembly hence less politicking headaches periodically plus savings for their own games (string of demands) in Peninsula.
The question of the entrenchment of Musa in Sabah is to be challenged when rotation within UMNO was supposed to be enforced through the Central command in the UMNO leadership.  But personal deals had got better in all selfish leaders.  If Musa was to vacate his seat now, who would takeover is a billion ringgit question?  There are a few candidates for that but the process is cumbersome as the Federal minister (deputy Liaison chief) is not an elected Assemblyman except by using the nominated channel.  I believe the Federal Minister has to resolve the issue of his deals with Saham Amanah Sabah and the money from the Bakun Dam in 1994.  None of the other prevailing potential contenders/candidates are capable to revamp Sabah in the rotten system we have.

[part 1 of 2]

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004
http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ ... age%3D1#pid16300759 for MIGS
http://won-borneo.blogspot. com/;

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Post time 8-11-2007 06:00 AM | Show all posts
:kant: :pompom: :eek:

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 Author| Post time 8-11-2007 12:38 PM | Show all posts


so happy and overdone with so many yoyo???

Use magic Report

Post time 11-11-2007 03:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WLIO at 8-11-2007 06:00 AM :kant: :pompom: :eek:


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 Author| Post time 11-11-2007 10:04 PM | Show all posts

worst to come

08/11: Racial tensions simmer in Malaysia

just a small item

Bunda wrote:
Racial violence will only increase as time goes by. As inflation grips the nation next year. After all, oil prices have already increased by 50% since the last time petrol prices at the pump were increased, prices of other raw materials in the world have doubled over the last year.

When people's standard of living decreases dramatically, and we are stuck in a rut of stagflation, then the seeds of violence will be sowed.

Use magic Report

 Author| Post time 11-11-2007 10:10 PM | Show all posts

worst to come

08/11: Racial tensions simmer in Malaysia

nails in the coffin

Use magic Report

Post time 17-11-2007 11:55 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WLIO at 11-11-2007 03:16 PM



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 Author| Post time 25-11-2007 06:00 AM | Show all posts

the signs are here

JK's Digest No. 37 of November 2007 (343 of 2007)  What are the meanings of these 7 names?

        Thirunama Karasu Kandar Veluppillai (1), also known as Balan and Dato V Kanagalingam (2)- both brothers are involved over the Judiciary debacle.

        Three Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) leaders were arrested over sedition.  Hindraf chairperson and lawyer P Waythamoorty (3) refused to post bail as a mark of protest against the 'police being used by the government'.  He will be detained by the police until Monday and had vowed to go on a hunger strike. He was reportedly sent to Sungai Buloh prison.

        However, his brother and Hindraf legal adviser Uthayakumar (4) (elder brother of Waythamoorty) and another Hindraf lawyer, Ganapathy Rao (5), posted bail. Nevertheless, all three will be back in court on Monday to be formally charged.

        M Manoharan (5) is another active lawyer of Hindraf is defending those arrested.  A Sivanesan (6) and N Surendran (7) were also defending the three arrested lawyers.

        Hindraf had filed a case in the London Court against the British Government for breach of labour contracts for 150 years since the Indians especially the Hindu came to Malaya then a colony on 30th Aug 2007 - the eve of 50th Anniversary of Merdeka.  The case is worth US$4 Trillions and Malaysia could be dragged in a joint defendent in London as part of the legal entanglement.

        The place of peaceful demonstration is Jalan Ampang for the hand over of the Memo to the British Commission.  Now that the key lawyer is in Sungai Buloh, the peaceful demonstration could be held either in other venues like Sungai Buloh - Sunday today or the High Court tomorrow as Jalan Ampang is closed to people on Sunday today.  The ORANGE peaceful demonstration without Police permit could be held elsewhere in Dataran Merdeka.

        Yellow (Bersih - 10/11/07), then Orange ( Hindraf -25/11/07)  Is it to be RED Next? Who could use RED? People are already bleeding every where both within and without!!!  The nation is troubled by its own backlash in 50/44 years.  Blood is RED. First it was the Angkasawan Dr. Shukor's brother died after a coma from a fall with internal injury (bloody inside) and then his fellow Angkasawan being slashed in the wee hour - damn bloody.

