Aplikasi utk K750i / W800i / D750i / K700i / W550i / W600i / K600i
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Originally posted by nurr_wilma at 15-1-2007 10:21 PM
setakat ni, kamus ni paling aku suka.. aku dah letak pelbagai jenis kamus. dan yang aku guna ni la paling sesuai utk aku...
takde ke org mesia nak buat kamus macam ni ye? nak betul2 BM-BI, BI-BM..
A'ah memang bagus.. aku dah cuba.. :love:
Terima kasih banyaklah pd korang semua.. :tq: :hatdown:
Share lah lg sebyk mungkin s/w yg berguna utk hp SE K-series ni... :love: :setuju: |
yg dict. CAMBRIDGE tu memang best... :love: :love: :love:
Thanks again to musang & of course to the s/w developer.. :hatdown: :tq: |
Originally posted by freekey at 16-1-2007 02:18 AM
terima kasih byk musang... :hatdown:
aku dah install dah.. mmg awesome!! :clap:
it's just that dia punya interface mcm slack sket.. sebab.. motif button sebelah kiri yg biasa digunakan ut ...
So far aku rasa ini yang terbaik dlm format java. Ada Oxford dict tp so far aku tak jumpa dalam *.jar. Klu aku jumpa, aku post kat cni. |
kalau kita install benda2 nie semua..hp tak cepat hang kerr?? aku takut bila install nanti hp aku jadi lembab dan sewaktu dgnnya.. |
Reply #44 putri22's post
Klu x proper shut down the application, mmg fon akan hang sbb running background |
Originally posted by musang_pulut at 17-1-2007 11:06 AM
Klu x proper shut down the application, mmg fon akan hang sbb running background
ooo mcm gitu..thanks.. |
mak aiii...ni yg aku nk sgt tukar ke SE ni... |
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![](http://www.go-mobile-software.com/GoMobileSoftware/Images/AniGoDiary.gif) |
Originally posted by musang_pulut at 17-1-2007 10:41 PM
Go-Diary is a FREEWARE diary or journal keeping software for mobile phones.
Use Go-Diary to:
.Keep all your personal thoughts.
.Know what happened when.
.Keep a history of a project you a ...
Thanks again musang... :hatdown:
musang.. kalu ko boleh carikkan s/w utk track calls details.. mmg aku suspek btol arr kat ko!!! pleaseeee.... aku nak s/w yg boleh keep track duration setiap call yang aku buat.. yg mcm aku tunjukkan screen huawei aku aritu.. :pray:
btw.. cambridge dictionary tu mmg useful.. never thought of having a dictionary on my phone.. syukur sgt..爏iang td aku pergi kursus.. ada beberapa perkataan english yg aku tak paham.. semua ada dlm dictionary tu.. :love:
the best is.. perkataan HIEROGLYPHICS pun ada.. :love: :love: 爓hat a pleasant!! ![](static/image/smiley/default/smile.gif) |
Reply #49 freekey's post
HIEROGLYPHICS??? Ko pergi course apa ni...Anyway s/w utk track calls details ku cuba carik. Xde dlm stok. Kena godek2 balik folder2 lama....:stp: |
Originally posted by musang_pulut at 17-1-2007 11:12 PM
HIEROGLYPHICS??? Ko pergi course apa ni...Anyway s/w utk track calls details ku cuba carik. Xde dlm stok. Kena godek2 balik folder2 lama....:stp:
Ehehe.. Actually course pasal quality.. Penceramah tu suka bercerita.. And hieroglyphics tu ialah piktograf orang Egypt which is the first group of people yang implement quality work.. Dlm dictionary tu pun ada mention ancient Egypt exactly as what the instructor said.. |
Dictionaries for download
Originally posted by musang_pulut at 18-1-2007 08:36 AM
sORRY for double posting...
ada apa2 yg menarik ke musang?? yg call details tu lom ader lg eh?
Btw.. selain ko share s/w.. ko jugak tlh share download host yg baru,.. speedyshare.. nampak cam best jek.. :hmm: |
Originally posted by freekey at 18-1-2007 10:42 AM
ada apa2 yg menarik ke musang?? yg call details tu lom ader lg eh?
Btw.. selain ko share s/w.. ko jugak tlh share download host yg baru,.. speedyshare.. nampak cam best jek.. :hmm:
Call details tu aku rasa susah sikit sbb java ni standalone system, tak bleh relate dgn phone apps... Aku suka pkai speedyshare sbb user x pyh nak tunggu utk donlod. Lain2 aku guna use boost...kena tunggu 3 second utk download. Rapidshare hampeh...tp bleh upload a big size file...
This file has been downloaded 8 times
File size 998.57 KB, uploaded 1 hour 16 minutes ago
Ko tgk ni freekey...8 org dah donlod, ko sorang je respon...mana aku x geram.. Komen la sama ada s/w tu ok ke tak... |
Kamus lagi...tapi ini kamus paling besar penah aku jumpa dalam kelasnya. 11.24mB.
Download |
ekekeke.. hieroglyphic eh?? ![](static/image/smiley/default/tongue.gif)
camner eh ko leh dpt screenshot tu?? ko buat sendiri ke?? :hmm: 爐kkan kebetulan kot?? ;)
apapun.. aku dah cukup puas hati dgn kamus cambridge tu musang.. explanation dia sgt mudah difahami berbanding kamus oxford yg aku beli.. :geram:
buat sekian kalinya.. aku ucapkan terima kasih sekali lagi sbb share dgn kitorang dictionary tu.. :love: |
Originally posted by musang_pulut at 18-1-2007 09:56 AM
Call details tu aku rasa susah sikit sbb java ni standalone system, tak bleh relate dgn phone apps... Aku suka pkai speedyshare sbb user x pyh nak tunggu utk donlod. Lain2 aku guna use boost. ...
aku dah bookmark dah speedy tu.. And thanks also for that.. :hatdown:
Ermm.. itulahpasal.. make sense jugak bila ko kata takda s/w yg relate dgn phone.... ermmm tapi kalau ada kan best..... :love: :love: :love: |
Reply #57 freekey's post
Aku buat ler screenshot...Aku rasa fmid ni non profit org, Freelancer around the world contribute develope dict tu...Pastu kita senang2 amik...:pmuka: |
Originally posted by musang_pulut at 18-1-2007 10:41 AM
Aku buat ler screenshot...Aku rasa fmid ni non profit org, Freelancer around the world contribute develope dict tu...Pastu kita senang2 amik...:pmuka:
Ekeke.. rajinnya ko.. Tp camner ko buat eh?? Cantik je nampak.. Bukan snap screen dr hp kan tu?? :hmm: |
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