        Then we have the balan or balan-balan (flying blood suckers) in the high circles of Police, ACA and Judiciary with RED threats over the two brothers who wish each other 'blood'.

        The message could be found in the names of the 7 persons as Malaysia is definitely in our own self created tribulation and self destruction when Islam is better (or superior?) than other religions as interpreted by some top legal people on the Federal Constitution.  God is definitely offending for 50/44 years in Malaya / Malaysia but He is waiting for our repentance.  Many are playing God or outplaying God.  Have many become gods?  Lets God's truth and justice prevail according to the Bible.  

  Time is UP for Jesus Christ to return sooner.

Pray like you never pray before.  Joshua Kong  25/11/2007

Joshua Kong for a new beginning in Malaysia as the REAL politics  mission is accompliished.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004
GOVERNMENT RIGS ELECTIONS ALL TIMES (GREAT) ... age%3D1#pid18998942   (local politics - reading level 2) ... age%3D1#pid18998994  (The Authority - open to all including visitors)  [Malaysia Forever] ... e?topicID=610.topic
http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ ... age%3D1#pid16300759 for MIGS
http://won-borneo.blogspot. com/;

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Post time 25-11-2007 10:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by WLIO at 17-11-2007 11:55 PM

kharrrrr    kharrrrr  kharrrrrr



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 Author| Post time 10-12-2007 05:18 AM | Show all posts

distorted illegal leaders

JK's Digest No. 12 of December 2007 (358 of 2007) Who are linked to terrorists groups?

I think several major political parties and certain 'important' individuals in Malalysia are linked to the terrorists groups.  Yet some of these identities are holding positions of power in the Government deemed illegal by virtue of rigged General Elections 2004.

I have written about some of them in my recent books and emails and yet nothing has attracted enough attention to warrant the attention of the Police (included in my 18 Police Reports)
unlike the sudden attraction of Hindraf alleged to be linked to global terrorism.  

Go to the following links if you care to know more:-

There was also another case reported in the Internet of an article CIA CAUGHT FAKING TERROR IN PHILIPPINES where I quote "Older names in the `game' cleared for release are almost as exotic as Michael Meiring. Many have been linked to undergound Muslim independence  campaigns in Mindanao. In 1990-91, Bob Gould from Hayward, California, Filipino-American Frederick Obado and others in Davao City made plans to invade Sabah, Malaysia." and the link with another article titled "20/03: Laporan Polis Terhadap Ketua Menteri Sabah where Lobarloba wrote: "Wasnt he accused of plotting to take Sabah out from Malaysia, even having merceneries trained in the Philiphines under CIA supervision?"
        "Jeffrey is hardly the right person to accuse people. His credibility is at question. Wasnt he the one who was involved in the disapperance of RM X BILLION of Yayasan Sabah funds? Wasnt he the one who prosecuted innocent Muslims in Sabah during his hey dey in PBS?"  wrote Obarloba.  Joshua Kong hopes Jeffrey would challenge this statement in Malaysia Today if he  feels offended.
and the others in the list of threats to Sabah by greedy people as follows:-
11/04: Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 6)
Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 1)
Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 2)
Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 3) Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 4) Stuff Hollywood movie scripts are made of (part 5) Nazri unsuited for role, says SAPP 1.4mil MyKads issued in Sabah to date: Minister
PBRS wants Nazri to be replaced
Why Rakyat sceptical on the Govt's measures: MP
07/05: Glamor seorang PTI? Raja Petra
Sabah, Negeri Yang Dilanda bukan sahaja Bayu Greg pada 1996, malah Taufan Pendatang Tanpa Izin sejak 1972 dan Tsunami Pengundi hantu. Sejak 1994, Sabah mula menghadapi kemelut yang berpanjangan bawah pimpinan Musa Khan Al-Pushtuni.
Dr M: 'I know nothing about Project M' Fauwaz Abdul Aziz May 11, 07
Dr Mahathir Mohamad revealed that "some people" were involved in issuing identity cards to foreigners in Sabah but denied the ruling Umno was involved in the secret plan allegedly to pad up the electoral rolls with illegal immigrants.  1986 KK riots.

UMNO must come clean with its links to global terorism especially its links to the groups involving in the Project IC and kidnappings in Sabah.

Meanwhile we need to deal with a distortion of history (see the link below) to avoid an internal terrorism taking hold for self destructions in 50/44 years.

Only a new Government under a new system away from the race and religion can handle the new direction to avoid self destruction in distortions and demonised scams aplenty in Malaysia.

Joshua Kong must be the next Chief Minister of Sabah as well as the Prime Minister of Malaysia to give it a boost for the future for all (not asking too much) in a sacrifice.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004
GOVERNMENT RIGS ELECTIONS ALL TIMES (GREAT) ... age%3D1#pid18998942   (local politics - reading level 2) ... age%3D1#pid18998994  (The Authority - open to all including visitors)  [Malaysia Forever] ... e?topicID=610.topic

>>>  International Criminal Court (Ethnic cleansing and apartheid in Malaysia)
http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ (dead??) (active) ... age%3D1#pid16300759
or ... &extra=page%3D1
.... for MIGS
>>>>; (deleted)   .......GREAT   .... Renaissance   .... Politics in Sabah etc.         
09/12: A distortion of history
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Earlier, Umno sent a delegation to Britain but the issue of independence was never discussed. Later, when the British could no longer manage the Malay territories, they suggested the many states merge into one nation, initially to be called the Malayan Union, and when this was opposed by the 'Orang Istana' who lodged a protest with the Rulers, into the Federation of Malaya.

We must remember, Britain was bankrupt because of the Second World War and the new Labour government was keen to withdraw its forces from the East as soon as possible. Colonial self-rule and eventual independence were now British policy. The British were therefore very happy to 'get rid' of Malaya which was a drain on its financial resources. In way, Britain was 'forcing' Merdeka upon us. We really did not have to fight for Merdeka as much as Merdeka was shoved upon us
Therefore, if anyone 'fought' for independence, it would have been the Malays, Chinese and Indians, not the Malays alone. In fact, the Indians under Chandra Bose, who came to Malaya during the war, had already negotiated for independence from the Japanese during the Second World War while the Malays under Mustapha Hussein, Ibrahim Yaakub, Dr. Burhanuddin Hilmi, etc,. had already fixed the date for the independence of Malaya. And the date fixed was 17 August 1945. This is confirmed by Mustapha Hussein in his book Malay Nationalism Before Umno:

Dr Burhanuddin and I slogged day and night to draft an Independent Malaya Constitution and other materials related to KRIS. As we worked, we thought of Ibrahim Yaakub and thus approached Major General Umezu to summon Ibrahim Yaakub, but Major General Umezu replied that it was not necessary for Ibrahim to lead this project. As KMM vice president, I could do so. He also said it was difficult to contact Ibrahim.

But we insisted, if not for anything, to show to the Japanese that just as Soekarno was the leader of the Indonesian people, Ibrahim was the leader of the people of Malaya. Not long after, Ibrahim Yaakub arrived in Taiping, accompanied by a handsome adjutant, Lt Osman Daim from the Malai Giyu Gun.

On 11 August 1945, HODOSHO officers took Ibrahim Yaakub and Dr Burhanuddin to Penang to meet the Japanese Submarine Flotilla Commodore responsible for Penang Radio Station whose permission was vital in the proclamation of Independent Malaya. I was told he was a communist and should gladly co operate. He openly welcomed the use of Penang radio station and would work hard towards the materialisation of Independent Malaya declaration on 17 August 1945. I did not go to Penang with them as I was busy drafting the Independent Malaya Constitution and KRIS Congress working papers.

It was already decided in Taiping, that the KRIS Congress be held at the Kuala Lumpur Station Hotel. The proclamation of Independent Malaya would be made on 17 August 1945 through Penang Radio Station, not in Jakarta as it was much chronicled later.

On 12 August 1945, I was invited by the Japanese Officers to go to Taiping aerodrome with Ibrahim Yaakub to meet the legendary President Soekarno and his entourage which included Drs Mohd Hatta, but I had to turn the offer down as my legs were in great pain. Descending three flights of stairs was daunting. I had turned down a golden opportunity, which I regret to this day

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 Author| Post time 10-12-2007 06:28 AM | Show all posts

go there


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 Author| Post time 12-12-2007 10:23 AM | Show all posts

RED alert over Mazu??

JK's Digest No. 13 of December 2007 (359 of 2007)  Are we now seeing RED now?
Losing the plot
There is a case that will be filed in the Kota Kinabalu High Court at 11.00am on 12 December 2007 that does not augur well for Abdullah. The Mufti of Sabah issued a fatwah (religious decree) that declared all Buddhist statues haram (forbidden).
Further to that, there is a case that will be filed in the Kota Kinabalu High Court at 11.00am on 12 December 2007 that does not augur well for Abdullah. The Mufti of Sabah issued a fatwah (religious decree) that declared all Buddhist statues haram (forbidden). With that fatwah the Thean Hou Foundation was forbidden from erecting the Goddess of the Sea statue and was ordered to halt all work although they had already brought in the statue and work had progressed halfway.

Chong Kah Kiat went to meet the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister in an attempt to try and resolve the matter. Recently, Abdullah said he has big ears and is prepared to listen. He also said he knows what is going on and is not as blur as many claim. The Deputy Prime Minister urged Abdullah to do something as this matter can be very explosive. Article 11 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia allows freedom of religion. While this freedom is not extended to Muslims, and Muslims may not leave Islam or convert to another religion, the government cannot interfere in non-Islamic religions as stipulated under the Constitution.

By the way, any connection the Seven-branch coconut freak in Karakit, Banggi Island - the biggest island in Malaysia?  (see story below)
The RED status after Bersih (yellow) and Hindraf (orange) when all things now zoom into the Judiciary after the Lingam's video clip plus all those agitations in bias Courts.  Most of my 18 (plus 3 more on 10 December 2007) Police Reports can end up in Courts if there are willing lawyers.
What Chong Kah Kiat is doing may face more strife in an 'unpredictable' Islamic bent nation.  What I had been doing in 21 Police Reports are worth many trillions Ringgits in a forward looking nation to be helmed by Joshua Kong to lead the POSITIVE way forward.
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004
GOVERNMENT RIGS ELECTIONS ALL TIMES (GREAT) ... age%3D1#pid18998942   (local politics - reading level 2) ... age%3D1#pid18998994  (The Authority - open to all including visitors)  [Malaysia Forever] ... e?topicID=610.topic

>>>  International Criminal Court (Ethnic cleansing and apartheid in Malaysia)
http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ (dead??) (active) ... age%3D1#pid16300759
or ... &extra=page%3D1
.... for MIGS
>>>>; (deleted)   .......GREAT   .... Renaissance   .... Politics in Sabah etc.

Seven-branch coconut freak in Karakit
Kota Kinabalu: Every branching coconut tree sighted in Sabah had been located in Kudat. Why is this the case?
Good question because normal coconut trees can soar up to 120 ft single trunk all the way.
The latest discovery surpassed all previous cases - seven off-shoots instead of just three as were the first find at Kg Bakbak (5km from Kudat town) and the second in Kg Pinganpingan.
The place? Karakit Banggi Island - largest island in Malaysia.
How did this latest seven-branch phenomenon come to light.
"My cousin Yong Ken Fah told me just last week," said Tham Yau Kong, adventure tour operator.
"I went to check it out in a 45-minute boat ride and it proved true," he said. An icon for mountain bike tours may well be the way to capitalise this odd- tree-out, Tham said.
"After all, the landscapes of Banggi Island is very beautiful, seafood very fresh. Tie it up with the geological values of the spectacular cave systems in nearby historic islands of Balambangan, it could be a very attractive proposition," said Tham, who had previously won multiple series of national tourism awards including a handful in the 'most innovative package' category .
So, does the latest freak coconut phenomenon justify a call to gazette the magnificent cave systems in Balambangan and make permanent money out them rather than turning them into short-lived cement? "Yes, argued Tham.
"Gazette them like the way Sarawak gazetted Mulu," he said.
His compelling reason?
"Frankly speaking, Kudat is like a dead town. If coconut tourism can help and if there is a permanent historical and compelling geological attraction which can be developed into a strong tourist draw in future, I think we should choose the long term benefits," Tham said.
The seven-branch freak in Karakit can become a focus of attention now since the other three-branch specimens had died.
Somehow, multi-trunk coconut trees don't live too long whereas their single trunk cousins can live a century or more.
Too many heads guzzling nutrients away at a rate that quickly prove too demanding and too depleting to the parent trunk?
Or is it part of the freakish genetic defects? Another good question.

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 Author| Post time 16-12-2007 04:22 PM | Show all posts

since 1963

JK's Digest No. 17 of December 2007 (363 of 2007) How TII has destroyed Sabah since 1963

The more research I do, it is more convincing how Sabah had been run down by illegals leaders and their tentacles which I call Tsunami of illegal  & Illegalities (TII).

It is a massive job to undo the damages still going on now in Sabah as likely instigated by Federalism.  So it is a natural undoing when fraudulent UMNO came to Sabah in 1991/2 to be exposed itself via the rigging of General Elections 2004 as it was the first ever joint Parliament & State Elections where the official Gazette is the concrete proof of rigging possibly done by the Election Commissions itself with the silence for so long since I raised the issue in March 2004. Sabah had always had separate Parliament and State General Elections previous to GE2004 even during the transitional period of 1994-2003.  In 1994 UMNO grabbed power  in Sabah and than had its State General Elections on its own in March 1999 when the Parliament had its General Elections in November 1999.  So it was a common one in March 2004 and a final one as that.

So before we can have a next General Elections we must address all the frauds of conducting the general Elections as identified by my book "A case of Victory - landslide or rigslide" together with my recommendations given to Election Commission in October 2007.

That can only be done this way - we need at least a TWO years "moratorium" or suspended Governments period to address all the electoral frauds and massive corruptions (twin evils) with new Governments (Federal & State) appointed by the YDP Agong.   Joshua Kong must be given the lead to do this.

Meanwhile, I have been told that the Bugis Director of Land & Survey had given away some land to the Bugis people mostly dubious citizens.  If you have the details please let me have them or you go direct to the Anti Corruption Agency.  The Bugis Director has a malaysian Identity Card classified in the list of Project IC when he was 21 years old.  This is one of the reasons why we have so much land issues and disputes worth a Trillion Ringgit for now and into the future as per my Police Report.
That is only a tip of the iceberg of TII.
No need to demonstration but when we are confirmed refugees in our own homeland, then too late to demonstrate like the frog is slowly boiling hot water.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)
LATEST BOOK - "A case of victory - landslide or rigslide" on the Malaysian General Elections 2004
GOVERNMENT RIGS ELECTIONS ALL TIMES (GREAT) ... age%3D1#pid18998942   (local politics - reading level 2) ... age%3D1#pid18998994  (The Authority - open to all including visitors)  [Malaysia Forever] ... e?topicID=610.topic

>>>  International Criminal Court (Ethnic cleansing and apartheid in Malaysia)
http://migs-mega-icc-group-sabah/ (dead??) (active) ... age%3D1#pid16300759
or ... &extra=page%3D1
.... for MIGS
>>>>; (deleted)   .......GREAT   .... Renaissance   .... Politics in Sabah etc

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 Author| Post time 16-12-2007 09:56 PM | Show all posts

pt 2

JK's Digest No. 18 of December 2007 (364 of 2007) How TII has destroyed Sabah since 1963 -pt 2

We need to get confirmation on most of those characters who had ruled Sabah since 1963.

Based on what I know and what I do not know, I can assumed more than 50% of our socalled leaders and key Civil servants are questioned people who are not Sabahans by birth.

When these socalled dubious people made mistakes to ruin Sabah under the rotten Federalism, the Sabahans are blamed for everything good, bad and worst that happened in poor Sabah.

Despite 44 years of socalled Independence if we actually have it, we are still dominated by outsiders and questionable Sabahans by declaration only.  So all these people past and present must produce their birth certificates.  Even many Presidents or Chairmen of NGOs are also not Sabahans by birth.

Go there to see how Musa Aman recruited illegal foreigners to be his supporters in UMNO hence the illegal  Sabah UMNO to be deregistered long ago.     05/04: Jabar dan Sabu buat laporan polis terhadap Musa Aman Khan

If street demonstrations are to be handled TOUGH by the Police, we have to compare with the riots with deaths and arsons that happened in 1986 (see below) where the illegal people as arrested were  lightly let off when only small penalties were meted out.  You can go there to see all those infamous faces who went on to be elected leaders to ruin Sabah more...  1986 KK riots.

It is due to the rotten system of 50/44 years as played out by people who call themselves gods.

You have to read my 15 books and papers and many thousands of postings in the Internet plus the 21 Police Reports to grasp the scenario in Sabah.

Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON)

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